
Where are they selling them?
Which ones do you think look the best....
The artist choice looks pretty cute? Did you get that one?

with only three being at DL only. I am bias, I think the Poohs are the best. Wonder why??? But since I collect all Halloween, they are all great. 4 of the 7 are Glow in the Dark, 2 of those are dangles. The 2 Pooh ones are Pooh and Piglet (1 is a 2 pin set and the other is a 3 pin set). Now that I have you absolutely confused, the pics will be out soon on Dizpins. Artist Choice from Saturday is great and yes I got one for my collection.
My DD is at DL right this minute talking with me (I'm in FL)
she is buying pins but I have no pics to go by except the few on Dizpins!
So any info is appreciated!
I really like that Artist Choice (which I don't usually go for) but she only can get into
DL so don't know if she would find it or not....

Thanks for the info!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you think they will be around for 10/31? That's when I arrive at WDW!
I don't know how the WDW pins went over down there but my DD is at
DL tonight, right now walking around checking out all of the pins for me...
I just wish I could be with her having fun! She was in line for the
Haunted Mansion...wahhhh..(LOL)

Any way you might get lucky and find some when you get to WDW! I know
I've been lucky a couple of times and found pins that were supposedly
"sold out" so you never know!

YOu lucky you! Are you going to the Mickey halloween party?
Are you going to dress up?


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