What do you take in your carry on????


Jan 14, 2009
Hi, 2 sleeps to go and the excitement is building for the big reveal.

Because it's all a big secret the packing has been a bit tricky. Haven't thought about my carryon yet. What do you all take in yours? I'm worried I will forget something. Do you take a change of clothes for yourself/kids? I have done this before I should remember but right now the nerves have stopped me from functionimg like a normal human

please help :flower3:
Yes a change of clothes for the kids and clean underwear for adults. Then nappys wipes (make sure you put them in a bag as they count as liquid on board!). Medication, kids activities card games etc. I think about the time they lost our bags from NY to LAX last year and how stressful that was. We did get them back after sittting around the airport for half a day with three very tired kids. Anyway point being what would you need for 24hrs without your luggage so toothbrushes as well that sort of stuff. I use one "carry-on" and two back packs for the kids to carry. One back pack has the little fellas stuff (nappys) the other the girls and his activities and entertainment. Then the big carryon has the clothes medication etc. Oh so exciting only two days for you lovintheland and only 5 for us.....YAY
Truth be told, I don't take a change of clothes in our carry on's. We take a bag each as carry on. Usually we have in them any medications, toothbrushes (DD learned the hard way not to bring her fave toothpaste in her carry on) some snacks, travel journals, cameras, some pens/pencils, one or two things to do on the plane (I found flying V Aust that the stuff to do on the plane wasn't as necessary as the in flight entertainment was so good) and anything else I would normally carry in my handbag.

I am getting nervous for you lovintheland, I am excited about your big reveal :yay::yay:

Have the most amazing holiday ever.

When are you going to tell them lovintheland. The day of or the day before......wow what a surprize for them.
Sitting at Qantas Club right at this moment..... (so exciting saying that :cool1:)

And I have my laptop, jacket, medication, change of underwear, travel wallet, money (now that I had to return home to get it after leaving it at home :scared1: ) make up, some toiletries and will grab some magazines on the way to the plane.
My carry on will usually consist of:
  • Snacks, including chews (gum and Starbursts work well for me) for take off and landing
  • Camera, DS
  • Change of Underwear (I can live in the same clothes; but this is a must!)
  • Toiletries of tissues, toothbrush, wipes, dental floss
  • Travel journal and pens
  • Photocopies of e-tickets and passports

Once through the gates, I get magazines and a bottle of water to add to the carry-on. Yes, I know that they provide heaps of water on the plane but I always like to have a bottle near me just in case.
So you buy water inside the terminal after ckearing customs ?? Some people have told us you cannot take botles of water on board. 5 sleeps to go 8 nights WDW Pop Century 4 nights vegas:yay::yay:
Officially one official sleep to go :banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:

I had four hours sleep last night I think I should feel like a zombie when I get on that plane.
Thanks for all of the reminders about what to pack. I always pack the kids at least spare clothes unless anyone gets sick (which youngest DD did on the way home last year).
Aussiegirls I know what you mean about V entertainment being so good. Last year I did up gift bags for them when we got on the plane, with new DS games, magnetic board games, books, magazines etc etc and they were too busy to need to use any of it. This time I have done bags for the plane purely with lollies, gum, chips, chocolate (DD is sure to spew with this concoction :rotfl2:), a magazine, and a diary & pen.

Kyl, the kids are finding out tomorrow morning. They think they are going to school (except eldest DD who thinks she going on a secret mother/daughter shopping day), had to make that one up to stop her from committing at something important at school). A giant Mickey balloon with a note attached will be floating out of a box at the door in 25 hours.:cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:

I will let you all know how it goes. You will probably hear them scream from whatever state you're living in.

Kyl, are you excited and all packed?

Have a great day my friends! I don't think I'll stop smiling today. Just need to somehow keep my eyes open :scared1:
So you buy water inside the terminal after ckearing customs ?? Some people have told us you cannot take botles of water on board. 5 sleeps to go 8 nights WDW Pop Century 4 nights vegas:yay::yay:

We always buy a bottle of water for each person once through security. No problem taking it n the plane, just can't take liquids over 100ml through security.

As for what we pack in carry on:
change of clothes

Something I also do is make sure everyones clothes in the checked bags is distributed between the three we take, this way if one goes missing, no one is left without clothes until the bag is located.
(We had one bag go missing in 2008 and had to wait until late the next day for it to be delivered.)
Platypus, that's a great idea distrubuting clothes between suitcases, we usually take one per person. We did have a couple of frights in the us, one in particular, the case came through nearly an hour later, pretty sure it came in on another flight. That was orlando-phoenix-la, the offending suitcase probably didn't make the transfer in time!


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