Girls Only Disneyland Trip - Old Thread

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I did pm beth my cell phone number weeks ago, but i didn't get a list of anyone elses numbers.:confused3
No, not yet. On Feb. 18 is when I will send the PMs out, because I am still waiting on a number and they won't have it until then. New phone.
So don't worry, I won't forget you! ;)

Can you ship it to the hotel?
I told her she could ship it to me. Amy has assured me we have lots of room in her SUV so I'm going to fill up every inch of it! :rotfl2:
My candy's on it's way to Beth. I'm telling everyone, so that if she is tempted to eat it, we can all hold her responsible! :lmao:

I know I couldn't be trusted with a big tub of candy!

Thanks so much Beth!!! :goodvibes
Well, after my last post, I took a 3 hour nap. Lets see how long of a nap I'll need after this one...

My throat is really killing me right now, I wanna scream, but that would hurt, so I wont. I went to the doctors on Friday and she told me it was nothing serious so she sent me on my way with a prescription for some antibiotics, but told me not to fill the prescription for a few days to see if I'm better. Here I am, a few days later and I am no better so I shall get my prescription filled tomorrow. This is the third illness I've had since November. :sad2:

I've missed 4 days of work and that scares me, because I can't afford to not have the money. All I know is that not going on the girls trip is not an option.

So now that I've bored you all to tears, I think I will go lay down. :faint:
Is there anyone who is driving that would be willing to have me ship my candy to them, and bring it to the pizza party? We are flying and not checking luggage, so I'm not sure how I'll get my big tub of candy there! Thanks so much. pixiedust:

I also just pm'd you. So wherever you want to send it is fine (not sure who's more trustworthy with candy--me or Beth--it's a toss-up!)
Well I am back from my afternoon with the girls. Dad's away so the girls and I were able to "play" ;) We dropped off Lynn at work and then headed to Target to use a gift card that Shelby got for her birthday LAST year. My purse is FULL of all sorts of gift certificates and different things that I have accumulated over the year/years. Typical mom purse and it is no WONDER I have migraines LOL. That sucker weighs a ton. But the girls are constantly getting little certificates for free dinners at Red Robin or Applebys and in fact we used one at Claim Jumpers last night that Katy got probably last year at school. Luckily it didn't expire. ;)

But they get them all the time for attendance or doing good on their homework or whatever. So I have a TON of those and we join all the different birthday clubs at baskin and robbins, Dennys, Marie Calendars you name it so I am constantly getting coupons for free meals or pieces of pie, ice cream cones whatever. Then since Shane is a soccer coach and we do a TON of volunteering we get lots of gift cards for restaurants etc. So I have lots of those too. That is probably what we will use if we do end up going out for our anniversary next weekend. :)

But anyway Shelby had a 20 gift cert from her birthday for target from LAST April but I just never got around to using it and so I FINALLY took her today and then my uncle gives them 10 gift certs to Barnes and Noble every year for Christmas AND their birthdays so today we gift cert redemption day LOL.

So we went to target and I was also able to pick up my cards for Shane for v-day and our anniversary next week as well as a birthday card for mom since HER birthday as Feb 26th. I got the BEST card too. It is like a dictionary listing and it says BIATCH (noun) and then underneath is says definition anyone younger and skinnier than us. And then down below it says something like Happy Birthday. Hopefully your birthday doesn't have too many BIATCHS or something to that effect. I loved it. SO funny. Target has the BEST cards! And the anniversary card I got shane has these two old people and the old man says something like the day we met was the luckiest day of my life and the old lady says mine too. And then you open it and he says It was your luckiest day too and she says no it was YOUR luckiest day of YOUR life. I am probably screwing it up but it was hilarious.

Anyway so the girls got their stuff and then at Barnes and Noble Katy picked out a set that had Secret Garden, the Little Princess and Anne of Green Gables. I was really pleased to see her picking the classics. Last time she bought Phantom of the Opera and another classic but I forget which it was but I am so glad to see her reading the classics and not just captain underpants or whatever. Not that there is anything wrong with those books but I am glad she is expanding her horizons to the classics as well!

Anyway so we had a good day and it was a lot of fun so now we are going to watch the old classic version of the little princess with Shirley temple! :)
My candy's on it's way to Beth. I'm telling everyone, so that if she is tempted to eat it, we can all hold her responsible! :lmao:

I know I couldn't be trusted with a big tub of candy!

Thanks so much Beth!!! :goodvibes

My throat is really killing me right now, I wanna scream, but that would hurt, so I wont. I went to the doctors on Friday and she told me it was nothing serious so she sent me on my way with a prescription for some antibiotics, but told me not to fill the prescription for a few days to see if I'm better. Here I am, a few days later and I am no better so I shall get my prescription filled tomorrow. This is the third illness I've had since November. :sad2:
Did she say what it was? Strep maybe? I hope you feel better soon. Being sick sucks!!!

I also just pm'd you. So wherever you want to send it is fine (not sure who's more trustworthy with candy--me or Beth--it's a toss-up!)

My purse is FULL of all sorts of gift certificates and different things that I have accumulated over the year/years.

That's so shocking to me! I spend them as soon as I get them, so do my kids. :rotfl:

Hey, did anyone notice they changed the smilies back to the way they were before?
Hello ladies.

Just got some great news.....DD told me that she doesn't have school tomorrow!! So yeah! I don't have to take her in the morning. I wish she would have told me sooner though. But still I am happy about getting to sleep in some.

I went and saw "The Reader" today. It was excellent. I highly recommend this movie. Some what graphic and not the best subject either. And the end left you not knowing how to feel. Really gave me a lot to think about. But I really liked the movie. Definately oscar worthy. And Kate Winslet is a terrific actress.

I still have homework to do, but I am going to DIS for a while then catch up on tivo. Some how though I will get my homework done.

Can't believe that its only a few more weeks till our trip.
Hey Stacie..:idea:

Just thought i'd pass this info about a post i saw on the dis budget board that i thought would be of interest to *you*.

It was entitled:

Is there a sell on KY at the CVS?


With Valentine's being so close and everythinG..thought You might wanna check it out.:hug:
Hey Stacie..:idea:

Just thought i'd pass this info about a post i saw on the dis budget board that i thought would be of interest to *you*.

It was entitled:

Is there a sell on KY at the CVS?


With Valentine's being so close and everythinG..thought You might wanna check it out.:hug:


I saw that thread yesterday. Thanks for thinking about me though. :rolleyes:
:rotfl: OMYGoSh!
when i read it..i immediately thought.. i wonder if Stacie has seeN this!:lmao:

That thread heading was begging for a visit from the Tag Fairy!:rotfl2:
Hey Stacie..:idea:

Just thought i'd pass this info about a post i saw on the dis budget board that i thought would be of interest to *you*.

It was entitled:

Is there a sell on KY at the CVS?


With Valentine's being so close and everythinG..thought You might wanna check it out.:hug:

:rotfl2: That reminds me of the time my friend and I were at the grocery store and saw this display:


We intitled it: "What Do You Want To Do Tonight" :rotfl:
Did she say what it was? Strep maybe? I hope you feel better soon. Being sick sucks!!!

I got the strep test and it was negative. It never occurred to me that a strep test would hurt, those things are vicious. The doctor couldn't tell me what was wrong. Best $35 I've ever spent, let me tell ya. :rolleyes:

Being sick does suck!

Molly, I hope you get all better really soon!
Hey Stacie..:idea:

Just thought i'd pass this info about a post i saw on the dis budget board that i thought would be of interest to *you*.

It was entitled:

Is there a sell on KY at the CVS?


With Valentine's being so close and everythinG..thought You might wanna check it out.:hug:

Oh my gosh that is so funny!!!!!

Ok so my date was fun last night.
He was in a poker tourney last night so our plans changed just a bit. Around 5:40 he text me and said to come on down to papas at anytime he was still in the tourney. I got there and he text me & said to come to the poker room. He had ordered me a drink when I said I was on my way. When I got up there his friend Travis was like, Hey momma, good to see you. We ordered you a drink. And he gave me a hug. Well Chris got 2nd place & $300.
So we went to the lower part and had another drink & ordered dinner. We talked & ate & watched the Gonzaga game. Then we went back to his house. He bought me a bottle of Razberry Stoli :lovestruc & some 7 up. We watched Knocked up. That movie cracks me up!!
Then he asked me if I didn't have anyother plans next Saturday would I be his Valentine? We could go to dinner & then go to Papas.
We had a lot of fun.
While we were just sitting at his house he was like tell me something I don't know about you. I couldn't think of anything. There are tons of things but I was like well when I was 12 I robbed a bank. All I got was $2 and I owed the taxi driver $15 so I was screwed. :rotfl:
Hi everyone! I know I haven't been on in a while. The whole family got sick, we bought a new car, and now I am working a bunch of overtime. I am heading back to catch up!

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Stacie, Steph, Michelle and Stacie???????????????

What does the S and M mean?????

Are they your intitials??

Or do they have some other meaning? Some secrets you want to share? Hmm?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
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