You DISers are a bad influence! :D


Feb 20, 2007
Thanks to the recommendations I've found on DISboards :disrocks: In the last few days I have purchased:

TGM Membership

3 Silicone wristbands from Rekey Designs

2 Baggallini messenger bags from ebags for $52.98 on sale plus the google checkout bonus (one lime Tinkerbell :tink: green for DD and one periwinkle Cinderella blue for me)

1 pair pearl & pink Disney Crocs from Dick's sporting goods for $21.49 on sale plus google bonus under my second email address (I'll decide after I try them whether they are mine or DD's, they should fit both of us or, heck, I might order another pair and sign DH up for a google checkout bounus! ;) )

I probably wouldn't have made an appointment at Bibbidi Bibbidi Boutique and ADRs for a princess dinner if I hadn't read about them here. :)

I'm snowed in right now but as soon as I can get out I'll be going to steal...umm... I mean "liberate" some lime green Mickey heads from Home Depot!:rotfl:

Once we can get out to buy supplies DD and I are going to try making tie-dye Mickey head t-shirts. :)

ETA: I've also been listening to DISradio all day and hope I don't look too silly when my neighbor looks in my studio window and sees me chair dancing!

:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
Sounds like you have the Dis Fever:sick: , you may want to call your docter before it gets worse:lmao:
Happy planning and try not to go broke while doing it;)
OK - I have done all that too for our 1st trip to WDW, except the wristbands and DIS radio. Any information you want to share on those to get me set up as well? :laughing:
OMG, I totally thought I was obsessed, until I read the DIS boards. . .These people are lunatics. . .(p.s., I am certifiably crazy so no issues there. . .lol). Today I went and bought the unofficial guide to WDW and the Passporter. . .dang, I know I am a crazy first timer now. . .
OK - I have done all that too for our 1st trip to WDW, except the wristbands and DIS radio. Any information you want to share on those to get me set up as well? :laughing:

The DISradio link is at the top right of the forum index page. I didn't notice it at first but now I listen to it all day in my studio! :)
I can't find the thread now but I read about the silicone bracelets from Rekey Designs (just google it) and showed them to my DD15 who agreed to wear one instead of the traditional medical alert bracelet plus we ordered one with her name in the "Waltograph" font just for fun.
OMG, I totally thought I was obsessed, until I read the DIS boards. . .These people are lunatics. . .(p.s., I am certifiably crazy so no issues there. . .lol). Today I went and bought the unofficial guide to WDW and the Passporter. . .dang, I know I am a crazy first timer now. . .

I have the Unofficial Guide and the Passporter is on my list of things to look for if the snow ever stops long enough to get out of the house and get to the book store!:thumbsup2
OMG, I totally thought I was obsessed, until I read the DIS boards. . .These people are lunatics. .

Is it wrong to be obssessed about planning a trip for Seot '08? Thanks the DIS, I have started a trip planning binder, printed maps, have a book list & caught myself thinking yesterday, "If we sell the house, we can stay at AK for all 9 nights" :sick: I'm sick people. I need help. (Wonder how DF would feel about wearing a lime green tux?)
Happy Stamper they're a bad influence on me too (but thankyou for beinga bad influence!!). I am a quiet, fade into the background kind of person who would never normally do anything to attract attention to herself.

Since finding the lovely (but every so slightly mad) people on DIS I have posted a photo of me & Tigger on a public board, have a signature that doesn't exactly fade into the background, have decided to have a character breakfast with Pooh at Crystal Palace for my birthday next April and will be fostering a green focker croc on the same trip!

And I used to be so boring & sensible :rotfl2:

Thankyou to you all for bringing me out of my shell :thumbsup2
OK I didn't know about dis radio... thanks for adding to my addiction!:rotfl2:
So, I've missed the whole thing about the wristbands. I checked out the website, but still haven't a clue! :confused3 Just a fun thing to have, or does it serve a higher purpose? :worship:
So, I've missed the whole thing about the wristbands. I checked out the website, but still haven't a clue! :confused3 Just a fun thing to have, or does it serve a higher purpose? :worship:

The subject came up on the thread about ID for little kids in the parks should they get seperated from Mom & Dad and someone posted that they had these bracelets made with their cell phone # on it. You can order them with any wording you like on them plus they have tons of symbols to choose from. My DD15 has a siezure disorder and should wear a medic alert bracelet since she isn't always with mom, dad, big sister, or big brother anymore. I ordered a couple of the silicone wristbands with the "star of life" medical symbol and the pertinent info for her since they are much more "cool" than the standard metal bracelet. Just for fun I also ordered one with her name in the "Waltograph" font. :)
Well, welcome! We aim to make you a happy DISser! We are a value-added set of boards, that is for sure!
Oh talk about bad influence forget dinsey go to budget board and u end up buying stuff u thought u never needed but now cant live without!!


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