In search of my body...not the one I ate!

Thanks Erika!! I am somewhat zen this morning... making UM's pumpkin soup...

And... I know I shouldn't weigh every day, but... I was 168.8 this morning!!! Under 170!!!!!! It won't be there on Friday (this is TOM week), but I will sure take it now!
Man - it was too quiet on here today...

Hope everyone was out making good food choices and exercising...

Talk to you all in the morning...

Everything went very well. I had a great dinner. And, for your viewing pleasure, this was my outfit tonight:

Wow, it was quiet on here yesterday!

Kat - you look great! and look at you showing a little leg!!!

Hope everyone had a great weekend! Even with going out to eat 3 TIMES this weekend (it was Bruce's birthday), i managed to be down 2 pounds this morning from friday morning..... now lets hope i can keep it off! :thumbsup2
WOO HOO Kat! Great loss and perfect outfit! Will have to get the details via IM.

Happy Monday everyone! All 3 kids and I slept in till 8am! :cloud9: Spring Break this week...we head for the Cape on Thursday.

Good week-end, but busy...we did stuff like clean up the yard after the long winter and detail the cars, etc. (I thought DWD's car question was in what type of car do we envision others driving? We know that Goof has a Focus and Kat has some type of convertible...I see a Saab? I see Dawn and DWD as mini van mamas. SG Liz has only one kid so I see a sporty maybe an Audi type. I'll have to think about everyone else! :rotfl: )

Ok, I have to get psyched up for a 5.5 mile run...and I forgot to schedule my parents to watch the kids, so I hope I can find the time. I had a great work-out was a rest day for running so I just hit the gym for some strength training and both Sat. and Sun. were good food days as well. In fact, we even took the kids to DQ yesterday and I didn't even have a bite!
WOW Kat!!!! I never looked that good in my life! You go girl!

After spending the weekend shopping for my junior size DD, I don't know that I'm all that sorry about needing "big girl clothes". At least my clothes offer some coverage!!

Cars? OK, I'd let y'all guess, but you don't know me all that well yet. I drive a Toyota Highlander Hybrid. Got it on New Year's Eve. Before that I had a Toyota Sienna minivan--God I loved that van, but it got 16 mpg, and I couldn't keep guzzling gas like that. The Highlander gets about 27 or 28, which is MUCH better, especially with gas prices going up so fast. And yes, I'm totally brand loyal--this is my 5th Toyota! My next one (in 5 years or so) will probably be an Avalon, IF they make them hybrid by then.

Off to NYC for the day to see the orthopedist. TTYL...
WOO HOO Kat! Great loss and perfect outfit! Will have to get the details via IM.

Happy Monday everyone! All 3 kids and I slept in till 8am! :cloud9: Spring Break this week...we head for the Cape on Thursday.

Good week-end, but busy...we did stuff like clean up the yard after the long winter and detail the cars, etc. (I thought DWD's car question was in what type of car do we envision others driving? We know that Goof has a Focus and Kat has some type of convertible...I see a Saab? I see Dawn and DWD as mini van mamas. SG Liz has only one kid so I see a sporty maybe an Audi type. I'll have to think about everyone else! :rotfl: )

Ok, I have to get psyched up for a 5.5 mile run...and I forgot to schedule my parents to watch the kids, so I hope I can find the time. I had a great work-out was a rest day for running so I just hit the gym for some strength training and both Sat. and Sun. were good food days as well. In fact, we even took the kids to DQ yesterday and I didn't even have a bite!

I drive a Taurus 6 years old(and usually once a week, a truck, we are a FORD Family). I am in the market for a new vechicle, that has at min 7 seats, but I'm NOT DRIVING A MINIVAN. (I'm only 31 ha)

WOW Kat!!!! I never looked that good in my life! You go girl!

After spending the weekend shopping for my junior size DD, I don't know that I'm all that sorry about needing "big girl clothes". At least my clothes offer some coverage!!

Agreed!!!! I have a 12 year old, who sizes like a junior, not a little girl, and the clothing is really unacceptable. (She's ok with it, I'm not:scared1: ) And there are no tween shoes either.

Cars? OK, I'd let y'all guess, but you don't know me all that well yet. I drive a Toyota Highlander Hybrid. Got it on New Year's Eve. Before that I had a Toyota Sienna minivan--God I loved that van, but it got 16 mpg, and I couldn't keep guzzling gas like that. The Highlander gets about 27 or 28, which is MUCH better, especially with gas prices going up so fast. And yes, I'm totally brand loyal--this is my 5th Toyota! My next one (in 5 years or so) will probably be an Avalon, IF they make them hybrid by then.

Off to NYC for the day to see the orthopedist. TTYL...

I'm glad your signature fits on my screen now. Whew.
Wow--everyone is having a hard time waking up this morning!

Ok, so I am back from my run...and it was such a good run! I can usually cruise for the first 3/4 or so of the run, but the last section is usually a struggle. Today I was just cruising along and went a little farther than planned for a FULL 10k! That is 6.2 miles! And it wasn't really even a struggle! :confused3 Thank goodness for grandparents! I called my mom and said that I wanted to go for a run this morning and she came right over. :goodvibes

I figured out that I have impostor I am not a real runner and at any moment, my body is going to figure that out. I have two off days a week from running, and I am always terrified that when I go to run after a day off, I am only going to be able to run for like half a mile. Not sure when this will go away...

On May 4th, I have signed Jeff and I up for local road race. My very first. There are 2 routes...a 3-mile and a 5-mile. I am planning to run the 3 and Jeff the 5 (because that way we will finish at the same time...:lmao: ...sad but true!) And you know...I am just terrified of the thing! Truly! Today I ran more than twice that distance, but I am having panicky nightmares about this stupid 3 mile race. What is that about?

Another really nice spring day here, which makes it really hard for me to get work done and be chained to my computer. The kids are outside playing hockey and having a blast (hey, it's Maine...when the ice melts, they just play street hockey...
I am considering being part of a relay team for the Danskin Triathalon in September. We would raise money for breast cancer research in my mom's name. I'd have to run 3.1 miles and I don't run now - but what a motivation, huh?

On this date in history....:rotfl2: ....

Here I go again, going back in the thread....and look at this little gem that I found!

So now that you are a gym rat, what do you think about this? Are you thinking about the NY one or the New England one? If the dates work out, I will come down and do the run if you do the bike (or swim) and get someone else to do the third. Could be fun! Plus the motivation...what better cause than your mom???

We have a mini-triathalon here in my town in August and I am thinking about doing the whole thing solo. It is a .3 mile swim (in the ocean, though, so that could be tough depending on conditions), a 15 mile bike, and a 5k. The swim and run portions are totally doable, but the biking...I don't even have a "real" bike right now, so that would be something I would have to train for this summer.
Wow--everyone is having a hard time waking up this morning!

Ok, so I am back from my run...and it was such a good run! I can usually cruise for the first 3/4 or so of the run, but the last section is usually a struggle. Today I was just cruising along and went a little farther than planned for a FULL 10k! That is 6.2 miles! And it wasn't really even a struggle! :confused3 Thank goodness for grandparents! I called my mom and said that I wanted to go for a run this morning and she came right over. :goodvibes

I figured out that I have impostor I am not a real runner and at any moment, my body is going to figure that out. I have two off days a week from running, and I am always terrified that when I go to run after a day off, I am only going to be able to run for like half a mile. Not sure when this will go away...

On May 4th, I have signed Jeff and I up for local road race. My very first. There are 2 routes...a 3-mile and a 5-mile. I am planning to run the 3 and Jeff the 5 (because that way we will finish at the same time...:lmao: ...sad but true!) And you know...I am just terrified of the thing! Truly! Today I ran more than twice that distance, but I am having panicky nightmares about this stupid 3 mile race. What is that about?

Another really nice spring day here, which makes it really hard for me to get work done and be chained to my computer. The kids are outside playing hockey and having a blast (hey, it's Maine...when the ice melts, they just play street hockey...

Look at you... its not even noon and you have already earned your goddess status for the day.... :worship: :worship:

I am confident that you will have a great experience in your first road race. You just need to get the whole procedure and etiquitte of the race operations in your head and your running skills will take over. As for your idea about doing the triathalon by yourself, I am just going to start calling you superwoman now... (Ironman just doesn't sound right even if it is appropriate to the event...)

I am off to eat some lunch and take a walk...

Later -
Update on me:

So I started the new medication for my vertigo and I am feeling so much better and I am only 3 days into it.

I am thinking that I may be able to do water aerobics on Wed. That will be a first in three months. And I am down in my weight!!! I can't wait to see what it is on weigh in day on Friday.

Off to fix lunch for the kids. Have a good day everyone.
Oh come on! You all weren't THAT bad over the week-end, were you???

I think everyone is out enjoying this beautiful spring day.... Can you say spring fever.... C'mon people, this is why they invented WiFi....

Kat- Loved your outfit. You look great! You are so close to your goal :thumbsup2 .

Thanks Erika!! I am somewhat zen this morning... making UM's pumpkin soup...

And... I know I shouldn't weigh every day, but... I was 168.8 this morning!!! Under 170!!!!!! It won't be there on Friday (this is TOM week), but I will sure take it now!
Hehe... I am so not a girly-girl... I only picked that out after Erika and Liz gave me pointers last night!!! :laughing:

LOL!! A woman I work with is always threatening to take me shopping in an effort to girl me up. Once I hit goal I might take her up on it. You looked AWESOME in your new outfit. You really do have great legs!!

DWD--AOL Instant Messenger.

It is free...go download it and get a screen name and come play with us! Post your name here when you are all set up and I will invite you in. Me Kat and Liz chat waaaaay too often! :lmao: along...go...get a chat name!

Just in case I am online the next time you all are chatting, my AIM screen name is Kbjenday. Yeah, its a bird thing.

Treyner lost his game yesterday 1 -0 and the shot that won the game was a top right corner shot that the wind took like a a good goal..he was screwed and could have done no better...I was glad it wasn't a shot that he bobbled or should have had...

2 of our players knocked heads in the last minute of the game going up for a header...and one got a huge bump..caused by the mouth of fact the other boy..knocked his whole front tooth out...root and all...:scared1: That meant...finding it...Treyner was back where it happened and was looking for a small tooth...not a golf tee as he put it...:eek: The poor kid was in so much pain as they shoved it back in...I could hear him scream from accross the ER Dentist trip to get bonded last night...and we shall see who we have left today to play...

The team they lost to was ranked #2 in the country so not too bad of a start and this was our first time touching grass after playing indoors all winter...

I will upload some pics for you guys tonight...we are in a beautiful area..more mansions than you can imagine....:worship:

I miss you all....I look forward to December soo much...I can't wait to give you all a big hug for the support and kindness you have shown through this past couple days... I to gather that when you are all chatting it is on AIM???
Carsyn will have to get me in the loop so I can be a part of your fun...

Can we get booted from AIM like we can here for "OFF TOPIC CONVO'S???":lmao:


:hug: :cheer2: for Treyner! I am sorry they lost the game but it sounds like they did all they could. That poor boy who lost his tooth...:scared: I can not imagine how bad that must have hurt.

Kim[/B], I caught your edit! VB in the house!

This morning cinched it for me, I need a VB diaper-esque bag for daycare and then a pretty little bag for me. What I am currently using as a diaper bag is just sad. The "other" moms all have pretty little bags and mine is gross. And who knows, if a 3rd baby is in the future I will need a new one anyway.

You all need to get on AIM - we had the best time last night. Oh, and we totally all need to be on when the Miss Universe pageant happens! (That's in a month. Yes, I know these things.) Otherwise we will be playing Spot the Fakies all alone!

AIM = Kbjenday I have not used it in years but I do have it.

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood...I might think about weeding. Or I might just laze around. Yup, laze around sounds good! Oh, and Em's soccer! I meant to tell you all, I was totally the cool mom yesterday! And I made a friend!

I like this woman from Em's preschool. We have done two social things - St Patrick's Day and she had us over a few weeks ago. Both girls are in this soccer. She talked about hanging out there but last week was sort of unprepared - no chair, etc. So I was kvetching about this to Greenie, how I don't want the work of mom friends, and she was like "Mary is nice, she's just unprepared. You have to be the prepared one and she will appreciate it." I KNOW! Advice from Greenie. Maybe an alien took her over? Anyway, I listened. I called Mary and told her I was bringing my double chair - with armrests and cup holders, we tailgate in style here in the Garden State - and snacks. The night before I had gone to Target and bought a cooler tote - a lined tote bag, looks like a tote, works like a cooler. So i lugged the chair out and I brought the tote filled with waters and 2 Diet Cokes and some snacks for us and the kids. She just loved it! I was like the hero mom! I put my iPhone in the front, my small notebook like Erika told me, and some sunscreen for my face - Emily was already sublocked - and that was it! Prepared but not too much stuff!

See, I can learn! And I was friendly. Aren't you proud?

Very good! You were the prepared one and you made a friend. We are doing soccor in the fall so I may have to follow your lead. Me and the gymnastic moms just don't click.

Good to hear from you, Heather! :goodvibes

Question: why do old Navy clothes, specifically pants, fit like two sizes too small? I have on a pair of size 18 old navy low waisted capris that I must have bought 2 years ago in a fit of desperation. Now, in most clothes I am a 14 - not a solid 14, but a mostly 14. So why is this the first time these size 18's actually fit well? :confused3 It is so strange!

I have come to believe there is NO rhyme or reason behind sizing anywhere. I love Old Navy even though I have not bought anything from them since my oldest arrived and their sizing (at least for me) has always been wonky.

OMG, what a day! After running around all morning, we came home, had lunch, and went through her closet and drawers. 3 lawn and leaf bags later, all the stuff that doesn't fit or she doesn't like is gone. So off we go to the mall...

This is one of the reasons I am grateful I have boys (though I do want a girl); it would be hard to hooch-up boys clothes. I do hope that the fad of wearing your pants 10 sizes too buig is long gone before my boys are into looking cool.

I need to care about me like that...make me happy and say F everyone else... all..could not reply to everything..but I am so excited to get back to a rountine this week....miss you all...think of you each special gifts I never expected...

BTW...Treyner beat a team from England today...6-1....

WAY TO GO Treyner!!
I am glad to hear that you are thinking of you! It is easy to forget about yourself in the whirlwind of kids, GT's, work, etc. You know we are here for you for whatever you need.

Happy Monday everyone! All 3 kids and I slept in till 8am! :cloud9: Spring Break this week...we head for the Cape on Thursday.

Good week-end, but busy...we did stuff like clean up the yard after the long winter and detail the cars, etc. (I thought DWD's car question was in what type of car do we envision others driving? We know that Goof has a Focus and Kat has some type of convertible...I see a Saab? I see Dawn and DWD as mini van mamas. SG Liz has only one kid so I see a sporty maybe an Audi type. I'll have to think about everyone else! :rotfl: )

Ok, I have to get psyched up for a 5.5 mile run...and I forgot to schedule my parents to watch the kids, so I hope I can find the time. I had a great work-out was a rest day for running so I just hit the gym for some strength training and both Sat. and Sun. were good food days as well. In fact, we even took the kids to DQ yesterday and I didn't even have a bite!

I forgot about your upcoming trip to the Cape. Do you have an itinerary for this trip or are you just winging it? Good luck with the run. Tonight is a run night for me too but I think I will add some ab work first. My toe is still achey so I think I need to wrap it before I hit the gym. My poor little piggy is broken for sure. UPDATE: Good job on the awesome ruin this morning!! After being in meetings all morning I just realized I typed-up this post and didn't submit it...:sad2:

Cars? OK, I'd let y'all guess, but you don't know me all that well yet. I drive a Toyota Highlander Hybrid. Got it on New Year's Eve. Before that I had a Toyota Sienna minivan--God I loved that van, but it got 16 mpg, and I couldn't keep guzzling gas like that. The Highlander gets about 27 or 28, which is MUCH better, especially with gas prices going up so fast. And yes, I'm totally brand loyal--this is my 5th Toyota! My next one (in 5 years or so) will probably be an Avalon, IF they make them hybrid by then.

Off to NYC for the day to see the orthopedist. TTYL...

I would love to get a hybrid. It is hard to find a decent used one around here and we are in the market for a minivan. We have been loyal to Honda but I am willing to defect if the right vehicle becomes available.

Chbc, it is good to see you. :goodvibes

Goof, I hope you enjoyed your lunch time walk. It is grey and raining here. I am not looking forward to the gym tonight. All I want to do is curl up with some hot tea and a comfortable blanket.
I can't get over all of you, planning triathalons and 5Ks. I could do a 5K. It would just take me a week! (OK, maybe not that long, but more than one day!) I keep forgetting that you are all SO much younger than I am!

I went to NYC today to see the new ortho. My knees aren't as bad as I'd feared, but the plastic parts are wearing thin, and they have to be replaced before they are totally gone (THAT would be a bad thing!) But the Dr. thinks I can probably go with a partial replacement, rather than a total, which is MUCH better. BUT he is talking about THIS year, not next. Ugh. How on earth do I plan for 2 weeks in the hospital and rehab, and 2-3 MONTHS at home? There's just no good time for something like this. I guess I'm gonna have to hire someone to live in, who can drive the kids to their activities, and me to the doctor/ therapy/ whatever.

Or maybe I just need a wife...:lmao:
I keep forgetting that you are all SO much younger than I am!


Not everyone is! :goodvibes There are several of us here in our late 30s and early to mid 40s. Sure, DWD thinks that 31 is old :headache: :lmao: ...

We have 2 in their 20s, most of us are in our 30s, and 3 in their 40s. So you are in the game, girl!
No everyone is! :goodvibes There are several of us here in our late 30s and early to mid 40s. Sure, DWD thinks that 31 is old :headache: :lmao: ...

We have 2 in their 20s, most of us are in our 30s, and 3 in their 40s. So you are in the game, girl!

Maybe, but at 47, I'm the "old grandma" around here!
Okay so this is the post where I pretty much only quote Erika. :laughing: Still love the rest of you!

SG/Liz-- I just had a fantastic idea (if I do say so myself! :lmao: ). When I am in NYC in June visiting my brother, we have to go shopping! I clearly have so much to learn! :rotfl2: Seriously, dinner and drinks will be on me in exchange for your services as my personal shopper!

DWD/Liz--How's the elliptical coming? C' know want to! :lmao:

You don't even have to bribe me! YES, we will go shopping and have dinner and drinks! Looking forward to it!

WOO HOO Kat! Great loss and perfect outfit! Will have to get the details via IM.

Happy Monday everyone! All 3 kids and I slept in till 8am! :cloud9: Spring Break this week...we head for the Cape on Thursday.

Good week-end, but busy...we did stuff like clean up the yard after the long winter and detail the cars, etc. (I thought DWD's car question was in what type of car do we envision others driving? We know that Goof has a Focus and Kat has some type of convertible...I see a Saab? I see Dawn and DWD as mini van mamas. SG Liz has only one kid so I see a sporty maybe an Audi type. I'll have to think about everyone else! :rotfl: )

Ok, I have to get psyched up for a 5.5 mile run...and I forgot to schedule my parents to watch the kids, so I hope I can find the time. I had a great work-out was a rest day for running so I just hit the gym for some strength training and both Sat. and Sun. were good food days as well. In fact, we even took the kids to DQ yesterday and I didn't even have a bite!

I drive a Honda CRV. We bought it new last March, so it's only a year old. I LOVE it. Perfect for one kid and lots of stuff in the back, and works well, sans car seat, for four adults, and it's also good when I have my niece and nephew and Emily at the same time. Great stereo system, which is essential to me, as you might imagine. Also, very funny, the designer was talking about why they did what they did with the redesign last year (this was in Car and Driver magazine) and he said they designed it to target "cool moms" - women with kids who still thought of themselves as happening. And of course he got it right with me! I cracked up when I read that - could I be more target market? Like, who is really cool when they are in the small SUV category? But I sure think I am! The imagined Audi, now that would be much cooler. Nick did float that by me as an option!

Before this car I drove a bright red Jetta for six years. Loved that car, too.

WOW Kat!!!! I never looked that good in my life! You go girl!

After spending the weekend shopping for my junior size DD, I don't know that I'm all that sorry about needing "big girl clothes". At least my clothes offer some coverage!!

Cars? OK, I'd let y'all guess, but you don't know me all that well yet. I drive a Toyota Highlander Hybrid. Got it on New Year's Eve. Before that I had a Toyota Sienna minivan--God I loved that van, but it got 16 mpg, and I couldn't keep guzzling gas like that. The Highlander gets about 27 or 28, which is MUCH better, especially with gas prices going up so fast. And yes, I'm totally brand loyal--this is my 5th Toyota! My next one (in 5 years or so) will probably be an Avalon, IF they make them hybrid by then.

Off to NYC for the day to see the orthopedist. TTYL...

That's a great car. We looked at it, but too big for me, coming from my VW. Maybe next time.

On this date in history....:rotfl2: ....

Here I go again, going back in the thread....and look at this little gem that I found!

So now that you are a gym rat, what do you think about this? Are you thinking about the NY one or the New England one? If the dates work out, I will come down and do the run if you do the bike (or swim) and get someone else to do the third. Could be fun! Plus the motivation...what better cause than your mom???

We have a mini-triathalon here in my town in August and I am thinking about doing the whole thing solo. It is a .3 mile swim (in the ocean, though, so that could be tough depending on conditions), a 15 mile bike, and a 5k. The swim and run portions are totally doable, but the biking...I don't even have a "real" bike right now, so that would be something I would have to train for this summer.

I want to do the Danskin one, on Sandy Hook in September. I think. ;) I think you should go for the solo one!!! Biking is easier than running, I hear. Not that I would know!

I took the spin class yesterday. It's fun! The lady parts don't hurt so much as the sitting parts. I would suggest walking a lot the day of, but the next day it's not too bad. I'm going to do it again!

BTW, I was not sleeping in - I was at the gym! And then out all day being busy. I was active today - even parked far away and walked instead of circling for a space. What has taken me over? :scared1:

On other news, my inlaws are stressing me out. I need a good solution to them and this situation this keeps coming up. Arghh.
just a drive by for now, i'll probably be back later, i see the car theme going on here.... I bought a 2006 TrailBlazer in May 06.... it's great, i love it, until i have to pump that 22 gallon tank full :faint:

Hope everyone is having a great day!


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