ZW's Birthday Gala: Part 11 - Tastes Like Dish Water


<font color=red>Eivl <font color=navy>Emperor<br><
Jul 30, 2002
OK other than the little boating inversion shopping was fun. The kids decided Mom needed a little ceramic beagle to help her remember the beagle at home – with a beagle / house sitter. This was mostly Blair’s idea and would become even cuter Christmas morning.

We had figured that the trip to Disney would be a big part of the whole present deal – wrong. We got all kinds of stuff and it needs wrapping. So we set to work after the kids got to sleep. We have Santa paper and we have us paper. I have never been able to figure out how it is a big deal if we happen to buy the same paper as Santa but apparently it is a big issue.

The day before, the day before Christmas, also known as Kim’s Birthday Eve, we were scheduled to meet Buz, Mattsmon & Co. for an illuminations cruise. (This is the Navy of the aforementioned two state, five line dialing bonanza mentioned in the pre trip report.)

Diane and Harold (aka Mattsmom & Buz) invighted us to come over to there place and have pizza before the cruise. Good plan we can start the beer exchange earlier!

I loaded up my carry on of contraband beers, also mentioned before, and we walked over to Beach Club Villas. Typically one to one and a half pizza is enough for all six of us. Buz bought about 1,975,237 pizzas. I have never seen so much pizza.

On the other hand they have three teen age boys. They may have had left over pizza at breakfast but beyond that I don’t think the pizza lasted very long.

Two of the three types of beer I brought were stouts. Kim likes a stout. Buz doesn’t. Sorry Buz, oh well more for us. Buz on the other hand had a vast and wonderful array of malt beverages.

It was almost a religious experience for me. I opened the fridge and there was a Celis White!


Celis White is one of my all time top 5 maybe 3 favorite beers. It is right up there with Hop Devil.

Originally it was brewed in Austin Texas. In the micro brew bubble Miller needed a quality brand. They bought Celis. But Miller couldn’t figure out how to make money with a micro beer so the closed it down. Or maybe just the idea of beer with and actual flavor was too much for them to grasp.

Anyway I hadn’t seen a Celis White in two years (and I have close personal friend in the beer business getting me deals.) Celis is a wheat beer with hints of clove and nutmeg in the nose. Light body but with a nice little nip for a finish. I love Celis.

Most folks hate it, but then most folks think Miller Lite is in fact beer. New flash people Miller Lite may be less filling but it tastes like dish water, no matter what the ads says it is not beer.

I poured a glass of Celis.

It was heaven.

Buz had a nice Rogue Dead Guy Ale too, a little tiny 22 oz bottle. I don’t recall anyone else wanting any and once it was open…. well a hand crafted beer like this…. I had to do the right thing by it and slug it down. It had nice full body, strong malt taste and feel and hopped up, great finish. (

I had a great time.

I think everyone else was having a good time too. I can’t really say for sure I was savoring the beers Buz brought up. Kim forced some Brooklyn Chocolate Stout on him but it wasn’t his mug of beer. Buz isn't a stout kind of a guy. Memo to me: next time don't bring Buz stouts.

Buz won the beer exchange hands down, well unless you consider the fact that I actually had more fun drinking his beers than everyone else combined.

The kids made a ton of noise. Delaney 6 was playing Chris 19 in some Game Cube game. It was very loud. Delaney considers Nintendo to be a full contact, full volume, sport similar to the Super Bowl in player intensity.

The larger teen age boys haven’t had a lot of six year old girls around. It isn’t their fault - they were un-prepared – A six year old girl is the master of the know universe. That is: she is the master and she lets the universe know it. Delaney had them wrapped around her little finger in minutes.
It was cute.

Anyway at some point we headed out to the dock. There was another party boat going out for a birthday party. The CM discreetly asked if it was my wife who the birthday flowers were ordered for.

“Nope I am way too cheap for flowers.” I said nice and loud so the other boat could hear. Hey may as well make the guy look even better in his wife’s eyes right? I can just hear him now, “See that other jerk didn’t even get his wife flowers! – and he seems to have had a few beers too.”

I don’t think he knew we all tie up together to watch the fire works.

Hey! Hey! Hey! I hear you out there in internet land saying, “Hey Zurg you should have got her flowers!”

Dudes – I got her an extra 100 BWV DVC points!

Flowers on top of that would only make her suspicious that I may be up to no good.

That is my story and I am sticking to it.

Illuminations was great. It was very cool a few days later too. Diane was in the Hot Seat and when they asked her the best thing she had done this trip she said the Illuminations Cruise.

So your honor, I rest my case, I couldn’t have had that many beers.

If you ever get the chance to hang out the Buz & Mattsomom, eat pizza, savor a few select beers and see Illuminations from a party boat, GO FOR IT!

It is one of the best nights you can have at Disney World! It was Magic.

Oh and getting off the boat we walked right into more.
shopping and cruising...sounds like fun to me:D
I am so happy I logged in thinking I could read a good trip report - and I found yours. looks like dinner is going to be late!

enjoying your reports (as always) - off to read more

thanks for posting!


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