Worm Compost Bin?


<font color=purple>"Carpe diem, quam minimum credu
Nov 18, 1999
Anyone have a worm compost bin? Just was looking through my Gardeners Supply catalog and thought the worm bin on page 44 looks like a neat idea. Price is a bit much but I did find similiar items for sale elsewhere cheaper.
Welcome Cajun Dixie! :flower3:

I don't have that particular catalogue, how much are they charging for a worm composting bin?

I'm always happy to see the slimey little fellows in my garden! :)
It costs $105. in this catalog but I've seen similiar ones on Ebay for around $70. After more research on the 'net I thought I'd start one in a Rubbermaid type container that I'd drill air holes in the sides. Not being an ice fisherman I didn't realize you can't get the right kind of worms (red wigglers) around here in the winter. :rolleyes: Guess I'll have to wait until it warms up around here. The author of one page I was reading keeps her homemade worm bin under her sink. Keeps it close to her kitchen scraps, it's out of sight and it's dark which the worms like.
We are considering an indoor worm composter for the 4th grade at the elementary school. I think we would probably make one ourselves, though..


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