ZW's Birthday Gala: Part 14 - You WHAT on Santa's Lap?


<font color=red>Eivl <font color=navy>Emperor<br><
Jul 30, 2002
Magic Kingdom wasn’t all that bad (in the morning.) The gates opened nice and early and we stopped into Town Hall to see anyone knew if Safari Stave.

We ask all the time, every where. He is never there, in fact we have never met a cast member who has heard of the guy.


Not at Hunted Mansion!
Not at Jungle Cruise!
Not on Main Street!.

I don’t think the guy really exists. I think he is some character made up by Pete. Except he knows people we know in sort of Twilight Zone kind of a way, but this is Magic Kingdom not MGM.

Anyway no Safari Steve but Goofy sings Kim Happy Birthday on the phone. Even though they are looking at as a little funny for asking about some fictitious Safari Steve they give Kim a button that says it is her Birthday. We leave as their looks turn toward that ‘They have imaginary friends’ glare.

The birthday button is a little redundant, Zurgswife is wearing hat that looks like a huge birthday cake. The candles light up, but only for a few seconds at time. The Christmas tree hat lights up and stays lit. I looked into the innards and it didn’t look like an easy hack to make the cake stay on.

We do Buzz’s Spin a few times, Space Mountain, Pooh, Dumbo, PhilharMagic, Peter Pan, Hunted Mansion, Splash, Big Thunder, Pirates, Tiki Room and Jungle Cruise before the park starts getting too crowded. When we get off the rivers of the world, all of the sudden it was real crowded.

We must have been a step ahead of the crowd all day, because we hadn’t waited for anything but as we walked out of Jungle Cruise every thing had a line, even the trash can.

We left for Boardwalk.

As the bus drives out, we see the parking lots are full to overflowing. They are turning cars around at the tool booth gateway. MK is closed.

I can’t imagine what the lines for the ladies rooms are like.

I hope the ranting woman from the bus is in a real long one.

We have a Christmas Eve tradition of making cookies and taking them to people who have to work in public service. Typically we give them to the local cops.

Not ones to break with tradition we had made cookie dough at home and brought it down frozen and kept it frozen. (One of the perks of carrying insulin is it is easy to get a free hotel refrigerator to keep the cookie dough cold. One of the perks of frozen cookie dough is it keeps the insulin in the inside of the cooler cold while you travel.) While we ate lunch, we cooked up a few batches of cookies.

We gave our pals at Community Hall a batch. We gave our buddies at Bell Services a batch. We gave our friends the Front Desk a batch. We became the cookie people instead of the BadShoe people for a little while.

What can I say, sucking up is an art form.

Kim’s Dad gave her some money and she booked herself a massage as a birthday treat. BONUS she booked one for me too.

OK this has to be the best thing ever. I was starting to feel a little warn down by all the park hopping, millionaire thinking, walking, coffee making me smarter, schlepping, listening to the bus lady, walking, etc... The masseuse practically ripped my arms out of their sockets, but when she was done, I felt great.

The big event planned for the evening was the Candlelight Processional. Connor was dead tired. Poor kid was beat. He slept all afternoon.

Maybe I should have had his arms ripped out of their sockets instead of mine. He didn’t want to move. I think his body was having a rough time working out all the extra walking, new insulin levels, and fool intake.

The good news was his blood chemistry was measuring out OK. The bad news was he didn’t want to get up.

In any other situation I would have let him rest. BUT we had Candlelight Processional dinner tickets and Mom was REALLY looking forward to this. So we rented a wheel chair at the entrance to Epcot. To get him there I pushed him in the stroller.

I can just hear all the posts griping about a ten year old in a stroller. ‘He should be walking at that age.’ Get a clue. He needed it.

He perked up as we rolled him around and we all loved the Candlelight Processional. It was great. I had chills it was so good. There were hundreds of singers, an orchestra and one sign language guy.

I would have never believed that someone could sing in sign language but boy this guy could only be singing. He was cool. The whole thing was very cool.

We met up with Buz & Co after the show. They were a few seats back and all walked over to Canada. Both families were having dinner there. We had hoped we could sit together and maybe get in a little early. No dice. Fair enough the place was busy.

Unfortunately Connor was crashing like a ton of bricks again.

When we made the PS in August he didn’t have diabetes (well maybe it had started I don't know.) We could be a little relaxed about eating times.

When he was diagnosed we added a note about his condition to the PS. They did what they could. They said they could get the six of us in at two tables, one 4 one two.

“Done.” I said.

My plan was Diabetes boy sits first and orders ASAP. We gave him a menu a while ago. He is ready. The guy starts us back, stops and said they couldn’t stand us having to sit apart they got us all at one table. Nice. The got Connor some bread as soon as he sat down and he started to perked up again.

We had a nice dinner fairly quickly as the staff really made an effort to not only get Connor fed fast but all of us as well so we could have a nice family dinner. Cool. Very cool. Fueled back up Connor is feeling OK. We are learning that Connor needs to be fed like clock work, no slipping the time on the feeding.

We wheeled and friendship shipped Conner back to Boardwalk where we had a message. The boat would be at the dock if we wanted to go. Oh yeah! Jeff! Cool.

Connor was feeling a little better so off we went. It was cold. We took heavy coats. Jeff brought extra blankets. Nothing like cold air, fireworks and corny jokes to make us all feel like it was Christmas. It was a great Christmas Eve and a very Happy Birthday.

The typical illumination cruise is to float around for a while, tie up to watch the fireworks and float around a little more. We joked about funny stuff that happens in the parks as we boated over to Epcot. CM have great stories but I am not repeting any of them. Yes we guest are stupid the CMs have the stories to prove it.

Jeff had some special stuff for the trip. First was a game, where we try to figure out phrases from pictures – like solving the puzzle on the old concentration TV game show. (Yes I am that old.) We stank at it but that made it even more fun.

Coming home after the fireworks Jeff stops in the middle of the lake and said he had a special song for us. Jeff knows class when he sees it.

We ain’t it. He can see that too.

We were practically crying we were laughing so hard. The song was:
I Farted on Santa's Lap Now Christmas is Gonna Stink for Me

I know you are not going to believe this is a real song so here is Amazon’s link to the song:
click here

Now telling jokes about Santa and gas may not be very nice but the I figured it this way: by this time Santa was already in route and a little laugh at his expense wasn’t going to change any of the naughty or nice standings.

It was an exhausting day but we had a great time. Back at the dock we all said good night and Merry Christmas to Jeff. Jeff doesn’t have family in Orlando and was working the next day so someone with family wouldn’t have to.


He sure seems like family to us. We'll look him up.

Off to make sure the stockings were hung on the cutoff door with care in hope that Saint Nick would soon be there. The kids were still giggling through new favorite Holiday Classic, ….Now Christmas is Gonna Stink for Me!

Not likely. Santa has some surprises.
Originally posted by Zurg
Coming home after the fireworks Jeff stops in the middle of the lake and said he had a special song for us. Jeff knows class when he sees it.

We ain’t it. He can see that too.

No. You're wrong about that. You're the classiest family I know. I think everyone here on the DIS would agree.
Thanks Zurg,

I hope I can get Jeff when I go down at Christmas this year. Thatw ould be so cool.

I'm so glad your family had a nice time...:earsgirl:
Hi, Zurg! Love the trip reports.

Poor Conner--I know how he feels. I'm hypoglycemic and with all that walking, our trips to WDW feel like a constant search to keep me fed! My family has learned that even if I say I'm not hungry, load me up anyway because the crash will be coming soon. Well, it is a license to eat pretty much 24 hours a day...but it's really not worth it.

Keep the reports coming!
I Farted on Santa's Lap Now Christmas is Gonna Stink for Me Too funny, loved your long day, can't wait unitl I read the next installment.
Love your reports. Can't believe people would be critical of a child in a stroller. There are many reasons for an older child to be in a stroller. You provided a prime example and Delswife gave another when Em had her "wrash". I guess SIL and the woman on the bus might have something to say - For them the term "up yours" comes to mind.

I can't wait until your family and Delswife's family gets together and meet in WDW.
It feels like the anticipation for another "Harry Potter" novel to be released. We all need a countdown meter for the days until Zurg and Delswife post their trip reports. I can't wait:Pinkbounc


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