
DIS Veteran
Jul 23, 2002
This topic may be on the wrong board (none seemed appropriate to me) so feel free to move it if necessary. I ordered from the web site that sells the above pins but never received them. I emailed customer service but never received a response. Does anyone else have any experience in dealing with them? Any phone numbers or any other way to contact them?

Thanks -
I just checked and it seems that they only have an email address listed. Looks like plans may be in the works for an 800 number but there isn't one listed.

I would keep emailing them every day until you hear from them. Maybe they were hit with the Blaster worm and are still recovering.
I see they haven't posted anything new since June 15. I'm afraid they may be another site that has fallen by the wayside. Has your credit card been charged for the pins?
Actually I paid by Paypal, I'll have to check into their policies regarding such things.

Thanks, Donna
As listed in this weeks AllEars 09/02/03


Founder's Legacy: What Would Walt Do?

NEW! Be among the first to display your favorite pins on our WWWD lanyard.
It features a 1" x 2" medallion in the same design as our Walt's 100th Anniversary pin,
suspended from a black web strap.
The heavy vinyl pouch can hold annual passports or credit cards -- the removable clip can be used for your company ID badge."

I just got an email from them, looks like the worm messed up their system for a while.
Thanks for you help.

I ordered from them on August 20. Paid with paypal and I have not seen anything arrive in the mail. I did email them and they responded saying they had just sent it out on overnight delivery. This was 2 days ago and no overnight deliveries at my house:mad: :confused:
I will never order from them again. I trusted this site since it was written up in Disney Magazine, my bad!
I must say, I've ordered from WWWD several times and have been pleased in every way. Highly recommend them!!!
I met the owners of the web site in California a few years back.....very nice people.

Good you are giving them some time to recover from that awful worm-virus. That worm/virus affected a lot of people and shut down many computers including my daughters. Took her days to get hers back up and running.
I also ordered the Lanyard with pin and
to date have not received anything..........

I also am emailing them.......

Will let you know

Dana :)
:( Glad I saw this. I was going crazy trying to figure out if I had really ordered them or not. They didnt charge my CC , and tehy never came . I started to wonder about my mental stability again :confused:

Wishing everyone a Tagged day , cause being tagged is just cool!
I've ordered from them on three separate occasions. Twice I received my order promptly. Once there was a problem, I don't recall the reason, but when I followed up with another email they apologized profusely, sent my order second day air and sent along a couple of extra pins as an "I'm sorry." Their products have been very good and I wouldn't hesitate to order from them again, even after reading the above posts. I'm sure they will make good on all orders as soon as they are up and running again. Keep in mind, they may have lost orders with the virus and would only know about them if they hear from you with the particulars, including payment verification.
We sent them a email. To date we still have
not heard anything back. We sent them payment
for the Lanyard w/pin. I hope they do reply,
we were looking forward to the items.

If anyone hears anything let us know.

Dana :)
We just got our mail today and our package was there.

The lanyards are beautiful and so are the pins!!!!

We just want everyone to know that we did send
a email to them and our package came right away.

Thank you again WWWD!!!! Nice Job!!!

Dana :)
I had a similar problem, but i faxed them my order, and got the stuff the other day, after about a month. I would order from them again!
I have a fantasy pin that I designed to award CM's as well. It is PP's #11313. Please e-mail me if interested.



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