Will you miss me at Dis-Con? Warning: This post is filled with enough whine in......


DIS Veteran
Apr 14, 2000
<font face="comic sans ms"> it to make you offer me some cheese. OOOH! Bad Pun! Bad Pun!


I probably won't be at Dis-Con because I will have had a breakdown by then. ;)

Hi, all. :wave: I've missed everyone around here, but I've been going from dawn until dark every day for the last couple of weeks. As some of you know, my sister, Lisa, graduated from college last December. Well, she and her husband and their 3 cats, a dog, and a parrot have been living in a 700 square foot house while she attended college. It's not in the best neighborhood. :rolleyes: Alan (DH) and I were watching television one night, and they were doing a news story on a guy who had done some horrible things. I said, "Isn't that the house across the street from Lisa?" :eek: :eek: :eek: So, I've wanted them to be able to afford a little bit nicer house for a long time. So, we decided that we would start selling off some of her extra stuff on eBay, and then we decided we could have a garage sale (even though I don't love having one :rolleyes: ) to sell off some of the larger items. We then decided we needed to start preparing her house for sale, and then we decided to start looking for a house.

So, they found a house last week, and they made an offer on it and it was accepted. :eek: :eek: :eek:

I leave to go to Barb-Con in about 17 days.

Here's our status right now:

1. My computer room has stuff stacked up all over the place that we need to put on eBay or sell in the garage sale.
2. My formal living room has stacks and stacks of Hallmark Ornaments that we are keeping.
3. My newly cleaned out (in preparation for the garage sale) garage has stacks and stacks of stuff to sell.
4. Lisa's house is completely torn up. We painted the living room yesterday, and today we are going to haul all of the stuff from her living room to my garage so we can play "Musical Rooms" with all of the furniture to paint the rest of the house. When Alan was painting yesterday, we just moved the stuff out on the front porch and we thought that was such a good plan. Guess what happened? Yep. It started raining cats and dogs. I freaked out. We definitely don't need more cats and dogs around here. ;)
5. Lisa's parrot is staying with me because of the paint.
6. Eventually, I will need to house all of the animals. I will have 5 cats, a dog, a snake, and a parrot.
7. After we get the inside of her house painted, we have to paint the outside, put the house on the market, take possession of the other house, fix it up, and then move Lisa and Bob and all of their animals.

Alan was going to come with me to Barb-Con, but he's going to stay home and help Lisa and Bob. He's such a wonderful husband. :D

Okay. I think that's enough whining for now.

BARB-CON, TAKE ME AWAY <--Showing my age there, huh?

I will be at Dis-Con for anyone who actually got this far in the post. I'm just joking (as usual).
I have American, Swiss, Provalone...... ;)

Poor Poor Dayna. :( You are working so so hard with helping your sister. You are a great sister! She's lucky to have you. :D

Hang in there....Barb-Con will be just the break you need and deserve. :)

Originally posted by luvdsny
I have American, Swiss, Provalone...... ;)

Poor Poor Dayna. :( You are working so so hard with helping your sister. You are a great sister! She's lucky to have you. :D

Hang in there....Barb-Con will be just the break you need and deserve. :)


<font face="comic sans ms"> Lol, Tia. I'll take cheddar. ;)

It's been a ton of work, but it's really been hard on Alan. Lisa's husband Bob works long hours and he works at night. So, Alan has had to do a lot of the moving heavy stuff with Lisa and I helping him. :eek:

I am looking forward to Barb-Con. I hope I don't get lost on the way there and accidentally drive to WDW. My car might get confused when I head north. :smooth:
Originally posted by Dan Murphy
I did not know Lisa had a parrot. :rolleyes: ;)

{{Hugs}} Dayna. :sunny:

<font face="comic sans ms"> Dan, the parrot comment made me giggle. Thanks. I needed that. :D </font>
Well heck Dayna if I had known that you did house renovations I would have invited you up here. :D We just spent the past week ripping out all of the floors in our house to put in hardwood ones.

Sounds like you guys have been working very hard. Your sister is very lucky to have you and Alan to help her out. I hope that your life slows down a bit and you get to relax soon.
I was starting to worry about you! Thanks for checking in! You are such a great sister!

Hang in there. years from now you will look on this as an adventure!
Originally posted by bashful64
Well heck Dayna if I had known that you did house renovations I would have invited you up here. :D We just spent the past week ripping out all of the floors in our house to put in hardwood ones.

Sounds like you guys have been working very hard. Your sister is very lucky to have you and Alan to help her out. I hope that your life slows down a bit and you get to relax soon.

<font face="comic sans ms"> Shannon, it's a shame I didn't know in time to come help you. ;) :p :)

I love hardwood floors.
Originally posted by CarolA
I was starting to worry about you! Thanks for checking in! You are such a great sister!

Hang in there. years from now you will look on this as an adventure!

<font face="comic sans ms"> Carol, how many years do you think it will take? :eek: :eek: :eek: </font>
Best of luck Dayna!

Hmmmm, Dayna.... cheese.....


I've been dying for this since you mentioned it at DISCON...
Dayna happy selling. I love Ebay... but the not coming to Dis Con thing was mean.. you little devil you.. Hugs
Oh, Ms. Dayna's pulled the "I'm not coming to DISCON" thing in a few private e-mails to me. I about had heart failure. When I see her in December or September or whenever, I'm gonna have to slap her upside the head. It's not nice to scare old people! ;)
Hi Dayna, way too many years to contemplate now, I am afraid ! :p :rolleyes: :)

Was wondering where our social director was, glad to hear all is well, if a little busy.

Tell Lisa congrats on the new house! It will be nice for her to have more than 700 sq ft!!!!!

Take care sweetie!
Dayna, Dayna, Dayna

How dare you scare us like that?

Better get to cracking on that ebay thing. It is dangerous and hard work to boot.

Just take a deep breath and repeat after me

Life without DISCON is not life
I must go to DISCON
I will go to DISCON if I have to crawl :p

As for the house, it will sounds like mine with stuff piled to the rafters to sell. I'd better get back to it. Listing tonight!

Luv ya
First of all, Miss Dayna not going to DIS-CON is SIMPLY NOT AN OPTION!!!!

Now, having gotten that off my chest, will you come home with me after Barb-Con and paint the inside of my house? :D It's small, really won't take much...... Oh yeah, I forgot about all our junk that I'm not making any effort to sell on ebay or anywhere else for that matter :earseek: Oh well, nevermind! :D
Dayna, would you like to adopt an "older sister"? I'd love to have help cleaning out this place so I can head south sometime in this century:rolleyes:
Dayna I still have a lot of painting that needs done. If you feel like continuing your travels north after Barb con I am sure that I can find something for you to do :D
Dayna, you scared me!!!!! DIS Con without Dayna is like......well like a day without sunshine!! (Now who is showing her age??) ;)

You sound like you REALLY need a Calgon moment and hope you have a chance to relax and have fun at Barb CON!

See you in Dec, and let me know what colour your hair will be so I recognize you! ;)
Dayna...Dayna...Dayna!!! Shame on you for scaring me like that...lol. I almost fell out of my La-Z-Boy chair...lol.

You are so nice to help your sister. I love my 750 square foot home. It forces me not to collect more junk. Although...I haven't been inside my storage area for over a year...lol. I think that it has something to do with it being full...and leaning against the door...lol.

I can't wait to see you again at DIS-CON-II. I hope that you wear your hat again.

What kind of festive hat do you think that I should wear? I am bringing my Santa Claus hat, and my favorite hat is my 2001 DIS-CON-I "A Gathering of Friends" cap...lol.

Speaking of cheese...excuse me...lol.



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