Yahoo!!!!! Finally able to access this board


Not-so-secretly wishing to own the Disney Wonder
Jun 21, 2000
Wow, I was shaking there for a few days. Could not access these boards at all. What a horrible feeling. Now I am afraid it will happen again. Hope all the problems are fixed.:bounce:
Me too, Iris!! I went away on vacation and came home to find that the boards had been moved and I couldn't get in!!! was touch and go there for a couple of days, but it seems to be working now!!

Add me to one giving thanks that I can finally get into the board! I was going through DIS withdrawal. I think Matthew and Lauri are tired of me bugging them since I had nothing better to do! :) (sorry guys)
Nice to be back!

oh thank heavens.....I was totally loosing dis board and only four days to go.....thanks Pete for working on this and getting us running again..
Me too!! If I didn't have IM names for a few board members I would have gone through withdrawls.

I could not get on either and it was a wee bit scarey. Like how would i live without being able to talk to all my new found friends, and how would I ever find out who won the Pin Survivor Challenge.

And I am only 1 week into my six week sick leave and what in the world would I do with myself, and would I trade pins ever again, or fine out what is new.

Man, I need to get a life.

Man, I need to go to Disney World.



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