Yippee! Our much needed MAW trip at GKTW Dec. 5-16

Well, we've had an amazing trip so far with lots of magic. We are supposed to leave Friday but the last couple days have been unfortunately eventful. I slipped and fell getting out of the tub and broke my ankle and foot. :sad2: I have to go to an orthopedic surgeon tomorrow and am praying I don't need surgery like the urgent care doc thought. I'm so lucky we purchased trip insurance before we left, but it won't last long enough for a surgery and we're still in the first 90 days with J's job. Now poor J will have to finish packing and moving by himself. And because our house has brick steps to get into I can't go home. I don't know what to do since I'm totally unable to care for myself alone along with the kids and J needs to go back to work. I may have to stay at my dad's for awhile until my pain is better. J has been taking the kids to the parks while I'm in bed.

I'll do my best to update soon and get part of our trip report. Please pray and send thoughts it's not too serious.

:hug: Sending prayers for a speedy recovery.
Well, we've had an amazing trip so far with lots of magic. We are supposed to leave Friday but the last couple days have been unfortunately eventful. I slipped and fell getting out of the tub and broke my ankle and foot. :sad2: I have to go to an orthopedic surgeon tomorrow and am praying I don't need surgery like the urgent care doc thought. I'm so lucky we purchased trip insurance before we left, but it won't last long enough for a surgery and we're still in the first 90 days with J's job. Now poor J will have to finish packing and moving by himself. And because our house has brick steps to get into I can't go home. I don't know what to do since I'm totally unable to care for myself alone along with the kids and J needs to go back to work. I may have to stay at my dad's for awhile until my pain is better. J has been taking the kids to the parks while I'm in bed.

I'll do my best to update soon and get part of our trip report. Please pray and send thoughts it's not too serious.
I hope that it turned out that you didn't need surgery. I will be sending thoughts and prayers your way for a speedy recovery. Hope that you are able to get home and get everything done with the move etc.
So, so sorry to hear about your fall!!! Hopefully no surgery, just some time off of it and a walking boot for it to heal. Can't wait to hear about all the good magic in during your trip! Hope getting home went okay. Take care of yourself.
Just wanted to thank you all for your kind words, prayers and thoughts! It was not a fun way to spend the last few days of our trip but we made it through and still managed to have some fun. The trip home did not go the smoothest but we made it, with most of our things anyway. I didn't need surgery, at least not yet. I'm supposed to see the Dr. again and check on healing. Right now I'm still in pain and wearing an air walking boot. We got home and moved and my poor J has been working himself to death trying to get it all done. Hopefully the remainder will be finished today and on Monday. We are at my sister's for Christmas.

I will try to start working on my trip report soon! I have lots of pictures to sort through and am looking for my monitor calibrator and I hope I can find where it was packed soon! It's hard to move and unpack from a wheelchair!

Anyway, Merry Christmas everyone!!!
We'll be going on my DD's MAW trip in 40 days!

She is also a Wilms survivor. She had her left kidney and 10 cm tumor removed in April 2010. And May 2011 they found a new one on her liver. She's just finished chemo and had the second tumor removed in September.

I can't wait to hear about your trip!


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