Universal + Harry Potter...It's Official!

Still seems like a lot of money for one ride and some theming... JMO

Disney could convert Adventureland into a Pirateland at a much lower cost and get it to blend into the overall theme of MK very easily..I think its great that its going in, for no other reason than this will almost force Disney into spending some cash..
I love the Harry Potter books and movies. My DH has just started reading the books but loves the movies. We are both pretty excited and curious about the new area. Our 2 DS are a little young for the books (5,3) but we think that as children, who may not have read the books yet, visit that it will constantly renew the interest in the book series. And then continue to bring visitors. I know both of mine will love the books. :goodvibes

We LOVE Disney but will now add on a couple of extra days to visit IOA and this new park each year.
I LOVE the Harry Potter series and I have always wished I could visit the magical world that they talk about in the books. It truly is amazing & JK Rowlings is such a gifted writer. I have been so excited about the announcement of this park that I have already told my husband that our 2009 vacation plans have been decided already. I also am an avid Disney fan and love everything about the World. It's just like having more than one kid. They are totally different from each other, but you love each one of them equally and for different reasons.
My heart is big enough for Hogwarts and Cindy's Castle!:love:
I think this will be a fun addition to Universal Studios. I know my daughter and I will definitely enjoy it.... I don't usually like Univ. St. But I think I'll make sure we go if they add this section :)
Hi all. Let me introduce myself. I have been working in the theme park industry for over 20 years and I think I can give some insite into the new IOA Wizarding World of Harry Potter and the surrounding area.
First lets talk about why not Disney. The problem here is that Disney Disnifies everything and this is a big no no for J.K.Rowling. Imagine seeing Disney merchandise being sold in shops in Harry Potter's world. You know this would happen. Lets take a look at Disney's past. After Majic Kingdom came Epcot. I remember when it was stated that there would never be Disney characters running around. They developed Figment to be the Epcot mascote. Well we all know how that has change. Now even the Epcot icon Space Ship Earth has Mickey"s wand attached to it. Them came MGM where the Chinese Theatre was suppose to be their icon well low and behold Mickey's hat now blocks that. I am wondering what will be next for Animal Kingdom.
HARRY POTTER WOULD NOT WORK AT DISNEY! They don't know how to keep their hand off of a product like this. They would eventually have Harry wearing Mouse ears. Disney has one BIG icon, MICKEY. all others have to compete with him. I remember many years back seeing a Muppet stage show at MGM where Miss Piggy out shined all of the Disney characters. I knew then that Disney would try to buy them and basically put them in their place and they did just that. They gave them a 3d movie and that was the last we heard of them.
Universal really has no such icon to outshine the Potter franchise. Woody Woodpecker and the Universal Monsters are the only icons they own outright and they don't relly use them like Mickey is used.
As far as who can do a better job, all of Central Florida's theme parks basically use the same people moving from one place to another. I know them all.
Now let's discuss the HP area. I think Damo is right on with his map. Universal has already held a series of meetings with it's employees including performers from Sindbad and the Fountain and they are not going anywhere so that should stop any rumors about those two shows. If you look at the official renderings the two building on either side of the entrance into HP are already there at the end of Sindbad Village. In the Orlando Sentinal Universal states that "Much of Lost Continent will stay intact". If you keep only Mythos and Poseidan that would not leave much of an island. Also you have to keep in mind that Sindbad Village has all those carnival games . This is a big money maker for Universal and Rowling would not allow any such thing in HP's World. Shows like Sindbad play a very important part in the flow of people on any given day. It takes a great number of people off the streets and lines and puts them in one palce. This helps.
In an interview on the BBC Universal stated that there will be no "Look Alikes" in the HP island. This makes me believe that Universal does not have the rights to the characters. If you notice the name of the area is called Wizarding Word. After reading all the articles I beleive Universal is only going to take you into the world of HP not meet the characters.This means that anything could happen in the new book to the characters.
I was told by a reliable source that there will be one new dark ride added to the HP area.I am not sure about the idea of using a train to get to the back area for this to happen. A train would mean you would have to have an area for a long line to get on the train. I see no such area in the renderings. Also it would be silly to have people wait on line to basically move them to an area that would take only a minute to walk to.
The area that Damo shows Hogwarts is used as an employee parking lot. They also use this area to park buses for special events.
Well enough rambling for now I will try to post again soon.
On another note I believe Universal would have the "rights" to a HP addition over Disney as they produce the movies (Warner Bros) just like Disney does for Pirates.

Warner Bros. is not the same company as Universal Studios.
IOA needs something. We fininshed the park by 1pm the week of Thanksgiving. We had 3 day passes and split them between both parks. I think IOA just needs more. It feels incomplete.
The area that Damo shows Hogwarts is used as an employee parking lot. They also use this area to park buses for special events.
Well enough rambling for now I will try to post again soon.

The area where I show Hogwarts is beside Flying Unicorn in that grassy area that goes behind pizza predatoria. Is that employee parking?

I think the train would only be one way to get over to the ride. I think there would have to be paths as well. The train could just be a facade for an entranceway to the pathways; basically a train station.
As far as "the height of HP mania" being over, who can say for sure? I tend to disagree based on the fact that many rides/attractions are based on history. Sometimes people can take a ride or attraction and enjoy it for its face value, the pleasure it brings you for what it is, not what it represents or its nostalgia. In any case I believe the HP hype will live on for a long time to come. I think the culmination of the HP books and movies is the perfect time for this area to open!

Well said. It is the same reason Disney is planning to open a new ride based on Toy Story next year according to the press release in the other thread. Toy Story mania has been over for years now, yet Disney is still going to base a ride on it. So, one could also ask Disney - "Why Now?" The answer would be "Because people will still love it."
Okay - been reading all these posts last night and this morning (it's like reading a 21 page transcript of a government meeting), and here are my thoughts.

I both love Disney and Universal; I squirm at any post saying who will do it better. Who cares? The Disney people will have to visit Islands of Adventure. They'll get over it.

I am not a Harry Potter fan - but I know what Universal are capable of - Spiderman still blows out of Orlando every time, so I am excited to see what they will do. I've known of this rumour for a very long time, so seeing it official fills me with much joy - purely because the park I love is getting a well needed new attraction. I've said many times Trolley in the sky was no excuse for a new ride - and now we're being treated to something new. I am glad they're not building something new in the JP area. What else could be done? Another diegetic theme park ride that goes wrong - and turns into a dino rampage? We already have that with the riverboat adventure.

So - it's great to see Harry Potter casting his spell across Islands of Adventure. Maybe, being in England, I am a bit biased - because the creative team behind it - along with Universal - are all British, and it's all being designed here in England; it's been on the UK News, in UK newspapers - this is HUGE. We just hope they get the British style right in Orlando (at least it has more rain than the UK does!)

However, this "island" belongs in this park. Why? Because IOA is all based around literature or tales (let's not forget - Harry Potter was a book first). Look at Marvel and Toon Lagoon - all based on comics, Jurassic Park - the Michael Chrinchton (?) novel; Seuss - Dr Seuss' trippy and weird nonsense novels (sorry - he's just not popular in the UK...not when we have Roald Dahl to grow up with) and - finally - ancient myth and folklore with the Arabian Nights, Greek Mythology and the Merlin legend all blended together to create The Lost Continent. So, it seems sensible to put the greatest 21st century character into this literature theme park. People are saying "It won't last the test of time", but things won't last the test of time if they're not implemented into peoples' minds all the time. Having this Harry Potter area will, in the future, educate people about the stories (if it were to fall off the face of the earth). I am sure many kids have visited IOA and wondered "Who the heck is Dudley Do-Right?" upon their experience of the ride, they would have enjoyed it and maybe read the comics...but, who knows.

I couldn't tell you the first thing about the Harry Potter stories - I have no idea what any of the silly names mean, but - I will go to the land and enjoy the theatrical experience these kind of attractions provide me with. I personally think she's a grossly overrated writer, who stole from everyone else and has been very lucky - but I know many people will disagree. I know that her stories are about magic and adventure - and I love magic and adventure, and I know Universal Creative are going to excite people with this. Why? Because they HAVE to! Kids (and adults...) have been envisioning this land in their heads for 10 years, so Universal have a lot to live up to. But, I think they will be okay as they have Rowling at their side, and no one knows the stories better than she does.

So, why are people saying "I hope they don't touch Dueling Dragons?" Of course they will! They will change the interior queue line to theme it to Harry Potter, change the name and leave the track alone. Surely - that's what matters? Certainly the queue line for DD at the moment is one of the best in the world - but having the Harry Potter theme will surely make it more impressive - and certainly more appealing to the audience. Whilst skeletons in a wall is exciting, everyone just runs by to get to the coasters. Having a Harry Potter theme will make everyone stop and "smell the roses" and it will enable a story line to be more coherent throughout the entire land. It could be referenced in another ride for example.

Get rid of Poseidon and Sindbad (notice the spelling) - they're a waste of space and better things could be their replacements.

I think this land is very important as it's the first relevant land for this generation for a worldwide audience to enjoy and appreciate. The theme park audience (families) have grown up with these stories since day one, and are now able to visit them for themselves. I think it will start the renaissance for Universal - they will add more resorts to hold the capacity, so - who knows what we may find in the future.

I am sure it will be completely magical for us - and them. Hurrah for Scott Trowbridge!
Welcome Nick! That's a great post and makes a lot of sense!
As far as competing with Disney, there really isn't any competition--they are geared for two different age brackets. My daughter is 5 and just took her first trip to Disney and loved it. However, I think she is still not old enough to see any of the HP movies or have me read her the books. So I wouldn't take her to HP for at least 3 more years until she's old enough to not be scared of the material, and also to comprehend the story. By the time she's that old, she may very well want to skip Disney for the water parks and other attractions in Orlando.

Do you really think that Walt Disney World is only interesting for kids under 8 years old? Have you and your daughter been to Epcot, Animal Kingdom, or Disney/MGM Studios? Truthfully, WDW has attractions that give enjoyment for all ages, from toddler to senior citizen.
And Universal and IoA have things for the younger kids like Seuss Landing and KidZone, just to name two areas.
Do you really think that Walt Disney World is only interesting for kids under 8 years old? Have you and your daughter been to Epcot, Animal Kingdom, or Disney/MGM Studios? Truthfully, WDW has attractions that give enjoyment for all ages, from toddler to senior citizen.

I don't think it has so much to do with ages, more so one's personality. For example, you can have a 28yr old who hates rollercoasters and enjoys milder rides. Also this person does not mind large crowds and enjoys safaris.

Then you could have another 28yr/old who is a coaster junkie, hates really big big crowds and prefers to feel adrenaline through scary rides rather than watch animals or be on slow rides.

The first would prefer WDW and the second would prefer UO and IOA. Yet they are both the same age.

Im sorry if this doesn't make sense but I'm TERRIBLE at describing stuff lol. :laughing:
Then you could have another 28yr/old who is a coaster junkie, hates really big big crowds and prefers to feel adrenaline through scary rides rather than watch animals or be on slow rides.
That would be me except I'm in my early 40's now and that's why I prefer IOA to Disney. I like going to Disney but I only ride the "bigger" rides when I do. Both parks have rides that everyone..of all ages and personalities can enjoy.
Whoever mentioned that Wizard of Oz could not sustain a park in itself. There is a Wizard of Oz park here in North Carolina called "Land of Oz". It opened in 1970 and closed in the 80's. It reopened again in the 90's and reopens seasonally each year after that.
How might this new theme area at IOA change your normal visit plans?

It won't for us, but we're not a Disney-every-year family. After our next long trip, will probably not be back for a major trip for several year. When we do Disney, we only do Disney - ME to the resort and never leave property - and I wouldn't want to try to split a single trip between Disney and the other Orlando attractions.

US and IoA are going to be a seperate trip for us, one that we've been putting off until DD is old enough and brave enough to enjoy Discovery Cove (she'll be old enough in August, but is still uncomfortable putting her face in the water!). Now we'll just time it for when the Harry Potter attractions are open, and stay long enough to to Universal, IoA, Sea World, Aquatica and Discovery Cove. And it won't be instead of going to Disney, any more than VA Beach or Mexico or up north are - it will just be our major family trip in a non-Disney year.
Did I read the Universal board right, this is going to retheme two rides and only add one new ride? If thats the case, maybe Disney made the right choice and they could spend $500 million in better ways..

I don't pretend to be an insider. So I don't know in the end what will be done. But I will say if that's all they plan to do, this doesn't deserve nearly the hype it is getting, nor does it deserve the press headlines of NEW HARRY POTTER THEME PARK.

Originally Posted by JERSEYDISFAN View Post
How might this new theme area at IOA change your normal visit plans?

None at all if the poster quited above is correct about what they are planning to do. I would like to see the one new ride they add but one ride doesn't make me plan a special trip or anything. It might make me postpone a trip a month if my normal trip falls in the month it opens. .
The grassy area is used for employee parking in that it is used if you have a drive on and to park carts used during the day. It is also used to park buses during special events. I mean it can be considered as employee parking. I do like your idea of the area on the other side of the access road. This can also be considered employee parking even though it is used more for support personel.The fact is that both these areas are not considered by employees as parking for them but can be called that to the media .

The train could just be a facade for an entranceway to the pathways; basically a train station.

Now this is an interesting idea!


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