What Time is the 4 o'clock Rain? -- Updates 11/2-4 -- Tim's surprise and Marco&Recap

Okay, as of 10:00 p.m., I am caught up on ALL of my subscribed threads.

I will get to replies here tomorrow, and replies and an update to our PTR tomorrow too...I promise. I have to get going...we leave in 20 days. And yesterday I booked my airfare for our girls trip May 29 - June 6 and Mary and I have tentative park days done, with a water park day--a first for us as a girls group.

I didn't realize taking a weekend away to see the kids would put me so far behind everywhere and then came back to one crisis after another at the office.

Thanks for sticking with me.
Okay, as of 10:00 p.m., I am caught up on ALL of my subscribed threads.

I will get to replies here tomorrow, and replies and an update to our PTR tomorrow too...I promise. I have to get going...we leave in 20 days. And yesterday I booked my airfare for our girls trip May 29 - June 6 and Mary and I have tentative park days done, with a water park day--a first for us as a girls group.

I didn't realize taking a weekend away to see the kids would put me so far behind everywhere and then came back to one crisis after another at the office.

Thanks for sticking with me.

You are doing wonderfully well compared to me. With school and picking up the second job, I am rarely even here any more. Good thing we have FB as a good way to quickly check in on everyone. :) I am nowhere near keeping up with all the trip reports I would like to. :sad:

It's nice to have your summer trip booked! :cool1: I think we'll be booking ours in January.
so sorry I have gotten so behind on all my TR's & PTR's. Life has been a bit crazy around here. Good and bad, but that is in the past. (God, please let that be in the past.)

Now.... I am so sorry to hear your TR is over. I wish we had met up. You & Mark look like such a fun couple. I love your summary of the trip. the pictures below are great. That one with Rapunzel is hysterical. Love it!!

how sweet your Cookie was waiting for you. But, how heavy your heart must have been to relive it knowing she is out of your arms length.

Okay, I most defiantely understand not wanting to go in August again. YUK that rain was horrible. But, why not the end of September. We've never been then. We love Columbus day weekend & Veterans Day w/e. We have been considering the end of Sept, depending on DD school grades. So, I'm curious.
Marco looks nice. We have a dear friend that has family that live there. Or did at one time anyway.

Need to get over to your PTR, but have to catch up on all my other ones first.

Thank you so so very much for sharing your wonderful trip with us. I sincerely enjoyed tagging along.

Our best moments and our least favorite moments. Luckily, there were more "best" moments than their were "least" favorite moments.

Least favorite moments:

1) the rain
2) the rain
3) our meals at Sci Fi and Ohanas
4) the rain
5) Spaceship Earth being closed

Our best moments:

1) Our numerous and wonderful DIS meets -- Brenda and Em, Marilyn, Brenda and Em, Suzi, D, Brenda and Em, Brenda and Em :lmao::lmao::lmao:
2) The passing of the balloon in my dad's memory
3) Our interaction with the PP photographer at the MK
4) Our interaction with the PP photographer with Pooh and Tigger
5) Mark and Rapunzel

Our favorite meal by far was Yachtsman Steakhouse; Rose and Crown also moved way up on our list..

I would prefer NOT to go mid-August again if we can avoid it. It was HOT. It rained a lot. It was more crowded than we are used to. Oh, and did I mention it rained a lot? This will all depend on Mark's job. If he's at the same job, it will be about the same time we go unless we go late in September which I'm not crazy about either. If Mark loses his job, then we will go the Friday before Labor Day weekend for 8 days and then go to Marco from there.

Our favorite photopass pictures (in no particular order):

I thank you all for reading. I hope I didn't bore you.

I thank you for all the kind words when we lost our princess Cookie.

I hope you'll come back for the next TR after our December trip (the PTR is currently underway).

Love you all.
I think you guys are definitely Floridians at heart! I bet it won't be too many years before you make the move permanently! Hey, maybe Mark could get a job at Disney as Official Hat-Tryer-Onner. :)

Truly we are. We been talking about nothing else this week when it is 20 degrees when we wake up in the morning. :rotfl::rotfl: I think they need someone to try on hats to make sure they are going to look good on people.:thumbsup2

Hmmm....sounds like Disney's animatronic sleeping lion. Probably the same technology.

I bet that's what she was.

Wouldn't it be easier for Starbucks just to open a counter in your living room?:confused3

Now that's an idea I like. That would be awesome! I would never have to leave my house. Oh wait, I still have to go to work, don't I? :crazy2:

No, seriously. You'd never have to leave.:rotfl2:

That would be sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.

Very nice!!

Isn't that gorgeous?


Now THIS is a quality establishment!:thumbsup2

I knew you and Barry would approve!

:eek: No Starbucks?!

Nope; the desserts are much better at Cheesecake.

That's ok...Cheesecake Factory is pretty awesome.

Yes it is!

I can believe that, certainly.

I'm sure it will be even worse after the next trip. Mark may have to drug me.

Great report as usual, Kathy! Sorry there was so much rain, but somehow I knew you guys would push through and have a great time anyway. I'll always remember that PP shot of you guys with the fireworks--it says so much about you guys all in one picture!:thumbsup2

Thank you, Mark, for joining and enjoying. And you are very sweet (I do love that photo).
The cruise looks like a lot of fun. Lunch and dolphins... great way to spend a few hours. :thumbsup2

We really enjoyed it; it was a nice relaxing afternoon.

:faint: Even better than Starbucks?????

Yes, even better than Starbucks. :)

Well... I guess she must have been happy there... :confused3

I guess so; but I can't imagine standing in the same spot for 3 hours.


:hyper::hyper::hyper: you know me well.

::yes:: Just like we know you like to go to Starbucks.

It's a girl thing.


We were in Dubuque for the weekend and as you know the kids got a puppy. Mark must of walked Rolo six times over the two days; I think he misses taking Cookie for her walk.

So... what is the real estate situation there? :rolleyes1

I'll have to ask Nicki when I talk to her. We do know we only want a two-bedroom condo; we don't want to have to worry about doing the grass, etc.

I don't think I'd have had the will power. I mean if there is even the slightest offer to stop at a Disney park, even if only for a few hours... :wave2: :hyper:

By this time, I just wanted to get home. It had been a long trip and I was anxious to see Cookie (perhaps I knew in my heart it wouldn't be long).

See... you need to go house shopping.

Soon...I hope.

Isn't that always the case? Otherwise you wouldn't go back. :thumbsup2

Yes it is; and it would have been a near perfect trip except for the rain.

Is this an official count? Seems like you're leaving a few out, to me. :rolleyes

Ummmmm....NO! :rotfl2::rotfl2:

Always love this! :thumbsup2

Thank you, Andy.

Seriously??? This is number 5? Come on! That is the best Disney picture in the history of Disney pictures!!! :rotfl2::lmao::rotfl:

They weren't really in a particular order. But it is a great picture, isn't it? :love:


Always fun to read your TR's.

Thank you for reading along, Andy. It's always fun having you in the mix.
Well what can I say Kathy?
What a wonderful and fun trip report, I have enjoyed every second :)
Thanks for bringing a little bit of Disney to rainy old England every day !
You photos always make me smile because you and Mark always have such HUGE smiles on your faces :)
Hope you have a fab trip in December - if I spot you in the parks you will hear an excited English accent shouting hello!

Linda, thank you so much for being here and reading along and commenting. I have enjoyed having you here immensely. How can we not smile? We are at Disney. I will be deeply upset if you don't stop and give me a hug. I do hope we run into each other in a couple of weeks.

Lovely pictures from Marco Island, what a great way to wrap up your trip. I am getting hungry looking at all of those delicious food pics! You got quite a nice tan with all of that time in the sun too :)

Thanks, Krysten. We just love it there and the food never seems to disappoint. It's probably the best tan I've had in years.

Great report as always, I enjoyed it. I am glad that you had more positives than negatives to your trip and all of that rain didn't get you down.

Can't wait for the next one!

Thanks so much; I'll leave this TR open until we get back in December so I can link the new TR here and on my PTR. Thank you for being here...it is greatly appreciated.

i am caught up again... ya know AT THE END!!! :furious:
SO... The cruise? did you like the lunch? was it as good as the kids thought?
ohhhh love seeing dolphins and manatee! all the stuff that you just don't see here... we just have floating bodies and Asian carp. :lmao:

Mo, it was just lunchmeats and salads, chips, cookies, etc., but it was just what we needed for lunch. Markie said the prime rib on the dinner one was awesome. I love seeing wildlife like that...they are just so carefree. Yep, we've probably had our share of bodies in Lake Michigan.

you almost have me sold on MARCO (polo) Island.. I think i need to read a few more of your reports... :rolleyes1
you all look wonderful together. Like everyone saying goodbye stinks to it's SEE YA REAL SOON!!!

You would love Marco and so would the kids. I wish we were seeing them REAL SOON. :(

how was your starbucks? and rain? :lmao:

Funny girl!

going to your PTR now.. which is going to confuse the daylights out of me now...

It shouldn't be confusing, and I hope to get an update done on that today.

Great TR! Looks like you had a wonderful anniversary trip! I wish you another 30+ happy years! The views out of the window at sunrise are just breath taking! It must take great strength to get up and leave there! It is how I feel when I have to leave Newport Beach CA for Boston. Boston will always be my home but it doesn't have the same feel as So Cal!

It really was a wonderful trip. Thank you...I'd love another 30 years. It is so difficult to leave that view at the end of the trip. I'd have a hard time going from CA to Boston too.

Thanks for sharing your trip! Looks like you had a great time. I'm sorry you had so much rain. Now I'm scared for our trip next August :-( Looking forward to your next report.

Hopefully you won't get the rain we had. It looks now like we will be there at least part of August (but still hoping for September). Thank you for joining the TR, and hope you enjoyed it.

All caught up now, so I have lots to say!! :rotfl2:

And that's different how? ;) Love ya!

Minnie is a cutie! I could understand not wanting to leave her but I would think that as tiny as she looks, Nicki would be able to sneak her into the parks in her purse! :rotfl2:

They thought of taking her for a few days and keeping her at the kennel, but they just don't have the heart to do it.

You are so sweet for getting Tim his BOG ADR! So glad that it was a nice time for them.. The picture looks great!

I'm glad I just happened to be online and it popped up. They are great people!

We have been to Miami twice... both departing for cruises from the port there and then spending some time in Miami... both before kids. I have to tell you, I would never take me kids there! Miami was very dirty and you really needed to be careful of where you were within Miami. Didn't leave me feeling very safe and I was there as an adult! Can't imagine raising a family in that area. :sad2:

Definitely was NOT a fan.

Yaaaa!!! You hit it big at the casino. I am guessing that Starbucks saw most of those winnings! :rotfl:

Thanks; nope, those winnings paid for our December trip (Annual Passes)

The sundress you found is beautiful and very flattering on you... think it will be warm enough in December to need to pack it again... I HOPE!!! :) Ok, maybe not that warm, but a nice solid mid-70s!

I'm not planning on a sundress this trip...don't think it will be quite norm enough. It's looking like 70's or 69 the entire trip.

So sorry to see this TR wrap up... but that just means that DISNEY is coming for all of us!!! Can't wait! Now, over to see if I have catching up on your PTR to do.

Yes, our trips are right around the corner. I'm so excited to meet you.

Hopelessly behind, but I did manage to skim my way through everything I missed. :blush: In spite of all the rain, it looks like you had a wonderful trip. I know you loved finally making it to Marco and getting time with Nicki and Todd! But then how can you not enjoy relaxing beach time, pool time, great meals and special time with your little sister!!! :cheer2: All that hard work has really paid off for Nicki as she is looking fantastic! :thumbsup2 I think it is a little too late for that taller thing though......... :rotfl:

There was a lot of rain, but we didn't let it ruin our good time. Doesn't she look great? She has done a great job with her diet and I am so proud of her.

I didn't know they had a Seaquarium in Miami but it looked like a lot of fun! I agree that Miami isn't one of the greatest places to visit though. :scared:

It wasn't nearly as nice as Sea World, but it ws a nice visit and I'm glad we went once.

Great job on getting the BoG ressie for Tim and family! What a sweetheart to do that for them! :flower3:

You know how much I love that family.

Glad you had a safe flight home. I added a few new things to my must-do list thanks to your TR! :idea: It looks like the whole trip was a very relaxing and enjoyable way to reconnect and celebrate such a special occasion! :goodvibes

Thank you, friend. I'm glad I could help with some new things to try. And thanks for being here.
The Shell Factory! I had totally forgotten about that place. My entire childhood, my grandparents had a little house in Cape Coral where my family would vacation every spring. Certain corners of my parents' house are still filled with souvenirs from The Shell Factory! Seeing your pictures really takes me back to those trips, which were such a huge part of my childhood.

I'm glad I could bring back some memories for you. I'm told The Shell Factory is not what it used to be, but we enjoy visiting once every year or two.

I'm sad to see your TR coming to an end, but I'm glad you had such a nice time on Marco. And I know another TR is just around the corner!

Thank you for being here, Nory. I know with a little one how hard it is to find some downtime. Yes, we leave in 19 days and I can't wait.

Another fabulous TR Kathy!!! The pic of Mark on the MCO monorail with the pout speaks volumes :hug: I really enjoyed the pics of you two with Todd & Nicki!!! :flower3: And was that woman in the water okay...3 hours :rotfl: Oh my!!! December is right around the corner girlfriend!!!!!::yes::

Thank you very much for being here for another TR, and for commenting, etc. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Yes, that picture on the monorail was exactly how we felt. She must have had really pruny skin when she did get out. Yes, our trips are fast approaching. I hope I will see you while we are there.

Kathy, great TR ending. I ALWAYS enjoy and look forward to your PTR's and TR's! :goodvibes

Thank you so much. :)

Ok, your German food and the food at Steamers looks amazing! Yum! I love food so much.

Those were definitely two of our favorite meals this trip.

Now, who in the world ordered ice cream at The Cheesecake Factory?! Also, Nicki looks angry at her cheesecake, which looks awesome by the way. :) Was it carrott cake?

Ummmm...that would be me. I don't like cheesecake. :duck:Nicki had, if I remember correctly, the no-carb cheesecake.

Your pictures on Marco always look so serene, peaceful, and just perfect.

It is exactly that.

Hope you're having a great week. I drove today because we have a meeting after work and it took me 3+ hours to get here!! People need to learn how to drive in the rain, what's the hurry?! Terrible accident on the Dan Ryan, one fatality. :(

You are a brave woman; you could not pay me to drive downtown. I've been reading about a lot of accidents lately on the expressways.

Finally caught up after a very busy week! And I'm just in time for the end of your TR! Still need to get over to your PTR and catch up there, but that'll be next! :-)

Anyway, that's so fun you got to see AoA and have TWO Dismeets while there! It really is a neat place!

We really liked it, Toni-Marie; it was very well done. And we loved oru Dismeets there.

I loved your early morning MK pictures! The Keys to the Kingdom tour sounds really cool! And how great that you had an awesome CM!!

Molly was out of this world!

I enjoyed reading about your time on Marco island with your best friends!! It looks like a gorgeous place and you had some delicious looking meals!!! I'm so glad you all had a wonderful time together!! :-)

Thanks; we love our time with Todd and Nicki.

It has been so fun reading your TR and I am looking forward to reading all about your upcoming December trip!! :-)

Thank you so much for being here...I greatly appreciate it.
Just reading and catching up but this comment caught my eye. You can see who has subscribed to a particular thread? :confused3

I don't think so, but I scrolled through the beginning of the TR when everyone subscribed and Molly wasn't there.


It certainly was; it paid for our Annual Passes for another year. :)


Hey, you trying standing there for 45 minutes watching a guy try to cut loose a stingray. :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:


Is this because of the name on the cup? ;)

Can you believe it? Thanks for trying for me too Millie! :goodvibes

It really wasn't that big of a deal. But I still expect a new picture of the kids as my thank you. :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

Maybe she had some business she had to attend to..... :rolleyes1




Shocking. :snooty:

Stop! :lmao::lmao::lmao:

Beautiful view!

Yes it is; I wish I was looking at it right now.

Has I mentioned shocking yet? :sad2:

See if I ever do another favor for you. :rolleyes2

Well played!

The best artistic thing you'll ever see from me.

Awwww poor Cookie. RIP

Thank you; we still walk in the house and look where her cage used to be to see if she is awake and ready to go out. :(

Thank you for sharing your trip with us. Glad I was along for the ride... mostly.

You were here when you could...hard when you have 3 kids to tend to. And I appreciate your effort!

And THANK YOU once again for our ADR and our gift too.... Gotta get DL my pics and I'll post some shots of that. :goodvibes:goodvibes

You are welcome for both! I hope the kids got something good with their early Christmas gifts.
That will be in your new TR, right? :rolleyes1

He can't even get the first one finished and you think he'll do a new one? :lmao::lmao::lmao:

I donno... I probably could write a TR fairly fast considering I didn't take as many pictures as I normally do. :rolleyes1

I'll believe it when I see it.

I'm so sorry when you arrived at Epcot you discovered SSE was closed. And that it upset you so much. I'm sure the emotions were running at full speed for you that day.

It truly was a very emotional day (and especially since we had just done the balloon tradition).

Nice recovery with Figment and O Canada. I love that show!

I do too!

But Mark really came through for you with the meet with Tigger and Pooh.

He is the best (but I don't tell him that too often; his head would get too big and he wouldn't be able to try on hats. :rotfl::rotfl:

You may have danced with Tigger, but it looks to me like Mark is getting a French kiss from Pooh

It sure does, doesn't it? :rotfl2:

It has been a million years since I have seen the movie in France but I love the pictures and the music.

I saw it twice this year which is unusual, but it's a great place to rest your feet.

Fantastic photopass pictures around the world and at the Character Spot. Yup, you got your money's worth on that CD!

We sure did!

Can't think of a better way to end the night than a meet with a special DISser and tour of the beautiful AoA.

Thanks; I am so happy I got to meet D.

I can't remember if I commented since you finished or not.
Great last few days with friends! I bet it is nice to relax and have some time to yourselves. I used to do Florida relaxing vacations with my friend Lisa and we always had a blast.

As much as we love Disney, we love our time with Todd and Nicki as much if not a tad more. They are very special to us (even if she hasn't been on this TR!).

Marco Island looks like it was a great way to end the trip. I haven't been t Miami and the Seaquarium in almost 40 years. I had or still have relatives in the area. They were distant relatives so who knows. I enjoyed it then but I was at teenager so who knows.

I'm sure as a young person it could be exciting; but I'm far from young and it was just too yucky to us.

I don't know if I commented on the loss of Cookie but I am sorry for your loss. I lost my Nikki on August 31st so I know how hard it is. I still walk in the house and look for her.

I'm sorry about your Nikki; it is one of the hardest things to go through.

Great TR looking forward to your December TR. Be sure to stop by mine. It will be nice to see all the different perspectives from that week.

Please PM me when you start yours so that I don't miss it; I definitely want to read it.

All caught up on the end of Marco and your wrap up. You really had a nice tan by the end.

I did; it was nice coming back to work and being able to wear white and show it off. :)

I see the trainers still get in the water in the Miami aquarium.

I was really surprised after what happened at Sea World.

Your time on Marco sure does look peaceful and relaxing. Just the ticket after a week at WDW!

It's the best way to unwind after all the hustle at Disney.

Loved your favorite PP photos. My favorite is Mr. Mark and Rapunzel. So cute!

Thanks; we lucked out with some really good ones so it was very hard to narrow it down. I have to print that Mark and Rapunzel one...I keep forgetting.

Trying to stay caught up with the PTR as well. Busy week here. And I know you have a busy weekend coming up. Enjoy your wrestling weekend!

I hope your daughter's dance thing went well (and no one actually broke a leg...I still don't understand why they say that). We had a great weekend with the kids and wrestling was fun (I miss watching Mark wrestle, but don't miss sitting there ALL DAY LONG!).
Marco Island looked like fun as always, and wow, you got coffee. :faint: ;) The meals looked great, especiall that german place. Mmmmm.

Glenn, that German place was out of this world (although the service was not very good). One of the best schnitzel's I've ever had.

Thanks for the TR Kathy! :thumbsup2

Thanks for being here when you could, Glenn.

Are you sure that somebody didn't just put a hat on a buoy? :laughing:

Now that is funny. :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:


Great report Kathy! Looking forward to the next one!

Glenn has a great sense of humor. Thank you...glad you enjoyed; thanks for being here. :)

you know she peed in the water::yes:: no one can hold it that long in the water:)

That is just a little bit too much information, thank you. :scared:

looks like a fun last few days of your trip. nothing like a relaxing beach/pool days to close out a trip. hope there isnt that much rain next august when we go.

It was a great end to our trip. I hope you don't get the rain either.

but if there is, im game for playing in the puddles.

I hate to tell you...it was MORE than puddles on a few occasions; the kids would need floaties!

That is great you were able to get him an adr.

I was happy to do it for him; he's a good friend.

WOW! I want you to gamble for me. LOL

I tried that once in Vegas for someone...it didn't work out so well. :rotfl2::rotfl2:

The pub food looked good.

It was!

Steamers food looked good too.

Probably my second favorite meal of the trip!

Drooling at the cheesecake factory food.

I loved my ice cream; I'm not a cheesecake fan (I don't do pie either).

Too bad you could not get to Epcot.

I could have forced myself to get up earlier, but I was ready to go see Cookie at that point.

Aww Cookie. :O(

It's been five weeks and I still miss her every single day. And what would have been her 16th birthday is in two weeks (Thanksgiving Day to be exact) and I know she will be on my mind a lot.

Nice recap. Looked like a great trip.

Thanks for reading along, Scott. It really was a great trip.

Kathy, thank you for writing a great trip report. I feel like you let us into your life with all it's ups and downs. I'm glad you had a great trip. Sorry for losing your beautiful dog. And also I'm glad your brother came through the surgery well. I hope to read another of your trip reports soon, this was my first one!

Debbieb, thank you so very much. I was touched by your sweet words. I'm glad you enjoyed the report. We miss Cookie every day. I will have another one sometime after we get back next month; we leave in 19 days. I'll post the link here and on my PTR when I start it (the PTR link is currently in my signature).

Thank you Kathy for another wonderful TR...you never disappoint!

Thank you, Queen...you are very sweet. I enjoyed having you along as always. :hug:
You are doing wonderfully well compared to me. With school and picking up the second job, I am rarely even here any more. Good thing we have FB as a good way to quickly check in on everyone. :) I am nowhere near keeping up with all the trip reports I would like to. :sad:

You have good reason to not be able to keep up with two jobs! Sometimes I worry I post too much on FB, but it is a good way to keep in touch with those you don't talk to every day.

It's nice to have your summer trip booked! :cool1: I think we'll be booking ours in January.

I couldn't pass up the airfare and since it is Southwest, if it goes cheaper, I can change it. But it's booked and I'm happy. And Mary booked the resort the other day. This will be our longest girls trip to date...8 nights, 9 days.

so sorry I have gotten so behind on all my TR's & PTR's. Life has been a bit crazy around here. Good and bad, but that is in the past. (God, please let that be in the past.)

Oh Dee, I hope everything is okay and the bad is gone for good!

Now.... I am so sorry to hear your TR is over. I wish we had met up. You & Mark look like such a fun couple. I love your summary of the trip. the pictures below are great. That one with Rapunzel is hysterical. Love it!!

I hope our paths will cross one day! I'm glad you enjoyed the pictures. Rapunzel is definitely one of my all-time favorites.

how sweet your Cookie was waiting for you. But, how heavy your heart must have been to relive it knowing she is out of your arms length.

It was very heavy...I cried when I wrote it; but then I still cry once a week when I think about her and wake up and don't find her in my bed.

Okay, I most defiantely understand not wanting to go in August again. YUK that rain was horrible. But, why not the end of September. We've never been then. We love Columbus day weekend & Veterans Day w/e. We have been considering the end of Sept, depending on DD school grades. So, I'm curious.

Dee, I truly could not beleive the rain. Next year will all depend on whether Mark has a job at his current company or not because we always have to work around his trade schedule; and with my boss being gone all of July and August, I hate to then take a two week vacation when he returns.

Marco looks nice. We have a dear friend that has family that live there. Or did at one time anyway.

It's truly beautiful.

Need to get over to your PTR, but have to catch up on all my other ones first.

Get there when you can...not a lot going on over there...it's a short trip.

Thank you so so very much for sharing your wonderful trip with us. I sincerely enjoyed tagging along.

And I sincerely enjoyed having you here...thank you!
It certainly was; it paid for our Annual Passes for another year.

That's awesome!

Is this because of the name on the cup?

It really wasn't that big of a deal. But I still expect a new picture of the kids as my thank you.

See if I ever do another favor for you.
Awww... now that's not nice. :rotfl:

You were here when you could...hard when you have 3 kids to tend to. And I appreciate your effort!
Hey I try.

You are welcome for both! I hope the kids got something good with their early Christmas gifts.
They each got a shirt. Thank you so much:hug:
Thanks for sharing your awesome TR! I guess I would agree with the things that you didn't like - rain, rain, rain!

You wrapped up just in time so you can go on your fun Christmas time trip! I'm really wishing we were going for the holiday time to see all the decorations again. We did that in 2009! We are overdue, but it's harder to do with the kids' activities and school schedules.
Just my luck, I think I have finally caught up to find this one ended and I have to run to another report to join you. I felt the whole time reading your report that I know you. All I came up with is that maybe I have read other reports that you have written. I have been on and off the boards since 08. ( I had a different name then, but can't get back into that account.) I know I heard your balloon story before. Any who, I enjoyed your report and will find you on your ptr. Now if I get caught up before you leave that is another story.
(((huggs))) so sorry about Cookie. 16 years is a long time. Anyways, off to try to catch you.
I really enjoyed your PP picture recap! You got so many wonderful shots!

Sorry about all the rain. Have you guys considered trying October? the weather is so perfect and we really only got one day of rain out of 12 days. It was lovely.

Love all the Marco Island shots. Denny and I have decided to do a quick getaway at the end of Feb and we are finally going to hit the west coast of Florida. We'll be staying a little bit north of Clearwater but hope to travel down the coast and hit the various beaches. I'm already looking forward to that white sand.

Sorry for getting so far behind, but you know I love your TRs and I'm always looking forward to your next adventure. Christmastime is going to be awesome!
Not going to fib, I have tried to keep up I really have What I have read I have enjoyed immensely Years ago I worked with a police Sgt ( now the Chief of Police) in a small dept on Long Island He vacationed all the time on Marco Island and eventually bought a house there I've heard about the area, through him, for decades, reading your report and seeing your pictures I am sold !

I can't wait to go down and check out everything myself A definite trip in the works for sometime early next year :thumbsup2
That's awesome!

It certainly saved my pocketbook at home. :)


Cute, Tim.


Before Gabriella's first birthday would be nice. ;)

Awww... now that's not nice. :rotfl:

You know I would do anything for you and your family.

Hey I try.

I know. :)

They each got a shirt. Thank you so much:hug:

"That's nice."

Thanks for sharing your awesome TR! I guess I would agree with the things that you didn't like - rain, rain, rain!

Thank you, Sheree. I appreciate you being here...truly.

You wrapped up just in time so you can go on your fun Christmas time trip! I'm really wishing we were going for the holiday time to see all the decorations again. We did that in 2009! We are overdue, but it's harder to do with the kids' activities and school schedules.

I understand about the kids and schedules with their activities. That's why it took us 29 years to get there at Christmas. I hope you get back before too long.

Just my luck, I think I have finally caught up to find this one ended and I have to run to another report to join you. I felt the whole time reading your report that I know you. All I came up with is that maybe I have read other reports that you have written. I have been on and off the boards since 08. ( I had a different name then, but can't get back into that account.) I know I heard your balloon story before. Any who, I enjoyed your report and will find you on your ptr. Now if I get caught up before you leave that is another story.

I think we followed similar TR's in the past (namely Amy's????) Thank you very much for reading, and I'm glad you enjoyed it. Yes, we leave in just 7 days and we can't wait to get oout of the cold and snow.

(((huggs))) so sorry about Cookie. 16 years is a long time. Anyways, off to try to catch you.

Thanks; we continue to miss her every day, but so glad she is no longer suffering.

I really enjoyed your PP picture recap! You got so many wonderful shots!

Thank you, MaryEllen.

Sorry about all the rain. Have you guys considered trying October? the weather is so perfect and we really only got one day of rain out of 12 days. It was lovely.

We have, but it never works out with Mark's work schedule. Assuming he is still at his current job and probably even if not, we are going mid-September next year...hopefully we will miss some rain.

Love all the Marco Island shots. Denny and I have decided to do a quick getaway at the end of Feb and we are finally going to hit the west coast of Florida. We'll be staying a little bit north of Clearwater but hope to travel down the coast and hit the various beaches. I'm already looking forward to that white sand.

That sounds absolutely wonderful.

Sorry for getting so far behind, but you know I love your TRs and I'm always looking forward to your next adventure. Christmastime is going to be awesome!

MaryEllen...no worries. I certainly understand getting behind (and it's going to happen for me again next week). I truly appreciate you being here and I'm glad you still enjoy.

Not going to fib, I have tried to keep up I really have What I have read I have enjoyed immensely Years ago I worked with a police Sgt ( now the Chief of Police) in a small dept on Long Island He vacationed all the time on Marco Island and eventually bought a house there I've heard about the area, through him, for decades, reading your report and seeing your pictures I am sold !

Ruthie, we absolutely love it there...it is just beautiful.

I can't wait to go down and check out everything myself A definite trip in the works for sometime early next year :thumbsup2

I hope you do make it there; I think you will like it. Heads up...the restaurants on the island are not very good (with the exception o The Sand Bar and the Crazy Flamingo), but Naples is only about 30 minutes away and they have a lot of great restaurants there.


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