w/c cheats-- what would you do?

I'm not sure if I would say anything or not (STRETCHING the imagination here but MAYBE MAYBE MAYBE both kids had "issues"--long shot I know) but I agree with the other poster who said to turn them into security and let them handle it.

Also I found it odd that you said a party of ten--my GAC has always had 6 as the limit. I wonder if they had a GAC or were just using the wheelchair and the CM didn't check?

I hope they learned that having a w/c is not always an asset at WDW. I have been stuck in "jams" of people leaving parades and fireworks because I don't want to risk hitting people and no one will let you into the flow of people. And getting to the 'front of the line" as most people think you do? Well, the rides I am interested in I "shouldn't" be riding anyway so there's no 'savings" there. If I am having a really good day I may "risk" Tower of terror" but only once and that's it. It did come in handy when I took DGS to see the playhouse Disney show at MGM. There's no way I could have sat on the floor--however that meant HE couldn't sit up close--he had to stay in the back along the wall with me.

And don't forget that mobility RIGHT OF WAY law. (Kinda like the pedestrian right of way in a lot States). If you're in a w/c and a person who is walking comes along they have the right of way--to cut in front of you, bump into you, stop dead in their tracks in front of you, etc etc. After all they have mobility so you should yield to them. And their kids. And their strollers. And their friends. And their camera bags--which WILL swing into your face if they are close enough to you.

Just the other day I parked outside Linen and Things in a hc spot. I put my BLUE (permanent disability) hang tag up and got out of the car. A woman walking by stopped and said to me--you know if you get caught using that it's a $5,000 fine. We use my mom's since she's gone and we got caught once. I didn't know what to say. I think she thought she was being helpful with the warning. I stared at her for a minute and then told her it's my tag and which car is yours? I want to be sure to get the tag number. Since I have an "invisible disability" most people (even coworkers) have no idea that I have one (I haven't "indicated" it to human resources). I do get strange looks at WDW sometimes but figure hey---before my car accident I would look funny at people I thought were abusing the system too.
Originally posted by Belle1962
...And don't forget that mobility RIGHT OF WAY law. (Kinda like the pedestrian right of way in a lot States). If you're in a w/c and a person who is walking comes along they have the right of way--to cut in front of you, bump into you, stop dead in their tracks in front of you, etc etc. After all they have mobility so you should yield to them. And their kids. And their strollers. And their friends. And their camera bags--which WILL swing into your face if they are close enough to you...
It took a couple of reads thru before I realized this was sarcasm :crazy: Oh well, it's tough being male and having trouble with subtlety.:teeth:

Maybe I'm a rude Yankee or something, but I really don't have many qualms about bumping people's shins a little when they stop dead in front of us on a curb-cut. And I really don't feel very guilty either if I bump someone a little while he is stepping over my son and his wheelchair to get where they want to go ("Oops, gee sorry about that fella. I didn't see you stepping over us there). Well maybe if it would put them in my son's lap I would have a problem, but if it's a little ding on the shins or pulled hamstirng when they are being so incredibly rude, well, let that be a lesson to them. What could a person be thinking? "Gee I really desperately need to get to _____ right away; I'll just take a shortcut over this 6 yr old disabled boy".

Tho my DW is more Yankee than I am (her folks have been here 250+ yrs, while my parents were "from away"), she is paralysed in a crowd when pushing my son's chair, not wanting to run into anyone. I am more of the opinion that a gentle nudge (and I won't whack anyone intentionally) now and then will allow the folks in front of us to know that there is a little boy in a chair here and they might want to step aside and let him thru.

edited to add: wow I sound kind of aggressive in that post. I am not really at all. I just don't worry too much about a little nudge here and there.


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