Meaghan&Joey's Unique Wedding- Update 3/2 Save The Dates


Jun 18, 2007
Hey everyone! I used to have a planning journal on here but I don’t know what page it’s on and well I’d rather just start a new one! Anyways I’m Meaghan and I’m a 22 year old lead toddler teacher. I teach 2 to 3 year olds. It's really a rewarding job when the children aren't off the wall insane! Some say I'm crazy for working with toddlers and maybe I am but what other job do you get to paid to play! As for the wedding, I’m getting married in Gloucester, MA on May 22nd, 2010 with a Cinderella/Beach themed wedding! I'm almost at the one year mark, well in 3 months we will be. Can't believe how fast it's coming. Our honeymoon will in fact be a disneymoon as long as we can afford it. I am very excited about that and my fiancé has never been to Disney so he is like a little kid he’s so excited to go! He's like can we go now?! I'm always like no babe we can't afford it right now. Poor guy! But I swear I'm going to need a leash to hold on to him! He is so ADHD and I'm afraid he's gonna take off like a little kid! :rotfl2: Here's a picture of us (it's not the best because we both take terrible pictures but it's a picture)....


How did we meet? I met Joey from, yeah I know lame! After a month of talking online and after making up countless excuses for not meeting him I finally decided to meet him November 4th, 2006. I only didn’t want to meet him because I didn’t believe in love anymore and after having my heart broken countless times I didn’t think any guys were the “nice guys.” Plus he was 24 and I was 19 and he’d never been in a relationship, never kissed a girl, etc. We went out to dinner at Chili’s and he brought me home after and we sat outside of my house in the car talking for hours. I didn’t want him to leave! He came over the next day and helped me make a turkey bulletin board for school. For about two weeks we saw each other only a few times a week. Shortly after I asked him to be my boyfriend on November 14th, 2006, he said yes and we started seeing each other every day and he would sleep over. My parents loved him! Around December I realized he was the one. I had never felt like this about anyone, I know it sounds so soon but I just knew he was the one. I told him I loved him and he said he did too. Of course I didn’t believe him but after a few days of him proving he did I believed him...

How did we get engaged? The proposal was actually my doing. We had been talking about marriage and children for awhile and finally I was like forget it I’m not waiting for him. I had it all set up but he ended up working late!!!! So on March 3rd, 2007 we were in a rush because we had to meet my family at Chili’s for dinner. I had set up some tickets starting at the backdoor to my bedroom door. There were five of them and each had a reason why I loved him and a hint for another card. When he got to my door there was a stop sign and a sign that said something like you can’t enter without five cards. Then on my wall I had will you marry me Joey on it. Of course he said yes and we went out to dinner. I got the ring about two weeks later; it means a lot because it was my Nana’s ring so it’s not huge but it’s perfect and has meaning. We broke the engagement for two days in April because of his twin brothers girlfriend! She hated me and was jealous because she was pregnant and not engaged, well she is now and she actually likes me so it’s all good. We actually broke up but then he gave me the ring back! Here’s some pictures of what I did.






This is the best picture of the ring that I could get. Never realized how hard it was to take pictures of rings.


When I update again I will show you what he did after I kept telling him how cute it would be if he would propose to me even though I already did it. I mean I've always dreamed of the man doing it. I have a few pictures I just have to find them and upload them.
I must be pretty boring no one wants to read mine :sad1: Anyways here's an update it's how Joey proposed with my wedding ring actually (which I've decided I don't really like guess we shouldn't have gotten them so early :confused3)

I actually forget the day he did this ( I know I'm a terrible fiancee) Actaully if I had photo paper for my printer I could print it with the date and find out and he'd never know I forgot. Anyways he pretty much copied my idea just in his own way. It was a random night after I had a terrible day at work which lately isn't unusual, I have a terrible class this time around. It was late and I finally decided to go take a show so when I walked up to the bedroom door I saw a note on it. The note was telling me to be very careful when I opened the door and to make sure I turned the light on. I figured he just put rose petals on the bed because once before he had done that after I complained he wasn't romantic (which he isn't sadly.) So I wasn't expecting to see this when I opened the door at all......


It was so cute I cried. Like I sad he's not romantic but this in fact was pretty romantic. I loved it especially because it was all his idea and I had wanted him to do it since the day we got engaged. Super weird I wanted that to be traditional since my wedding is going to be far from traditional, well it will have some parts to it but really it's gonna be totally me.

Sorry this was a small update there wasn't that much to his proposal and I'm about to run out the door to go to spend time with my mom since Joey's working today (BOO!!!) and my dad and brother are at a boat show. I'm sure this is going to lead into doing wedding stuff YAY! I have a lot of ideas and things that are already planned so I'm going to have lots of updates as long as people want to read.
Aw I just found your PJ how sweet that you did a propsal for each other that is so cute and i love your e ring and that it is sentimental to you is really sweet looking forward to more
YAY Another Massachusetts Bride! :thumbsup2

I'm originally from Worcester, but I love the Emerald Square Mall and Pawtucket Red Sox games, so I'm familiar with your neck of the woods! And you spell your name right (with the H) lol :rotfl:

What a welcome huh?! lol - congrats on the engagement - that's a beautiful ring!!! :goodvibes Looking forward to hearing more of your plans!
Great start to your PJ! How great that you got 2 engagements! (Well I'm sure the few days when it was called off you must have been a wreck but I'm glad it all worked out in the end!) Can't wait to hear more!
Aw I just found your PJ how sweet that you did a propsal for each other that is so cute and i love your e ring and that it is sentimental to you is really sweet looking forward to more

When I read your comment it made me very excited because I'm not going the whole traditional route with the wedding and I was like Joey proposing it kinda traditional but then I realized we had 2 engagements so thats totally untraditional :rotfl2: And I'm glad you love my ring it means soooo much to me because I was so close to my grandma.

congrats and welcome, looking forward to hearing more!:goodvibes

Thank you! More will be coming very soon

YAY Another Massachusetts Bride! :thumbsup2

I'm originally from Worcester, but I love the Emerald Square Mall and Pawtucket Red Sox games, so I'm familiar with your neck of the woods! And you spell your name right (with the H) lol :rotfl:

What a welcome huh?! lol - congrats on the engagement - that's a beautiful ring!!! :goodvibes Looking forward to hearing more of your plans!

YAY for MA brides! :cheer2: That was a great welcome! I love love love your engagement picture I'm trying to convince Joey to take a few pictures with the jerseys but he's not a big sports fan nor does he own a jersey so it's not going well :sad2: But I'm sure I'll end up getting my way lol

Congratulations and welcome to the boards!!!! Can't wait to read all about your plans!

Thank you for the welcome and congrats. I will have more soon.

Great start to your PJ! How great that you got 2 engagements! (Well I'm sure the few days when it was called off you must have been a wreck but I'm glad it all worked out in the end!) Can't wait to hear more!

Thanks, I never even realized we had 2 engagements for some reason it just never sunk in. Now I might need to go into work and brag tomorrow (maybe just to my assistant lol) And those few days were terrible I cried for 2 days straight, never knew that was possible! I was a student teacher at the time and spent both days there crying poor kids had no idea why I was so upset. Glad things ended up working out tho :woohoo:

Anyways I'm going out to brunch with my grandpa in a little while and then I might be working on a March bulletin board, I'm normally ahead with these things but I'm a bit behind lately so hopefully sometime tonight if not tomorrow I should have a little update for you. Thanks for reading.
When I read your comment it made me very excited because I'm not going the whole traditional route with the wedding and I was like Joey proposing it kinda traditional but then I realized we had 2 engagements so thats totally untraditional :rotfl2: And I'm glad you love my ring it means soooo much to me because I was so close to my grandma.

Aw you are welcome I would love to have a family ring it really is special :D

I really like the whole idea of 2 engagements :D I think evry one should do it lol
two engagements - lucky you!! its a really great idea, and the way you both did it was so cute and personal.

I look forward to hearing all your plans!
super cute e-story(s)! Where is gloucester are you getting married?? I go to gloucester all the time in the summer and that is def where i would have got married if we hadnt chose wdw! cant wait to keep reading!
Aw you are welcome I would love to have a family ring it really is special :D

I really like the whole idea of 2 engagements :D I think evry one should do it lol

Having a family ring is very special. At first before I ever found Joey it was said that my brother was going to get the ring to give to his fiance when the time comes but then everyone got to thinking about what if it ends in a divorce or what not and we don't get the ring back so then I met Joey and they decided I could have it instead. Very thankful they did too.

two engagements - lucky you!! its a really great idea, and the way you both did it was so cute and personal.

I look forward to hearing all your plans!

Thanks. I really like that we both did it our own way as well. I mean two engagements is better than one when it's with the right person anyhow :rotfl2: I wouldn't want to have another engagement and have it not be Joey! lol

Aww I love your story - so cute :)

Thank you :)

super cute e-story(s)! Where is gloucester are you getting married?? I go to gloucester all the time in the summer and that is def where i would have got married if we hadnt chose wdw! cant wait to keep reading!

Thanks! Actually my next post is going to be about where we are getting married. We are going to get married at the elks at bass rocks. I grew up down in Rockport (well during the summers) on Long Beach so I always knew I wanted to get married down there but then my Uncle got married at the elks and I knew that was the place I just love the light houses. It's so werid you come down to Attleboro to do work and then you go to Gloucester in the summer.

Anyways update hopefully tomorrow morning before I go to work (working the late shift tomorrow BOO!!) I'm going to go finish some stuff for my classroom right now. Sometimes I hate being a teacher because my work is never done!!!
Congrats on your engagement! That is so cute. Where is your ring from, it look similar to mine.
Well I was going to update with pictures but the website of the hall won't let me save the pictures. So this update will have the link to the hall.

I grew up down in Rockport, MA during the summers because my uncle had a beach house so we would drive our camper and park it in his driveway. I fell in love with these two lighthouses called Twin Lights and knew if I ever got married it would have to be somewhere I could see the lighthouses. Originally I wanted to get married on the beach I grew up at but I never heard back from city hall so I gave up on that idea. My Uncle ended up getting remarried and had his wedding at the Elks At Bass Rocks. I never went to the wedding because he wouldn't let me bring my boyfriend at the time but I saw pictures and then I drove by a few times during the summers since its only 15 minutes from where we would stay. I fell in love with the venue and knew this was the place. You can get married outside so I can see my lighthouses and when your inside the windows are HUGE so you can see the lighthouses from inside too! :banana: I have decided to go take my pictures before the ceremony on the beach I grew up at so I will still get the beach part of it. This summer we went up and talked to the lady in charge and ended up signing the contract and putting a deposit down. She was setting up the hall while we where there and it just looked so beautiful. I had been in there a few times to see pictures of the place set up but it was never set up before. I ended up driving by that night to see it light up. Here is the website for the Elks. Elks At Bass Rocks Enjoy and let me know what you guys think.

Here's a picture of the lighthouses. Sorry it's a bit blurry it was very foggy the day I took it.
Wow - that place is gorgeous! The views!! :lovestruc
Wow - that place is gorgeous! The views!! :lovestruc

Thanks. I LOVE that place so much. :cloud9: I can not wait for the wedding just for the views. Just gotta pray it doesn't rain or be cloudy or foggy or anything that will take away the view of the lighthouses
haha too funny I always walk to the Elks and back to the beach when we go up to Rockport! Such a great spot, are you doing an outdoor ceremony? There is a great nook by the water that I always see wedding going on during the summer!:goodvibes

A perfect gloucester/rockport day is a morning at Good Harbour beach, a walk to the Elks and back, and a late lunch in Rockport at Bear Skin Neck, then taffy from Tucks! Small world my dear!
haha too funny I always walk to the Elks and back to the beach when we go up to Rockport! Such a great spot, are you doing an outdoor ceremony? There is a great nook by the water that I always see wedding going on during the summer!:goodvibes

A perfect gloucester/rockport day is a morning at Good Harbour beach, a walk to the Elks and back, and a late lunch in Rockport at Bear Skin Neck, then taffy from Tucks! Small world my dear!

Yes I'm doing an outdoor ceremony. I hate being inside plus if you do your ceremony inside its where your reception is and I just don't want that! I'm hoping to go down for a week and start trying food and stuff in August but my work has 2 girls getting married that month so I'm not sure I can get the time off and it's the only time we can get up there :( But if I do go I'll be driving by the Elks to see the weddings lol

oooo Tucks taffy now I want some! I'm going to dream about it tonight :rotfl2:


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