OK Kids....Behave!

:rotfl2: :lmao: :rotfl: :rotfl2: :lmao: :rotfl:

Oh, that's funny!

Looks shocked that you would think I would be anything less than a pure as the driven snow

*takes a bow*
Acting....thank you... thank you....thank you

Now, do you want a Margarita or and After Burner? You've got catching up to do!

I'll take a Margarita and then pour me a Buttery Nipple
But then I am innocent all the time..... :-)

That's Rich!
Tammieland and Wallyb... whatever gives you the impression that I am not virginal like another Disney Prince

hmmm....what could it be...what could it be....me thinks it's the subtle hint of a smirk, if you will, hiding behind that disarmingly handsome face of yours.....
Virginal is so overrated, dontcha think?

Here! Here!

(I want to see the look on Dad's face when he gets back and reads this thread :scared1: ... I bet he's going to send us all to bed without any supper)
Here! Here!

(I want to see the look on Dad's face when he gets back and reads this thread :scared1: ... I bet he's going to send us all to bed without any supper)

All the more reason to stock up on snacks in the bedside table NOW! :yay:
Pissst - It's got nothing to do with sleeping.

At least I think that's how it goes ...
maybe they do only like to sleep.

No, you were right the first time!
:scared1: I see some serious whuppins in our collective future here.

(home sick and still knocking back the nyquil)


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