YourRide rate change?


Disney Fanatic
Jun 9, 2002
Just curious about the rate changes at YourRide (and, looking at Tiffany Town Car's website, they seem to have gone up too). When are the effective as of? Will our reservations be at the old price or the new price.

We're happy with either one - YourRide is the best! :) ;)
Yes we have raised our prices. All the other Companies have raised there prices and Disney raised there prices too. We have been at the same prices for 2 years. We are still lower
then all the rest of the other Companies!! So if this is a inconvenience I am sorry. For all of you that have already made Reservations with us and gotten your Conformation back the prices will be at the old prices..I started the new pricing on 10/10/02..Plus don't forget that there is still the $5.00 off coupon for you to print up to bring with you... Thank You Rabbit :wave:
I just checked Tiffany's site and they are $90.00 round trip to MK resorts same as Yourride not more.
Actually, Happy Limo is $80 RT and with the $5 off coupon it is only $75! So, not everyone has raised their prices.
Happy Limo has a 15min grocery stop, we give you 30min. H/Limo charges you for car seats!! We don't. H/Limo also charges you a gate fee!! WE don't.... Rabbit. :wave:
If we booked at the old price should we bring a copy of the confirmaton with us?? I had no idea the prices went up until I saw this post! I don't think I would save money by using Happy Limo, boy have I seen some awful reviews about them!!
Yeah, Rabbit mentioned in his original post that if you made reservations before 10/10, he'd honor the original price, I'm bringing my confirmation along with me (along with all my other vacation information!) I'm going to need a notebook pretty soon!!
Thanks Jeanny! I already have my notebook! LOL! I will bring it just in case, along with my coupon!


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