DISappearing Peeps...A fastpass to THIN! Part 3

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Sandy! I love that! How cute!

Sounds like Dixie Chicks, which I likey!!!

WHERE is that art-board? I'll go search.
:grouphug: Amy - Just follow your instinct, being there for her... and letting her have the cookies - also Kat posted some great fast food choices -

as for the bra - dd in 4th grade "needs" a bra, but hardly anyone else does... (I'm a mom I tried to pay attention) Well at first she was excited, I bought her 4 or 5 different styles... and then, I noticed she wasnt wearing them.. I kept my mouth shut - but when the Dance came along, and costumes, I knew I was going to have to say something... but the one mom did - cami's everyone is wearing camis, thank goodness they make some with the shelf bras!!!

ah HA!!

So go to Kohls and look for the camisoles with the shelf bras inside!! Everyone here wears them!!

I will definitely be getting some of those.She is only in the second grade but can rarely go without one.

forgot you cant edit a picture!! LOL Hey, I'll be 2 posts away from5600 - dh is really going to roll his eyes!

Uma - have I told you lately how much I appreciate your friendship, kindness, and spirit?!! :love:

oh, you have to go, scroll down from the WISH area - and at the sticky check out the "gallery" Julia&Nick's mom started it, I was in early on but didnt have photo shop - now I have photo shop and took one one hour class on how to "layer" designs.. but I've not played with it - like this one should say "bum" I think!!

I like some of these designs for the back of shirts - I do not like wearing man's tshirts - but what can I do? I have been known to take scissors to necklines and sleeves and fem it up a bit!

wonder if I couldnt do something with this?


but on the creative dis igns board they have this amazing, way cool way to dye a shirt with a swirl of MM - something to do with flour paste and spraying tye dye.. but the pictures are AWESOME!!
My DD started wearing a bra in the 2nd grade. She hates them. But then again so do I! The first thing to go when I get home. Everyone still laughs about a camping trip we did with the jr. high kids last year. The girls were in a cabin on stilts with me and the boys were below us in tents. It was very late, hot and pretty miserable. The boys would not shut up and the male leaders had gone to sleep in the van. So, after many warnings...my final warning was something like, "If I have to put my bra on and come down there, you guys are going to be very sorry!" Didn't hear another word after that, but the story has been told many times.
Hello to all --

Well after lurking for several months over on the DIS Disney Cruise boards and dreaming of a relaxing cruise with the mouse himself, I somehow found my way this morning over to the WISH board and this thread.

Talk about serendipity! :wizard:

About two weeks ago, I embarked on a crusade to get healthy. That means I need to exercise, eat better, and LOSE serious amounts of poundage. I’ve tried the whole weight loss thing before, but never really stuck to it for any amount of time. So I decided that I would raise my accountability level and tell some of the people in my life about my decision. However, after two weeks of trying (and mostly succeeding) to integrate healthier habits into my life and telling people what and how I was doing, I think that I have bent my friends and families ears as far as they will go. Sooooo, I hope that you won’t mind if I crash this thread for a little inspiration!

Anywho, a bit about me: I’m 27, have a desk job, and up until two weeks ago I was a certified couch potato (actually I think that I’d progressed from couch potato to one of those potatoes that you find rotting at the bottom of the drawer with the eyes growing out of it). But that’s all about to change… (Big Breath)… I hope. Scratch that, I know it will change.

I’ve been the “heavy friend” my whole life, but my weight absolutely ballooned about 6 or 7 years ago and has been creeping up and out of control ever since. So the real question is: why now? Well it’s been coming for a long, long time and there have been lots of little catalysts along the way (innocent and not so innocent comments, worry about fitting in plane seats, disgust at the fact that I plan my life and what I do around how much walking will be involved). However the real thing that started all of this was -- over Easter weekend I agreed to chaperon my younger sister and her friend for a girl’s weekend in NYC sometime in June. That was all well and good; I was excited about the shows and sightseeing. Then I realized – these girls are 17 yo and dance for an hour and a half each day. I will never keep up with them. Thus, I decided to dust off the treadmill and start walking and to make an effort to refine my diet.

I officially started two weeks ago yesterday and I am up to walking three miles on the TM and have lost 10 lbs!!!!! :cool1:

Now you may say – “5 lbs a week is bordering on too much weight loss” (??too much??), cuz we all know that slow and steady wins this race for the long term. BUT, I really haven’t done anything too extreme (although I guess that it is extreme for my body). I’ve been exercising for 30 – 60 minutes every evening at a moderate to brisk pace (for my little legs). I also am making sure to eat breakfast, proteins, whole grains, salads, and fruits/veggies. Take out is a rare treat and delivery is an absolute no-no. I’m still eating the stuff that I love (pizza, pizza, pizza), but limiting it to reasonable portions once or twice a week. My biggest change and challenge is that I gave up my sugary sodas. I’m a bit ashamed to admit this, but I realized yesterday (after weighing myself and being shocked at the big weight loss) that I had been consuming 700-1000 calories a day in soda and juice. AAACCCKKK! I don’t know how I never realized. I’ve substituted diet soda during the day (gotta love diet Pepsi) and water after 7 pm. I hope to be down to one or two diet sodas a day in a few months, but for now just drinking diet is a huge leap!

Wow, didn’t mean to have such a long first post! Sorry about that.

Welcome MJMouse and congrats on the weight loss!! I am pretty new to this thread as well, although not to the weight loss concept. Mine has been a life of rollercoastering.

I think that what you are doing sounds like a good plan. Just the cutting out of sodas, and starting to move and to eat healthier things, is a great way to start out. And, obviously its working for you!! Not just that, a lifestyle change is *definitely* better than a diet as it has a greater chance of sticking around for the long term.

Personally, I don't think 10 lbs is too much for the first 2 weeks, esp if you have a lot to lose.

I am a chatty-Kat so I post on here a lot... please feel free to jump in as much as you want or need to! Some of us have started posting what we eat daily just to help give others ideas.
Ok so I tried on my "one size down jeans" last night for the first time since losing the 7lbs. Still don't fit BUT they are a tad easier to get into. I really don't like any of them..they are all low rise from my single days on match.com!!! :rolleyes1 I just need to fit into them again for spite.

PUNKIN-how low were those shorts you bought at old navy?? Like we talked about before..I don't like low rise but don't like granny pants either. The jeans I have on now, and love, are just at my belly button. :goodvibes
:cool1: Welcome MJ - :cool1:

and really Kat :rotfl2: YOU chatty!! :rotfl2: You're just trying to make me feel better!!

I am Queen chatty!!

I agree with Kat, the first 2 weeks 10# loss (depending on starting weight of course!) is ok - but the real hard part, for me... is wanting to maintain that loss for the rest of the month... I mean seriously you and I both know that it is not realistic, but after what 6 weeks and stilll only a 12# loss... well then its time to just quit... again... and then I gain.... again..

But, I'm starting anew... again... I have Wendy in my head telling me no negative self talk... I have Dene running ahead of me - can you see her? I do... its inspiring me to run to the next tree... then walk... now see Dene... run to the end of that block, but then I heard her hunky trainer dude asking to run just to the next mailbox, then walk...

and I did it11 :cool1: Got 2 miles in at 23 min!!

I'll make that 1/2 marathon in Jan '08 yet!!

(and I too am Queen of couch potato multi tasker - I read flip channels and Dis too!! and eat... and put on the pounds! )

btw My name is Sandy - and I'm old (pushing 50 - I have 3 kids, DS'21, 19. and dd 10 - - thanks for noticing me!!
Did she have one of their special waxes while she was there???;)


Mickey Mouse has toes?
:lmao: :rotfl:

Hello to all --

Well after lurking for several months over on the DIS Disney Cruise boards and dreaming of a relaxing cruise with the mouse himself, I somehow found my way this morning over to the WISH board and this thread.

Talk about serendipity! :wizard:

About two weeks ago, I embarked on a crusade to get healthy. That means I need to exercise, eat better, and LOSE serious amounts of poundage. I’ve tried the whole weight loss thing before, but never really stuck to it for any amount of time. So I decided that I would raise my accountability level and tell some of the people in my life about my decision. However, after two weeks of trying (and mostly succeeding) to integrate healthier habits into my life and telling people what and how I was doing, I think that I have bent my friends and families ears as far as they will go. Sooooo, I hope that you won’t mind if I crash this thread for a little inspiration!

Anywho, a bit about me: I’m 27, have a desk job, and up until two weeks ago I was a certified couch potato (actually I think that I’d progressed from couch potato to one of those potatoes that you find rotting at the bottom of the drawer with the eyes growing out of it). But that’s all about to change… (Big Breath)… I hope. Scratch that, I know it will change.

I’ve been the “heavy friend” my whole life, but my weight absolutely ballooned about 6 or 7 years ago and has been creeping up and out of control ever since. So the real question is: why now? Well it’s been coming for a long, long time and there have been lots of little catalysts along the way (innocent and not so innocent comments, worry about fitting in plane seats, disgust at the fact that I plan my life and what I do around how much walking will be involved). However the real thing that started all of this was -- over Easter weekend I agreed to chaperon my younger sister and her friend for a girl’s weekend in NYC sometime in June. That was all well and good; I was excited about the shows and sightseeing. Then I realized – these girls are 17 yo and dance for an hour and a half each day. I will never keep up with them. Thus, I decided to dust off the treadmill and start walking and to make an effort to refine my diet.

I officially started two weeks ago yesterday and I am up to walking three miles on the TM and have lost 10 lbs!!!!! :cool1:

Now you may say – “5 lbs a week is bordering on too much weight loss” (??too much??), cuz we all know that slow and steady wins this race for the long term. BUT, I really haven’t done anything too extreme (although I guess that it is extreme for my body). I’ve been exercising for 30 – 60 minutes every evening at a moderate to brisk pace (for my little legs). I also am making sure to eat breakfast, proteins, whole grains, salads, and fruits/veggies. Take out is a rare treat and delivery is an absolute no-no. I’m still eating the stuff that I love (pizza, pizza, pizza), but limiting it to reasonable portions once or twice a week. My biggest change and challenge is that I gave up my sugary sodas. I’m a bit ashamed to admit this, but I realized yesterday (after weighing myself and being shocked at the big weight loss) that I had been consuming 700-1000 calories a day in soda and juice. AAACCCKKK! I don’t know how I never realized. I’ve substituted diet soda during the day (gotta love diet Pepsi) and water after 7 pm. I hope to be down to one or two diet sodas a day in a few months, but for now just drinking diet is a huge leap!

Wow, didn’t mean to have such a long first post! Sorry about that.


:cheer2: :welcome: WOW we were your first post! Any a nd all are welcome here. Sounds like you've got a good plan going! Keep up the good work! We post our weight "action" on Fridays Bold and at the top of your post please so that Utahthreadmama can keep a tally pretty easy...so far we have lost several toddlers along our journey- :lmao: that sounds so bad! :rotfl: thanks for the intro - now just post a pic in a bikini!:upsidedow
Helllo all!

I made dinner tonight. Well, I microwaved dinner.
We had leftover chicken, broccoli and asparagus.
And later, when I'm starving, I made some muffins that only have 22 grams of carbs. Waaaaay too much for me to have, but I was really craving something with carbs.
I'll try to resist.
But they're there if I need them. I haven't eaten much today at all, so I don't think it will put me over my 600 calorie limit.
Did I tell you guys about my career change coming this year? THAT wax job (ALL hair "down there") is one of the things I'd be learning!!!! GROSS!!!!!
I'd NEVER do it....well, for the right fee...$$$$ And a bottle of Purelle!

Did you know that now people are even dying their hair "down there"? I would expect a huge tip for having to do that!:rotfl:

Hello to all --

Welcom MJMouse! I'm sure you'll love it here!:yay:
Helllo all!

I made dinner tonight. Well, I microwaved dinner.
We had leftover chicken, broccoli and asparagus.
And later, when I'm starving, I made some muffins that only have 22 grams of carbs. Waaaaay too much for me to have, but I was really craving something with carbs.
I'll try to resist.
But they're there if I need them. I haven't eaten much today at all, so I don't think it will put me over my 600 calorie limit.

600????? OMG a day??? is that what you are saying?
harleygirl - yeah. I had gastric bypass in February. I didn't think I could do it, but some days I have a hard time making the 400 calorie minimum.
:cool1: Welcome MJ - :cool1:

and really Kat :rotfl2: YOU chatty!! :rotfl2: You're just trying to make me feel better!!

I am Queen chatty!!

I agree with Kat, the first 2 weeks 10# loss (depending on starting weight of course!) is ok - but the real hard part, for me... is wanting to maintain that loss for the rest of the month... I mean seriously you and I both know that it is not realistic, but after what 6 weeks and stilll only a 12# loss... well then its time to just quit... again... and then I gain.... again..

But, I'm starting anew... again... I have Wendy in my head telling me no negative self talk... I have Dene running ahead of me - can you see her? I do... its inspiring me to run to the next tree... then walk... now see Dene... run to the end of that block, but then I heard her hunky trainer dude asking to run just to the next mailbox, then walk...

and I did it11 :cool1: Got 2 miles in at 23 min!!

I'll make that 1/2 marathon in Jan '08 yet!!

(and I too am Queen of couch potato multi tasker - I read flip channels and Dis too!! and eat... and put on the pounds! )

btw My name is Sandy - and I'm old (pushing 50 - I have 3 kids, DS'21, 19. and dd 10 - - thanks for noticing me!!

Eeyore - You can Do it!!! (in my BEstest tony Little voice)

Hey - make sure you take care of those tootsies chickie. Make sure you have some good running shoes if you are serious about the 1/2
MJMouse - sounds like you are off to a great start! Try the crystal light on the go packets or the kind you make a pitcher at a time -
they're goood! Especially the wal-mart brand. Tastes like real juice.
Thank you everybody. I hestite to say much here anymore.. but it was nice to see a 10 lb weight loss today. I am not doing anything special. But, aaaaackkk I did start to smoke again. I will quit again.. I had not had a cigarette for 8 months but, I did buy some again.. and I am ashamed.. but it is helping some with the stress. Someday, I want to date again.. and now I really hate the smell of smoke.. so I will again quit.. Just giving myself some time to get used to some new things in my life

So, please dont be mad at me.. just continue to lift me up as you all normally do..

I do love you all very much!!

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