Trouble with explaining my sadness.

That's what brings me to tears each time I think about it - future shows and the introductions. I imagine Pete saying Bob's name out of habit, or his voice cracking when he says "with us here in spirit is Bob," etc. It pains me to know that these guys have lost a very good friend.

I know what you mean - an empty seat at the table. I still have the last show to listen to but could not face it today:sad2:

I kept the last email show on my i pod as I was so happy that my email was read but so sad now it was Bobs last ever show.
I know exactly what you all are talking about. After I found out, I called my Mom right away because I truly felt like I lost a friend, and who do you call when you're feeling down? Mom, of course! While she was sympathetic, I don't think she quite 'got it'. Nor did a friend of mine who called me later on when I explained to her why I sounded like crap.

I went to bed last night and Bawb was the last person I thought about. I woke up this morning and Bawb was the first person I thought about.

I had to attend a conference for work today where there was a panel of speakers, one of whom was named Bob. Another speaker, a woman, approached the microphone and asked us to 'excuse' her Boston accent and then proceeded to refer to things that "BAWB" said. That was it - I was done. I couldn't tell you what was said after that - my mind was elsewhere.

There really aren't too many people I know personally who would 'get' this - how much it hurts. Thank goodness for you guys. As someone posted previously, this really has become a family and I, for one, am mourning the loss of a major part of it. :sad1:
That's what brings me to tears each time I think about it - future shows and the introductions. I imagine Pete saying Bob's name out of habit, or his voice cracking when he says "with us here in spirit is Bob," etc. It pains me to know that these guys have lost a very good friend.

Dang I go again...:sad1:

Same here! As soon as I read that post I lost it again.:sad:
I'm right there with you.

Two weeks ago a local ball player/analyst (John Marzano) died and my husband was really effected by it. He was well regarded in the community and my DH was glued to the Internet & TV. Well, I was just trying to get the kids to bed and I asked him to join us in real life and stop spending time on someone he didn't even know.

Unfortunately, now I get it. I fell real sadness and loss and I didn't even know Bob.

The whole team feels like friends you catch up with once or twice a week.

I understand both you and your husband. I felt a terrible feeling after the loss of Johnny Marz and now also with Bawb. I listened to both gentleman often and though I never met either in person, each has hit me hard. They both truly affected people because they were both "Good People" as I like to call them. Genuine, real, and it came accross to everyone that listened to either of them. Both wil be missed but always remembered!
Anyone else having trouble with explaining why you are so sad over the loss of someone you never met? My DH tried to understand, but I could tell he didn't really "get it." I guess Bob always came across as such a "real" person over the podcast. i know for me the Podcast is like a weekly visit with friends. I hope the team is doing OK! Am I even making any sense?

Oh I am glad I am not the only one who feels this way, I have been crying on and off since I found out. :sad1: I feel like I lost a close friend, I just keep thinking how odd it will be to not hear his voice or his stories any more on the podcasts. We are headed to WDW this fall and one thing I was so looking forward to was looking for Bob in the parks. I would LOVE to have meant him. It is a great tribute to him that so many people who never meant him will miss him :sad1:
I know what you mean - an empty seat at the table. I still have the last show to listen to but could not face it today:sad2:

I kept the last email show on my i pod as I was so happy that my email was read but so sad now it was Bobs last ever show.

I still have last weeks email show show to listen to also and I just couldn't do it today.
I read about the news at work this morning. I started crying and my coworkers asked what happened. I told them and they actually laughed at me. I have not told DH yet but I don't think he will understand either.
I agree! I feel as though I've lost a member of my family and everyone thinks I've lost it :(

It just goes to show how Bawb touched us all
I read about the news at work this morning. I started crying and my coworkers asked what happened. I told them and they actually laughed at me. I have not told DH yet but I don't think he will understand either.

Boneheads. :sad2:
I read about the news at work this morning. I started crying and my coworkers asked what happened. I told them and they actually laughed at me. I have not told DH yet but I don't think he will understand either.

:hug: Im sorry! that is definetly uncalled for.
I read about the news at work this morning. I started crying and my coworkers asked what happened. I told them and they actually laughed at me. I have not told DH yet but I don't think he will understand either.

I've been crying since yesterday. So go ahead and cry, you are among friends who understand. :sad1:
Thanks to the OP for sharing your feelings with us - and know that you are not alone... Bob was more than just a voice on my I-Pod... he was one of many friends here on the DisBoards that I have not met...

To Diana and the Podcast Crew - you are in my thoughts and prayers...
It is very strange.

There is a sense of loss for someone who we never met.

But there is that loss that is there.
I was crying at work today as I always log on to hear the podcast and when I saw the post about him passing I lost my breath. Noone could understand how you feel about someone you never met, but I feel like I have lost a good friend and I just have to have hope that I will get to meet him in heaven.

I am just so sad.:sad1:

Amy P from WI
We are very lucky to have known Bawb through the Dis. He has touched our lives. That is a beautiful thing. It is a tribute to his life. It is ok to cry and to smile at the joy he has brought you. Bawb was our friend. May his memory live on.
I agree with all that has been said.
I haven't told anyone in real life, except my dh, who didn't get it, because I honestly don't know what to say, to explain. I'm sure I would get the same reaction as others here have gotten.
I feel the same way. I don't post on these boards often, but I am a faithful listener to the podcast and I felt like the wind was knocked out of me when I read Pete's post last night. I went to sleep with an awful feeling and had an awful day at work today. I couldn't wait to come back onto the DIS and read more of what others were saying. I only hope it gives Bob's family and friends some measure of comfort to know how many lives he touched and how much he will be missed.
Thank you for posting this. I believe reading of Bob's death will be a moment I will remember forever, of course for sad reasons. i have been listening to the podcast on a daily basis for several months now and cannot imagine a day without Bob. Part of me thought it was a cruel joke when I read Pete's post, and I still haven't really come to terms with the news.

I called my mom last night when I found out and told her. She had trouble understanding what a Podcast was, let alone truly comprehending how the death of a man I knew only through voice and pictures could effect me so much. I'm so glad that these boards exist and we all have a place to turn. God bless the Varley family...and the Podcast family.

Rest in peace Bawb
I still have last weeks email show show to listen to also and I just couldn't do it today.

I actually decided to listen to it today, since I still had it as well. I listened to it at the gym this afternoon, and I was afraid I'd break down and cry in public.

Instead, I found myself smiling and laughing even more than normal (making everyone around me think I was a bit "touched"), remembering all of the joy he brought to all of our lives. As I read all of the tributes (and finally stop just lurking), I occasionally well up, but I really try to remember the positives. We've all suffered a loss (not nearly as much as the Varleys and the 'crew), but we've had such a gift in our lives.

Once again, RIP Bawb.


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