Tiggerific04's DFTW Trip Report 8/10-8/25

Pssst! You should update your siggy with a fabulous wedding pic! If you've got 'em, flaunt 'em!

Haha! I've had a hard time picking which one to use... I wanted to use a MK one but since I swiped 'em from the Disney website, they're not that clear. I'll def update it tonight when I post the next installment :thumbsup2
Chef Mickey's looks like so much fun! It's cool that you got pics with so many different characters. That would have cost a small fortune at a custom reception ;) It sounds like your wedding day was perfectly wonderful. I'm so happy for you! :)
chef mickeys sounds so great! i think the mickey ravioli is adorable!!! i hope you recovered soon! can't wait to read about the disneymoon!
Day 8

I hadn't really planned anything for the day after the wedding because I knew we were going to be exhausted. The only definite was Le Cellier that night for dinner.

We slept in and were woken up around 9:30am by MOH and MOHG who were headed back to the airport. We said our goodbyes, thank yous and exchanged lots of hugs and then sent them on their way. And we went back to bed, lol.

When we finally pried ourselves out from under the covers, DH went to take a shower and then we drove to Franck's to pick up some stuff from the wedding.

I had never been in Franck's before so I was excited to see all the different stuff they had on display. There were a couple people in there having what looked like planning sessions -- so exciting!!

We hopped back in the car, drove back to Pop, dropped the stuff off in the room and I took a couple pictures to show you guys:

Our poor, dismantled cake:



Our altar arrangement, minus the candle:



My badly wrapped bouquet:




My rings!


We went down to the food court to get something to eat. I had the turkey ciabatta sandwich (sooooo gooood!) and fruit cup, and DH had a meatball sub and a brownie.




We headed over to MK since we had promised our new BFF Kevin that we would be there for whatever special surprise he had in store for us. We got to the gates and didn't see him, so we went into the park to Guest Relations like he had told us to do and asked for him there. The CM had no idea what we were talking about so we thanked him and left. We walked back out to the turnstiles and the CM there said he wasn't working until 3:30pm.

I had some difficulty getting back into the park because I had used my ticket only a few minutes ago, but the CM there was able to get me in. We headed over to POTC but the line was over 40 minutes and we've gotten spoiled about waiting in line, so we went shopping instead.

DH had wanted the classic Mickey shirt so we bought that for him and chatted with the cashier for a little while about our wedding. It was amazing to me how many people were genuinely interested in us and our wedding -- they actually wanted to hear details!

As we were checking out, I got a call from Orbitz telling me that MOH flight was delayed an hour. Funny, because I got a text message from her hours ago telling me the same thing. More on this later...

It was about 3:30 by this point and we were eager to get to Epcot to meet up my parents to watch the British Invasion. DH and I LOVE them and have been raving about them to my parents for forever. We are all HUGE Beatles fans :cool1:

We found Kevin and he congratulated us and then said to wait around a few minutes. Ok... once there was a crowd of people at the bag check lines, he YELLED at the top of his lungs that he had a very important announcement and that he needed everyone's attention. I must have turned 27 shades of red. He announced that we had just gotten married and made us kiss in front of everyone! I was a good sport and did it, and everyone was cheering and clapping for us. It was really cute. Not worth waiting around all day for, but cute nonetheless.

We got on a bus to the Boardwalk and figured we would just walk to Epcot from there. We were driving through the TTC parking lot when all of a sudden the bus driver (a very old man) yells, "Come on, a-holes!!" (except he used the full word)! :scared1: OMG. DH and I just looked at each other and cracked up laughing! Most of the bus was empty and we were the only ones sitting towards the front, but still! Everytime we had a bad driver after that we would whisper that phrase to each other.

We got to the Boardwalk and walked over to Epcot where we were greeted by a sweet CM at the turnstiles who was just in awe that we had only been married a day. She wished us well and we headed to Future World to check out the new Nemo ride. I had talked to my parents earlier who said that it was really cute.




We both liked it, especially the turtle part and the end.

Since Turtle Talk with Crush was right there and we had never done it before, we walked in there just as a new show was starting. It was sooo good! Crush picked on this one little girl in the front row, who seemed to be from the UK. She asked Crush, "Are we talking to a turtle puppet?" and Crush's face was priceless. Everyone died laughing and then she went on to tell him that she has a question but proceeded to tell him something really random. She went on for quite awhile and Crush listened and then said something quick at the end, and the little girl tells him, "You're a bit cheeky, aren't you?" and Crush said that he guesses he is. It was adorable.

After that we walked around the Land pavilion and decided to do Living with the Land since we never had before. It was way better than I was expecting and DH really liked it. When it was over and our boat was pulling in, the CM made our whole boat and the people on line clap for us!

We started walking over to the UK pavilion and stopped to take some pictures inside:



We met my faves!


Eeyore wanted to stand next to me, but Tigger wouldn't let him, so he sulked in the corner until the Photopass photographer could coax him back to the picture! Then when we were done, he grabbed my hand and tried to walk out with me :cutie:

Outside, there wasn't really anyone around so we sat on a bench right in front and waited for my parents and the show to start. We looked over and my parents had been sitting on the curb waiting for us. My dad came over and took this picture, which I hate, but he thinks the more close up the picture is the better it is:


DH and my dad chatted while I went to talk to my mom and then the guys came out so I went back to my seat.


The show was really good, and they actually talked and interacted with the audience this year which was different from other times we've seen them.

We were starving and it was almost time for our ADR at Le Cellier so we walked over to Canada and looked around a little.




I was sooo excited about this dinner even though I tried not to be because I didn't want to have my expectations set too high. I know everyone raves about it and I didn't want to be disappointed. All I told DH is that it is a very popular restaurant and it's supposed to be very good, but that we were going to see for ourselves.


We were about 15 minutes early, so we had to wait a little bit but then someone came to seat us. We got a nice corner seat, so although the people on our left were pretty close, at least we had privacy on 3 other sides.

Our server, Sean, was incredibly social, friendly, and prompt. DH wanted raspberry iced tea and Sean said he would make him some using regular iced tea and raspberry syrup. DH was skeptical, but agreed and it was delicious! We both had the cheddar cheese soup as an appetizer and DH ordered the filet mignon and I had the spiced black bean cake.

While we were waiting, Sean brought us our bread:


We split all of them and we agreed that the pretzel bread was definitely the best, then the multigrain, then the sourdough.

Our soup came not long after and OMG it was to die for.


I was already getting full, but I managed to eat a decent amount of my entree:


It looks really gross in the picture, but I can assure that it tasted very good! It was red peppers stuffed with black beans, corn and something else, and then the noodles in the middle were mixed in some kind of peanut sauce. It was an insane amount of food -- easily enough for 2 people to share.

DH never ever orders meat in restaurants and he practically licked his plate clean here:


For dessert, he wanted the chocolate "moose" but felt silly ordering it, so I did and he ordered the chocolate whiskey cake. I also asked for a glass of the highly-rated ice wine. Yay for not getting carded! I'm not much of a wine drinker but everyone says this stuff is great so I had to see for myself.

Sean brought out the wine and showed me the bottle and the whole thing as if I had any idea what I was doing, lol. DH almost fell out of his chair when he saw the size of the glass and realized how much we were paying for it... until he tasted it. Soooo sooo yummy. I could drink that stuff all day.

As if this meal can't get any better, our desserts arrive... all 3 of them? YAY for free dessert!!



The one in the middle was the free one -- some kind of chocolate mousse inside a hard chocolate shell. We shared all three of them and DH liked that one the best, while I thought the "moose" was the best.


See the tiny glass compared to my soda glass?

We didn't even come close to finishing all of this and I felt bad that so much food was wasted, but I couldn't fit anything else in! We paid our bill and raved about how much Le Cellier ROCKS all the way to the bus stop. Luckily, we didn't have to wait at all and walked right on. Our driver made jokes the whole way back to Pop and he took the shortest route so we were home in no time at all.

When we got to the room I realized that I hadn't heard from MOH yet, so I tried text messaging her and then left her and MOHG voicemails. He texted me at 10:30pm to tell me that they had JUST gotten to Newark airport!! It's supposed to be a 2.5 hour flight and their plane left at 11am!

I called my dad because I was worried that their transportation would have left by then, but he told me that they were supposed to be checking the flights all day and it shouldn't be a problem. We hung up and he called me back a couple minutes later to tell me he talked to Able (the accessible van company) and they were sending someone. I text message MOH to let her know. MOHG calls me and MOH is pissed because apparently she has been in touch with Able all day and they told her that the driver had to go, so she called her roommate and he was already on the way to pick them up. I told them to just go with her roommate and I would have my dad call Able again and cancel. I finally got a call from MOHG at 1:00am to tell me that they had all gotten home ok.

Next: I get even more sick, my mom's temper tantrum, and the Pirate and Princess Party!!
i've never eaten in canada and that is my fathers favorite disney attraction...where did you get your shirt??? i love the happily ever after design!!!
i've never eaten in canada and that is my fathers favorite disney attraction...where did you get your shirt??? i love the happily ever after design!!!

I had seen the shirt in someone else's TR on here and I went in search of it as soon as we got to Disney. I ended up finding it in the World of Disney store in DTD for about $30. DH wasn't pleased with the price since it was just a t-shirt, but I had my heart set on wearing it the day after we got married and it was the only thing I bought for myself the whole trip :cutie:
another vote for le cellier's pretzel bread!!

Erin, I am so enjoying this TR, please keep it comming.....
I'm so excited for you and all the "pixie dust" you've been receiving. This report is getting me all excited for my own DFTW in a few weeks! I'm tring not to get my hopes up though, because I so don't want to be totally disappointed. Keep your fingers crossed for me and keep the report coming popcorn::

Anna Marie:bride:
I'm so excited for you and all the "pixie dust" you've been receiving. This report is getting me all excited for my own DFTW in a few weeks! I'm tring not to get my hopes up though, because I so don't want to be totally disappointed. Keep your fingers crossed for me and keep the report coming popcorn::

Anna Marie:bride:

I didn't get my hopes up either because I didn't want to be disappointed if nothing happened for us. Honestly, we didn't anywhere near what other brides have reported, but we did get tons of "congratulations" and special attention from cast members and other guests. I'll admit that I did get a little down that we didn't get any of those certificates, or phone calls from Mickey, or fastpasses, but I snapped out of it quickly when I realized how great people were just taking time out of their days to wish us well and ask about our wedding. You're going to have a fabulous time no matter what, so enjoy every second of it :hug:
Day Nine -- Part One: MGM

We got our wake-up call at 7:00am and rolled right over and went back to sleep. We were awakened at 9:30am to the sound of mousekeeping banging on our door and trying to get in. Oops, I forgot to put out the "do not disturb" sign! I pulled on something semi-appropriate and ran to the door before she could come in. She was nice and said she would come back later, but she was laughing to herself, probably about my hair. It was all over the place!

While DH was in the shower, I called down to the front desk to arrange to stay in the same room when our reservation changed on the 21st. The CM made a note of it and said it wouldn't be a problem.

Once we were all showered and ready to go, I headed towards the food court to get breakfast and DH met me in front with the car. I had a cheese danish and I think DH had a chocolate chip muffin, but I don't have a picture of it.


Excuse my pasty legs in the background

We got to MGM and took all the obligatory photos:


Hardy-har, it looks like I'm wearing the hat. DH thinks he's slick :P



We immediately went to the Magic of Disney Animation to see if we could get into the next drawing class.


I swear all those people weren't there a second ago!

We went in the back way through the shop so that we could bypass the Mushu movie part. We noticed some original artwork and sketches from various movies so we stopped to look at all of that on our way. It was interesting to see the different ideas the artists had for characters like Tinkerbell, Stitch, and the Beast. While DH was browsing, I decided to call my dad and see if they would mind moving our dinner at Raglan Road to 5pm instead of 6pm so that we wouldn't miss too much of the Pirate Party that night. He said it was no problem and to keep him posted.

I called dining and was on hold for what seemed like forever, only to find out that RR was completely booked. I called my dad back and told him to just meet us there at 5:30pm and we would try to get seated a little earlier.

We went inside to the animation area and had some time to kill before the next class. Well, look who else was just standing around with nothing to do!


It seemed like as soon as we went over there, everyone else saw him and ran over, too!

Once we got into the drawing class, our instructor took a vote for who were going to draw: Pooh or Minnie. It was almost tied but Minnie won by a couple votes and the girl next to DH was so excited that she screamed and turned to him to get a high five! Woo! The guy next to me grumbled and signed the entire time :confused3

After that, we didn't know what else to do since we don't really care for anything at MGM. We figured it was silly to come to a park for only one attraction, so we walked over to see if we could make the next Beauty and the Beast show. That was a huge waste of time because the next show wasn't for an hour and we didn't feel like waiting. Instead we had some pictures taken.



The Photopass guy told us to act scared, but I felt like an idiot so I just laughed. DH actually got into it:


We were bored so we went back to draw more. The next class was full and we didn't want to use the lapboards (we're spoiled and prissy, lol) so we played around with some of the games they have while we waited.


DH takes his coloring very seriously.

Here is what he was working on:

And the finished product:

We played around with the acting and singing games, too, but we couldn't get them to work because we were too embarassed to talk loud enough for the microphone to pick up our voices.

We found this cute game that determines which Disney character you are most like. Here are my results:


Yeah, right!


While we were waiting, I started to feel... funny. Like I had to pee, urgently. And it was painful. Anyone who's ever had a UTI should know exactly the feeling I mean. I could have cried. I had a really serious UTI only about a month or so previously and it looked like it was coming back. Visions of urgent care centers or emergency rooms dashed through my mind, along with huge bills since I had quit my job and didn't have any more insurance (or so I thought... turns out I was covered until the end of August). I whispered my predicament to DH and he felt sooo bad. We decided to do the drawing and then head back to Pop.

We ended up drawing Donald, which was cool because we had never done him before. We started heading towards the exit and I seriously thought I wasn't going to make it to the bathroom. Here is me about to break into a run for the potty:


We boarded the tram and were back at our car shortly. I love the tram!


DH was tired of pictures, I think! Ugh and look at those zits :ohno:

We got back to Pop and I didn't know what to do because I felt like I had a full-blown UTI but I didn't want to waste vacation/honeymoon/Disney time at a doctor. We put our heads together and somehow decided that alcohol might help clean out my system. I think this was really just an excuse to drink in the middle of the day, but whatever works! :rotfl: DH figured at the very least, it might take my mind off of the pain. I wasn't going to mess around so I went right for the strong stuff: Jack Daniels. I diluted it with a LOT of water and rested on the bed while we watched tv. I actually started to feel a bit better after about an hour, so we started getting ready for dinner. We stopped for some Coke in the food court and then caught the bus to Downtown Disney.

Our driver went a way I had never been before and we got to see a bunch of new (for us) stuff: Saratoga Springs, Treehouse Villas, etc. It was awesome!

Coming up: Raglan Road, and the Pirate and Princess Party!!
Wow! Diluted with water or not. Jack Daniels in the middle of the day took me by surprise. You had this sweet, wholesome thing going on and then you throw that in :rotfl:
Wow! Diluted with water or not. Jack Daniels in the middle of the day took me by surprise. You had this sweet, wholesome thing going on and then you throw that in :rotfl:

Haha! :lmao:

I swear I really am sweet and wholesome! We bought the JD mostly for DH, it's too strong for me most of the time and I've never, ever had it straight like that. I was desperate! :cutie:
We put our heads together and somehow decided that alcohol might help clean out my system. I think this was really just an excuse to drink in the middle of the day, but whatever works! :rotfl: DH figured at the very least, it might take my mind off of the pain. I wasn't going to mess around so I went right for the strong stuff: Jack Daniels.

Haha! This made me laugh out loud! What a great idea - you're so funny! What's a vacation if you can't drink in the middle of the day? :drinking1
Glad you guys enjoyed me getting wasted in the middle of the afternoon! I really think it worked, though, because I felt better :thumbsup2

Day Nine -- Part Two: Raglan Road

Alrighty, so we got dropped off at Pleasure Island and quickly found the restuarant. Literally two seconds later my parents walked up to meet us. Perfect, it was only 5:30pm but I was hoping that they would seat us soon. For some reason, I had been thinking all along that the Pirate & Princess Party started at 8pm but it really started at 7pm and I didn't want to get there too late.

I checked us in at the podium and all of the cast members wished us a big congratulations. The main CM asked us to step aside and we would be seated shortly. I went to tell my parents, who were looking through the menu.

I knew DH was nervous about eating here because there wasn't much on the menu that he would like. He had told me not to worry about it and he would find something. We were shortly after.

We were on the dining plan and my parents were not, so they split the shrimp appetizer, which they both said was very good:


DH had the drunken chicken:


He said it was ok, but it was just chicken.

I had wanted the Colpuccino soup, but there was bacon in it and the server said that it couldn't be removed. I had the Granny's Soup instead and it was delicious!


We were brought some brown bread and oil for dipping, but none of us liked it. The brown bread we make at home is much sweeter and not quite as dry.



I was the only one to brave trying the oil, and it was ok but I wouldn't eat it again.

For entrees, I had the fish and chips:


There was nothing wrong with it per se, but there was nothing great about it either. I actually think the fish and chips in the UK pavilion counter service is better. This was kind of flavorless, even with a lot of lemon.

My dad had his sheperd's pie and he said it was fantastic:


My mom had the bangers and mash.


DH wasn't sure what to order. He debated between the Posh Pan Chicken and some kind of chicken sausage (banger). He ultimately chose the sausage which turned out to be a HUGE mistake.


You can't really see it in the picture, but it is the pink thing poking out on the left. He took one bite and looked like he might throw it right back up on the table. He ate the potatoes and left the rest. It actually ruined sausage for him for a few days :o It just wasn't what he was expecting at all. He finished off some of my fish and chips and figured we could get him something to eat at MK later if he was still hungry. I felt soooo bad, but he was a great sport and told me not to worry about it. The point was to try new restaurants and that's exactly what we were doing.

After we finished our meals, we were brought dessert menus. I told DH that he had to order the Dunbrody's Kiss since he is a huge chocolate fan. My dad had this as well. My mom had the bread pudding and I had the ice cream with strawberries in a champagne sauce. It took FOREVER for our desserts to come.


I tasted this and it was very good, but a little too chocolate-y for me. DH finished it all. My dad thought it was great.


My mom said the bread pudding was very good, but she didn't eat more than a couple bites because she was full.


Mine was ok. I can't remember what kind of ice cream it was, but I know it was supposed to be something fancy and it tasted like vanilla. The strawberries were good, and the sauce didn't taste anything like champagne.



We were finally brought the check, which was divided very weird -- our portion came out to around $70 and my parents' was over $100. We tried to figure it out, but we couldn't and my dad didn't feel like asking the server to explain it. He said he had planned on spending that much anyway so it didn't matter -- if it were me, I would have said something, but I'm cheap like that :cutiepie:

We said our goodbyes and we ran for the bus stop while my parents did some shopping in the gift shop. We figured we would catch a bus to the Contemporary and then walk to MK from there.

DH got a text message from his brother while we were waiting asking what we were doing. He wrote him back and asked why and his brother said because his cousin had come up from Miami to hang out with the family at the pool. Unfortunately we couldn't join them because we had already paid for the party tickets :(

A bus for the CR finally came, but the driver said it was stopping at Typhoon Lagoon first. This was the meanest driver we had ever had (including the one who cursed) -- he just kept yelling at people to move back. He didn't even pretend to be nice about it. He told us that he wasn't going anywhere until we all moved back because there was still space between us and he neede it filled. We were standing shoulder to shoulder so I'm not sure what he wanted. He eventually closed the doors and we were on our way.

We were wearing our pins and I was carrying our ears for the party. A mom and her two little girls were sitting on the seats right below us and I heard one of the girls, probably 6 or 7 years old, ask her mom what our pins were for. The mom explained that we had just gotten married and I smiled at the little girl. She was in awe and told her sister to sit on mom's lap so that I could sit down! How sweet is that!?

I'm normally not very good with children, but these girls were sooo cute. The one next to me just kept talking to me about all her favorite rides and asked me what I had been on. We chatted for the whole ride to TL and then to the CR. She told me all about the Polynesian and how they had watched Wishes from the beach, and she described Test Track in intimate detail when she found out I had never been on it before. I was sad to leave them, they made the ride so enjoyable.

We jumped off the bus and hurried over to the MK for the party. I was so excited when I originally found out it would be happening during our trip, so I had immediately bought tickets for it. DH wasn't sure what the big deal was -- hello?! A special parade? Special fireworks? Duh! Our mug was still full our special drink, so I hurried up and drank most of it so we could put the mug away in our bag.

Next: Pirates! Princesses! Captain Jack Sparrow waves to me!
Your trip sounds so fun! I am soooooooooo ready to go already!!!! I'm almost there and you and Summer are making me that much more excited!!! I CAN'T CONTAIN MYSELF ANYMORE!!! I so want to leave now. I have Disney fever...you know the kind:yay: Keep it coming....you and Summer are my saving grace until I get to leave :goodvibes

Anna Marie:bride:
Day Nine -- Part Three: Pirate and Princess Party!

DH is at Back to School night meeting all his students' parents so I got to sneak on the computer and post my next installment...

We had gone to MVMCP a couple years ago and we loved it, so as soon as I saw that the PPP was going to be happening while we were there this time I knew we had to go. I considered keeping it a surprise for DH but I couldn't do it.




We arrived at the MK at around 8:30pm I think and we pretty much ran for the turnstiles. Once we were allowed in, we quickly debated stopping for some pictures in front of the train station, but ultimately decided to just hurry up and get inside! We got our bracelets (no line!) and then got our treasure bags and maps as we walked under the train station. They had red carpets out with lots of little trees decorated with sprakly lights -- I'm not sure why I didn't take a picture, but it was so pretty.



Main Street was empty, so we kind of just ran around for a little while not sure what to do with ourselves. They had this awesome pirate music playing, and there were lights set up on top of the buildings to project pirate ships and tiaras and things on the faces of the buildings. People were dressed up -- there was one girl in what could have easily been a wedding gown... it was a big poofy white dress. I was surprised they let her in like that.




I wanted to make sure we got to watch the parade and the fireworks since those were the main reasons we came. We decided to just hang out on Main Street until the parade started, so we made a quick potty break (GRR) and then staked out a place right under the train station. I have never, ever seen the park so empty! We were the only ones standing there for quite awhile and then a couple other people showed up and stood nearby.

DH took pictures while I videotaped. As soon as I get the videos put on DVD, I'll upload them so you can all watch them if you want. I apologize for the blurry pictures... we had not yet discovered the "night portrait" setting on our camera, so all of these came out pretty bad.

The parade started and I got so excited! We got so many waves and congratulations, it was overwhelming. The Fairy Godmother herself congratulated us! The first half the parade is all princesses and then there is a big pirate float. The detail was outstanding. At the top of the pirate float is Captain Jack Sparrow. He was waving to everyone, and then as he was passing us he noticed our ears. He kind of motioned from DH to me with a questioning look on his face and kind of shrugged -- hilarious! I kind of have it on video, but it was so much better in person. And Tinkerbell was there! It was pretty cool to see an actual Tinkerbell character, you know?













To be continued...






After the parade, we strolled up Main Street and got some Photopass pics taken.



Then we headed over to Adventureland to look for some treasure while we waited for the fireworks. We found a treasure spot, but it was just beads -_- We wanted candy! We headed for Pirates and caught the show outside. The guy playing Jack was really good, but we got bored kinda quickly. It's really aimed more towards kids. We walked back to the hub and grabbed a spot for the fireworks since we only have a few more minutes to wait. They were AWESOME!! I didn't realize they would be all around -- 360 degrees! No pictures, but video coming soon!


DH really wanted to go hunt for treasure, so that's what we did. We made our way through Liberty Square, Fantasyland (quick stop for Snow White's Scary Adventures -- we got our own car and screamed the whole way through, we're dorks), and ToonTown, and then we went in to Tomorrowland. DH and I got briefly separated and he was kind of standing around looking for me near where this pirate-sword-show-thing was going on. The guy running it saw DH and then pointed at me and asked if I who he was looking for. DH said I was and said thanks... the guy told him, "I thought so. You look like you go together." and motioned to his head as a reference to our ears. It was sarcastic and funny the way he said it, but I'm realizing that it doesn't translate well into a story here :blink:



Waiting on line for treasure!


I know this is REALLY dark, but it's the only picture of the Pirate Mickey topiary we got. It was always too crowded in the daytime.


Ditto for Minnie


DH was satisfied with his candy, so we decided to go on Buzz. On our way, a REALLY happy CM came bouncing over to us and asked us how we were and what we were up to. I felt bad because he was VERY friendly (maybe too much? lol) and DH and I are just not. Not that we're mean or rude, but we're both pretty shy around people we don't know. The poor guy was trying to be nice and I don't think he got the reaction he was hoping for.

I actually did really well on Buzz this time. I usually get like 275 points, but I think I got around 10,000! Dh beat me (and rubbed it) of course.

I wanted to do Splash because I love going on it at night and seeing the CR and the castle and everything. DH agreed to go with me! We walked right on and the CM put us in our very own boat right in the front (again!!). DH was a little nervous this time, but we screamed like little girls and had a great time.

Next we went to POTC and again we walked right on and got our own boat. One of the CM loading the boat saw our ears and said "Sorry" to DH!! The other CM there hit him and then the guy said he was just kidding and he wished us the best. That reminds me, we ran into several people who would ask us if we just got married (duh) and when we said yes, they would say "Good luck" -- not congratulations, good luck. What is that about?!?!

Anyway. The stage show was going to be starting shortly and we were getting tired, so we decided to wait for that and see if it was different from the daytime show. Nope, it's the same! We figured we would leave and beat the crowd back to the bus so that we wouldn't have to wait too long. It worked -- we walked right on our bus and were back at Pop in no time. We grabbed some Sprite in the food court and I made myself a Sprite-PeachSchnapps when we got back to the room. DH watched some tv and I fell asleep.



Coming up: DH's family leaves, AK, and The Great Mini-Golf Mistake of 2007


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