Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes

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In my never ending quest to not go to bed before 2AM, I found some cute hair clippie instructions!
Tinkerbell: (I think I would like this one better without the googlie eyes)

Mouse Ears:

They are talking about posting instructions for more of the Princesses over on

I haven't made any of these yet, (these are not mine) but these are some that other people have made. Aren't they great!



These are absolutely adorable. Thanks for posting them. I wish that my girls were still little!
Just for Heather, here's my littlest doing her very best modeling job. I told her to let me take her picture & she started turning & tilting her head & twirling around. Too cute!



I finally got to make princess clips today.



And because it's so cute

So Darling!!! What a cutie!!! :cutie: How did you do the back, is it big enough to slide over her head or is there a zipper or buttons etc. ???
aaah on the subject of stupid comments from people, I could write a book!!!!!:headache:

I have had LOTS of people "comment" on my DD and her origins (can't imagine why, my family SWEARS she looks just like me when I was little:confused3 ). She came up with her own way of handling them (since she refused to let mommy slap them in head:confused3 ). When a stranger walks up and asks me if she is adopted, she interupts and says "No, I adopted Mommy". The stunned silence is usually long enough for us to get away:lmao:

I do have a friend with a large international family who got tired of all the questions and when someone asked who the father of one of her kids was she said (with a straight face) gee I don't remember it was a loong night.:rolleyes1
:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

These are absolutely adorable. Thanks for posting them. I wish that my girls were still little!
Hmmm, you could get started for your grandkids!!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I almost forgot I promised to post Lydia in her flower girl dress. This was taken last May, so it fits better now! The wedding isn't until this May though. The week after we all get back from Florida.
I didn't make this, we bought them off of Ebay.
It has been busy busy around here- We went to sesame street on friday with school, my sister, BIL, and nephew came with us too.

The kids had a great time- dd was jamming out.

Then saturday we had the birthday party- I had decided on wed. to make dd a stripwork jumper so I had late nights every night to get that finished. I didn't get pictures at the party:confused: so I took some this evening so I could post them for you all to see!!


I had left the top of the bodice open so I could put the straps in but then somewhere in the middle of the night I thought I should sew it closed before I put the straps in :headache: So I will fix it later but didn't have time before the party. Then Sat. night the guys went to Monster Jam- So I had to customize some pants for ds and my nephew!! I appliqued grave digger and used puffy paint for the rest.


Oh and I almost forgot here is the racetrack monster truck cake-

It turned out really well and everyone loved it!! DH did the "paving" I made him scrap all the oreos and everything since he felt it needed to be black!! he didn't complain to much and was proud of how it turned out!!
I usually work on sundays but took today off to rest- I actually got a 1 1/2 hour nap in today :woohoo:
Hope everyone had a great weekend.

I almost forgot I promised to post Lydia in her flower girl dress. This was taken last May, so it fits better now! The wedding isn't until this May though. The week after we all get back from Florida.
I didn't make this, we bought them off of Ebay.

She is so pretty!!! I bet she is getting excited for the wedding and WDW to I suppose!!

I had bought stuff to do bead tiaras at the party for the girls but only one other girls came and they left early. And one of other girls had a seizure for the first time so she spent the evening in the hospital :sad2: They have epilepsy in their family. So we made her a tiara and brought it over today, with her treat bag. I forgot to take pictures but I will post ones of dd and ds. I had his boyish. They were really easy!! Thanks again!!!
That Belle/Sleeping Beauty dress is beautiful, I love the colors. I think this is one of my favs.

Also, those clips are amazing! Sorry for some reason I can't quote :confused3

My mom made my dd cry yesterday. My dd asked to wear one of her customs, it was a tinkerbell and my mom thought it was dorky. She got out a pair of jeans and a shirt for my dd to change into and my dd cried b/c she wanted her tink outfit. I have a completely different taste in clothes than my mom and sister. I am sure they will make fun of all the outfits my kids will be wearing when we go to the world in March. :sad2:
That Belle/Sleeping Beauty dress is beautiful, I love the colors. I think this is one of my favs.

Also, those clips are amazing! Sorry for some reason I can't quote :confused3

My mom made my dd cry yesterday. My dd asked to wear one of her customs, it was a tinkerbell and my mom thought it was dorky. She got out a pair of jeans and a shirt for my dd to change into and my dd cried b/c she wanted her tink outfit. I have a completely different taste in clothes than my mom and sister. I am sure they will make fun of all the outfits my kids will be wearing when we go to the world in March. :sad2:

Thank You- I am glad you like it- I think I will modify it a little and it would be good for Valentines.

Alot of people just don't get the things- like all the time and effort YOU put into making clothes for your kids. You'd think they could at least appreciate that. At least your dd likes her customs!! That is what is important right?!?!
It has been busy busy around here- We went to sesame street on friday with school, my sister, BIL, and nephew came with us too.

The kids had a great time- dd was jamming out.

Then saturday we had the birthday party- I had decided on wed. to make dd a stripwork jumper so I had late nights every night to get that finished. I didn't get pictures at the party:confused: so I took some this evening so I could post them for you all to see!!


I had left the top of the bodice open so I could put the straps in but then somewhere in the middle of the night I thought I should sew it closed before I put the straps in :headache: So I will fix it later but didn't have time before the party. Then Sat. night the guys went to Monster Jam- So I had to customize some pants for ds and my nephew!! I appliqued grave digger and used puffy paint for the rest.


Oh and I almost forgot here is the racetrack monster truck cake-

It turned out really well and everyone loved it!! DH did the "paving" I made him scrap all the oreos and everything since he felt it needed to be black!! he didn't complain to much and was proud of how it turned out!!
I usually work on sundays but took today off to rest- I actually got a 1 1/2 hour nap in today :woohoo:
Hope everyone had a great weekend.

I love your daughter's dress! That is so cute!! She is just a little doll!!!
Great job on those pants too!!! You were just on a roll, weren't you!!!

The cake turned out FANTASTIC!!! It looks very professional!!!
She is so pretty!!! I bet she is getting excited for the wedding and WDW to I suppose!!

I had bought stuff to do bead tiaras at the party for the girls but only one other girls came and they left early. And one of other girls had a seizure for the first time so she spent the evening in the hospital :sad2: They have epilepsy in their family. So we made her a tiara and brought it over today, with her treat bag. I forgot to take pictures but I will post ones of dd and ds. I had his boyish. They were really easy!! Thanks again!!!

Thanks! Actually, we havne't talked about the wedding much! My neice has been planning it for well over a year now, so it kind of slid to the back of conversation! Right now, they are just really excited about going to Disney World! (or, is that just me?) When it gets closer, I'm sure we will be talking about the wedding more though!

Oh, I am so sorry about your little friend! I hope they get the seizures under control. How nice of you to make her the tiara anyway! I can't wait to see some pictures! They really are fun to make, aren't they!

My mom made my dd cry yesterday. My dd asked to wear one of her customs, it was a tinkerbell and my mom thought it was dorky. She got out a pair of jeans and a shirt for my dd to change into and my dd cried b/c she wanted her tink outfit. I have a completely different taste in clothes than my mom and sister. I am sure they will make fun of all the outfits my kids will be wearing when we go to the world in March. :sad2:
I'm sorry your Mom did that. :hug: Did your Mom actually TELL your DD that it was dorky? I hope not! At least you know your daughter loves them! And, hundred's of your internet friends approve too! :thumbsup2
You know I put the elastic straps on the jumper but the bodice is a little tight any ideas how to fix that as long as I have to fix the straps (cover up the zig zag stitches). I might just sew ricky-rack over the top of where I sewed the straps to the bodice instead of ripping it all apart :headache:
I was thinking of changing the back to a corset type so it can be tightened after it goes over her head. I'm not sure how to do that though- it's just an idea I have.
Any suggestions are welcome- I know you guys can help me out!!!

It's my cousins daughter that had the seizure- she is six months older than my ds. Her daddy is my cousin and he has epilepsy too!! She was back to normal today. She didn't have the jerking kind of seizure. they said she just was out of it, staring off into space and her eyes were rolling up into her head. When she came out of it she said she was feeling sick and her head hurt. She has to go have an eeg so they can measure her brain waves and then they will go from there.They just have to monitor her until then. Even though they have "experience" with all this it is still very scary and something they have been dreading might happen since she was born. She was just bummed she didn't get to go to the party.

I almost forgot I promised to post Lydia in her flower girl dress. This was taken last May, so it fits better now! The wedding isn't until this May though. The week after we all get back from Florida.
I didn't make this, we bought them off of Ebay.

This is so pretty! I'm sure she'll love being a flower girl.

That Belle/Sleeping Beauty dress is beautiful, I love the colors. I think this is one of my favs.

Also, those clips are amazing! Sorry for some reason I can't quote :confused3

My mom made my dd cry yesterday. My dd asked to wear one of her customs, it was a tinkerbell and my mom thought it was dorky. She got out a pair of jeans and a shirt for my dd to change into and my dd cried b/c she wanted her tink outfit. I have a completely different taste in clothes than my mom and sister. I am sure they will make fun of all the outfits my kids will be wearing when we go to the world in March. :sad2:

This made me sad. I'm sorry your DD was upset. Are you going to tell your mom not to tease her about her clothes when you're on your trip? That would make me very angry.
I can't believe some of the comments that I have read about red hair. As you all know, Michael has red hair and it hasn't changed one bit in color since he was born! The only comment that we have ever heard about his hair is that it is beautiful. It is sooo funny b/c he had to start getting a haircut at 8 months old (it was getting bad looking) and everytime he was getting his haircut some lady would always tell their hairdresser that they wanted their hair that exact color.

Another thing that always gets done to him b/c he has red hair is people always have to rub it -- people we know and don't know. They always say that it is good luck to rub a red head's hair. He always grins when they do this.

The one thing we do always get is "where did he get red hair"? I have brown hair and my hubby is a blonde. My granddad had red hair and my DH's grandmother has red hair. As far as my side goes, my son is the first one to have red hair since my granddad -- none of his kids or grandchildren had red hair. With my grandmother-in-law, both of her kids are blondes but one has just a hint of red in what is left of his hair. She has two grandkids that have strawberry blonde hair and one that has a dark auburn colored hair. With her great grandkids, 2 sandy blondes, 1 bright blonde and my little red head.

They say it takes a red head on both sides to have a redheaded child. We looooove red hair around here.

I almost forgot I promised to post Lydia in her flower girl dress. This was taken last May, so it fits better now! The wedding isn't until this May though. The week after we all get back from Florida.
I didn't make this, we bought them off of Ebay.
OHHHH BOYYYYY isn't Lydia just an angel in the FG Dress! :love: Beautiful! How exciting to be in a wedding. I love weddings and was quite obsessed over gowns when I was younger. I still love fabrics that drape and gather....hense I am here on the Disboutique!!! :thumbsup2 :cool1:

It has been busy busy around here- We went to sesame street on friday with school, my sister, BIL, and nephew came with us too.

The kids had a great time- dd was jamming out.

Then saturday we had the birthday party- I had decided on wed. to make dd a stripwork jumper so I had late nights every night to get that finished. I didn't get pictures at the party:confused: so I took some this evening so I could post them for you all to see!!


I had left the top of the bodice open so I could put the straps in but then somewhere in the middle of the night I thought I should sew it closed before I put the straps in :headache: So I will fix it later but didn't have time before the party. Then Sat. night the guys went to Monster Jam- So I had to customize some pants for ds and my nephew!! I appliqued grave digger and used puffy paint for the rest.


Oh and I almost forgot here is the racetrack monster truck cake-

It turned out really well and everyone loved it!! DH did the "paving" I made him scrap all the oreos and everything since he felt it needed to be black!! he didn't complain to much and was proud of how it turned out!!
I usually work on sundays but took today off to rest- I actually got a 1 1/2 hour nap in today :woohoo:
Hope everyone had a great weekend.
Hahahahaha...its we can't go anywhere special without making customs!!! :rotfl: But they came out great!
And the cake is just fabulous! You could go into the cake decorating business! I bet it took lots of time and effort but all worth it!!! :banana: :banana: :banana: Great job!

And I can't believe all of the rude comments from strangers and family alike. :confused3 Here's me when people do that (repeat silently to self) What would Jesus do? What would Jesus do?? He always came up with the perfect thing to do in those situations. I always use it as a teachable moment for my kids (if they are present) too if I can think clearly enough at the time. I am really sorry about the hurt feelings! :hug:
OHHHH BOYYYYY isn't Lydia just an angel in the FG Dress! :love: Beautiful! How exciting to be in a wedding. I love weddings and was quite obsessed over gowns when I was younger. I still love fabrics that drape and gather....hense I am here on the Disboutique!!! :thumbsup2 :cool1:

Hahahahaha...its we can't go anywhere special without making customs!!! :rotfl: But they came out great!
And the cake is just fabulous! You could go into the cake decorating business! I bet it took lots of time and effort but all worth it!!! :banana: :banana: :banana: Great job!

And I can't believe all of the rude comments from strangers and family alike. :confused3 Here's me when people do that (repeat silently to self) What would Jesus do? What would Jesus do?? He always came up with the perfect thing to do in those situations. I always use it as a teachable moment for my kids (if they are present) too if I can think clearly enough at the time. I am really sorry about the hurt feelings! :hug:

Hi Cathy,

I always forget to say that I love your signature-I LOVE that song:flower3:

USUALLY I try to take the stupid comments with a grain of salt, or difuse with humor. There are times however when the comment is particulary nasty or hurtful. And I might for a moment "forget" I am a Christian woman :rolleyes1 . But I think it is important for my DD to know that Mommy will always stand up for her. One comment comes to mind. We walked into a furniture store prepared to SPEND money. A "salesman" approached and amoung other comments said (right in front of my DD) "She's cute where did you get HER?" I loudly asked him (in front of all of his "buddies") "what you don't know where babies come from?" (which caused laughter for his buddies) I then proceeded to question HIS upbringing before going to his manager and "chatting" with him. The salesman was pulled off the floor and "counseled". We walked out of the store and have not been back. Sadly my DD remembers the event. Everytime we drive by that store she says, "that is where the mean man works that mommy made cry":rolleyes1

I just don't understand WHY people think it is ok to question/comment on children. I actually had a tee made (to wear to WDW) that says "you don't have the right to question my family".

HUGS to ALL the children and parents who have had to endure stupid comments.
So Darling!!! What a cutie!!! :cutie: How did you do the back, is it big enough to slide over her head or is there a zipper or buttons etc. ???

It has a zipper in the back. For some reason, I had a much harder time than normal putting it in too. :confused3

Thanks for all the comments on my baby. It's nice to know that other people think she's adorable too. :laughing:

I can't believe all the horrible things people have said to some of you. I've noticed that if a girl has red hair people usually love it, but if it's a boy they think it's unfortunate. I think it's gorgeous either way personally. I don't know why it should matter what gender the child is. And don't get me started on all the 'who's the child's father' comments. That's just plain rude.
I can't believe some of the comments that I have read about red hair. As you all know, Michael has red hair and it hasn't changed one bit in color since he was born! The only comment that we have ever heard about his hair is that it is beautiful. It is sooo funny b/c he had to start getting a haircut at 8 months old (it was getting bad looking) and everytime he was getting his haircut some lady would always tell their hairdresser that they wanted their hair that exact color.

Another thing that always gets done to him b/c he has red hair is people always have to rub it -- people we know and don't know. They always say that it is good luck to rub a red head's hair. He always grins when they do this.

The one thing we do always get is "where did he get red hair"? I have brown hair and my hubby is a blonde. My granddad had red hair and my DH's grandmother has red hair. As far as my side goes, my son is the first one to have red hair since my granddad -- none of his kids or grandchildren had red hair. With my grandmother-in-law, both of her kids are blondes but one has just a hint of red in what is left of his hair. She has two grandkids that have strawberry blonde hair and one that has a dark auburn colored hair. With her great grandkids, 2 sandy blondes, 1 bright blonde and my little red head.

They say it takes a red head on both sides to have a redheaded child. We looooove red hair around here.
We get a lot of the red-head comments from people around here too. Both of my girls have reddish-brown hair, and my hair is brown, and DHs is light brown, so the red isn't obvious where it comes from. But, I just tell them that my sister and grandmother are red-heads, so it's in the family.
That Belle/Sleeping Beauty dress is beautiful, I love the colors. I think this is one of my favs.

Also, those clips are amazing! Sorry for some reason I can't quote :confused3

My mom made my dd cry yesterday. My dd asked to wear one of her customs, it was a tinkerbell and my mom thought it was dorky. She got out a pair of jeans and a shirt for my dd to change into and my dd cried b/c she wanted her tink outfit. I have a completely different taste in clothes than my mom and sister. I am sure they will make fun of all the outfits my kids will be wearing when we go to the world in March. :sad2:

Don't let them bother you. My family is the same way. I just ignore them, so does DD. She has a style all her own and I love that. Everybody thinks that I am crazy because DD wants to have pink and purple in her hair and I'm gonna let her. I told her it was ok but not until summer. I keep getting comments from my sister, my aunt and my grandmother. Why would you do that to her hair. Oh well, I refuse to be the one to squash my DD's creative side and besides it washes out. I'm not stupid enough to put permanent in her hair. This will be her WDW hair colors.
You are all so talented! I love the Princess Pillowcase dresses.

Here is something I did yesterday. Do you think it needs it needs anything?

Everybody keeps showing their pretty DD's in their pretty flowergirl dresses. So I have to show my DD in hers. It is also an ebay dress. This was from my wedding in june 2006.

DD is the one on the right and the other girl is my cousin's DD. They are the best of friends.
There is a gal on Voldemort :wizard: that makes Gymbo skirts that are just cu-tee! :lovestruc They have 4 scallopped panels and neat things appliqued on.

Now, I can't find this pattern. And I really want it!!!!!!I keep thinking it's studio tantrum or something like that, but it certainly is not on Banberry Place unless I am just missing it.

Anybody know?
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