

View from our studio at SSR in Oct 2007 :)

Claire ;)
I find it amazing when looking through all these pictures how many of them are almost the same shots I have in my collection (though obviously I don't have one of Chip, Dale and Steve :rotfl: )
I think it has given me a bit of a mission when I am over there next month to try and get some shots of something unique.
I'm not saying that the shots being displayed here aren't great becasue they so are - and who doesn't enjoy looking at Disney photo's first thing in a morning.
But my eyes will be trying to find something a little bit different this time. :thumbsup2

I know what you mean Kenny.. I like getting the usual castle, monorail etc shots but the ones I enjoy the most (mine and others) are the quirky ones or those that capture a memorable moment :goodvibes
I am same could play snap with many pictures. Here is an unusual one, I had no idea Matt had taken it, saw it when uploading to laptop, I smile everytime I see it, both because of the content and a 13 year old spotted it and took the shot without saying anything. It was at Beaches and Cream

That is an excellent picture Wayne - and a very eagle-eyed son you have to have spotted it.
I recognised it straight away as Beaches and Cream as we had our first trip there last year.
Here is my favourite pic from that visit.
This was before and after our Kitchen sink "with a whole can of whipped cream"


We saw this guy a lot driving up and down I-Drive

Wayne I love that pic your Son took. Good eye. :thumbsup2

Mine for today....
Carnival Imagination ......for those who like to spend a little time away from the parks.



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