Child-free, but not by choice?

First of all, thank you to Nennie who started this thread. Good luck with the RE!
To Mickey8888, thank you for sharing your story. I started reading about your healthy preemie, and was so sad to see the part about SIDS. My heart goes out to you.

I had 2 sons, and one is currently a healthy 7 year old, the product of fertility drugs and treatments. The second pregnancy seemed to occur as soon as DH and I mentioned trying for another. I was thrilled to avoid hormone treatments and fertility drugs the second time around! But I didn't feel well. I was extremely tired during the early months of pregnancy #2, and I felt dizzy from time to time. At about 20 weeks, my OB noticed that my blood pressure was slightly elevated. I asked if it could be pre-eclampsia, and he said it could be, but that it was unusual for this to happen so early, especially in a second pregnancy following a healthy first pregnancy. To make a long story short, I was eventually flown to hospital about 2 hours from my home, and spent 4 weeks keeping my little guy alive. I gave birth to a beautiful, 1 pound, 15 ounce preemie on December 28,
2001. Unfortunately Ben was not a "healthy preemie." He was on a ventilator for about 10 weeks, had to undergo several surgeries, and required oxygen and a feeding tube for the rest of his 16 month life. He never spoke or walked, but he gave me, DH, and DS 7 (then DS 2)so many smiles and so much love. He passed away on April 30, 2003.
Last March we took our first trip to WDW. I thought of Ben so much, and wished he could be with us. He would have loved it! I knew that we never could have made the trip with Ben, as he had too many medical issues to travel that far from our home in Ohio. It may sound like it was a sad trip, but for the most part I was happily ensconced in the magic of Disney. Watching my DS (then 6) taking it all in was a major thrill for me. The only time I felt truly sad was during IllumiNations - we sat near a mom and dad with 2 sons. One seemed to be a typical boy, about 6 or 7 years old, and the younger brother had special needs, including the need for oxygen. At that moment I wished desperately that we could be like them, a family of 4 enjoying the magic together.
We are returning to WDW in 28 days! Like you, I enjoy seeing so many kids having such a wonderful time. I know I am blessed to have my 7 year old, and am doubly blessed to have had 16 months with Ben.
Best wishes to everyone!

I realise this thread has been going for a while now but I have only just come across it. I just wanted to add something - if that is ok. DH and I can't have children and no it isn't a choice. We have known for a while now but time doesn't make it any easier.

I am addicted to Disney (DH puts up with me:) )and going each time and seeing children there smiling and laughing is hard. Mind you, DH is a big kid anyway! I am regularly very down about it all and can't really tell him how I feel as I hate making him feel guilty. But each month is a reminder of what I am never going to experience and it just gets harder and harder.

I admit though that never having been pregnant is probably easier than those of you who have and lost - I really feel for you guys.

I don't really know what else to say.
NOTES FROM MODERATOR: Removed quote from deleted post.

Speaking of "keeping comments to themselves"...kindly do the same. I started this thread so that those of us who have struggled with infertility or lost children could support each other.

Please respect that. Thanks!
I'm still waiting for AF, so I can start my injects. Fingers are crossed!! Our trip to WDW in May will either be a celebration or a consolation prize!! LOL!!

In the meantime, I have also begun the process to become a foster mom. The training process, etc, takes about 6 months, so it will be a while until we are licensed, and then I'm not sure how long after that to get a placement, but I'm eager to learn about it as we go along.

Sanibel Spirit -- Thanks for weighing in! For what it's worth I don't think that it's worse for those who have lost children than it is for you. While we grieve our losses, you grieve for the children/pregnancies that you've never had. I know that it gets hard to see the children laughing and having a great time, so when I'm in one of my "moods" I definitely avoid fantasy land, and end up going to Jelly Rolls and getting snockered instead! ;)

MAK -- I am so sorry to hear about your precious little Ben!! I'm glad that you still enjoy WDW, and of course can understand how there are times when you can't help but think of how things "should be". Bless you and your family!

Traci -- congrats on your success (times two)! Thank you also for the kind thoughts and positive energy. I promise not to give up!!

DisneyDoll -- Although you have certainly traveled a rough road, you seem to be at peace, and I am very happy for you. You sound like you have a lot of love to give as a "bonus parent" and I'm sure you receive a lot of love in return as well!

Aclov -- Best wishes on your cycle!!! I'll be sure to drop you a PM to chat!!
I'm still waiting for AF, so I can start my injects. Fingers are crossed!! Our trip to WDW in May will either be a celebration or a consolation prize!! LOL!!

I will keep you in my thoughts and check in form time to time. Keep us posted.

I hope your trip is a CELEBRATION!! :wizard:
NOTES FROM MODERATOR: Removing quote from deleted post.

Maybe I am misunderstanding you. Are you actually telling women who desperately want to give their love to a child of their own, but are unable to do so, to keep their comments to themselves? If so, I am astonished.
From the bottom of my heart, I apologize if what I wrote came out wrong. I was just trying to SUPPORT your comments. I was referring to what you said in your inital post about other people making comments about how could you go to Disney with all the children around. Not, you expressing your feelings. I feel terrible that it came out wrong.
I'm still waiting for AF, so I can start my injects. Fingers are crossed!! Our trip to WDW in May will either be a celebration or a consolation prize!! LOL!!

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you as well. I hope you get a celebration trip but our trip last August was pretty good as a consolation trip so I understand your planning mentality well. Keep us posted.

I went for IUI last Thurs. so I've got my fingers crossed as well.

Thanks to all of those who've shared their stories since I last read this thread. It does help to know that we're not alone. Plus, I figure that this way I can be happy and excited if any of us are successful.
Smoof -- Thanks for clarifying, and I'm glad it was just a post that came out wrong. I was thinking "is this person telling me to stop whining that my son passed away?" and was really confused! Thanks for coming back to explain!

Traci -- Thanks so much for the kind words and well wishes! I hope I'm posting good news next month!

Hematite -- Crossing my fingers for you BIG TIME!!!!! I will be thinking of you, and hoping for that BFP!!! Please, please keep us posted!!!
perhaps this isn't any help at all, but I am a single parent of two wonderful daughters who have begun their own lives. The final tearing away of the umbilical cord is a situation I'm still struggling with. That's why I decided to do WDW solo now because I'm alone. I know the pain of not having children must be devestating,but there are many devestating changes involved with raising children also.
hematite, GOOD~LUCK!!! :wizard: We are wishing morning sickness for you and Nennie on your upcoming Disney trips :) :)

One of my dear friends had IVF last week. She had also been struggling with her weight and her RE wouldn't do it until she had lost some. Well she finally made it to that point and they did their first round on Friday. They have had many failed IUI attempts so we are hoping these stick (doc implanted 2 eggies)!!

Smoof, thank you so much for the clarification on your post. It made sense when you explained it - sometimes it's hard to understand what someone is saying with just a keyboard :)

Again, I am wishing the best for you all - I hope your dream of a baby is granted and all of the wonderful things that follow.
Still waiting on the witch! I'm on CD35 and just hoping it gets here soon. And yes I tested, just to make sure! LOL! In other news, we have our initial meeting with the foster care case worker next week. I'm interested to learn more about the process.

Traci -- Thanks so much for the well wishes! Best of luck to your friend on her IVF cycle as well!!

Hematite -- You cheating and testing early or waiting til beta? Fingers are crossed!

Best wishes to everyone!
Hematite -- You cheating and testing early or waiting til beta? Fingers are crossed! least for now. Negative tests are too depressing to risk false negatives. Of course, I usually end up breaking down before I get there, but I want to wait.

Good luck on your own cycle.... Fingers crossed that the wait means something good.
I can remember it was a little less then a year after we lost our beloved son Dylan that I wasn't feeling right and I went to the doctor they did a preg. test. I'll never forget this, DH and I went back in the waiting room to wait the nurse called us and said I know how much this means to you guys blah blah blah and I'm glad to tell you your pregnet! Yeah we were overly excited we swore we wouldn't tell a soul until I was 3 months along to be safe, heck with that we wanted to scream from the mountain tops we told everyone. We went to the store and looked at baby stuff and everything. A few weeks past I went back to the doctor becasue now I have my cycle (how can this be happening) I went back to the dr. they did another test I wasn't pregnet!!!!!! I'm was crying screaming thinking I miscarried -- nope I had a false positive test!!!!!!!!!!!! Hopefully in the near future we can have children again, I so hope!!! January I will be 30 and its like wow I'm almost 30 and no children yet. But I keep telling myself there are people a lot older then me having babies, so almost 30 means nothing.

Well I went to my GYN today for my yearly exam and she talked me into trying Glucophage to see if it will help me lose some weight :scared: , start having a period again :eek:, and she even said that pregnancy word again. I'm gonna give this a try. I don't have high hopes, because nothing else has helped, but we'll see :sad2: . There were so many pregnant women in her office today, that I thought about drinking the water to see if there was anything in there that would help. :rotfl: :lmao:

PrincessSuzanne princess:

Sorry to stick my nose in on your thread, but it's pretty close to home for me (although we didn't go through as much as most of you here have been through) My OB/GYN put me on Glucophage for PCOS after we hadn't been able to get pregnant for a year. It definitely helped with weight loss, although the diarrhea it can give you is a bit much sometimes :) I was on it for 9 months when I got pregnant. After 8 failed rounds of Clomid, we decided to take a break for a while (Clomid makes me a bit cranky....), and the month when I was only on the Glucophage was the month I got pregnant.

Good luck. My fingers are crossed for you all.

I do not know how hard it is to go through all the infertility treatments and I am sure it is! But I do know how hard it is overcome the fact that I would not have bio kids. I have Premature Ovarian Failure (I'm 26). My ovaries stopped working when I was 14. So, I have always known that it would be hard, if not impossible. I found out for sure after I did a week long study at the National Institutes Of Health. I was 22 at the time. I had been married for 2 years (yes, I am a young'n and got married when I was 20!).

Anyway, I feel blessed in some ways for not having to go through fertility treatments, on the other hand, I could never have the hope of getting pregnant.

Fast forward to today and we have a beautiful 2 1/2 year old daughter we adopted from Guatemala when she was 10 months old. International adoption is very expensive but chose that route after a failed domestic adoption (will never go that route again). I am so glad our hearts led us to Guatemala. I know that I could never love a bio child any more than I love her. I also know that she was meant for our family. It's amazing the similarities she has to my husband and I even though she looks nothing like us.

Have faith and be strong that everything will work at as it is supposed to. Easier said than done, I know. Good luck through your treatments. If I could have, I would be doing fertility treatments as well but I am so glad I chose not to be child-free. I was meant to be a mom and I know my Guatemalan princess was meant to be my daughter.
I forgot to add in my previous post that you see children and pregnant women everywhere so what difference does it make at WDW? I was never upset at seeing children but pregnant women were hard for me to look at. It was/is still hard when a friend tells me she's pregnant. I'm happy for her but at the same time there is this pain in knowing that won't ever be me. Even though I am happy and satisfied with adoption, I think there is that longing that won't quite ever go away. I've heard it gets easier with time and it has but I hope it gets better.
well after reading some of this posts and drying my eyes from the stories i see. i wish all you luck and happiness. i too like jen in nh have pcos and went to fer dr in sept of 2002 and with a few diifferent med and things had my 1st iui on nov 14th and two weeks later was prego with twins. i feel very lucky that it look the 1st time and i was 2 great daughters.
my heart and my prayers go to all of u
Nennie, I hope things go well for you. Although I am not in exactly the same boat as you are, I can certainly sympathize with you. We are working towards the same goal.

Jen in NH, Thank you for the encouragement. I haven't "officially" bee diagnosed with PCOS, because of my weight and my mother being diabetic, I may be Insulin Resistant. A Cyst was seen on an ultrasound after my first IUI in 2004, so I am suspecting that is a good possibility, and I do have other symptoms. I have found a wonderful board of women that are going through PCOS and they have offered some wonderful information for handling PCOS. The site is I am trying some of the herbs and vitamins that they talk about, but I am trying hard not to get my hopes up to high.

mickey8888- sorry about your loss, I know that must be hard to lose a child. My grandmother lost her youngest daughter when she was 41 and I know it was very traumatic for her even at that age. My grandmother was in her 70s. I am 33, will be 34 in June and so don't worry about just turning 30, as every one else tells me, "you have plenty of time".

emmismom05-I'm so glad you were able to be blessed with a wonderful daughter after such a bad experience. Adoption is just not a route I want to travel down. I have done alot of research and it just isn't for me. The expense (I just don't get that) and the horror stories just don't make it worth it for me. I want a newborn and you can't get a newborn from foreign countries and the requirements knock me out because of my weight issue and again the cost is really unreasonable.

momsoftwins- Thank you for the blessed story, it does add to the hope that the Metformin (Glucophage) works for me, plus the other things I have purchased from the Healthfood store. Some of the Soulcysters swear by them.

So far I have done well and I have solved the diarrhea issue (eat half of your meal, take the meds, then finish your meal).

Mischa-Where are you? Haven't heard from you in awhile. Hope you are doing well.

Best of Luck to everyone TTCing and Sending some Babydust to all

PrincessSuzanne princess:


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