LURKYLOO's Wedding Trippie: Morocco/Attic/Lower UK: Wedding Album + Gown Preservation

What a beautiful wedding. Thanks for sharing your special day with us. You looked absolutely amazing.

I just posted this on Amanda's TR, but I think plenty of other people would also be interested in seeing your MK photoshoot.

Do you have the details for the online preview doodah you can share with us?

I know you said you think they're awful, but I'm sure we'll all tell you otherwise :goodvibes
I just posted this on Amanda's TR, but I think plenty of other people would also be interested in seeing your MK photoshoot. Do you have the details for the online preview doodah you can share with us? I know you said you think they're awful, but I'm sure we'll all tell you otherwise :goodvibes

I've been agonizing over this.... I don't want to share the link with anybody yet because we've been trying to work with Disney to get them fixed. And I don't want to write about the MK Shoot experience yet because the whole thing has been ruined by how awful our pictures are.

The problems aren't just a matter of taste - the photographer actually Photoshopped in random lines and bleached out parts of one photo in an attempt to "help" a goofy pose we struck. The other problems include people walking through the back of our shots, the castle being crooked in almost all photos, photos that are blurry or out of focus, giant red exit signs in the photos, and framing that is so bad that 2/3 of the picture is sidewalk or sky, with a tiny castle and tiny us somewhere in the back.

At first I thought I'd just been spoiled by working with the Roots, but when I saw Amanda's pix, I knew that ours were actually bad. Hers include a nice mix of long shots and closeups, and Photoshop work that's actually artistic. About 70% of ours are taken from so far away that you can't see our features, and they include all this other junk in the frame - trash cans, huge expanses of sidewalk, etc. I actually felt sick when I first saw them, considering how much we spent.

When we first brought this to the attention of Disney Photographic, they said our photographer would fix them and reupload them. Well, we looked at them again when they reuploaded them, and they are IDENTICAL! They added in a few extra shots we didn't have before, but the Photoshop problems, the framing - it's all still there. So I sent back a shot-by-shot breakdown of the problems with each picture. I haven't heard anything back yet....

Sorry to write such a rant. I keep hoping we'll hear back and I can post a link to the fixed pictures, but until then... no pictures, folks... :sad1:
I am sorry that your MK Photoshoot turned out so badly...with all of the $$$ you spent on it and the high expectations of Disney's services. :hug: Hopefully someone will be able to fix them. If not, demand a free trip back to Disney to have your now complimentary shoot done over!! :cutie:
I'm so sorry. DPS needs to refund you the money even if they are able to fix the pictures as that is out of line, especially with the amount of money that shoot is.

There is no excuse for your pictures being of poor quality. Disney should do something to try to make it up to you, though nothing would ever be the same. For the amount of money that shoot costs, they should provide an excellent product. from looking at your pictures, I don't think anything would be as good as Roots, but bad is bad no matter what!

Good luck!
I've been agonizing over this.... I don't want to share the link with anybody yet because we've been trying to work with Disney to get them fixed. And I don't want to write about the MK Shoot experience yet because the whole thing has been ruined by how awful our pictures are.

The problems aren't just a matter of taste - the photographer actually Photoshopped in random lines and bleached out parts of one photo in an attempt to "help" a goofy pose we struck. The other problems include people walking through the back of our shots, the castle being crooked in almost all photos, photos that are blurry or out of focus, giant red exit signs in the photos, and framing that is so bad that 2/3 of the picture is sidewalk or sky, with a tiny castle and tiny us somewhere in the back.

At first I thought I'd just been spoiled by working with the Roots, but when I saw Amanda's pix, I knew that ours were actually bad. Hers include a nice mix of long shots and closeups, and Photoshop work that's actually artistic. About 70% of ours are taken from so far away that you can't see our features, and they include all this other junk in the frame - trash cans, huge expanses of sidewalk, etc. I actually felt sick when I first saw them, considering how much we spent.

When we first brought this to the attention of Disney Photographic, they said our photographer would fix them and reupload them. Well, we looked at them again when they reuploaded them, and they are IDENTICAL! They added in a few extra shots we didn't have before, but the Photoshop problems, the framing - it's all still there. So I sent back a shot-by-shot breakdown of the problems with each picture. I haven't heard anything back yet....

Sorry to write such a rant. I keep hoping we'll hear back and I can post a link to the fixed pictures, but until then... no pictures, folks... :sad1:

Who was your Photographer? I request Paul Loop since he has gotten so many good reviews! I am soo sorry your pictures were so crappy! I would make them fix them!
That really is bad - it's such an expensive package and it's not like you can just go and do it again.

Do let us know what happens.....
With all of the $$$ you spent on it and the high expectations of Disney's services. :hug: Hopefully someone will be able to fix them.

I'm so sorry. DPS needs to refund you the money even if they are able to fix the pictures as that is out of line, especially with the amount of money that shoot is. :hug:

There is no excuse for your pictures being of poor quality. Disney should do something to try to make it up to you, though nothing would ever be the same. For the amount of money that shoot costs, they should provide an excellent product. from looking at your pictures, I don't think anything would be as good as Roots, but bad is bad no matter what!

Thank you ladies - I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who thinks this. I didn't want to bring it up until we got some resolution, but them re-posting the same photos and then not writing back is frustrating me...

That really is bad - it's such an expensive package and it's not like you can just go and do it again.Do let us know what happens.....

Exactly - even if we could go back, we'd have to pay to hire a tux, steam the dress, etc. Ugh!

Who was your Photographer? I request Paul Loop since he has gotten so many good reviews! I am soo sorry your pictures were so crappy! I would make them fix them!

I don't want to bag on the guy in a public forum so I'm not posting his name, but I can tell you it wasn't Paul....
I'm really sorry that happened to you. I can't even imagine how devastated I would be. :sad1: I really hope they can do something to make it up to you. :flower3:
Aww Carrie - sending :hug:'s and lots of pixiedust: your way. I'm so sorry you were disappointed with your MK pictures. Seriously for $1000 - there is no excuse for any bride to be disappointed with their pictures. Its a huge expenditure and you don't even get the rights to them. I really hope Disney is able to do something for you. Please let us know what happens...
Why does it seem for the most part, the "outside" photographers are better than the "Disney" photographers? :confused: For the money you spend on that MK shoot, the pics should be pretty darn close to perfect! I don't blame you one bit for being upset!
I agree with everyone! This just downright sucks!:sad2:

Here's hoping they will offer you something to make it better. :wizard:
I've been agonizing over this.... I don't want to share the link with anybody yet because we've been trying to work with Disney to get them fixed. And I don't want to write about the MK Shoot experience yet because the whole thing has been ruined by how awful our pictures are.

The problems aren't just a matter of taste - the photographer actually Photoshopped in random lines and bleached out parts of one photo in an attempt to "help" a goofy pose we struck. The other problems include people walking through the back of our shots, the castle being crooked in almost all photos, photos that are blurry or out of focus, giant red exit signs in the photos, and framing that is so bad that 2/3 of the picture is sidewalk or sky, with a tiny castle and tiny us somewhere in the back.

At first I thought I'd just been spoiled by working with the Roots, but when I saw Amanda's pix, I knew that ours were actually bad. Hers include a nice mix of long shots and closeups, and Photoshop work that's actually artistic. About 70% of ours are taken from so far away that you can't see our features, and they include all this other junk in the frame - trash cans, huge expanses of sidewalk, etc. I actually felt sick when I first saw them, considering how much we spent.

When we first brought this to the attention of Disney Photographic, they said our photographer would fix them and reupload them. Well, we looked at them again when they reuploaded them, and they are IDENTICAL! They added in a few extra shots we didn't have before, but the Photoshop problems, the framing - it's all still there. So I sent back a shot-by-shot breakdown of the problems with each picture. I haven't heard anything back yet....

Sorry to write such a rant. I keep hoping we'll hear back and I can post a link to the fixed pictures, but until then... no pictures, folks... :sad1:

That's terrible! This was the only reason I didn't choose to do one, from what I've read on this board their quality is so inconsistent it's scary. I really do hope they can fix them.
Good luck Carrie!
:hug: So sorry! I hate that this happened to you! I agree it is a little scary they should be able to get it right for the amount they charge! I hope they make it right or at least give you a satisfying solution---
Why does it seem for the most part, the "outside" photographers are better than the "Disney" photographers? :confused: For the money you spend on that MK shoot, the pics should be pretty darn close to perfect! I don't blame you one bit for being upset!

I don't know if the "Disney photographers" are the same ones that work in the parks doing pictures. We had a photopass picture taken of us in front of the castle(turned out really well). We started to chat with the photographer(he's from our area, NW Ohio) and he said he was given a "basic" photography class and let loose in the parks(was hired with no experience).

I hope that they have better trained photographers do the DFTW stuff, especially for the MK shoot, that's a lot of money to spend and not be assured of a professional(which may be a different definition in WDW mind) photographer.

Not being a photoshop expert, but you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. Carrie you should at least get your money back or more.

Besides all of your other good advice, this one has convinced me Wishes VR or Escape VR , I'll be using an outside photographer. I really hate getting this last one.
The PhotoPass folks are a different division of Photography than the "regular" photographers. We chatted our Disney honeymoon photographer a bit on the difference. The regular photographers are supposed to be trained; the two that we had (our honeymoon--who was FABULOUS--and our MK photo shoot--who was *shrugs* pretty good) have been working for Disney photography for years. I have no idea why, overall, their work is so inconsistent.

So sorry this happened to you, Lurkyloo! I hope they'll be able to remedy the situation somehow. *hugs* Keep us posted!
With regards to workers, etc...they can't guarantee they won't be there or even in some shots as that is the time the workers get stuff done. However, they should be able to do poses to minimize these issues. The crooked shots, if they are like another brides, was a simple, not leveling the tripod...ANYONE should be able to that, especially someone you pay $1000 for. And photoshop CAN fix that and should have before they were ever posted.

Good luck!
Thank you all! :goodvibes

As many of you said, the wedding and MK shoot photography should be a notch above Photopass (though PurpleGirl seems to have lucked out with her Photopass experience!).

And, as Swmhc pointed out, a lot of these problems can be fixed in Photoshop. Sure, I wish they'd framed the shots properly in the first place, but all I'm asking is that they fix them now. I'm just not sure why they told me the pix had been fixed when they weren't.... :confused3
I'm so sorry to hear about your photos. That's unacceptable. I hope they are able to fix things for you.

As per mailing you my leftover desserts from my DP, if you are in WDW during my wedding next year, you should just come to my DP. I'll probably need people to come so that I have the minimum amount of guests :)


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