Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes

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Here are the beaded tiaras- The kids are in bed so my doggie volunteered to model for me :rotfl2:



The black one is for my ds. My Dh just rolled his eyes- He did let him wear it out to breakfast yesterday though.

Too Cute!! I love your model...this put a much needed smile on my face today!!
This is SO pretty! It reminds me of the toile and purple satin outfit Teresa made for Lyddy a while back. I don't like working with satin, either! But, your outfit sure turned out great!

Tahlia, what a beautiful name for a beautiful girl! The dress is so pretty! That ribbon around the bottom adds just the right touch!


Here's a recent photo from one of my expeditions...LOL
I keep my spare needles and thread in my tackle box..
:rotfl: :rotfl2: :lmao: Oh my gosh! You're too funny! To think you even spent the time to find the picture and then put a lime green Mickey head on her-just for us! I love it!
Your clippies were great, too. I meant to quote them, but I don't think I did!!

Just for Heather, here's my littlest doing her very best modeling job. I told her to let me take her picture & she started turning & tilting her head & twirling around.
th_2007_02010094.jpg!! I just want to kiss her little cheeks!! She's so incredibly adorable!! I love the dress on her, it just suits her perfectly! The clippies turned out great! Your Ariel looks MUCH better than mine! :rotfl:

We've been sick around here too. DH had the stomach flu (lots of fun side effects but he lost 6 lbs last week with it :rotfl: ). Claire (DD2) has had a runny nose for about a month but last week she kind of had a cough and it turned a little yellow so I took her to the doctor. She never had a fever and her mucus was always clear so I thought she would kick it on her own. Of course, she had a double ear infection and because I had "let this go on for too long", she gets to do two courses of antibiotics, a prescription antihistamine/decongestant and mucinex. Lovely! I simply adore what antibiotics do to babies and toddlers! I can't even begin to tell you how many times we've changed her today. I have been stuffy for about 3 weeks now and I see the doctor on Thursday and I'm positive I've got a sinus infection so hopefully they'll give me something to get rid of it. We are using a lot of Puffs around here! Hopefully your family will get better!

For all of you frigid, snowbound people I'm jealous. It's been cold here in Dallas (for here anyway) but I want a good deep freeze! I'm jealous and missing winter (something I never thought I would say!). Enjoy it!
So sorry to hear about all your sicknesses :hug:! We've had colds or flu or whatever since our Arizona trip in early December- UGH!! I just got a call last night from Henry's aunt saying that his cousin's baby has RSV and that we should get our kids checked out for it. But, I did a search online and it sounds like it's pretty much just a cold, unless the baby is a newborn. Or, it could turn into pnemonia.

Now for the good news: I did find a low shank ruffler (only $14) and bought that. Soooo....I had a blast trying to figure that out today. :thumbsup2 I wasnt entirely sure I bought the right one and I had no idea what was the front and back. Somehow I studied it long enough to figure out where it should attach. Then I realized that part of it should go over the needle bolt thingy and I raised the presser foot and attached it there too and whaa laaaa...I got it on. I played around with the settings on some scraps. What a blast! It is fascinating. I set it to do three stitches and a deep pleat. I love it!!! I had to figure out to separate the fabric from the ruffle (one goes under and one goes on top). Amazing instrument and hopefully it will really speed things up. Ruffling by hand is soooo time consuming! Tomorrow I plan on getting right to work on a peasant top and ruffled jeans for my DD9. Plus I will take some pics. Sorry for the long post but I am so excited to finally have a ruffler!!!!! :banana: :banana: :banana: [/COLOR]
Yay on your ruffler!! I'm so glad you got a great deal on one at Joann instead of buying it at some fancy quilt store for $40! Have you downloaded the pdf from about optimizing your ruffler? I did this and it really helped!!
I read through about 50 pages here today and I am very impressed with what I've seen. I meet Tom on another thread here so I have been watching his work for a while. I am the mother of 3 boys so I don't sew nearly as often as I'd like and mostly make Disney blankets, potholders and costumes. I have made a few custom Disney things for myself, but usually stick to designing Disney t-shirts. If you ever happen to visit the Creative Designs forums you will find me over there.

I bought this fabric at Joann's tonight and was wondering if any of you had made anything with it. I'm thinking of making a sarong for my bathing suit with it as I think it may be too busy for a top. With no little girls to "doll up" I'm a bit limited.


Here's what I did with that fabric...


And here's a link to the photobucket site of all the outfits using this fabric.. minnie and dots/mickey swirl/
I am once again soooooo behind:eek: I have been sick again plus a major tooth ache:headache: i am like 15 or so pages behind:sad2: i have been lurking but not commenting,:guilty:
why is it everytime i jump on here i want to Case everything i see?:rolleyes1 oh yea! it is because we are some very talented peeps:thumbsup2
I love all the adorable lil kids and i am so sorry about the mean things that have been said :hug:
My kids have once again gone back to school after a long 4wk vacation (yr Round) i felt so bad we have about 6-7 inches of snow on the ground & it is cold and here i am shoving them out the door . :confused3
well everyone have a great day i am gonna go dose myself up and try to catch some more sleep before the 2 lil one's wake up..
I am once again soooooo behind:eek: I have been sick again plus a major tooth ache:headache: i am like 15 or so pages behind:sad2: i have been lurking but not commenting,:guilty:
why is it everytime i jump on here i want to Case everything i see?:rolleyes1 oh yea! it is because we are some very talented peeps:thumbsup2
I love all the adorable lil kids and i am so sorry about the mean things that have been said :hug:
My kids have once again gone back to school after a long 4wk vacation (yr Round) i felt so bad we have about 6-7 inches of snow on the ground & it is cold and here i am shoving them out the door . :confused3
well everyone have a great day i am gonna go dose myself up and try to catch some more sleep before the 2 lil one's wake up..

That stinks! So sorry you've been sick. Hope you feel better soo, Spongie!
Love this fabric! I wish our Joanns had it.

Update on my WDW trip saga: It seems to go on and on! So DH and I decided that we were still going to go on our trip even though his company cancelled their sales meeting their (and the whole reason for going in the first place!). Of course that all changed yet again today! On his conference call today is boss decided since the big sales meeting was cancelled to go ahead and schedule a three day meeting that same week so it looks like our trip is cancelled yet again. :sad2: :sad2: :sad2: We still havent' cancelled the tickets or hotel yet because my DH thinks it still might get changed since some of the people his boss will want there might have conflicts so we are holding but it's not looking good. I know we don't necessarily need to spend the money right now (due to upcoming home renovations) but I think it will probably be our last chance for a real vacation for about 18 months. I also hate it that last week (before the meeting got cancelled but after we booked everything) that we told our girls and they are so excited! They loved our trip there last year and were so happy to be going back and like every parent I hate disappointing them. Who knows...........I guess whatever is meant to be is how it will turn out. In the mean time I'm still hoping but facing reality that it doesn't look like it's going to turn out.

Sorry for the totally OT rant but I just needed to share with others who understand the obsession with WDW!

Oh I hope it turns out and that you still get to go. Grrr! I'm mad at your dh's boss for you!

Here's what I did with that fabric...


And here's a link to the photobucket site of all the outfits using this fabric.. minnie and dots/mickey swirl/

Oh how cute! I somehow missed this link altogether. Thanks for posting it. I'm off to drool at all the great creations. :D
You ladies are BRILLIANT. Man, I wish I'd paid more attention in Home-Ec class. Truly, truly talented!
You don't have to know how to sew to start sewing! :lmao: Just read some of the tutorials in teresajoy's links and get to sewing!!

Don't you just love that! We had a daycare girl named Rylie. She was a sweetie!
Riley Makenna in the deep blue sea, you swim so wild and you swim so free. Heavens above and the sea below, just a little Riley Makenna on the go....I used to sing that to her and she loved it! She was such a little cutie!

She looks so pretty!! I love how you did her hair!

What a bunch of great stuff! Don't you know you're supposed to spread these out so you can bask in the glory of our praise for longer?:rotfl:

My mom made my dd cry yesterday. My dd asked to wear one of her customs, it was a tinkerbell and my mom thought it was dorky. She got out a pair of jeans and a shirt for my dd to change into and my dd cried b/c she wanted her tink outfit. I have a completely different taste in clothes than my mom and sister. I am sure they will make fun of all the outfits my kids will be wearing when we go to the world in March. :sad2:
Wow, how incredibly rude and mean! :hug:
Hi everyone! We're back from our most wonderful trip! We had a great time and the girls got loads of attention because of their outfits. It was worth every stabbed finger and broken needle. There was one day they did not wear a custom because it was just too cold and I figured it was better to bundle them up. But other than that, every outfit was worn. I'm horrible at trip reports so I'm just going to post an outfit report in photos here :)

I call this Day 1 even though it's late Thursday night. We traveled on the red eye and this was taken before we left. The dresses were also their Christmas Day dresses. For Christmas the Mickey heads had a Santa Hat tacked on and then I took it off and appliqued the bows for our trip.


Day 2- Magic Kingdom
They continued to wear the dresses all day and I was thrilled to find Minnie's House open because it was supposed to be closed during our trip! I hustled those girls right in their for the obligatory DisBoutique picture


Day 3- World Showcase
Daisy (the little one) got more attention with her outfit than Tabitha.


Day 4- Animal Kingdom
I love these outfits! And they'll never get worn again because they just aren't appropriate for any park here at Disneyland. But man did they get attention! People loved Tabitha's pants. In hindsight I should have added ruffles to Daisy's pants as well, but I still love how it looked.


Day 5- future world and mini-golf- Too cold, they wore Disney Store stuff

Day 6- Magic Kingdom
I didn't make these, I bought them off ebay. Same with the girls' hats. As a family we got a load of attention. People also made lots of comments on the hats.


Day 7- Disney's Hollywood Studios
Daisy attracted everyone from every corner of the park. They could not get over her outfit which cracks me up because it was so darn simple! Tabitha got a bit of attention too, since she's so bright, but most commented on the Einstein's outfit.


Day 8- Back to Animal Kingdom due to being rained out the first time then to Downtown Disney
The girls attracted attention, but it was more mild. I was asked many times that day if I sewed their outfits and then told I did a good job, but that's about it.


Day 9- Magic Kingdom
Tabitha's garnered the most attention due to the pants and all day long I was asked if I sewed their outfits. One man even pointed us out to his family later in the day after he had seen us earlier. They were great outfits for our very last magical day (we won after park passes for an extra hour in the park).


There you have it! For those interested in photopass pictures you can see those here. I have zero hope in catching up and won't even try since I was behind before we left! But I hope to stay more active now that I'm not trying to finish so many outfits. On the other hand, I do have a birthday dress, a recital dress and two Easter outfits to complete by the end of March, so we'll see, lol.
Good morning everyone! It's cold here in Dallas today so I'm kind of excited although my girls hate to wear their winter coats so it's kind of a battle but I'm happy!
USUALLY I try to take the stupid comments with a grain of salt, or difuse with humor. There are times however when the comment is particulary nasty or hurtful. And I might for a moment "forget" I am a Christian woman :rolleyes1 . But I think it is important for my DD to know that Mommy will always stand up for her. One comment comes to mind. We walked into a furniture store prepared to SPEND money. A "salesman" approached and amoung other comments said (right in front of my DD) "She's cute where did you get HER?" I loudly asked him (in front of all of his "buddies") "what you don't know where babies come from?" (which caused laughter for his buddies) I then proceeded to question HIS upbringing before going to his manager and "chatting" with him. The salesman was pulled off the floor and "counseled". We walked out of the store and have not been back. Sadly my DD remembers the event. Everytime we drive by that store she says, "that is where the mean man works that mommy made cry":rolleyes1

I just don't understand WHY people think it is ok to question/comment on children. I actually had a tee made (to wear to WDW) that says "you don't have the right to question my family".

HUGS to ALL the children and parents who have had to endure stupid comments.

I am SO with you on this! Why do people think they need to comment about it at all!!! What makes them think it's their business!? He actually said "Where did you get her?" Wow!! It must have been hard not to slap him!

I think it looks adorable as is! If you want to add a little of the lace around the sleeves, that would be cute, too.

They look so pretty!! I love their dresses. How precious!

Look at how cute you all are!!


Funny story about those bows in her hair. We went to walmart to grocery shop last night and this lady came up to me and wanted to know where I got my bows. I told her that I made them. (kicking myself that I didn't bring my business cards with me) well she said they were EXACTLY what she wanted for her daughter. I jokingly said that I'd sell her those. (the ones my dd was wearing) and she said I'll take them and handed me a shiny $10 bill. :thumbsup2 DD was kinda upset so I bought her some cookie dough and all was right with the world again.
Aw...she looks so adorable in her birthday outfit!! I love it! So funny that you sold the bows off DD's head!

Yep she did many times :( It was awful I tell you
:hug: It must have been awful!! I'm so fortunate to have such a nice mom and sister! They would never say my kids looked dorky, even if they thought it!


This is the outfit that I'm currently CASEing. It's a shame that it's on Voldemort for $'s crazy...I could make about 5 outfits for that much money...Anyway I finished the top, it's a pretty simple style. The only thing I'm not crazy about is the ribbon trim on the pants. Do you think it would look just as good with a red and white dot ruffle on the bottom instead?
I'm partial to the ribbon trim, but it would be cute with a ruffle, too. I'm sure whatever you come up with will be fantastic! I am always so happy for the sellers that get this kind of money out of their creations! It gives hope to us all! :rotfl:

One of my DGD wore one of my first custom outfits to a Festival and came back very indignant(sp?). She told me that her Daddy tried to "sell" her outfit three times that day and she would have had to come home NAKIT!!!
From then on anytime she puts on one of my customs (my DGDs are my primary models so I make the prototypes in their sizes) she wags her finger at her Daddy and tells him he can't "sell" it while she is wearing it.

:rotfl: What a little cutie!

ON TOPIC... I am trying to get to work on some things (though, non DIS) I have started. I have all the strips cut for a double layer stripwork skirt w/ elephants. I was going to make it a jumper but I'm considering not. I'd like to make a pair of pants w/ the elephants appliqued, but you know how the "A" word scares me. This outfit is a knock off of one of maybe 2cutekids...I'm not sure, but it had a zoo type print and a girraffe applique. Then I am trying to make a stripwork twirl top (from YCMT) that has a corset style back. I have some really gret calico prints that I bought like a year ago to make some shabby chic curtains for Littles room. B decided he wants to do an animal theme and since I'd been eyeing the fabric for outfits anyway I didnt' argue w/ him. I'd like to make something for the littles of the girls who helped my family have christmas and I think that I may make them some twirl tops w/ what I have left over. They are cousins and they are both 1.5 I have Littles day of the dead outfit cut out completely and some of it sewn, but I have to add a zipper and well, I'm gonna do that one w/ a chaperone. I hope to get this weekend off and sew sew sew. Maybe I'll get something done before then, I'm only scheduled til 5:00 every day this week so maybe I'll have an evening to sew some.

Hopefully I'll have some pictures next weekend.
It sounds like you've got all sorts of plans!! Can't wait to see what you make next!

VERY pretty!

I'm a beginner sewer, do you ladies think this is an outfit I could attempt? Really not so much the top as the pants? I loved the embellished overalls etc, is this relative easy to do? Any and all tips appreciated! THANKS
I think you could do it. But, I'd practice appliqueing on some "scrap" denim if you haven't done it before first. Look at some of the tutorials in the bookmarks if you need to.

These turned out so cute! You "whip" things up just as fast I do! :lmao: I love the "butt line" picture! Your kids are just too cute!

These are going to be so cute! Count me in as one of the people that want you to work harder and do matching threads! :lmao:

I am proud of myself-in my quest to use the fabric I have before I buy more......

Here is what I whipped up this evening (My model is sleeping)

Oh...we're supposed to USE our fabric stash! :eek:
I love this outfit, it's so cute!!
I am once again soooooo behind:eek: I have been sick again plus a major tooth ache:headache: i am like 15 or so pages behind:sad2: i have been lurking but not commenting,:guilty:
why is it everytime i jump on here i want to Case everything i see?:rolleyes1 oh yea! it is because we are some very talented peeps:thumbsup2
I love all the adorable lil kids and i am so sorry about the mean things that have been said :hug:
My kids have once again gone back to school after a long 4wk vacation (yr Round) i felt so bad we have about 6-7 inches of snow on the ground & it is cold and here i am shoving them out the door . :confused3
well everyone have a great day i am gonna go dose myself up and try to catch some more sleep before the 2 lil one's wake up..

Ooh yuck! I've never actually had a toothache but from what I'm told, they are miserable! I hope you get better soon! Enjoy the snow if you can (although I'm sure you are used to it).

Hi everyone! We're back from our most wonderful trip! We had a great time and the girls got loads of attention because of their outfits. It was worth every stabbed finger and broken needle. There was one day they did not wear a custom because it was just too cold and I figured it was better to bundle them up. But other than that, every outfit was worn. I'm horrible at trip reports so I'm just going to post an outfit report in photos here :)

I call this Day 1 even though it's late Thursday night. We traveled on the red eye and this was taken before we left. The dresses were also their Christmas Day dresses. For Christmas the Mickey heads had a Santa Hat tacked on and then I took it off and appliqued the bows for our trip.


Day 2- Magic Kingdom
They continued to wear the dresses all day and I was thrilled to find Minnie's House open because it was supposed to be closed during our trip! I hustled those girls right in their for the obligatory DisBoutique picture


Day 3- World Showcase
Daisy (the little one) got more attention with her outfit than Tabitha.


Day 4- Animal Kingdom
I love these outfits! And they'll never get worn again because they just aren't appropriate for any park here at Disneyland. But man did they get attention! People loved Tabitha's pants. In hindsight I should have added ruffles to Daisy's pants as well, but I still love how it looked.


Day 5- future world and mini-golf- Too cold, they wore Disney Store stuff

Day 6- Magic Kingdom
I didn't make these, I bought them off ebay. Same with the girls' hats. As a family we got a load of attention. People also made lots of comments on the hats.


Day 7- Disney's Hollywood Studios
Daisy attracted everyone from every corner of the park. They could not get over her outfit which cracks me up because it was so darn simple! Tabitha got a bit of attention too, since she's so bright, but most commented on the Einstein's outfit.


Day 8- Back to Animal Kingdom due to being rained out the first time then to Downtown Disney
The girls attracted attention, but it was more mild. I was asked many times that day if I sewed their outfits and then told I did a good job, but that's about it.


Day 9- Magic Kingdom
Tabitha's garnered the most attention due to the pants and all day long I was asked if I sewed their outfits. One man even pointed us out to his family later in the day after he had seen us earlier. They were great outfits for our very last magical day (we won after park passes for an extra hour in the park).


There you have it! For those interested in photopass pictures you can see those here. I have zero hope in catching up and won't even try since I was behind before we left! But I hope to stay more active now that I'm not trying to finish so many outfits. On the other hand, I do have a birthday dress, a recital dress and two Easter outfits to complete by the end of March, so we'll see, lol.

Beautiful outfits! I'm not surprised that your girls got lots of comments, they are so cute!

I'm not sure whose tiaras those are, but I love them on the dog! I actually want to make ones now for my Oscar but I'm sure by DD's would get jealous and want ones of their own and I'm sure DH would have a fit with him wearing them!:rotfl2: He has worn a reindeer headband before and that was pretty funny looking (the kennel he goes to is fantastic and he was there last Christmas and they put them on him and took pictures!). Love the improvisation of the model. Maybe we should all start sewing for our dogs too!
Tessa and I had a good laugh at your dog wearing a crown and a tiara! These are so cute! I like the idea of making one for your DS! Maybe I'll have to make one for Sawyer

I read through about 50 pages here today and I am very impressed with what I've seen. I meet Tom on another thread here so I have been watching his work for a while. I am the mother of 3 boys so I don't sew nearly as often as I'd like and mostly make Disney blankets, potholders and costumes. I have made a few custom Disney things for myself, but usually stick to designing Disney t-shirts. If you ever happen to visit the Creative Designs forums you will find me over there.

I'm thinking of making some of the princess hair clips, but making them as lapel pins that way I can wear them too.
:welcome: We're so glad to have you here!! I think your princess lapel pin idea is great!

Update on my WDW trip saga: It seems to go on and on! So DH and I decided that we were still going to go on our trip even though his company cancelled their sales meeting their (and the whole reason for going in the first place!). Of course that all changed yet again today! On his conference call today is boss decided since the big sales meeting was cancelled to go ahead and schedule a three day meeting that same week so it looks like our trip is cancelled yet again. :sad2: :sad2: :sad2: We still havent' cancelled the tickets or hotel yet because my DH thinks it still might get changed since some of the people his boss will want there might have conflicts so we are holding but it's not looking good. I know we don't necessarily need to spend the money right now (due to upcoming home renovations) but I think it will probably be our last chance for a real vacation for about 18 months. I also hate it that last week (before the meeting got cancelled but after we booked everything) that we told our girls and they are so excited! They loved our trip there last year and were so happy to be going back and like every parent I hate disappointing them. Who knows...........I guess whatever is meant to be is how it will turn out. In the mean time I'm still hoping but facing reality that it doesn't look like it's going to turn out.

Sorry for the totally OT rant but I just needed to share with others who understand the obsession with WDW!

Oh Benita, I'm so sorry that you have to keep going through this! :hug: How dissapointing! I really hope this gets turned around one last time and you end up getting to go!


I'm new to all these disney forums but I'm so glad to be able to join up as we are going to Disneyland next year for the first time ever :D It will also be our first holiday as a family.

We are from New Zealand and we will be travelling with my sister, my DH, our 2 girls (who will be almost 3 and almost 5 at the time) my friend and her mum (who are both disneyland veterans).

I'm just so excited and can't wait to start sewing and knitting stuff for the trip. I've been browsing through (not sure if I'll ever get through all the pages ;) ) but I must say I :love: all your gals creations.

It is really hard to find decent disney fabric in New Zealand so I'm hoping I can make do with themed colours (if anyone knows of a good fabric shop that sell disney fabric that ships internationally I'd be greatful )

I did make a hooded bathrobe for my DD with mickey and minnie embroidered on the back (thanks to my friends fancy embroidery machine) so that is the start of the obsession :D

Anyway that was a long intro (whoops).

Look forward to sharing some creations.

:woohoo: Another newbie!! :welcome: I would think that if you see some fabric you like, someone here would help you out by buying it and sending it to you. I don't know how much it actually costs to ship fabric to New Zealand, do you?

We leave tomorrow! The day before we leave on any trip is so stressful for me, it might actually be worse than the day we leave WDW to go home. I hate packing and I hate packing with the thought that I might forget something important. I have lists but I always worry about what I might forget.

Plus I have to run all those last minute errands. In addition, today I am going to tour a preschool for DD to attend in the fall. This stresses me all out on a whole other level.

:woohoo: Tomorrow!!! I'm so excited for you!!!

I am once again soooooo behin I have been sick again plus a major tooth ache i am like 15 or so pages behind i have been lurking but not commenting,
why is it everytime i jump on here i want to Case everything i see? oh yea! it is because we are some very talented peeps
I love all the adorable lil kids and i am so sorry about the mean things that have been said
My kids have once again gone back to school after a long 4wk vacation (yr Round) i felt so bad we have about 6-7 inches of snow on the ground & it is cold and here i am shoving them out the door .
well everyone have a great day i am gonna go dose myself up and try to catch some more sleep before the 2 lil one's wake up..
I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling good! This has been such a bad winter for illness!! :hug:

Thanks for the mini-TR!!! I love all of these outfits!! Your girls look so cute and pretty! I love everything, but the all black with the white mickey outfit stands out to me because I haven't seen it before!
Hi everyone! We're back from our most wonderful trip! We had a great time and the girls got loads of attention because of their outfits. It was worth every stabbed finger and broken needle. There was one day they did not wear a custom because it was just too cold and I figured it was better to bundle them up. But other than that, every outfit was worn. I'm horrible at trip reports so I'm just going to post an outfit report in photos here :)

I call this Day 1 even though it's late Thursday night. We traveled on the red eye and this was taken before we left. The dresses were also their Christmas Day dresses. For Christmas the Mickey heads had a Santa Hat tacked on and then I took it off and appliqued the bows for our trip.


Day 2- Magic Kingdom
They continued to wear the dresses all day and I was thrilled to find Minnie's House open because it was supposed to be closed during our trip! I hustled those girls right in their for the obligatory DisBoutique picture


Day 3- World Showcase
Daisy (the little one) got more attention with her outfit than Tabitha.


Day 4- Animal Kingdom
I love these outfits! And they'll never get worn again because they just aren't appropriate for any park here at Disneyland. But man did they get attention! People loved Tabitha's pants. In hindsight I should have added ruffles to Daisy's pants as well, but I still love how it looked.


Day 5- future world and mini-golf- Too cold, they wore Disney Store stuff

Day 6- Magic Kingdom
I didn't make these, I bought them off ebay. Same with the girls' hats. As a family we got a load of attention. People also made lots of comments on the hats.


Day 7- Disney's Hollywood Studios
Daisy attracted everyone from every corner of the park. They could not get over her outfit which cracks me up because it was so darn simple! Tabitha got a bit of attention too, since she's so bright, but most commented on the Einstein's outfit.


Day 8- Back to Animal Kingdom due to being rained out the first time then to Downtown Disney
The girls attracted attention, but it was more mild. I was asked many times that day if I sewed their outfits and then told I did a good job, but that's about it.


Day 9- Magic Kingdom
Tabitha's garnered the most attention due to the pants and all day long I was asked if I sewed their outfits. One man even pointed us out to his family later in the day after he had seen us earlier. They were great outfits for our very last magical day (we won after park passes for an extra hour in the park).


There you have it! For those interested in photopass pictures you can see those here. I have zero hope in catching up and won't even try since I was behind before we left! But I hope to stay more active now that I'm not trying to finish so many outfits. On the other hand, I do have a birthday dress, a recital dress and two Easter outfits to complete by the end of March, so we'll see, lol.

WOW WOW WOW! Your girls are absolutely beautfiul and EVERY OUTFIT is FANTASTIC! You did a great job and I can see why they got so much attention!

PS- To whomever's mother said their child looked DORKY?:confused3 I am just wondering who thinks ANY child could ever look dorky! Children are just way to sweet and cute and precious and you could dress them in paper sacks and they would look FANTASTIC! I just have to wonder what GRANDMOTHER on this earth would think their own grandchild looked dorky and would say that to them! That was extremely rude and hurtful! I am sooooo sorry she said that to your baby!:grouphug:
PS- To whomever's mother said their child looked DORKY?:confused3 I am just wondering who thinks ANY child could ever look dorky! Children are just way to sweet and cute and precious and you could dress them in paper sacks and they would look FANTASTIC! I just have to wonder what GRANDMOTHER on this earth would think their own grandchild looked dorky and would say that to them! That was extremely rude and hurtful! I am sooooo sorry she said that to your baby!:grouphug:

That was my mom. She said she was just stating the truth b/c when she was younger she had dorky clothes and doesn't want my girls to go through that. I don't think they are dorky and my dds love them :(

To the poster who did the jeans and tshirt with the green and multi colored mickey swirls. How did you attach the fabric to the shirt, I can't tell by the pic. Did you just use glue?
Thanks everyone for the compliments & comments about my doggie- Glad it brought smiles & laughs to your day!! ds saw the pictures this morning and said our doggie was SOOO silly.
Tarazandra- All your outfits look great- I especially like the little einsteins;)
Heather- I'll remember that tip about spreading things out for next time, after all how am I ever going to catch you super posters :lmao:
Hairbow makers..

where are you finding flesh color solid grosgrain ?

I am looking on a few ribbon site to place an order to make all of the princess bows and I cant find flesh.
I am once again soooooo behind:eek: I have been sick again plus a major tooth ache:headache: i am like 15 or so pages behind:sad2: i have been lurking but not commenting,:guilty:
Aww, Misty, I'm sorry you are sick! It seems like everyone is getting sick this winter. My MOTHER was sick yesterday! She NEVER gets sick! I hope you get feeling better soon, and no one else gets anything for awhile!!!

And, OOOUCH about the toothache too!!! UGGH! You poor thing. I think your friend Wendy needs to come over and take care of you!

Riley Makenna in the deep blue sea, you swim so wild and you swim so free. Heavens above and the sea below, just a little Riley Makenna on the go....I used to sing that to her and she loved it! She was such a little cutie!
Aww, now you are making me miss her!


There you have it! For those interested in photopass pictures you can see those here. I have zero hope in catching up and won't even try since I was behind before we left! But I hope to stay more active now that I'm not trying to finish so many outfits. On the other hand, I do have a birthday dress, a recital dress and two Easter outfits to complete by the end of March, so we'll see, lol.
All these outfits look great!!! The Minni Dot with yellow peasant top is one I have had on my list to CASE! I love that!
Good morning everyone! It's cold here in Dallas today so I'm kind of excited although my girls hate to wear their winter coats so it's kind of a battle but I'm happy!

I can't get my 15 year old to wear a coat! It drives me NUTS!!! It's 10degrees out, and he goes to school with just a sweatshirt over his short sleeves!!

They would never say my kids looked dorky, even if they thought it!

......and I cant find flesh.
:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: That just struck me as really funny!
This is way off topic but I am so excited. I got Lauren into the Preschool class I was hoping for! She will go 3 days a week in the mornings starting in September. I actually got the last slot in the class! I think it is beyond crazy that you have to register for preschool 9 months in advance and even then you might not get your first choice.
You guys are not going to believe this. My ruffler foot just BROKE! It's been acting kinda wonky. I was just finishing gathering the last section of the skirt of the pillowcase dress that I've been making, and I was about 1/2 finished, and there was kinda a wonky stitch, then a noise, and the maching beeping, and the thing just came off. The bottom part that attaches on the screw on bar thing just broke off. I paid $30 for this thing at Hancock's. I've had it since probably around August. I'm very, very sad. Now I'm gonna have to replace the thing. Anyone know where to find a ruffler foot for a good price?
:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: That just struck me as really funny!

After I posted I realized I could just use peach or cream. ok.. blame it on my sinus infection

This is way off topic but I am so excited. I got Lauren into the Preschool class I was hoping for! She will go 3 days a week in the mornings starting in September. I actually got the last slot in the class! I think it is beyond crazy that you have to register for preschool 9 months in advance and even then you might not get your first choice.

I know.. it is nuts.. I have to go register my younger 2 next week. hopping to get my dd into the 5 day half day and my ds 2 day half day. I already heard there may be no opening for him. If not I will send my dd to the half day pre-k at the public school.
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