Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes Part 5

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Quick cross your fingers....I may get to go to Disneyland in February!!!! WhoooHoooo!!! My DH may have to go to CA for a week of business and if so he said he would bring the family!!!! He said I could do Disney or Knotts Berry Farm while he worked and then maybe we could even go to Sea World and stay a few extra days!!! My brother and my best friend live in CA so this would be super cool as I would get to see them as well.

Ohhh I do hope this works out!!!!! Hehehehehe.:cloud9:

Fingers and toes crossed I hope you get to go.
I know this has been asked before, but I don't know where to look for it.

I want a serger, but I don't know how to pick a good one. What would be a good one to get?
A $50 one! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

My mom always uses and awful bristle brush , to brush my kids hair. it straightenes out there curly hair, It annoys me!

Love the tiara and nightgowns.
did you use a kit for the tiara?
I asked my Mom if she knew what happened to Lyddy's hair, and she didn't know either! Although, she did say she brushed it, but I think she has the same kind of brush we have.

And THANK YOU for your compliments!!! I used the instructions for the beaded tiara that are in my bookmarks. Arminda has a big box of beads, so we used those and bought pipe cleaners at the dollar store. I wouldnt' suggest the tinsel ones though! They got REALLY messy! I made some with regular pipe cleaners, and they were much better.
I'm back!!

We are exhausted but we had a wonderful trip. I have to unpack, find my house, and go through pictures. I took over 800 pictures in WDW, not to mention a couple hundred in California, and 82 photobucket pictures. It may take me a while! I'll post pictures as soon as I can. There is no way I will be able to catch up after three weeks of missed posts. I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday!

It's so nice to have you back!

Teresa: Lydia looks so sweet with her nightgown and crown! Fruit Loops are fun, I can see how she would get distracted!

Thanks Stephanie! I guess you are right, Fruit Loops are a lot of fun!

DH and I decided to go out to lunch today.

On the way there a tractor Trailer decided to pull out in front of me. He told the police officer he didn't see me. The officer gave him a ticket. I wasn't going very fast but.. .

Now my van is a mess. . .


Thankfully we are all okay.

Drive carefully girls there are some crazy people out there.

OH my goodness! I'm so glad you guys are all ok!

Back in Sept DH and Dallas took the neighbors truck to the flea market to pick up some new furniture I had this guy build, I drove in the car seperately. They left before me to go home, well on my home I see a traffic jam, then someone in a red shirt, DH had on a red shirt, I was pratically on it before it really truely hit me it was them, but from the first slow down I was like oh god, on no, not them please! Thank goodness they were both okay for the most part! Lady pulled out in front of them talking on her cell phone (we dont even own one so I totally despise them now, even though I hated it before when people drove and talked). She got ticketed, but now months later and I am still out the $300 for the carseat, $600 for the furniture (I have it atleast but banged up, it was for my sewing room) and thousands for medical bills, mainly just back and neck pain on DH. The nightmare still lives with me, I am super sensitive and won't go near that road.

We drove to disney the next week and cried the entire way there and home, DH just didn't get it. It was so stressful to remember what happened and try to drive peacefully!

Anyways, so glad you are okay. Sorry to ramble.
Oh, wow Jessica, that must have been so horrible!!!
Aww Teresa, she is so cute!!!! Don't you just love it when you capture all these silly moments!!! Hahahaha

Thanks Beth!!! Unfortunately, she knows that I think she is too stinkin cute!


Thats Maddi, Minnie and Me !!

I'll try to do better on Corey's next custom than the disaster I made him 15 years ago!!

She looks so pretty!!! Thank you for making Tessa one of those Tiaras. She's been wearing it almost every day. The Monsters Inc nightgown is adorable!! What size did you make? Tessa's is a little small on her already. I've got some fabric like....:rolleyes1
I CHERISH that outfit though!!!

Thanks, I got one decent picture of her! I wish her eyes showed up in these pictures better though! I made the size 7, it seemed the closest match to her measurements. You should make Tessa one, then they could match!

If I could figure out how to crop Liddy's photo smaller to match the photo of Heather Sue in your siggy, it'd be perfect for this comment...."WOW, they look so much alike when they smile!!!" Is she Heather's Sue mini me? Cute! My niece is looking like she's my mini me with darker red hair.

They do look a lot alike don't they! That's just not fair though! ALL my kids look like Heather and my husband! She was suppose to have one that looked like ME! Lyddy looks a lot like my Mom too. Pretty cool, she looks like my two favorite women in the whole wide world!

Ok, another embroider machine update. Less than 36 hours, and I LOVE IT! Here's the first things I'm comfortable posting. Again, these are on scraps - but you can see the possibilities!

Just an embroidered outline

And my first machine applique!


OK, Tom, are you convinced?
Those are looking great!!! Hmmm, now I think I need one!
Howdy everyone!
Looks like everyone has been busy. I had a semi rough day, but managed to do mini-makeovers on my girls tonight. They wanted me to post a picture. We are headed to see the mouse soon, so I managed to make the ugliest outfit I'd ever seen. I haven't completely scrapped it yet, but pretty close.
I hope the van driver is okay. What a horrible experience...I hope you are feeling better soon...

They look beautiful Lisa!!! You need to show us the outfit you are working on though!


They are so cute!!! I love the chef hats!

If it was a true accident I would think differently but she was TALKING on her CELL phone!

Sorry, I really cannot get past that. She could have killed the two most precious things in life to me! Oh and the speed limit is 65 on that road and YES, they were going that fast, if they were in our car I am afraid things would have been worse.

That makes me really mad too! 9 times out of 10 the person that cuts you off or pulls out in front of you has a cell phone plastered to their head! They have shown that talking on a cell phone impairs your driving as much as driving drunk. When are people going to realize that their conversation is NOT more important than someone elses life???

Today my Mom told me that she has talked to people who acutally use their COMPUTER while driving!!! WHAT IDIOTS! :scared1: (and these were friends of ours!)


Quick cross your fingers....I may get to go to Disneyland in February!!!! WhoooHoooo!!! My DH may have to go to CA for a week of business and if so he said he would bring the family!!!! He said I could do Disney or Knotts Berry Farm while he worked and then maybe we could even go to Sea World and stay a few extra days!!! My brother and my best friend live in CA so this would be super cool as I would get to see them as well.

Ohhh I do hope this works out!!!!! Hehehehehe.:cloud9:

WOO HOOO!!! I sure hope you get to go!!!!! That could be fun with the baby! I've been reading Misty's and Lori's trip reports of DL and I'm thinking that I would really like to go there someday!
oh hubby's they can drive you crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ditto here on that one :headache:

Yeah, that's what I'd call "nothing special", too!
My mom always uses and awful bristle brush , to brush my kids hair. it straightenes out there curly hair, It annoys me!

Love the tiara and nightgowns.
did you use a kit for the tiara?
One time a friend sent their kids to grandmas for babysitting and she cut off all their long hair.....:scared1: Can you imagine the audacity????

:banana: :banana: :banana: TWO WEEKS TO GO!:banana: :banana: :banana:

Woo hoo! I'm so excited! Okay, here is my (not written in blood) itinerary (with customs planned to keep on topic)

Congratulations and I love your plans!!

I'm back!!
Welcome back!!! Sounds like you'll need that "bulk uploader" on photobucket :rotfl: . Can't wait to hear all about your trip. Hey is it cold there?

DH and I decided to go out to lunch today.

On the way there a tractor Trailer decided to pull out in front of me. He told the police officer he didn't see me. The officer gave him a ticket. I wasn't going very fast but.. .

Now my van is a mess. . .


Thankfully we are all okay.

Drive carefully girls there are some crazy people out there.
:scared1: :eek: So glad you are ok but usually the aches and pains kick in a few days later. If so, get x-rayed or whatever! Dont just suck it up.
Cell phones are the demise of America.:sad2:

Ok, another embroider machine update. Less than 36 hours, and I LOVE IT! Here's the first things I'm comfortable posting. Again, these are on scraps - but you can see the possibilities!

Just an embroidered outline
Hey thats pretty spiffy. Using my zig sag on my machine, I could never get it looking so nice!

Howdy everyone!
Looks like everyone has been busy. I had a semi rough day, but managed to do mini-makeovers on my girls tonight. They wanted me to post a picture. We are headed to see the mouse soon, so I managed to make the ugliest outfit I'd ever seen. I haven't completely scrapped it yet, but pretty close.
I hope the van driver is okay. What a horrible experience...I hope you are feeling better soon...
Cute picture and they look like they had a great makeover!!! You're such a good mom. I hope whatever is troubling dissappears :angel:

I have the Singer Futura ce150. I purchased the applique design on :wizard:. The process has several steps, but but basically, you stitch out a template on a piece of paper (spray temporary adhesive to the back, and stick to stabilizer). Stitch the first block of the design (this is the basic shape). Cut it out, then use the template to cut out the fabric. Re-hoop (this time with the fabric that you want to use). Stitch the first block. Use the template that you used to cut ou the appliqued piece of fabric (black in this case). Spray it with temporary adhesive. Place it inside the stitched design, stich the rest of the design. That's it![/QUOTE]

??? that's it.... :scared: :faint:

Hi everyone:wave2:

It has been so long since i last posted on this site, but i try to hop on every day to see what everyone has created. ( i usually hop on when i get my 2 youngest down for their naps, so i can sit back with a drink or something to eat and relax.)

I just wanted to hop on and say that i have a singer futura embroidery machine! The singer futura is FABULOUS! Mine is a c200 model and is also a normal sewing machine that has approx 75 different stitches and auto bottonhole.

I have had this machine for approx 7 months now (yes it was purchased because of this tread!) and i have no complaints or regrets that i didn't get a different machine.

Embroidery/sewing machines are so expensive here in australia. I really wanted the disney brother machine that you have to buy the disney brother cards for. The disney machine retails for $1500 over here and then the cards are $100 each to buy. My hubby actully done some research on the net for me and found the singer futura. It was a little more expensive, costing $1800 but i can download any image on the net i want, and we managed to get the gut at the store to throw in all the extra software for free so i can do embroided names, photos and design my own embroidery designs. The model i have also comes with 2 different sized hoops.

I just also wanted to agree with the pp who mentioned the site. They have some great princess designs, not the actual disney princesses but tiaras, crowns, castles and other princess things. They do have a design of a 'slipper on a cushion' which looks familar ;)

DD's totally punk outfit.

The appliques and bottom of the shirt are made from hankerchiefs DD found at Hot Topic.



Please excuse the mess on the shirt. DD left the shirt at my sister's house and apparently she had been eating cake batter. Also that is DD's little toes in the picture.
Not quite sure how that happened but Sunday is her birthday. I "whipped" up this dress )over the course of the week) with fabric I had stashed away. I did learn how to put tulle ruffles under the top layer and now its fuller. With all of the layers and ruffles its actually heavy! I used leftover scraps to make the bow!!!

Sorry the pics are a little dark.....don't know why...dumb camera :snooty:


Here's the netting


And the bow


Its really late (or really early) so I gotta get some pics of her in it tomorrow! :goodvibes Good night sisters (and Tom) :angel:
Heathersue - i just wanted to say that i love seeing pic of your little man, he reminds me so much of my ds. My sons name is Blake and he is 15 months old. You may disagree with me and think they look nothing alike, but i think its the hair and eyes that are simular. These 2 pics were taken on his 1st birthday on 11 sep 07, in the morning after he woke up.



Not quite sure how that happened but Sunday is her birthday. I "whipped" up this dress )over the course of the week) with fabric I had stashed away. I did learn how to put tulle ruffles under the top layer and now its fuller. With all of the layers and ruffles its actually heavy! I used leftover scraps to make the bow!!!

Sorry the pics are a little dark.....don't know why...dumb camera :snooty:


Its really late (or really early) so I gotta get some pics of her in it tomorrow! :goodvibes Good night sisters (and Tom) :angel:

Happy Birthdday to her! The dress looks great!

My little baby turns 6 next month!:scared1:

Where has the time gone!:sad2:

I plan on doing a special custom dress for her birthday. Who knows how much longer I have until she says "No more pretty dresses Daddy!"
Heathersue - i just wanted to say that i love seeing pic of your little man, he reminds me so much of my ds. My sons name is Blake and he is 15 months old. You may disagree with me and think they look nothing alike, but i think its the hair and eyes that are simular. These 2 pics were taken on his 1st birthday on 11 sep 07, in the morning after he woke up.



What a cutie! Those eyes are gonna melt some hearts!
Hi everyone:wave2:

It has been so long since i last posted on this site, but i try to hop on every day to see what everyone has created. ( i usually hop on when i get my 2 youngest down for their naps, so i can sit back with a drink or something to eat and relax.)

Nice to see you posting again! I was just wondering if you were still around!

DD's totally punk outfit.

The appliques and bottom of the shirt are made from hankerchiefs DD found at Hot Topic.



Please excuse the mess on the shirt. DD left the shirt at my sister's house and apparently she had been eating cake batter. Also that is DD's little toes in the picture.
That is so cute!!!!

Not quite sure how that happened but Sunday is her birthday. I "whipped" up this dress )over the course of the week) with fabric I had stashed away. I did learn how to put tulle ruffles under the top layer and now its fuller. With all of the layers and ruffles its actually heavy! I used leftover scraps to make the bow!!!

Sorry the pics are a little dark.....don't know why...dumb camera :snooty:


Here's the netting


And the bow


Its really late (or really early) so I gotta get some pics of her in it tomorrow! :goodvibes Good night sisters (and Tom) :angel:
Oh, what a beautiful little dress for your princess!!! I can't wait to see pictures of her in it!
Heathersue - i just wanted to say that i love seeing pic of your little man, he reminds me so much of my ds. My sons name is Blake and he is 15 months old. You may disagree with me and think they look nothing alike, but i think its the hair and eyes that are simular. These 2 pics were taken on his 1st birthday on 11 sep 07, in the morning after he woke up.




He is adorable! He does look like our Sawyer! What a little cutie!

I still think of Sawyer as a baby, I forget how big he is really getting! When I asked him today if he wanted a piece of pizza, I wasn't really expecting a real answer, but he looked at me and said plain as day, "YES!" It took me by suprise! I just love that boy! :lovestruc
Well I picked up the Cinderella pillowcase today. Went shopping at JoAnn's and Leigh helped pick out some fabric.
Looked around at some knits, to try my hand at that, but didn't see any that caught my eye. Had to get out of there before Leigh drove the cutting table ladies crazy! :crazy: She likes to ring the bell, and ring the bell, and ring the bell!
Speaking of Belle, I started the Belle side of my Walmart pillowcase. Got the bodice done, and now to work on the skirt. (Oh, why did someone have to mention that I would probably add extra ruffles to the skirt!:rolleyes1)

One of my cones of thread on my serger is about to run dry, so I will have to rethread it. My tired eyes are NOT going to try that tonight, so I will march along tomorrow, and hopefully finish it!

I also have about 4 other projects that I have to start and finish this weekend!

I better hit the hay! I have a feeling that my behind will be at the sewing machine all day tomorrow!:faint:
Well I picked up the Cinderella pillowcase today. Went shopping at JoAnn's and Leigh helped pick out some fabric.
Looked around at some knits, to try my hand at that, but didn't see any that caught my eye. Had to get out of there before Leigh drove the cutting table ladies crazy! :crazy: She likes to ring the bell, and ring the bell, and ring the bell!
Speaking of Belle, I started the Belle side of my Walmart pillowcase. Got the bodice done, and now to work on the skirt. (Oh, why did someone have to mention that I would probably add extra ruffles to the skirt!:rolleyes1)

One of my cones of thread on my serger is about to run dry, so I will have to rethread it. My tired eyes are NOT going to try that tonight, so I will march along tomorrow, and hopefully finish it!

I also have about 4 other projects that I have to start and finish this weekend!

I better hit the hay! I have a feeling that my behind will be at the sewing machine all day tomorrow!:faint:

I think I'll head on off to bed too! Hopefully you'll have some pictures of your fabulous creation for us soon!
Good Morning Everyone!

I just thought I would let you know of a site that has some neat info for Embroidery machines. She is a great digitizer and has cute designs. Each month she has two free designs available and in her "tips Techniques" catagory she has instructions for machine applique which are easy and doesn't involve using the spray adhesive. I have been using this same technique for years. The site is :love: :love: She also has instructions on Fringe, hooping, stablizers etc. Also the site mentioned earlier also gives away a few designs each month. Both sites if you sign up for their newsletters offer specials thru email which are great. I have many designsfrom each of them both purchased and Freebies.
Right now I am working on Valentines skirts and tees for my DGDs When they are finished I will post pix. I am using the YCMT Peek a Boo Twirl and will be embroidering a design on the "peek a boo" portion of the skirt and the tee which is coordinated with the fabric which is "conversation heart candy" . Nana
Heathersue - i just wanted to say that i love seeing pic of your little man, he reminds me so much of my ds. My sons name is Blake and he is 15 months old. You may disagree with me and think they look nothing alike, but i think its the hair and eyes that are simular. These 2 pics were taken on his 1st birthday on 11 sep 07, in the morning after he woke up.

oh how cute is that little guy. adorable pictures. I love his hair!
Well I picked up the Cinderella pillowcase today. Went shopping at JoAnn's and Leigh helped pick out some fabric.

I didn't realize that the Cinderella and Belle faces were from pillow cases. I thought you guys were making them yourselves. That gives me hope that I can create one of those dreses.
I didn't realize that the Cinderella and Belle faces were from pillow cases. I thought you guys were making them yourselves. That gives me hope that I can create one of those dreses.

Yeah, they are about $5 at Walmart and you get both princesses! You can't beat that, and the faces are beautiful on there. Lots of possibilities!
Hi Everyone!!

Happy New Year! Glad you all seem to be doing okay despite some things that have been going on (that crash looked awful!!). Just got back from celebrating my bday at WDW, it was CROWDED!!! and COLD!!! but, we had a great time. I saw a few customs, but people were wearing coats so it was kind of hard to

Im getting ready to start my big 40 scrap mickey sweatshirt!! Thanks to those who offered to send me some scraps to make the Mickey heads out of!! I cant wait to see them!!! Im not sure yet how many different fabrics I will have, but Im soooooo excited!!!!

Has anyone done any little einsteins outfits lately?

Thanks, Wendy:wizard:
I have the Singer Futura ce150. I purchased the applique design on :wizard:. The process has several steps, but but basically, you stitch out a template on a piece of paper (spray temporary adhesive to the back, and stick to stabilizer). Stitch the first block of the design (this is the basic shape). Cut it out, then use the template to cut out the fabric. Re-hoop (this time with the fabric that you want to use). Stitch the first block. Use the template that you used to cut ou the appliqued piece of fabric (black in this case). Spray it with temporary adhesive. Place it inside the stitched design, stich the rest of the design. That's it!

ANother way to do this is:

Hoop the fabric and, using quilt basting spray, place the applique fabric on top of the base fabric, cut out bigger than the applique will be. After the first set of straight stitches, stop the embroidery and closely clip the applique fabric to the stitches while everything is still in the hoop. Then, put the hoop back on the machine and le tthe stitching contuinue. No fear of misplacing appliques or your cutting not being perfectly placed or cut.

I do a lot of embroidery machine applique this way. it is very quick, and I just use my scraps to applique with. I don't even have to pre-cut them, I am soooo lazy, lol.

OK, back to world of laundry. We just got home,
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