Wheelchair bag


May 19, 2007
Anyone have any ideas on what to use for a (not-too-expensive) carry-all bag we can put on the back of the wheelchair? My sister is having trouble with walking long distances so we are renting a wheelchair - and since I will be pushing it, I don't want to carry a pack as well! Most of the great bags people mention on the other boards do not seem as though they would hang very well from the back of a chair. Any suggestions?

You've got a type of "groceriebag" they sell for strollers. The ones that look a bit like

They're not expensive (about $8,- overhere, don't know about the US), and sell in babyshops etc. They're great to put on a wc that has pushbars. You simply attach the sides to the handlebars, et voilà!

Others get creative with their sowingmachine. They make a little flap/pocket (very simple, just folding fabric dubble, sowing the sides shut and leave only one side open or put a button or zipper there) and attach that underneath the seat. You can do this by using velcro. Above all that's a great place to hide important stuff like a money, creditcard etc. No way somebody can steal it from there without being very very obvious. ;)

You can also use a normall bag. A rugsack could work if you make the straps as short as possible and put the left one over the left side of the back of the chair and the right on the right. A bag with only one strap could also work depending on the chair and user, by putting the strap cross ways over the backrest, leaning into it a bit (the person sitting) to secure it. This can only be done if the strap isn't long and the chair isn't low with a very short back.

Important for you if you decide to use a normall bag; watch out that the bag doesn't hang too low or is to big. Pushing a wc and keep bumping into a bag is so irritating.

You could also think about fanny packs. One for you, one for the person using the chair. If you rent a chair; it might be that they're very wide in relation to the person using it. Putting a small bag next to you while sitting, could then also be an option.

Small tips for using a wc;
- take an old rag with you for those rainy/wet moments. If your sister wants to move the chair around a bit herself, nothing is more irritating and possibly dangerous than wet rims etc. Also that'll be asking for it to get dirty hands. For you pushing it can also come in handy to dry parts of.
- if you take an umbrella; sis and you better watch out! It wouldn't be the first umbrella-ouch-my-eye-accident due to the height difference between the two of you and being new to it. ;)
- look at the fabric of the chair when it arrives. If it is anything like skai, that'll stick very uncomfortably to the skin in warm weather and wearing something like shorts. Putting a simple towel over it will keep that away and it'll sweat a lot less.
- same goes for the handlebars. Some rentalchairs have got yucky fabric on those. (don't ask me why!) Again, a simple piece of fabric will do the trick if needed to give your hands the best time possible.

Have fun!
Anyone have any ideas on what to use for a (not-too-expensive) carry-all bag we can put on the back of the wheelchair? My sister is having trouble with walking long distances so we are renting a wheelchair - and since I will be pushing it, I don't want to carry a pack as well! Most of the great bags people mention on the other boards do not seem as though they would hang very well from the back of a chair. Any suggestions?


For DS's bag we just use a regular backpack/knapsack. His has the padded straps so that leaning back against them doesn't bother him a bit. I line one of the pockets with 2 gallon ziplock bags and it holds any shirts he soaks from drooling or just dribbling Mickey bars on...lol. It helps to keep those items isolated from the clean tshirts and other items. I got a sizeable one with several pockets for just a few dollars at our local Family Dollar store. In the outside mesh pockets we keep our sunblock and water so it's handy.:thumbsup2
My mom made my older brother one out of a pair of jeans. Best I remember the jeans was like a size 50 that she bought at a yard sale for a quarter. She cut off the legs just below the pockets. Added short straps that velcros on the side of the chair so brother can reach the bag to use it. She added a few pockets even a couple loops for his cane. Brother LOVES his bag and has had many ppl ask him where he got it.

Best of all the bag is even washer an dryer friendly when bag gets dirty just toss in.
I have one from here: www.adaptabledesigns.com They hang from the push handles really well, and can hold just about anything. The "JAZZ" backpack they have, is HUGE!! It can hold just about anything. I have the "Day Pack", but am looking into getting the "JAZZ" backpack, especially since DH and I are getting ready to head off to a week-long summer camp for kids and adults with disabilities in a couple weeks.

We use a regular back pack on wheels and it its huge enough for water, coats and other stuff.
We use a standard cloth zippered tote bag, similar to a cloth grocery bag with a zipper. I hand stitched a fabric loop to both sides to make new "handles" that fit the wheelchair push handles, that way the bag isn't suspended at some off-kilter angle.
Thank you so much everyone -- these are all great suggestions -- I do have a couple of backpacks and wondered if that would work, so I'm glad to hear you've used them successfully. :yay:

DIS people are the best!! :worship:
I use either one of these backpacks made by Quickie. These backpacks are by far the best way for me to carry things, both when I am by myself or with someone. They are similar to a standard backpack but the straps are specially sized for a wheelchair. One of the problems I had with standard backpacks is that it would side down the back of my chair or off to one side, making it tough to access what I needed quickly.


Hope this helps!
I have to say that although others here are saying they don't have any problems using a regular backpack on a wheelchair, I have done this before and found it extremely uncomfortable. The straps dig into my shoulders and back, and the bag tends to be hard to get into... where one designed specifically for a chair will usually hang stretched out wide so that it's easy to move around inside. I have been thinking about getting a wheelchair bag myself, so thanks to those who have posted links.


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