Surgery today for luvmarypoppins. Update Post 7

I went to the endo yest. She said one of my numbers is 2.2 and that is pretty good right now that I didnt have the radiation yet. I am going for a blood test today and she might adjust the synthyroid level depending on the test. She did tell me she had another pt. a male who is a teacher and his came back and he had to do the dissection, diet and radiation again but is good right now. She said mostly likely this will come back in the lymph nodes in the next 3 years., so I guess I have that to look forward to in the future,
Today I am going to the surgeon and hopefully he will take the belly staples out and maybe he will say I can drive, I hope so.

I love my endo. I told her she should give some encouragement lessons to the rad. onc.!!
The number of 2.2 is probably the thyroglobulin. This test (thyroglobulin) is used as a tumor marker blood test after your thyroid is removed and you've had radiation. Ideally, the number should be undetectable, but in patients where there is/was significant tumor, they like it to be under 5. You are already at 2.2 and, hopefully, with RAI treatment that number will continue to decrease.

I'd take that as a very good sign!
Well I went for a blood test. The endo said she would call me with the results and might change the synthyroid med.

I also went to the surgeon and he took the staples out of my belly and said I could drive. Hooray. and then he said to keep wearing this binder for another few weeks to protect my stomach. He is e mail the rad onc. and giving her an update.

I will also start my quest for some unsalted margarine. There is a brand they recommend and I have done a little internet research and see a company in the next state makes it, so I might call around. Another website, really a vegan one I read, said its available right before passover only, so I might start calling some local stores to see if they stock it. The co. is in NJ and I am in NY so I might luck out. If I find it the dietician said I can use as much of it as I want because I think it contains no dairy.

I have 1 more surgeon appt. before the radiation (the bowel obstruction/hernia surgeon) and then also another surgeon visit with the ENT. I think he will scope my vocal chords since the L one was bruised and my voice is not so great etc.

Hmm, cancer is sure keeping me busy these days!!
A little update...

I went to the ENT surgeon today. He said my shoulder is still having nerve damage from the surgery and my neck is too tight.

The good thing, he scoped my larynx, vocal chords etc and said my voice is slowly coming back, it will just take a while so that is good news that there is no permanent damage since the L chord was bruised during one of the surgeries.

They also said with their patients they didnt notice any more of a reoccurence with the agressive variant I have versus the regular kind of cancer which I also have, just with the agressive part thrown in. The np joked I get to be the rad. onc. statistic since she doesnt have any and they only see 1 patient a year with this etc.

Tomm. I am going to the surgeon for a wound check., It opened back up again so I dont think they will do the radiation. But they said only the rad. onc. will decide that and she is on vacation until April 20, the lst day of my shot prep. Hmm, throw in this yucky diet too and I am getting a little grumpy, depressed etc I could use some prayers, thanks.
I'm happy to see that you got some encouraging news. Still, no one will fault you for being a bit grumpy at this point, you've been through a lot.

I'll be praying for you!!:grouphug:
Well yest. I went to surgeon #2 and this time I took dh with me because I knew the news would be bad. He said the wound is stil not healed, could take another month to heal and maybe wont heal at all since of the way he had to do the surgery, as an emergency, and he could possibly have to operate again to fix it the correct way. Just what I didnt want to hear.

At least he is on our side and feels the rad,. onc. should just do the radiation next week and stop delaying it and he said its really her decision but he would send her an e mail.

So now I have to wait till monday to see what is happening. I just know I wont be having the radiation again,. This is all getting pretty depressing. I told the np I keep freaking out thinking the cancer is spreading etc. Well its already stage 4 and they said the only worse things are that it will go to the lungs and the bones but my pet scan didnt show that in dec.

I sure cant see the light at the end of the tunnel lately, I am holding on to my faith for sure.
I think of you often. :hug: Still praying for a 100% healing! :hug:
Well sometime today I am going into the hosp. for the radiation and staying overnight. They still dont know what they are exactyly doing since I have the added open draining wound complication. The. dr. said she is working out a plan. hmm. That is nice.

I have had 2 hormone prep shots. The lst one was fine. The 2ndwone is horrible. I am so nauseous and have a stomach ache on and off. Not fun for sure. I am expecting the radiation to be alot worse for sure. They already said stuff like sore throat, lack of saliva and flu like symptoms. Oh the joy of cancer!!:lmao: Sorry I need to keep my sense of humor in all of this.

My ds keep asking will my hair fall out. I told them I dont think so.

See you in about a week when I will be alot less radioactive. I dont think I will use the computer as the ds use it alot and its in a room where I would be too close to them etc.
Please let us know how you are doing when you can... we are thinking of you. Radiation is not easy, the fatigue is rather difficult. Make sure if they give you pills for nausea that you take them.....they do help.

Hugs and prayers, thinking of you, cancer does not play fair and it is always a battle... we are here for you.

Just wanted to let you know you're in my thoughts. I'm hoping you will be coming home from the hospital soon to tell use your RAI stories!!!
Well I am home typing with rubber gloves while all 3 ds are working and far away from me, 3 feet limit when home. The room had a steel lined door and was covered most of the place with blue plastic wrap. They kept measuring me with a geiger counter and at first I was 26. I had to drink lots of water and they let me come home at 11.5. Had to have compazine for the nausea twice.

Christine you would find this um, interesting. My dose was 200. They said 150 for the normal dose, then she added 25 for the lymph node spread and then another 25 for the agressive columnar cell variant.

I had the blood test on friday. I told the tech I was hot.,
O.K. I actually had to tell another guy I was hot and it wasnt even my husband, :rotfl2: so there is my cancer humor for the day.

Next sat. I have to go for some scan at the nuclear med. dept. of the hosp. and then may 21 the rad. onc. will discuss the results with me.
:hug:My thought and prayers are with you. You make me smile at times and also sad at times but know that I am thinking about you. Shirley
Christine you would find this um, interesting. My dose was 200. They said 150 for the normal dose, then she added 25 for the lymph node spread and then another 25 for the agressive columnar cell variant.

Glad to hear you got the 200 mci. That's a good dose. My highest dose was 150 mci. They wanted to give me 200 mci on my last treatment because my remnant was so tiny, but I wanted to stick with the 150 mci because I felt like a train had hit me the first time.

I had some pretty severe nausea for many days after the treatment. My doc said it can cause some gastritis.

Glad to hear you are home and it's over with.
A little update - I went to the stomach surgeon today, he said I have too much tissue in my belly button from the surgery so he is going to try to fix it in the office over the next 3 weeks and if that does not work he said I wil have to have Surgery AGAIN!! Yup, that will be 5 surgeries in 5 months. He said this time it will be an outpatient 1 day thing if he has to resort to this and that is his last option,. He said I have a 50/50 chance at present.

Next week I have to go to the radiation oncologist,now the surgeon again and the endocronologist to see how the radiation worked etc.

So keep me in your prayers, Thanks.
luvmarypoppins, thanks for the update, you continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. You awe me by how much you have endured and I find your strength amazing. You go girl!:flower3:
Well I went to the surgeon today. He is definetely going to do the surgery and now we are waiting to get a surgery date. It will be probably in the next 3 weeks or less.Before June 10th for sure he said.

My endo. said the nuclear scan looked good but there is a remnant, Christine are you there? I don't know what that exactly means. I guess the rad. onc. will tell us more on thurs.

I cant even have this sugery in the ambulatory surgery place at the hospital. They are making me go into the regular hospital because the doctor says I have a "history" and they wont deal with that over in the ASU. Hmm, I guess when you almost die you get a reputation over here at the hosp. :rotfl2:

If you don't keep your sense of humor with the cancer, you will go crazy, so its good to laugh!! Say a little prayer for me, thanks.
I've been reading a little of your thread...sure I do not have all of it but I will be praying for you and keeping you in my thoughts as you go through your next surgery...keep your spirits high and keep on laughing as you have said it is the best medicine...:grouphug:


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