You either get it or you don't. First PTR

Ahh my mum has thrown a kink into the works by saying she thought we could do two days at Universal...She never mentioned this before! I have no idea where to put it on the chart:confused3
I'm thinking to just leave it out and see what happens the second week?
I think by then we'll have favorite parks and what not so we can go on from there.
Ahh my mum has thrown a kink into the works by saying she thought we could do two days at Universal...She never mentioned this before! I have no idea where to put it on the chart:confused3
I'm thinking to just leave it out and see what happens the second week?
I think by then we'll have favorite parks and what not so we can go on from there.

I agree - leave it as an option instead of the third MK day. You'll have had two days at MK by the time you get to your IoA day, you may discover you like Universal a lot and want to check out their 2nd park. (You would probably have to add the 2nd day onto the ticket before you leave IoA that day though to pay the lower 2 day ticket price.)
I've done IoA and Univ in one day before. It depends on what interests you. Also some of the rides at both are not body size friendly so if you have any larger guests with you they literally may not be able to ride. (I find this frustrating.)

However of its your first time at both and you're interested in all of it you can easily spend a whole day in each park.
Thanks...It's never a finished product though! I find myself re-tweaking it on a daily basis!

This is so true. I use google doc's and constantly update mine on my phone as I make changes or have ideas. Lol.

Oh, that never changes. I'm planning my ninth trip, and though its certainly become easier as we've learned the touring style we prefer, I do find myself going over it for several months. I do usually find that I arrive at a place where the tweaking no longer improves the plan, (one spot gets better while another spot gets worse) and so usually do settle at some point.

Though I don't remember if I mentioned this earlier, please keep it in mind:
1) Having a plan is always better than not.
2) There is no right or perfect plan.
3) A plan is fine, but be flexible in the moment.
Oh, that never changes. I'm planning my ninth trip, and though its certainly become easier as we've learned the touring style we prefer, I do find myself going over it for several months. I do usually find that I arrive at a place where the tweaking no longer improves the plan, (one spot gets better while another spot gets worse) and so usually do settle at some point.

Though I don't remember if I mentioned this earlier, please keep it in mind:
1) Having a plan is always better than not.
2) There is no right or perfect plan.
3) A plan is fine, but be flexible in the moment.

Yeah I think I'm at that moment now where if I tweak it just a tiny bit it messes up another day...I'm just going to leave it for a few days then come back to it and see!
The plan isn't set in stone. More than anything I just want us to stick to the parks set out on the plan as they are based on crowd levels but we shall see:confused3

12 weeks and 6 days to go!
Feels like its years away.
I've done IoA and Univ in one day before. It depends on what interests you. Also some of the rides at both are not body size friendly so if you have any larger guests with you they literally may not be able to ride. (I find this frustrating.)

However of its your first time at both and you're interested in all of it you can easily spend a whole day in each park.

I did read that somewhere. I am hoping though by summer my family won't have to worry about that. My mum has set out on a lets get healthy for Disney World diet and so far lost two stone and I've changed my lifestyle for a more healthier one the last few months and lost 50 so hoping all will be well!
I think we will split it into two. Though IOA I am only really interested in TWWOHP though Universal looks a lot of fun! I love my rollercoasters:)
Thanks for the tips!
Its been a few days since I was last on here :o
But my host kids are on Spring Break so I've been keeping them entertained!
Went to the Disney Store today and was sensible and put money on a gift card...I think this will help me with saving money for the trip!
Going to take the second day at Universal my friend was telling me about the rides and I have to go give them a go!
Hope everyone is having a great week!
I did have a question but I can't remember it right now. I will post it if I remember!
Agree with the two days for universal. Especially in summer, one won't be enough. I think as long as you have two days for each Disney park you will be fine.
Agree with the two days for universal. Especially in summer, one won't be enough. I think as long as you have two days for each Disney park you will be fine.

The longer I think about it the more I agree. The initial excitment of to Disney World for that long is wearing off and I'm realizing the family might hate me if I make them go more!
Just got to redo the schedule a bit to fit in the days and then its sorted.

Sorry that I've been MIA but my host kids had Spring Break and it was go, go, go.

Back to normal again. So I can spend my days re planning and redoing the Disney stuff.
Just want it to be here already!
Hello anyone that might, kinda, maybe still be around?
Its been awhile but work has been crazy and after booking the ADR's planning well slowed right down.
I cant believe I have less than 30 days to be reunited with two of my favorite things my family and WDW of course!

The last time I was at Disney World (Jan of this year) I brought my first pin set it was Nightmare Before Christmas themed as I have a love for that film that will never die and I think it has created a beast. I always collected Hard Rock Cafe pins so I knew it was already in blood but now I keep buying Disney pins and my bank account is hurting x(

Anyway I'm super excited. The plan is done, the ADR'S are booked and I have started packing (yes already!)
Can it just be here already?
I'm already not sleeping because of the excitement!

Oh and one of the pins I managed to get this week was the pin I was going to hunt every corner of Disney World for! The Tangled (Rapunzel) Shoe from the Princess collection. I love Tangled so anything related to that I'm going to be all over!
Your trip sounds like it's going to be lovely! I hope you have a great time with your family! :)
Thank you both.
I feel like this is the longest countdown of my life.
I am currently trying to convince the family that we should see Monster University on the first night as it will keep them up and get them into the time zone and plus we get there the day it comes out...:thumbsup2
I really don't think I can convince them to do a park the first evening so its the next best thing!
Hey. Nothing really new to report I did however by a notebook today so I can keep track of everything we do each day. I've decided to try (I stress the TRY) and write and interesting TR.
So I'm currently sat in Starbucks writing out the days and ADR's in the notebook.
Only have 25 days till I go. So close yet so far away.
I'm tempted to buy some more pins as well. I don't want to know how into trading I'm going to get in the parks...:rotfl2:
Hey. Nothing really new to report I did however by a notebook today so I can keep track of everything we do each day. I've decided to try (I stress the TRY) and write and interesting TR.
So I'm currently sat in Starbucks writing out the days and ADR's in the notebook.
Only have 25 days till I go. So close yet so far away.
I'm tempted to buy some more pins as well. I don't want to know how into trading I'm going to get in the parks...:rotfl2:

I think the secret to a good trip report is lots of pictures. That and being a good storyteller, which is something you either are or you aren't, but the lots of pictures you can do either way.
Two weeks to go. So close yet so far away.
Kinda been slacking in the whole planning compartment.
I mean in terms of printing of ADR times, the plan and just anything trip related so shall start that this week.
The suitcase is out and gathering bits and pieces already.
I don't think I can take the next two weeks of waiting!
So my counter says a week but I see it as more as six days.
Spoke to my family on Skype yesterday my mum is really anxious about the flight and how she and the youngest sister will handle it. Apparently when my mom asked her what she would like to keep her entertained on the flight she put her hands on her hips and said I don't need anything I have you guys and Disney World to keep me busy.
I've been chucking stuff into my suitcase all week. Its a mess but I can't really pack at the moment as I don't have much Summer gear as I lost 60lbs this year so I'm slowly restocking the wardrobe.
I watched on Netflix last night one of the documentaries on Disney World and may have started to tear up. I'm so excited for this trip.
I still need to get one of those water bottles that collapses when empty so it takes up less space but I'm trying to find the cheapest one as money is tight as I'm saving for the trip.
This has been a random post but I felt like updating.
Pictures of suitcases and notebooks to follow.
This time next week I'll be with the family hopefully enjoying some Fish and Chips DTD :cool1:
pixiedust:OH MY GOSH IT HAS ARRIVEDpixiedust:

I haven't actually had a chance to really process what is about to take place as my host mom has kept me busy today. I think more than anything to stop the day from dragging for me. I had to deal with dentist appointments, sick kids, grocery shopping and trying to finish packing with the children in my room going through everything. I was ready to go loopy:sad:

Anyway tomorrow I will be getting up at six thirty to drive to O'hare airport where I will fly to Orland and if everything runs smoothly wait ninety minutes :( for my families plane from the UK to arrive.

I then plan to surprise the littlest sister who things I am arriving next week for only three days. I'm already crying thinking about it!!!

I finished printing all my plans, ADR'S and tickets so now I wait...

Oh here's the final product of ADR's and the plan!

I am currently sipping on warm milk and hoping that at some point I will nod of to that's going to happen!
Its okay though I have Aladdin and Ariel to keep me entertained tonight:hyper:

Anyway that's it I think. I have my notebook already to keep all my memories from the trip in and hopefully if I feel confident enough I'll write a trip report :s


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