Wouldn't it be awesome if they had a Finding Nemo Ride?! Trip Report! UPDATED 6/10 PART 5!

That steak looks amazing!!!!!! It’s 0930 in the morning, I’m sipping coffee, and my mouth is just watering looking at that picture. I’m not much of a steak person, but wow. I’m fixated on it. I mean, I’m glad the rest of your trip was going great, but I cannot get over how good that meal looks.
Every time I see this picture I bust out laughing because the girl next to me looks so incredibly bored.

Love that pic!! We try to have a "family pose" on some rides- some come out pretty funny!

Country Bears will be a family tradition to watch from here on out and I'm okay with that because he truly did love it.

Country Bears attraction is another one that is just so cute! corny, but cute!!


WOW!!! Now that's a steak!! We haven't been to the Yachtsman in years- we're eager to go back!! I'm drooling looking at that picture!!
That steak looks amazing!!!!!! It’s 0930 in the morning, I’m sipping coffee, and my mouth is just watering looking at that picture. I’m not much of a steak person, but wow. I’m fixated on it. I mean, I’m glad the rest of your trip was going great, but I cannot get over how good that meal looks.
They cooked it over an open fire and we got to watch the whole process. I love that restaurant!!! Can't wait to go back!
Love that pic!! We try to have a "family pose" on some rides- some come out pretty funny!

Country Bears attraction is another one that is just so cute! corny, but cute!!

WOW!!! Now that's a steak!! We haven't been to the Yachtsman in years- we're eager to go back!! I'm drooling looking at that picture!!
My husband and I love posing for pictures, this one genuinely caught us off guard :laughing:

Just yesterday while I was on the phone with my friend, Jeremy quoted the Country Bears... for the millionth time. I don't see an end to it in the near future.

Best steak I have ever had. EVER.

Day 2 of our time at Disney World had arrived and I was PUMPED! I love Epcot, I love everything about Epcot, and so I was ready to get there as soon as possible! Sleeping in is never an option while at Disney and I am so thankful for a husband who feels the same way. Together, we quickly got ready, ate a quick breakfast at the Pop food court using two snack credits (remember we were on the Deluxe Dining Plan and trying our best to keep up with it) and in no time at all we were on a bus to Epcot!

When we got to Epcot, we rope dropped it and made a bee line for Soarin. We had our fastpass for Test Track a little later, so we knew that this was our best option. Most people were taking off for the Frozen ride and as much as I can appreciate the movie... it's not my cup of tea, so I decided to"let it go" and bypass it. Once we arrived at Soarin, there was only a 10 minute wait and I was really excited to check it out. Jeremy and I hadn't tried it with the new footage so I was eager to compare it to the old. I had read numerous reports on the ride through all of you wonderful people here on the board and I saw mostly disappointing outlooks. Soarin is my dad's favorite ride and I think he was more eager for me to give him a report then I was to actually ride it.

Below is our "waiting in anticipation, we won't forget to buckle our seat belts, just please let us on the ride" picture:


Finally, we were able to get on the ride! I've made it seem as though we waited in line forever, but true to the 10 minute posting, we only waited close to 15 minutes! So now it's time to give my opinion on Soarin:

It was good. It wasn't terrible, it wasn't great, but it was good. I'm torn because I liked the film portion better, I truly did. I enjoyed going to other parts of the world, but I did miss the "smell aspect" such as the smell of oranges and etc that was offered in the old portion. Maybe my nose was clogged up and I missed the new smells from the current ride, but I didn't really get any of that on the new version which left me thinking "Man I wish they would of have done a little bit more."

So are there smells released on the new version of Soarin? Did I just miss them? My husband said there was a certain smell at the beginning of the ride, but I didn't smell anything. I know, I must sound crazy getting caught up on this little detail, but please SEND HELP! Thanks!

After we left Soarin, we had time to ride another family classic! Yes, you guessed it, Living with the Land! Now that my husband and I are actually in the agricultural business, this ride is so much more interesting to me. No, as a young girl I had no plans to work in the agricultural field, but here I am... living in the land. Which leads me to... STORY TIME!

My husband is the most hard working man I have ever met and he does so without complaint. He is the lead operator at a feed mill where feed is created and dispersed to several farms in our community. He not only has to make sure the equipment is in prime shape, but also oversees to make sure trucks are loading and unloading in time, and that there is enough corn to produce feed. In his business, it doesn't take much for everything to be thrown off, especially if the equipment malfunctions. One day, while I'm at work, I get a text from him stating "I cut my finger, heading to the ER."

Ya'll I know my husband... homeboy doesn't ever go to the ER unless it's bad. So using my wife spidey senses, I leave work immediately and drive to the ER room. When I walk in and see him, he looks at me and mouths "It's pretty bad." Next thing I know, the doctor is coming in and letting him know that they will be amputating a portion of his finger. I look at the doctor as my face is going white and say "Wait what? I thought he just needed stitches, what is going on?"

Yeah... I shouldn't have asked because the scene was gruesome and my husband's poor finger was in bad shape. Apparently, he got into an accident with an auger and if you know anything about those, you would know that my husband is incredibly lucky to still have a hand, let alone an arm. With him being so new to the field, we learned that "losing a body part" is just a common thing in the farming community. I will also throw in that I had to watch them remove the rest of my husband's finger while he was awake.... and he wasn't the one who passed out on the floor.... yeah... guilty.

So as we are going through the "Living with the Land" ride, my husband says out loud "You guys need to extend this ride and include a section labeled 'Farm Accidents: The Honor Badge of Farming." and everyone looked back at him like he was insane as he is holding up his nub of a finger. I died laughing, but everyone else probably thought we needed help. I swear we are a riot. Anyways, story time is over but you can see a couple of pics of our voyage through the land:




Once we got off of the ride, we headed towards Figment. Long story short: Jeremy HATES this ride. His first words once it was over: "Please never make me get back on that ride." Again, I love all things Disney and I will always ride the things I'm not very fond of. My husband on the other hand does not carry the same sentiment. He hates the ride so much that he wants it gone. We seriously had a discussion in our car two days ago (our car that has AC by the way) about how much he hates the ride, wants Epcot to remove it, and put something else there. For everyone who loves Figment and that attraction, I stuck up for you but my husband wasn't having any of it. Lucky for you, Epcot doesn't care what my husband likes/doesn't like, so for now, FIGMENT STAYS!

After Figment, we darted over to Test Track to use our fastpass! We were through the fast pass line in 25 minutes. It wasn't too bad at all. When Jeremy and I were creating our car, he got trigger happy and created the most horrifying thing I have ever seen. It was TERRIBLE. When our time ran out, I looked at him, he looked at me, and gave me the "Yeah I screwed up" face. But in an amazing turn of events, some how it turned out to be the best car performance I've ever had on the Test Track ride, we got first place on everything. Now, it could have been a glitch in the system because that's how horrible our car looked, but I'm going to assume our car was just a beast.

We left Test Track and had some time to kill before our lunch reservations, so we took some pictures together!



After we had our pictures taken it was time for our lunch reservations to Via Napoli! Your girl LOVES PIZZA, I mean I LOVEEEEEE PIZZAAAA! So I couldn't pass up the opportunity to try this place out!

1) I loved the pizza


Looks delicious right? Half eaten pizza, who can resist?! But seriously, it was so good. I don't care for just plain "cheese pizza" I usually go for a supreme, but I thought I would try out the "Formaggi" because apparently it was one of their best. It was delicious and my husband's pizza with the sausage on it was delicious as well.

2) I loved the way it looked!



3) Their appetizers were not bad. We had the Arancini which is basically a fried risotto ball and we also had the Calamari (again we had the Deluxe dining plan so we each got an appetizer.)

4) What made our experience at Via Napoli so great were these two:


Atalia up above was our Disney server and Alfanso was our "server in training." These two could not have been any better. They genuinely made you feel important, valued, and special. Their love for Disney was so apparent and they were so attentive to my husband and I. We asked them about Italy and they didn't seem bothered by our conversation but rather fully engaged with it. When I asked to take their picture, they looked like kids in a candy store. It made me happy that while they were making our day, we probably helped make theirs. My husband and I love interacting and talking with people and these two were flat out AWESOME! I couldn't rave about them anymore then what I already have.

5) The title of my Trip Report is called "Wouldn't it be awesome if they had a Finding Nemo ride?" and the reason behind the title took place here at Via Napoli. Again, I was raised going to Disney by a man who loves Disney with his whole heart. So needless to say, I'm pretty knowledgeable about the place. Before dating my husband in high school, he had only been to Disney once and it was for a day at the Magic Kingdom. He went another time after that when we first got married and went with my family back in 2015... which as you know the Finding Nemo ride was definitely apart of Epcot then. My husband isn't a huge fan of Finding Nemo, it's not at the top of any of his list, so we didn't ride it back in 2015 because it didn't seem like a "WE NEED TO DO THIS BECAUSE IT'S MY FAVORITE AHHHH!!"kinda ride. You catch my drift? Sweeeeet. Totally.

So as we are sitting there eating our pizza at Via Napoli we are talking about what ride WDW could invest in that would make a lot of profit and bring in a ton of guest. Keep in mind the tables at Via Napoli are so close together you feel as though you are eating in a booth with another party. So as we are discussing ideas my husband has this "eureka" moment and says I GOT IT! At this point, I am PUMPED UP! Like, my husband looks like he just discovered a million dollar idea so I was all about it! He then says "Wouldn't it be awesome if they had a Finding Nemo ride?! I mean think about how many people would want to ride that?!" I looked at him and busted out laughing. The people next to us busted out laughing and I genuinely believed, I think we all did (since the people next to us were apparently family now) that he was joking.

He wasn't.

"What's so funny? You don't think that's a good idea?"At this point, a part of me felt bad for laughing, but at the same time I didn't because it was so funny and now pretty cute that he had no idea about the Finding Nemo ride. After I explained that there was a ride, he looked at me and said "Well why haven't I rode it?! Let's go! I want to check this thing out!" So I booked a fast pass so my husband could ride Finding Nemo, his million dollar idea that had already took place years and years before. Again, my husband isn't a huge fan over this movie. He enjoys it, but it's not a top favorite. My goodness, he loved the ride and you would of thought he constructed and put it together. The man walked off this thing with so much pride as though he came up with the idea, concept, and was reaping the profit from it. He looked at me and said "now that was a ride!" Never in a hundred years would I think that Finding Nemo could bring so much joy to a grown man... but apparently I was wrong.

So that is the story behind the title of this trip report. What makes it extra special is I collect pins at Disney. I started a tradition beginning with this trip that I would get a pin that represented a special moment, that I could look at the pin and remember exactly what trip it was and why I bought it. So I bought a Nemo pin to represent this trip I took with my husband for our 5 year anniversary and the laughter/joy that came with it. I can almost imagine myself as a 75 year old woman showing my great grandkids the nemo pin and saying "this was the trip where your great grandpa thought he came up with a million dollar idea..."

UP NEXT: Around the World... I ALMOST BLACKED OUT!


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