What's Your Favorite?...........Part 3

^not quite a favorite thing to deal with...so

My favorite jam is raspberry, and I like seeds too!

Breakfast sandwich?

anything on ION channel...but Blue bloods in prime time and bull

WYF talk show.....Dr phil zinged us last night on "Karen" "white privilage" the woman was not white but DR strung us along to make us think she was white.

from my balcony if I am lucky enough to have one that can see it, otherwise in front of castle

WYF fruit?
don't it them, but used to be butter, sour cream, salt and pepper

WYF ice cream topping?
Tillamook ice cream does not need a topping....unless in august ,,,,then you fill the bottom of the bowl with sweet and bitter black berries.

WYF place to hang a flag?


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