To whom it may concern....

I don't know how far you are from NY, but my train takes 45 minutes in the morning to travel 15 miles:headache: and costs £7.20 (over $14) That's if they run - broken down train, leaves on the track, adverse weather (rain, snow, heat) - all can bring to a total standstill. and of course terror alerts stop everything:mad:

Poeple who live in the country need to have a car, as buses are few and infrequent and cross-country trains even more so! You're right, I don't have to use my car much, as I walk to the station, school and even the shops (though I get most delivered). But DH has to drive to work (which also means he then takes the car away so i can't use it to go to Hobbycraft :rolleyes1 )
See what Hollywood and badly researched books have done to us here in the US. We probably all think that everyone rides bikes with cute little wicker baskets in front and wire baskets on the sides. That everything is in walking/riding distance or that the Hogwarts Express can take you anywhere you need to go. The grass is never greener on the other side. We all have things that really stink but then I'm sure we all that things that make it all worth it to us.

Is your petro so high due to taxes? Surely your country doesn't pay more for barrel?
We're used to Americans having strange ideas about distance:rotfl2: Coming to "Yurrup" for a week and planning to take in France, Germany, Italy and the whole of the UK and still have time to visit DLP :lmao: Even though I'm only 15 miles from London the nearest tube is 7 miles away - about half an hour (or more) in a car on a weekday morning (it goes much further north of the Thames but our clay subsoil is too wet for cheap tunnelling).

We pay a lot of tax on petrol, but we also pay high prices because we don't make any of our own. Of course we happily pay high prices and reduce our consumption t save the planet :angel: :rolleyes1
Whoa, I've been gone 4 days and there are 6 new ladies have been busy.......let's see I'm 5'6", drive a 2000 Mits Montero Sport about $50 to fill up right now, will last 1 - 1/2 weeks. Our gas in Central CA is $3.01 right now. I REALLY want the new Honda Odessy (sp) been doing more carpooling with DD and can only take 2 extra kids, hopefully next year.

Plus I'm bummed, missed out on the mini tag fest. Not that I ever say anything whitty enought, but hopefully "Someday my tag will come".

UPDATE: my DH has lined up his first two jobs for his new biz, so we might be up and running within the month :banana: his partner is going to run things through his biz license etc. until we get ours.........its such a big step, but he is SOOOOOOOOO excited, its like watching a little kid on X-mas morning, he's almost floating on air. Wish us luck! my only down side to all of this, since I will be doing billing, office stuff for him and going "back to work" (I'm cheap labor) after 7+ years of being a SAHM is I will be losing my "ME TIME" and scrapping time. But I am being the good DW and supporting his dream :cloud9: .

Well off to see what else I missed when I was gone, oh BTW, went to DLR yesterday the Nemo ride was 2 hours long at 9 am, we didn't wait to say the least, hopefully line will be better when we go in OCT for MHT.

Have a great day:hug:

Lis make sure DH puts you on the payroll!!!

Talk to your tax person about that. Good luck in the new business!

Thanks Buffy!

I don't think he can "afford" me :lmao: , but I would love to have my own money again, oh wait I do, :rotfl: I handle the checkbook . Let's see adding office staff to my other job titles of being a SAHM........I'm priceless!! :laughing: I just make sure to give him his "allowance" for his dunebuggy reno every couple of months.

We are meeting with our insurance man and accountant on Monday (its convenient, they are DH and DW and share office space, one stop shopping).

Thanks Buffy!

I don't think he can "afford" me :lmao: , but I would love to have my own money again, oh wait I do, :rotfl: I handle the checkbook . Let's see adding office staff to my other job titles of being a SAHM........I'm priceless!! :laughing: I just make sure to give him his "allowance" for his dunebuggy reno every couple of months.

We are meeting with our insurance man and accountant on Monday (its convenient, they are DH and DW and share office space, one stop shopping).


seriously though I'm on DH's payroll. Talk to your accountant. Mine can't afford me either but a little side money doesn't hurt.
seriously though I'm on DH's payroll. Talk to your accountant. Mine can't afford me either but a little side money doesn't hurt.

We will be going throught everything on Sunday, DH will be home late tonight from LA job. All of this happend quickly this week so I really don't know all the little details, just that he's got two jobs he's making up the bids for and that they want to start next month. We have lots of shopping to do......everything he has now belongs to his current boss, who BTW doesn't know any of this yet. It's going to be a busy, busy week trying to get all of this lined up.

DH is giving his notice today.....that is if his boss shows up at work.......has his first job starting tomorrow :cool1: so we are officially in business:dance3: , still have tons of stuff to get done, bought and lined-up but everything is in motion.

Thanks Buffy, so far so good, Jim has got a second renovation lined up this morning, not bad for the second day in business!

The only bummer part for me is I lost my wonderful scrap area in the office. So we are able to have an "exclusive" office to run the biz, had to move all my scrap stuff and personal stuff into our guest room. So have spent the day moving and reorganizing two rooms and closets to make everything fit and workable for me to scrap. Oh well what we do for our honey's :love: .

At least you have another room you can move to - just don't invite any guests :rotfl2:
At least you have another room you can move to - just don't invite any guests :rotfl2:

:lmao: in the two years we have lived here had my mom 4 times, DB & family 1, FIL and BIL w/kids 1, and friend and her kids 1. so it doesn't get used too often. At least they will still have a bed to sleep in, I am still trying to get everything organized, but DH will be building me a shelf in the closet for my computer this weekend, so probably won't be done with it all til next week, so I'm sure my scrapping in done for the month. Thank goodness I finished my DLR/DCA swap stuff over the weekend.
Thank goodness I finished my DLR/DCA swap stuff over the weekend.

HEY! I'm supposed to be Mrs Super-speedy on these things;)

Just ebcause I'm too tight to make 10 of everyhting in case it doesn't fill up:rolleyes1
HEY! I'm supposed to be Mrs Super-speedy on these things;)

Just ebcause I'm too tight to make 10 of everyhting in case it doesn't fill up:rolleyes1

I like to get things done right away, a major planner here, I figured if ten didn't sign up I could use them eventually or pass along to friends......I'm so glad I got them done early with everything going on. Plus DD and I go to Seattle 7/31-8/7 and then DD starts 2nd grade on the 13th, so will be hectic with first week of school stuff and with my new room still a disaster who knows when I will be scrapping again.



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