World War III -- KaraKW vs. Aphids


<font color=blue>Baby Bird Correspondent<br><font
Aug 16, 2000
Hi, there!
I've been battling with aphids on my daisies for some time now. I've researched on the 'net various ways to combat them. Today I just blasted the plants with strongs jets of water and then meticulously sprayed with insecticidal soap. I've given thought to buying some ladybugs, but I'm a bit hesitant. I figure, if my current strategy of meticulous daily spraying with insecticidal soap doesn't help, I'll go the ladybug route.

Anyway, just wondering how many of you out there have gone "toe to toe" with the pesky aphids. Would you mind sharing your "war stories"? How did you win the war?...or did you? ;)

Kara :wave:
BUT .....alot of the southern half of Maine is covered literally with those little tinee weenie lady bad that some people have not been able to go outside and enjoy a picnic....almost as bad as flies.....they had a picture of a house that was covered whole side of the house with little orange thingies....they somehow make it inside during the winter and hide....then when warm weather comes....they are doing a happy dance across the tv screen at night.....BUT no aphids around her beautiful rose bushes.....hahaha
Pumba, It's funny you should mention that!! I stumbled across this article on the internet while researching the subject! Just thought you'd find it interesting! :D

In the last few years, we have had increasing numbers of customers from all parts of the United States call looking for relief from lady bugs that are "invading" their homes. At first I thought these were isolated instances that were due to certain conditions. I expected that these conditions were rare and explained to home-owners that the invasion would soon subside. Too my surprise, they continued. More people began
to call and it was obvious there is more than just "conditions" which were leading to these home invasions. I then conducted some research and the mystery was soon solved. In an attempt to sell "natural pest control", certain companies around the country have been importing lady bugs from other parts of the world and selling them. These lady bugs have been marketed as being more aggressive and hearty than our own indigenous
species. One feature of their biology, however, is that they do not die each winter. They hibernate. Unlike our own native species, these imports like to over winter on mountainsides, rocks and caves. Such environments are readily available in certain parts of our country, but since these lady bugs are being released in areas where such terrain does not exist they are taking advantage of the next best thing - our homes! I am not sure how bad of a problem this is, but we have received reports from the Northwest, the Southeast and the Southwest. What is the problem? Although they do not pose economic problems, these durable lady bugs "flock" to homes with certain conditions. They seem to be seeking a certain temperature as well as a good amount of cracks and crevices. Homes with cedar shakes or other wood siding seem to be more vulnerable. Once they start to congregate in the cracks and crevices of these homes, more
will come. I have seen massive "balls" of them in attics where they are mating and amassing. This hibernating will last throughout the winter and then they will emerge in the following
spring. The main problem is that not all of them are able to get to the hibernating areas. Most of the complaints involve massive numbers of these lady bugs finding their way into living
areas. They swarm around lights, TV's, windows and ceilings. They are seeking a good crack or crevice to crawl into and remain during the colder time of the year.
The best way to combat aphids is to fertilize your plants, get them really growing, plus use some spray. Make sure you get the underside of the leaves as that is where they tend to hang out.

I have aphids all over the place and for some reason if my plants are growing heartily they seem to lessen.


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