The Official What's For Dinner thread:Thursday 1-24-08? Recipe finder in OP. Enjoy!

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Tonight will be spinach and cheese ravioli in a basil pesto cream sauce. Probably a little too rich but I wasn't feeling like tomato sauce. Might change my mind later tonight, though.
Caili is sick too. She started throwing up this morning, and this is really bad news because we are supposed to be on a bus tomorrow morning at 7:30 to go to Lake Placid. Hopefully, the bug will run its course quickly or else I have no idea what we are going to do.

If it is the one that went through my home it will be gone in 24 hours. Keeping my fingers crossed for her.

I think we will only purchase one night for the party. Have you gone to the candlelight Processional?

Laura - Hugs for Caili.:hug:

I thought y'all might like this:


I love my online Buddies!

How was the bull riding? My brother used to ride the rodeo circuit, and it just about killed me! I was the designated family member. I got to go with him, and meet him at the hospital. The kid was stepped on, gored, thrown more times than I can count, and has had every bone in his body broken by bulls. On the upside, he does have some nifty belt buckles!!! I hate to think of the arthritis that's awaiting him! Luckily, his wife convinced him that fatherhood was just as risky and dangerous as riding the bulls.

I cannot even imagine!

Well dinner isn't a plan yet. Buddy sat through two performances of Kady's winter concert and I went to the afternoon one. Now I have to get her to dance so I did not have time to go to the store in between. Buddy said we should play it by ear and I really want o go out. At least I do now. It is getting COLD here so I may just want to stay in my nest too, GLynis.
Nancy -- We didn't do the Candelight Processional. We thought it might be a little slow for the kids, plus you have to get in line an hour before the show usually. If we did it, we would do one of the packages to avoid the line waits.

Caili is feeling much better. She took a long nap and then woke up thirsty and hungry. She isn't quite skipping around the house yet, but she did do a couple of twirls on her way back to her room.

That means we are off to Lake Placid in the morning for Caili's competition...should be cold! Hopefully, it will be fun too. I've never been. Have a good weekend, everyone, and I will be back Monday!
I thought y'all might like this:


Love it! Thank you!

Tonight will be spinach and cheese ravioli in a basil pesto cream sauce.

That sounds really good!

Well dinner isn't a plan yet. Buddy sat through two performances of Kady's winter concert and I went to the afternoon one. Now I have to get her to dance so I did not have time to go to the store in between. Buddy said we should play it by ear and I really want o go out. At least I do now. It is getting COLD here so I may just want to stay in my nest too, GLynis.

Aren't you ready for spring? We had a nice day here but it is supposed to get really cold on Sunday. We haven't gotten much snow this year but I hate the cold. In my mind I think I hate the cold ever since I spent one winter in Disney on the CP. :sunny: :earsgirl:

As far as the Candlelight Processional, its the narrated Xmas story with a choir. It really is a nice show...I am not 100% sure that Kady would like it...I can't remember how long it is...Kathy can gove you more details...;)

Caili is feeling much better. She took a long nap and then woke up thirsty and hungry. She isn't quite skipping around the house yet, but she did do a couple of twirls on her way back to her room.

That means we are off to Lake Placid in the morning for Caili's competition...should be cold! Hopefully, it will be fun too. I've never been. Have a good weekend, everyone, and I will be back Monday!

I am glad that Caili is feeling better...good luck Caili!!! I hope you can share some pictures when you get home...I also wanted to tell you that the new pic in your signature is beautiful!


Well, I tinkered with my meatloaf recipe again (Tom and Andrew hate when I do that to food they love) and it was Great! I substituted about 3/4 of the oatmeal (I use this instead of breadcrumbs...can't even tell) with French's Fried Onions...soooooo good! :thumbsup2

I wanted to used the Martha Stewart recipe that Kathy posted but couldn't find it...can anyone help me?

Have a great night all!
Tonight we are having Chinese finally:worship: I am exhausted from looking for online help for Alex. I stink with capital letters and underlined at Algebra.
Mmmm. Making Green Chili Chicken Stew tonight and can't wait until DH gets home!

Just finished getting it on to simmer and saw this thread, so i thought I'd share:

Green Chili Chicken Stew

(I substitute their green chili with mild red salsa. It makes it very mild, just tasty, not hot. This is my favorite salsa (medium hot) straight out of the jar, too!)
It seems that a lot of us are in the mood for chili tonight! I read briarmom's recipe, which sounds awesome, and thought about making that, but when I got home I discovered I did not have any kidney beans, so instead I made a pot of black bean soup, and I am serving that with some cheese quesadillas with some guacamole. The guacamole is a little tart because the avocado was slightly underripe. I'm trying to think of a way to fix it. Maybe just stir in a bunch of sour cream! I am sooo hungry!
Becky I sometimes make my chili with black beans which I like better.

Caili Good luck!!!!:banana: :banana:

Ok enough playing around I must get back to work. Talk to you all tomorrow.


Nancy - The Candlelight processional was 30-40 minutes long. I recommend you do the package, but you still have to wait in line, which we didn't know. There's a line that starts forming about an hour before the show time for the package people. You are guaranteed a seat and there are no bad seats. Any other questions, I'd be happy to answer. I'd recommend a World Showcase restaurant if you do a package as you're closer to the American pavillion. We did Chefs De France, which was really good. Check out my Dining review:
Lindsay - Just curious as to why you no longer post a recipe when we provide a link? Lauren was looking for the meatloaf by Martha Stewart that I posted a week or so ago and it's not there. I looked back on the first page and links were posted before, but no longer?:confused3 It's not a big deal, I'll just copy & paste from now on.
I had a busy day with no cooking just warming up the leftover pasta. I spent the day with a girlfriend I don't get to visit with very often. We've been friends since DD 25 & her son 26 were in montessori preschool together. Even thought the weather was horrible here today, rainy, cold & windy, we still went out to lunch. Then I picked up Alexis & she was good enough to let us chat for hours with not too much interuption.

Laura, Sorry that Caili was sick but good luck in Lake Placid!

Lindsay, I will use whatever bread looks best at the grocery. Around here that usually either french bread or italian loaf. But when I can get to Whole Food or some of the better groceries (not as close to home) I will pick up any sort of hearty crusty bread that sounds appealing. And to me anything goes on for panini's, your fav cheese, meats, veggies. Would be a great idea for small get-togethers too. Just provide lots of fixins & let everybody have what they like!

Welcome to our newbies! Mmm green chili stew sounds good!

Come on y'all, no help for me with my new pasta gadgets? Becky??? you haven't tried your hand at homemade pasta before?

Whew gotta get to sleep here, but I'm just not tired. I need to be up now in just 5 1/2 hours, better try to get some shut eye.

Night friends!
Tonight we are having leftover jambasta and bread.

WFD at your house?

Lindsay - Just curious as to why you no longer post a recipe when we provide a link? Lauren was looking for the meatloaf by Martha Stewart that I posted a week or so ago and it's not there. I looked back on the first page and links were posted before, but no longer?:confused3 It's not a big deal, I'll just copy & paste from now on.

I'm sorry. It was totally unintentional. When I am updating the thread at 6 a.m. sometimes I miss the links. I will be more more careful in looking over the posts.

I'm sorry :sad1:
Tonight we are having leftover jambasta and bread.

WFD at your house?

I'm sorry. It was totally unintentional. When I am updating the thread at 6 a.m. sometimes I miss the links. I will be more more careful in looking over the posts.

I'm sorry :sad1:

Don't be sad silly, I didn't think it was intentional, I just thought there might have been a reason.:hug:

WFD - Omaha Steaks, Stuffed Sole & Au Gratin Potatoes = EASY!!!!
Morning all! Just a quick note to let ya'll know we got back safe and sound and made it through the marathon w/o too many issues (heck, we didn't die, so that's a plus) We had a great trip and some great eats! Have no idea what's for dinner tonight. I have to run to the store first. I'll talk more about the trip later, but now gotta go get DD ready for school.
Welcome Home! When you have time I'd love to hear some details. I live through everyone else's travels lately ;)

I am going to try once again to make stuffed peppers tonight. But I hear the DGD wants to use her gift certificate that she gave her Pa to go out to Red Robin and a movie. There is no school tomorrow so I don't see how he can get out if it :lmao:

Kathy- honestly, it this something you would go to again and is it something that only adults minus Buddy would like. He does like to go to the symphony for their Christmas Concert though, so is this comparable?
So, here is a photo of last night's black bean soup. It was nice and comforting:


Plus, I have leftovers, and it freezes really well since there is no dairy in it.

I have never made homemade pasta! I actually don't own a stand mixer (but I reaaaalllllly want one!), and I don't have a pasta maker either. I have made gnocchi from scratch before a few times. In general I have had better luck with ricotta-based gnocchi than the potato ones.

I am not sure what is for dinner tonight. I have a ton of vegetables at the house (parsnips, carrots, fennel, beets, broccoli, green beans, potatoes (3 kinds!), scallions, winter squash, celery, turnips, plus a bunch of different herbs. So, I am going to try and think of something that will use LOTS of vegetables. Maybe a roasted root vegetable cobbler or something like that.
*sigh* You guys kill me. Just when I think I am a really good cook you guys have to post these beautiful pics. lol
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