Universal + Harry Potter...It's Official!

I'm very very excited about this project!!

However, what makes me SOOO ANGRY is the Disney fans saying how "Disney can do it better."


It's like automatically assuming that Disney can make anything perfect. "Disney is now President of the United States? War in Iraq? Disney can make it better! Disney is now God. Starvation? Disney can make it better!"

Seriously, dude. I don't recall seeing anyone here posting "Disney could have done it better!" I have seen people post "Disney would have done it differently," but that's almost like saying "You know, the sky is blue." Of course Disney would have done it differently. But they don't have the HP contract; USO Resort does. And I'm pleased and excited for your team, I really am... I feel genuinely lucky to live just minutes away from where the only Harry Potter theme park attraction in the entire world is going to be -- and I personally can't wait to see how IoA will pull it off.
He is the UK the reports are just one ride at universal?
Plans are for "The Wizarding World of Harry Potter" to take up an entire "island" at Universal Studios' Islands of Adventure (their "Islands" are roughly analogous to the "lands" at the Magic Kingdom, i.e. Fantasyland, Tomorrowland, Adventureland).

The concept art depicts the Island as a recreation of Hogsmeade and Hogwarts Castle as seen in the Harry Potter film franchise:



Did I read the Universal board right, this is going to retheme two rides and only add one new ride? If thats the case, maybe Disney made the right choice and they could spend $500 million in better ways..
Did I read the Universal board right, this is going to retheme two rides and only add one new ride? If thats the case, maybe Disney made the right choice and they could spend $500 million in better ways..
Well, the scuttlebutt is that Disney took the resources we were planning to use to secure the theme-park rights to HP and used them instead to acquire Pixar Animation Studios, and the lucrative merchandising rights to all of those characters (Sidebar: Picture, if you will, a parallel universe where Disney got Harry Potter, but Universal got Pixar. Disney would never live that down). Seen in that light, going with Pixar was by far the smarter move.

So the big question remains: what will Disney do in response to TWWoHP? Jim Hill Media posted an answer of sorts:
...One of the more intriguing ideas that's currently on the table is a total revamp of the theming of the Magic Kingdom's Adventureland section. Where this part of that theme park would basically become Pirate Land. And the Swiss Family Treehouse would be ripped out & replaced by a full-sized version of the Black Pearl that you could explore. And the long-empty Adventureland Veranda would then be changed into this Pirates-themed tavern that featured interactive entertainment. Where even the "Enchanted Tiki Room" would be reworked so that this Audio-Animatronic show would star pirate parrots.

Of course, the really big draw for this side of the Magic Kingdom would be an "E" Ticket. A brand-new thrill ride that (Keying off the proposed storyline of "Pirates of the Caribbean 4." I.E. Captain Jack Sparrow & Barbossa's search for the Fountain of Youth) would then take WDW guests through this long-abandoned, over-grown temple that is just loaded with ... traps.

You know ? Something similar to Tokyo DisneySea's new "Raging Spirits" coaster ? Only with a more piratical twist ?

Now please keep in mind that this "Pirates of the Caribbean" -based retheming of the Magic Kingdom's Adventureland section is -- of course -- conditional on (Imagineering executives Bruce Vaughn & Craig Russell) actually liking (Former Imagineering VP Tom Fitzgerald's) original concept and then deciding to move this rather elaborate & expensive redo through WDI's extremely convoluted approval process. And then Bob Iger would have to agree to put up all of the money necessary to tackle a retheming project of this size. (And -- no -- I don't have any answers yet as to how this proposed Adventureland revamp might then impact "The Jungle Cruise" and/or "The Magic Carpets of Aladdin." Whether these two Magic Kingdom favorites would be left alone, rethemed to reflect this area's new "Pirates" -based theming and/or removed entirely).

Obviously, there are a lot of "ifs" involved in the Adventureland retheming scenario that I've described above. Which is just one of the many possible ways that the Imagineers may choose to answer the challenge of IOA's new "Wizarding World" addition. In essence sending Captain Jack Sparrow out to do battle with Harry Potter for your theme park dollars.
We've always been a Disney family. That being said, I can tell you that my DS10 has been affected by this announcement.

Several years ago, the waitstaff at Whispering Canyon Cafe made all of the kids repeat a "promise" that they would only go to WDW theme parks. Although it was a joke, he has continually said that we can't go to Universal because of he promise that he made.

Well, after we broke this news to him, suddenly he started to rationalize why it will be okay to go to Universal, which is certainly the kind of reaction Universal was hoping for.

By the way, we're actally surprising our kids with our first ever Universal visit later this month. Prior to this announcement, it was possible that this was going to be a 1-time event. But now, we'll definitely be going back once the HP section opens.
I have mixed feelings about this one. I read a comment in the newspaper that compared Harry Potter to the Wizard of Oz, that they were both classics and would be around for many years. That may be true. However, who would want to go to a Wizard of Oz theme park? Back in the 1930's, when the big movie came out, there would probably have been a market for one, but at this point, you might get one good attraction out of it, not even a whole section of a theme park.

So let's say HP has the same staying power as WoO. How much interest will there be ten years from now? Will HP be more of a nostalgia classic, and the kids, tweens and teens be totally into something else? Until the series is over, and we move ahead 10-15 years, we won't know if it has any staying power at all, or if there will be a new "hero" with escapades to follow.

It would have made more sense to me for something like this to have been done at the midpoint of the book series, as the movies were just starting out, and there was still a lot of hype and excitement. Once the last book is out, the story is over. Once there is a movie of the last book, the movies are over. Will they be around for people to enjoy? Sure. But the hype and drive and anticipation will be gone.

In my opinion, if Universal is just doing an overlay of an existing area, with some themed construction around already existing rides and maybe bringing one new ride/attraction online, then it could be a benefit to them. If they start small, but have the capability to expand if the franchise continues to be popular in another decade, that would be great. But I'm afraid they're coming in at the wrong time to warrant a huge investment of capital on HP.
I've read all the books and seen all the movies. I don't see such a thing as a whole park for Harry Potter. As stated above the Media always blows eveything out of proportion or better makes more out of nothing. A ride or two maybe. They do need to do something at IOA as I have had no deire to go to that portion of Universal because it is 90 percent roller coasters and I HATE roller coasters. I have not been to US for sometime as they have not done anything to make me come back. Disney has a better selection even though I am disappointed that they have not done enough to add more enteraiment type rides or at least make them less rough. I like a good thrill just as much as the next person but I need my back and neck to stay in once place. Disney will always be #1
I'am a huge HP Fan, love the books and movies; my kids are still a bit young for it though my 7 yr old has expressed interest - I figure by the time this addition is incl in Universal we will go to see it and she will be more interested. That being said, Disney is the place for us no matter what - we intend at some point to see the other attractions in Orlando anyways but I will still spend my one week at Disney regardless. So it really will not change my Disney for me even though I'm a huge fan of HP. On another note I believe Universal would have the "rights" to a HP addition over Disney as they produce the movies (Warner Bros) just like Disney does for Pirates. So it would be highly unlikely Disney would have ever gotten HP unless she was trying to have Paris add HP in Europe? Just a thought!

Oh don't start!! I'm going to have to lock myself in the house,turn off the internet, and speed read as soon as that book comes out. Last time some kid at the karate studio blurted out "Dumbledore dies, it's so sad" while I was still on chapter 5, I could have throttled her.

Gee thanks....I didnt know that yet
DS and DH both can't wait for the HP Island to open at USF! We have annual passes to both WDW and to USF and make about 3-4 trips a year to the Orlando area. We sometimes visit both parks in one trip and other times make separate visits. They each have something to offer our family. I am more of the driving force behind our WDW trips lately. Before my DS was old enough to understand that our trips to Florida were two separate locations - WDW v USF, he would tell people his favorite attractions at WDW were Spiderman, Hulk, MIB and TOT and that his favorite resort at WDW was the Hard Rock followed by the Polynesian! I am just glad that both parks are in the same area so we can enjoy both. Competition between the two is always good for us consumers! While WDW has the franchise on "magic" and theming, I think USF has the franchise on thrills and nothing can compete with their Front of the Line Access while staying on-site at their great resorts. I think HP will be right up there on theming. Yes - I thank God for both WDW and USF!
To answer the OP -I think the Simpsons ride and HP will help out USF but I do not think it will have a negative impact on WDW. WDW will likely come up with something to compete with HP. Also, WDW is not hurting for guests. I have never experienced consistent crowds like I have in the last 2 years at WDW. I heard there numbers are way up and they doa great job marketing to keep people at their resort - MYW tickets, Magical Express, etc. For us, the WDW crowds have resulted in more frequent visits to USF and staying onsite for the FOTL access for at least two nights for every 5 nghts we stay in WDW. Yes- there are plenty of guests for both parks to keep everyone happy!!!
What does staying power have to do with it? Think about it, if this 'island' has great rides then people will continue to come back. How many of you love the TOT?? For all those that answered yes- how many times have you seen the Tower of Terror film?? That's not the worlds most popular film but the ride is very very popular.

The same may be true with Harry Potter. People may not still be watching the films and reading the books in 10 years but they may still really loves the rides.
Well, at least we know one person who won't be there:lmao:

Just one less person in line. :cool1:

For those who are lamenting the fact that Disney "could have done it better" - get over it, it 'ain't' happening. Rowling chose Universal over Disney for whatever reasons, and like it or not, it is going to be at Universal.

So, no use whining about how Disney could have done it better. Either embrace it at Universal or stay at Disney. Easy choice.

I think they both would have done a wonderful job. Universal got the gig and I am very much looking forward to it. I would feel the same way if Disney was doing it. I am glad for one thing. With the thrill of the movies and it not geared at just kids I am glad Universal is doing this as they will not gear it down for kids Universal will keep a thrill ride a thrill ride. Not to say Disney doesnt have thrill rides just not in the way IOA does. JMHO
Going by past attractions, yes Disney's attractions are better than Universal's attractions so it would make perfect sense that if Disney did HP that it would turn out better than if Universal did it.

I totally disagree with this statement. Spider man and Hulk are 2 of the best rides I have ever been on. so to say that Disney does better rides is absurd. They both produce great rides and crappy rides. Pteradon Flyers and Lilo and Stitch should be torn down. I think Universal will do a good job and Disney would have.

Lets be honest we all know why Rowling went Universal....the all mighty dollar. Universal offered more for the rights. plain and simple.
This is very exciting news! Can we all be adults here are discuss the Harry Potter Island and not go into a whole thing about Disney this Disney that. I think all of us on these boards like both parks, or at least most of us.

The way I see things is why bother keeping the Lost Continent? I know, I know some love the island, but the whole theme was very medievil/Harry Potter anyway. The only thing there that I've enjoyed is the Dueling Dragons and the Flying Unicorn. The themeing is fantastic, but Poseidon's Fury and Sinbad are not the best attractions imo.

I'm guessing Lost Continent will be reduced to Posidon, Sinbad, Mythos, and some of the shops leading up to the Dueling Dragons. The castle in the Dueling Dragons was always great to walk through, but could be even better rethemed with Harry Potter stuff. They could lose the Flying Unicorn, but I guess it could be rethemed as the Potter books feature a unicorn. I'm guessing those two rides being re-themed, plus a new attraction will be in the island. The new ride I'm thinking will probably be a dark ride, possibly using wands - maybe using the spiderman tech and MIB? We shall see.

Also for those wondering about a direct route from the studios to islands, I think that would great, but they want you to walk through City Walk to try and get you to buy more things, or eat at the resturants.

I love the park but to me that area was missing something in the transition to the Jurassic park area maybe this will help. I thought it was alot of wasted space once you passed the unicorn ride....it just was werid my first time at the park. Maybe it was the tropical jungle segway that threw me off. I understood that we are going to a land of Dinosaurs but it was alot of nothing to me.
Revenge of the mummy sucks first of all. Spiderman is a great ride though and true Disney hasn't been able to do a 3-D ride as good as Spiderman but I could make you a huge list of Disney attractions that Universal can't hold a candle too.

The Mummy is right on par with The Yeti but the Mummy is a little scarier. I would like to see your list.....show me a Disney coaster that can hold a candle to The Hulk or Dueling Dragons. Also Jurrassic Park is a better ride than Dinosaur. Pooh and ET are equals and Peter Pan and cat the hat same....now universal has no Dumbo you are right but thats a good thing. Now I love Space moutain and BTMRR plus ToT so i think your argument is absurd. as thye have both made great rides. and Universal has done just as much in alot less time.
Okay - been reading all these posts last night and this morning (it's like reading a 21 page transcript of a government meeting), and here are my thoughts.

I both love Disney and Universal; I squirm at any post saying who will do it better. Who cares? The Disney people will have to visit Islands of Adventure. They'll get over it.

I am not a Harry Potter fan - but I know what Universal are capable of - Spiderman still blows out of Orlando every time, so I am excited to see what they will do. I've known of this rumour for a very long time, so seeing it official fills me with much joy - purely because the park I love is getting a well needed new attraction. I've said many times Trolley in the sky was no excuse for a new ride - and now we're being treated to something new. I am glad they're not building something new in the JP area. What else could be done? Another diegetic theme park ride that goes wrong - and turns into a dino rampage? We already have that with the riverboat adventure.

So - it's great to see Harry Potter casting his spell across Islands of Adventure. Maybe, being in England, I am a bit biased - because the creative team behind it - along with Universal - are all British, and it's all being designed here in England; it's been on the UK News, in UK newspapers - this is HUGE. We just hope they get the British style right in Orlando (at least it has more rain than the UK does!)

However, this "island" belongs in this park. Why? Because IOA is all based around literature or tales (let's not forget - Harry Potter was a book first). Look at Marvel and Toon Lagoon - all based on comics, Jurassic Park - the Michael Chrinchton (?) novel; Seuss - Dr Seuss' trippy and weird nonsense novels (sorry - he's just not popular in the UK...not when we have Roald Dahl to grow up with) and - finally - ancient myth and folklore with the Arabian Nights, Greek Mythology and the Merlin legend all blended together to create The Lost Continent. So, it seems sensible to put the greatest 21st century character into this literature theme park. People are saying "It won't last the test of time", but things won't last the test of time if they're not implemented into peoples' minds all the time. Having this Harry Potter area will, in the future, educate people about the stories (if it were to fall off the face of the earth). I am sure many kids have visited IOA and wondered "Who the heck is Dudley Do-Right?" upon their experience of the ride, they would have enjoyed it and maybe read the comics...but, who knows.

I couldn't tell you the first thing about the Harry Potter stories - I have no idea what any of the silly names mean, but - I will go to the land and enjoy the theatrical experience these kind of attractions provide me with. I personally think she's a grossly overrated writer, who stole from everyone else and has been very lucky - but I know many people will disagree. I know that her stories are about magic and adventure - and I love magic and adventure, and I know Universal Creative are going to excite people with this. Why? Because they HAVE to! Kids (and adults...) have been envisioning this land in their heads for 10 years, so Universal have a lot to live up to. But, I think they will be okay as they have Rowling at their side, and no one knows the stories better than she does.

So, why are people saying "I hope they don't touch Dueling Dragons?" Of course they will! They will change the interior queue line to theme it to Harry Potter, change the name and leave the track alone. Surely - that's what matters? Certainly the queue line for DD at the moment is one of the best in the world - but having the Harry Potter theme will surely make it more impressive - and certainly more appealing to the audience. Whilst skeletons in a wall is exciting, everyone just runs by to get to the coasters. Having a Harry Potter theme will make everyone stop and "smell the roses" and it will enable a story line to be more coherent throughout the entire land. It could be referenced in another ride for example.

Get rid of Poseidon and Sindbad (notice the spelling) - they're a waste of space and better things could be their replacements.

I think this land is very important as it's the first relevant land for this generation for a worldwide audience to enjoy and appreciate. The theme park audience (families) have grown up with these stories since day one, and are now able to visit them for themselves. I think it will start the renaissance for Universal - they will add more resorts to hold the capacity, so - who knows what we may find in the future.

I am sure it will be completely magical for us - and them. Hurrah for Scott Trowbridge!
I think that the Hogwarts castle may be a dining hall. If you look in the picture, the castle is beside Flying Unicorn. The entrance to DD is through the tents. You can see the castle. I think that there may be only one new technology ride. However, since the parking lot area is to be used, there will be room for some expansion over there.

Well they 40 acres they could use for an attraction in the DD Line queue by itself.....:lmao:
I would love if they mae the line for DD shorter. I always go 1st thing in the morning to the parks so there is no queue when we get to DD (thank god!) and it takes us about 10 mins just to walk through the queue (Im just thankful I dont have to wait in that lnog queue- that could be tragic!)
I was at Universal Knights - and the minute we reached the train (after a 20 minute wait - longest ever for me!) we were told there is now a 120 minute wait for DD. Never had that happen before.

As sad as it would be to see the great queue line go, they could make much better use of the space.


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