We had such a great time and trip we want to go back in June, when do AP rates for then come out??

Camping Griswalds

DIS Veteran
Aug 6, 2000
Really our drive down and back were great, our 12 nights were great and the RAVENS won the Superbowl when we were there!!!! We'd like to try to sneak down from June 10 through the 17th. I've never been in summer. Is this crazy?? We thought we'd only do the 4 parks this time, because we have AP's. Thought maybe this time it would only cost us gas (about 300) and the cost of camping. Would love to do this for under 1000. We really found that the food was a wash. Our groceries were the same. We cooked in the camper alot. But the times we ate out, we probably would have done that at home as well. We ate lunch out at MGM, Rainforrest Cafe, Seaworld twice, Universal, and dinner at Chef Mickeys. I think that's not too bad in 14 days. Our schedules are so crazy at home that I know we eat out probably 2-3 times per week. Any other ideas on how to get the cheapest trip back?? Also do you think this is worth the trip?? I am always so ready for the kids to be out of school, that the first week we go crazy to the beach every day and the movies etc. Is it unbearably hot?? I just think we've seen all of the parks, we could hit the highlights, then enjoy camping, and the pool. Am I crazy???
Be sure to check out the water parks on your return trip, Blizzard beach is a blast especially in the summer heat,

The best way to recover from a trip to WDW is to start planning another trip!!!

Keep an eye out for the Mickey Monitor this will have specials for AP holders, last year we were able to get a special water park pass that worked perfect for one of our summer trips.

Happy Planning :D :D

<Font Size=2><Font Color=blue>Scott</Font><Font
Co-Moderator Camping @ Disney Board

<center><Font Color=ff0066><Font size=4>www.disneycampers.com
We will be going in June too. the 15-25th for 10 nights. Can't wait! Haven't been in June in along time. Last time we went, it was in July.

Sharon in Florida
Wife to Cameron for the past 15 1/2 years (July 2)
Taxi Mom to: Christopher-12 1/2 & Kayla-8.90
My Trips to DW:
Next Trip: June 15-25, 2001
FW-6/94, 95, 96,2000

June is crowded, but if you go expecting not to do everything, it's not that bad. Yes, you may have to stand in line, but you don't have anything better to do. :)

It is hot at that time of year. Do you have AC in your unit? If so, you'll be fine. You'll need to be prepared for daily rain showers. Ponchos are optional--many people find it's too hot to put on a plastic layer.

<img height=100 width=100 src=http://www.muppets.com/images/kermithead.gif>
sltrawick What rate did you get?? Are you staying in a preferred loop?? I really am going to check into this!!

thanks for the info about the Mickey Monitor...I had forgotten all about that.
I used my Disney Club card and with full hookup sites (I requested loop 900). I got it for 10 nights with tax included for $569.00.
Last year in July when I went, for the same nights I paid 369.00 because they considered it the value season. Now the value season doesn't start until August...aaahhh!!

Sharon in Florida
Wife to Cameron for the past 15 1/2 years (July 2)
Taxi Mom to: Christopher-12 1/2 & Kayla-8.90
My Trips to DW:
Next Trip: June 15-25, 2001
FW-6/94, 95, 96,2000

Wow!! That sure is a big difference from one year to the next. I read in the Unofficial Disney book that ticket prices have gone up something like 132 percent in 10 years. I know that the economy is good, but heah there are so many families that can't even drream about visiting now. I really think that it takes a two income family to afford Disney. There are so many single parents out there, and many more new ones every day you would think that Disney would see this and not be so price hungry. Anyway I'm glad I've got a flexible job and my husband has a lot of vacation time. I just don't know how single incomes can handle it.
Hi Camping Griswolds,

We went last year from May 27th thru June 4th and
AP rates came out around March 25th. Maybe they
will come out around the same time. Good luck.


[This message was edited by ALostBoy on 02-09-01 at 01:08 PM.]
I know exactly what you mean. You have to just about take out a second mortage on your home to be able to afford to go to DW now. Its nuts.

I work in the schools, so I have to go during the summer time. I usually like to try and go as soon as school gets out.

When we went last July, I was all ready for it to be miserable, hot and very, very crowded. But you know what? It was humid (but I live in Florida and I'm used to that). And it was hot, but it wasn't miserable at all. Only 1 day the whole time we were there was it unbearable (and that was the day we went to Epcot). Otherwise it was pleasant.

Also, we didn't have to wait more than 20 min. for some of the rides. That was the longest wait and we used the fast pass alot too. The only place we thought was really crowded was MK. We also avoided the parks on the day they had EE. We went to a certain park the day AFTER they had EE and it was great! No problems!

Sharon in Florida
Wife to Cameron for the past 15 1/2 years (July 2)
Taxi Mom to: Christopher-12 1/2 & Kayla-8.90
My Trips to DW:
Next Trip: June 15-25, 2001
FW-6/94, 95, 96,2000



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