WOO HOO....Stargazers!


<font color=green>Emerald Angel<br><font color=mag
May 12, 2001
Today! Today! Today is the day they finally bloomed! Can you tell I'm excited? They're my favorite flower. I've planted 20 bulbs and they have finally bloomed. The gardenia smell has faded and now the yard will have a new fragrance. Hooray!

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:





aren't they beautiful!

I love all Lilies and they are blooming all over my front yard.

Right now I have stargazers,Geneve, and a pure white one that I do not remember the name all in full bloom.

Right up my alley, Mal! I looked all over for some CasaBlancas. I've heard they're just as fragrant as stargazers. I never did find any to plant though.....:( I bet all your lilies are lovely.

I confess that I cut some to bring indoors. I've got them right here......practically inhaling them. I'm sure I've got that brown pollen stuff all over my face, but that's OK by me.....ahhhhhhh......:)
I tend to poke them in anywhere there is a spot...I like how you grouped them together more dramtic effect.

Went outside to smell the lilies for you. I think Casa Blanca has a stronger fragance than starglazer.At least mine does.

Really? I definitely have to plant some next year then.

This clsuter in bloom was planted last year. I planted others around the yard this past winter. All but one are growing.....many with blooms. So I'll be enjoying them for weeks to come. I'm sorry to go on and on about this, but I just adore these things....:)
Oh my gosh those are gorgeous! So exotic!

I need some of those!
I love stargazers, casablancas.....actually any of the oriental lillies....they just smell sooooooooo good!

Watch cutting lillies, though. They say if you cut too much stem (more than 1/3 of it) you won't get a flower next year. And don't ask me why.

Sniff a big sniff for me! OOOOOOOHHHHHHH! Just love them!
They're beautiful Olena, fabulous colours!! :D

Thanks for the links Maleficent! :D

I love some of the names they give the flowers, Pookie, Twinkles, Kissproof, and my favourite, Giggle Button!! :) :D
Our lilies are at the end of their blooming cycle. I have to confess that I did cut 2 for a floral arrangement. DH (Shep)did 'comment'. He loves his lilies.
I love these, don't have any, but am soimpressed with the health of those lilies....you odn't have that orange bug, do you.
Beautiful Stargazers!! Also my favorite lily. They always smell so heavenly - my bridal bouquet was full of stargazers, 14 years ago!


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