Ye Olden Days


Earning My Ears
Aug 27, 2008
Hey all. In 1933 there was a production made called Ye Olden Days. Does anyone have any information about this? I have heard that this production was also called Mickey's Royal Battle. Please let me know, I am very curious.
I believe it is on the "Robin Hood" Disney Gold Collection DVD as an extra. This was the DVD released in 2000, not the newest version ("Most Wanted" edition.)

That's all I know (which is a heckuvalot more than I usually know!)
Thanks Donna,

I was just wondering about it because I have an 8 mm reel of film with " Mickey's Royal Battle" on it. My dad was born in 1939 and his aunt gave it to him as a present. It is in black and white and the only things I could find were in color and named " Ye Olden Days". I appreciate your input. Any little bit helps!!! :wizard:
Hi! if you google "ye olden days cartoon" you can watch it on youtube & visit the IMDB page for more info on the cartoon. Hope this helps.
Thank you, Wedway. I have googled it, but I'm not seeing anything like what I have. Mine is black and white and starts out with Mickey on a donkey and then a picture of a tower... Thank you though. :)


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