DISappearing Peeps...A fastpass to THIN! Part 3

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Amy! Your picture killed the thread! :scared1:

Loved the bios everybody. How bout some pictures from all you no picture peeps.

Yep it killed this thread and the thread Sandy mentioned a few posts ago.:sad2: Guess that tells me something.....

This statement remind me so much of how it goes at my house. My husband has been saying for years that I need to lose weight and make sure the kids don't get heavy (our 14 year old is a little on the heavy side but so was I when I was his age-he should outgrow it). Anyway, anytime I would not buy pop when I bought groceries he wold get mad because he needed his every dy. Also if I tried to fix a really healthy dinner he would be like "why did you fix this, we do't need to eat like this". We're talking like shrimp and pasta instead of meat and potatoes, or maybe a meatless main dish once a week. Anyway-never got much support from him so it's hard to teach the kids the good hbits. Now that his metabolism is slowing down it's a different story-he doesn't want me buying pop an ice cream and things like that. And he wants me to cook healthier-not a problem for me except that there are alot of veggies he doesn't like so he doesn't like to try new things if they include the veggies and he won't tell the kids they have to try them either. I think every thing should be tried once and then if you don't like it don't eat it anymore. Does anyone else have these kinds of discussions with your DH?

My DH is the exact opposite-the kids MUST eat what is on their plate no matter how many times they have tried it.He does let them get a "thank you helping" instead of a normal serving.This way you show your appreciation for the person that has cooked for you.

I am lucky that my DH has jumped on board with the healthy eating and exercise.He has lost 25 lbs since February 14.
dismom You are so wise with your daughter to tell her its not the # but about getting healthy. You handled it perfectly.

jeriber Yes, I have the same problem. My DH tells me I dont try hard enough. That I dont really want to lose weight. It really hurts my feelings and sometimes I dont try- after hearing him tell me how I'm failing I give up. He can decide he wants to lose so he just wont eat. I cant do that - I start feeling sick. But then after not eating all day DH will come home and have a bag of chips or 2 bowls of icecream and call that his dinner. We all know thats not good. I dont cook alot. I used to. But I got tired of nobody eating what I cooked and the DOG was getting fat.:rotfl: I am going to check out the Super Suppers place this weekend and I was talking to the girls at work and they told me about another place called Meals in the Making. Didnt know we had those around here so I am excited to have some yummy meal options.
What a gorgeous photo, love your dress!

OMG I so thought you'd be blonde don't know why :rotfl2:

Age: 34
Birthday: 1/2/73
Location: England
Occupation: Full time Mum was a lab technician
Personal: Married nearly 12 years with two kids.They are DD10 and DD8 Was a Rainbow (Daisy Scout) leader for nearly 4 years
Total weight to lose from starting point: 12 lbs
Progress so far: It has been up and down but I think I have lost 3 lbs total.
Method: Just trying to make better chices, no eating late and drink more
Exercise: Walk alot, at least 20mins to and from school also long walks with DH and golf.


It was the only photo I had in photobucket, me with my nephew!
I try very hard, but end up talking to myself over and over again - and y'all are just too kind to bring it up!!

I"M HUNGRY! and not just any hunger, I want PIZZA, cheeseburger,, frenchfries, and chocolate cake - not just any chocolate cake, not just any chocolate..

I've been drinking water, I had an apple and 5 carrots... I had sugar free jello with frozen ff cool whip... my stomach isnt growling loudly, it hurts...

so I either have to feed it anything I can find (Twinkies, little bites, maybe some frozen choc chip pancakes...)

or start Disin... :confused3
JoI thought Punkin was blonde -Punkin isnt your signataure picture of you - the bride and groom?

Fidge you are a tease!!

I missed your post too Jeriber went back to find the pic of Punkin in the luau outfit, and there were posts I hadnt seen -

See - I'm so hungry I'm not hullicinating!!
I try very hard, but end up talking to myself over and over again - and y'all are just too kind to bring it up!!

I"M HUNGRY! and not just any hunger, I want PIZZA, cheeseburger,, frenchfries, and chocolate cake - not just any chocolate cake, not just any chocolate..

I've been drinking water, I had an apple and 5 carrots... I had sugar free jello with frozen ff cool whip... my stomach isnt growling loudly, it hurts...

so I either have to feed it anything I can find (Twinkies, little bites, maybe some frozen choc chip pancakes...)

or start Disin... :confused3

Eat some protein-panuts, peanut butter, an egg, a reese's peanut butter cup:rotfl2: EAT PROTEIN
I started all of us on a better eating plan when we returned from Disney in January. Honestly, I got very tired of being the mean food police. I got fed up with her and DH telling me how much they wanted to get healthy and then if I made suggestions or said something like, "You don't need seconds" or "Water, instead of coke" - I would get eye-rolling and huffing. It is hard enough to police myself. I am ashamed to admit that I gave up. I know I need to work on this again. But I am not sure how to do it. How do you help your child without hurting their self esteem?

I had to look at what I was cooking and reduce the amount of food I made. It took me a while but if I'm not cooking 8 or 10 servings, my family will only eat a proper serving. I don't buy chips or soda very often, if it's not there they can't eat it. I hated saying things were off limits and it increased eating on the sly.

OHHHHH NOOOOO! How funny! A least you were covered a little!!! Free Cable? I oughtta try this!!! (I'd probably get a BILL)


Wendy, you look great!!! Haven't you seen Ron White? He's talking about looking and women naked, he said all men want to see them, even if they are icky. None of us have that problem though!

Let's hope I don't get gas since I'm at work.
Didn't you all want to know that? ;)

TMI but I get gas every night after dinner..... not little ones either, big loud rip roaring, lift you out of the chair ones.

It looks so simple, and they charge so much, I KNOW that means its not easy to do - I've looked online for directions, and I'm going to try and find a florist class at the community college so I can learn to make them for '09!! (and that's a better price than what we've seen here! Chicago bridal markup!)

Ahem, Sandy, former florist here......... Trained in a community college floral program..... It's not too hard after you get over feeling like you're all thumbs trying to hold onto stuff.

I'm outta time....... another meeting tonight....... I'll post my mini profile though.

Name: Noni
Age: 33
Birthday: 16 Oct 73
Location: Indianapolis, IN
Occupation: Professional dog wrestler and cat herder (veterinary assistant)
Personal: see siggie... and more fuzzkids than any sane person would have
Total weight to lose from starting point: at least 30 lbs, 40 if I want to be smokin'
Progress so far: 13 lbs
Method: WW on my own, portion control
Exercise: sometimes, I need to be more faithful. Ususally walking on TM
Best tip: It's not about depriving yourself, it's about portion control. Food isn't 'good' or 'bad' it's just food. Each day is a new day and we can make the choice to take care of ourselves or let our bodies languish.

Later peeps!
eeyore, I am often hungry. Sometimes I give in. Right now I am NOT hungry and I need to eat since I have hockey at 7:30. My DH made me so mad and upset that it makes me lose my appetite.

I am about ready to kill my DH this afternoon. Why are men so stubborn? He is so stubborn that it may cost him his job, all because he hurt his foot at work and a) refused to go to the dr, and b) told his boss 5 days later, after missing 5 days of work, that it happened at work and now they are freaking out about workmen's comp.

On the weight loss side of it, he definitely needs to lose just as much as I do. He talks a lot about it but doesn't live it as well as he needs to, and god forbid I say anything about it.
Name: Cherie
Age: 32
Birthday May 29 1974
Location washington
Occupation chief cook & bottle washer (mom)
Personal Been married to my dh for almost 15 yrs! 4 kids ds13,dd11,ds9&ds6
Total weight to lose from starting point about 50
Progress so far 3 , basically 1 pound a month :eek:
Exercise Jazzercise, which I really like and have just stared going 5 times a week this month
Best tip: obviously no one wants to do what I do because it isn't working to hot!:)


sorry, this is the only picture I could find of me! And it's huge because I don't know how to resize it! I'm, the 2nd from the left, this is me & my sisters at our baby brother's wedding last may.
All those Peep pictures are fantastic!!! There was something I keep meaning to mention on here but once I sign on I forget!!! I will post my food for the day since I know how it's going to turnout! :laughing:

B-2 cups Fruity Pebbles and 1 cup skim milk
L-PB & J san on wheat bread, yogurt, water, 15 goldfish..not the 2 cups like yest. b/c all I had was pizza flavor...eww!!!
S-apple, 5 H.Kisses
D-hamburg (90% lean), bun, one tomato slice, 1.5cups baked beans, corn on the cob w. butter, and choc. skim milk

Here's the trouble....

I am making cupcakes tonight for my friend's b-day tomorrow. I will probably have 2 right out of the oven with no frosting. I can't ask myself to resist warm, chocolate cupcakes!!

I think I will go for a walk!!! :thumbsup2
Eat some protein-panuts, peanut butter, an egg, a reese's peanut butter cup:rotfl2: EAT PROTEIN

I just knew someone was going to nail me for this!! :rotfl2: I dont have any protein available... and Wendy will come in and ask why I havent taken my hoodia!! :sad2: I'm just wishy washy!!

Noni Whatcha doin Jan 22 '09?? :rolleyes1 :rotfl2: I really do hope to find out from the comunity college tho - in high school I used to work for a florist shop for a few days during school year - and have done a few things that surprised my family "where'd you learn that?" I also watch Martha Stewart!!

Winkers... oh winkers the 2nd from the left looks like the groom... oh wait, is there a head peering out??? hmmmm... I'm going to have to get a magnifying glass out!!
I forgot, I was wandering the Dis and on the Theme Park board is a thread declaring that Spaceship Earth in Epcot will be CLOSED AUG - OCT! Not fair, not fair atall - we always get stuck in that ride, its a tradition... where else am I gonna find to make out with dh???
Winkers... oh winkers the 2nd from the left looks like the groom... oh wait, is there a head peering out??? hmmmm... I'm going to have to get a magnifying glass out!!

:lmao: I'm so skinny you can only see 1/2 my head!:lmao:
Thank you all for the warm welcome and supportive advice!

Todays small victories: 1) turned down donut holes at a meeting twice!:woohoo: 2) bought a sub (smallest size turkey with vinegar instead of mayo) as part of an office fund raiser, it came with chips and I gave those away and ate an apple instead

A little bit about me...

Age: 27
Birthday: 2/9
Location: Maryland
Occupation: Mathematical Analyst :teacher:
Personal: Single, no kids, but I do have a sweet and wonderful dog (MaggieMay)
Total weight to lose from starting point: immediate goal get back to post college weight (~) 40 lbs. -- medium range get back to high school weight ( ~ 20 more lbs.) -- long term I'd like to lose ~ 125 lbs. total
Progress so far: 10.4 lbs
Method: I cut out sugary sodas, delivery, and drive-thrus, and am trying to make good food choices. I'm also not eating anything after 7 p.m.
Exercise: At least 30 minutes on the treadmill EVERYDAY. I'm trying to go for 60 or 80 minutes. I'm also making it a point to take the long way whenever I walk somewhere.
Best tip: Just get started -- you'll thank yourself later.
JoI thought Punkin was blonde -Punkin isnt your signataure picture of you - the bride and groom?

Fidge you are a tease!!

yep, that's me. my hair color changes with the weather.....seriously. i get bored with my hair really quickly. it's been red, blonde, brown, black, purple (when i was a rebellious teenager), brown with blonde highlights, brown with red highlights. the listgoes on. i just got it cut and colored today, as a matter of fact. go check out my latest post on my TR to check it out!
Hey all does anyone wanna give me the cliff notes version of what is happenin on this busy thread? :rotfl: i am too far behind to even begin to catch up ...but just wanted to drop by and say Hi to all the peeps and welcome to the newbies and happy belated birthday to those who have celebrated.:cloud9:
Name: Shawn (female!)
Age: 46
Birthday: Oct. 4, 1960
Location: Wauwatosa (Milwaukee), WI
Occupation: Occupational Therapist
Personal: Married to DH 8/1991 (is that 15 years?) DD 14 DS11
Total weight to lose from starting point:start at 190- goal 160
Progress so far: down 13 - now 177
Method: LA Weightloss
Exercise: Just started at a gym 2-4x a week pending work schedule
Best tip::goodvibes Stay away from all breads and drink (water!)
Disney Wonder Cruise October 2005


Name: Belinda
Age: 39
Birthday: May 19, 1967
Location: Omaha, Nebraska
Occupation: Client Management Rep (Insurance company)
Personal: divorcing/ Two DD Tori 12 and Dani 10 (Married 5-25-90)
Total weight to lose from starting point:315 to 150 pixiedust:
Progress so far: 10 lbs
Method: Divorce

On another note.. I truly mean this.. Everyone of the people who have posted are JUST BEAUTIFUL!!!!

What a fine group of mostly women!! I am proud to be one of you PEEPS!!
a growling stomach is a good sign. It is when you are burning the most calories! Continue trying the water.
I know how you feel - been there. Make the best choices possible and know that you have supporters.
On another note.. I truly mean this.. Everyone of the people who have posted are JUST BEAUTIFUL!!!!

What a fine group of mostly women!! I am proud to be one of you PEEPS!!

here, here! i'm in complete agreement with ya, bee! ::yes:: we are some fine-looking peeps!
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