~~~ May 16, 2009 ~~~ Western Magic ~~~

Cinda- Ooooh custom jewlery, I'm sure they will look wonderful. I'm usually not a big jewlery wearer, everyday it's the same sterling silver journey necklace, watch, silver charm bracelet, silver hoop earings and rhinestone studs... everyday!!! So, I'm trying to venture out to have more accessories for the cruise. I did find 2 necklaces I liked alot at American Eagle that I bought last week one is rainbow colored bead and the other is basically the same but teals, blues, and tan. I'm one of those persons that if I find something I like I pretty much want it in every color, lol!

I'm not an adventurous jewely wearer either! Everyday, I wear my wedding rings on a white gold chain (since I can't wear them on my fingers for the type of work I do), my Citizen ecodrive watch, and the same pair of white gold earrings. Since I do own a few more items, I try to wear them when we go on cruises. (My wedding jewelry is really pretty and I was planning to bring it, but now I may not bother since I have these new things. We'll see how I feel in about 10 days...)
I would LOVE to join in! We asked for early dinning and may have a 5:30pm seating... I hope we can still make it by. I'm sure Mom, Alison, and Melissa will be with us... hmmm maybe we should bring bubbles to blow while you guys are having your dance!!!!! How pretty would that look!
I'm sure this group of crafty peeps can pull together a rockin' reception in a flash! :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:
I agree, we'll have to check out the location earlier in the week to see if we blowing bubbles from the deck above will make it down to the deck.

So if Disney does decided to avoid Mexico, any guesses to the port we will stop at? I hope is it some place I have never been.
I agree, I would love to stop at CC twice. I think that as long as I'm on the ship I'll be thrilled. Like everyone else I can hardly wait to be on vacation and relaxing.

Now on to important stuff - has anyone been drinking in England at Epcot? Tony needs to know if they have any cider in there!

From All Ears her is the bar menu:
Your Shout!
English Rose - Beefeater Gin, Apricot Brandy, Vermouth, Pineapple Juice, Orange Juice and Cranberry Juice $7.25
Welsh Dragon: Peach schnapps, Melon liqueur, créme de Menthe, Orange Juice, and Pineapple Juice $6.25
Dooley's Coke Float - Dooley's Cream Liqueur and a splash of Coke $6.50
Smooth Mint Drop- Skyy Vodka, Crème de Menthe, Dooley's Cream Liquor blended with Vanilla Ice Cream $7.25

Pub Blends
Golden - Half Harp Lager and Half Bass Ale $7.50
Black and Tan : Half Bass Ale and Half Guinness $7.50
Snake Bite : Cider topped with a Harp Lager $7.50
Shandy: Half Sprite and Half Bass Ale or Harp Lager $7.50
Half & Half - Half Harp Lager and Half Guinness $7.50
Cider & Black - Cider with a shot of Black Currant Cassis $7.50

Ales, Lagers and Stouts
Pint of Bass Ale, Boddingtons English Pub Ale, Harp Lager, Stella Artois,and Guinness Stout Imperial Sampler $10; Imperial Pint $8.00
Guinness Can $7.75
Strongbow Cider $5.75
Woodpecker Cider $6.25
Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite $2.50
Bottled Water $2.50
SmartWater or VitaminWater $3.25
PowerAde $3.00
Souvenir Mug $4.25
Also serving Single Malt Flight, Johnnie Walker Flight, Scotch Whisky and Cognacs

Looks like Tony will be a happy camper on this trip.

So, the gal rings it up -- it rings up at $6.96!!!!! NO LIE!!!!! She didn't believe it either and called the manager over. Manager verified. They were both in shock. Turns out, someone ordered this dress online, it was too small for them so they returned it today (while I was trying on other dresses). The original buyer bought it 2 weeks ago and paid almost full price. I walked out of there with my formal dress for $7.64 AFTER taxes

Way to go on the dress :)!! I swear we are soulmates. I can sniff out a bargain like nothing else. A couple of the dresses I'm bringing on the cruise I got at JC Penney's at the end of summer last year. They are sundresses that were originally $100 each. What did I pay..... $3.97 each!! The best part was I had a $10 off $10 purchase coupon, so I got 3 dresses for $1.91 :)!! Can't wait to see your bargain dress (and you at Epcot in 17 days :)!!!).

Ok, no matter where we stop, if you two are shopping I'm going to follow you around to get some of that shopping luck.

Cinda - the jewelry sounds fantastic. How great that you were able to get stuff for the cruise and help a patient at the same time.

I've finally finished making our FE gifts and our door magnets today. Whew something checked off the list.
I was also able to change my Palo dinner to a night that we wanted. It was not there earlier, but now there are a few available. I guess some people are canceling or changing times?

I will have to keep checking because there are still no Brunch times available. I guess I will just have to get one as soon as we get on the ship.


You must have the "magic" touch. I have not seen anything available for Palo's online. Hoping there will be some when we board the ship.
I really hope I can get a reservation there, too. I am an insanely picky eater, and I feel like I'm going to be having a lot of the vegetarian selections, if not just begging for the kids menu food in a lot of the restaurants, based on what I've seen of the menus, but Palo I actually would eat at! (well, not the seafood)

I just hope I can finally chew by then. I had one of those deep dental scaling/planing dealies (after putting it off so long) and I'm still having problems. I hear that's not normal. I'd never had it before though. And round two on the other side is coming on the 4th! This is really getting old now. :sad2:
Evening everyone!!

UGH! You all made me feel unorganized and felt like I had nothing done.

So I printed out my magnets!! Woo Hoo!!!
Just have to go laminate them tomorrow....

Great find on the dress Mati!! I love a bargain. And I thought mine was a steal for $25! hehe

Cinda, great jewelry find! Great that you helped out a patient and she helped you back!

I'm wishing the best for this Swine Flu junk...I think it's a lot of panic and no real certain answers. It's nutso!!

Ok, I'm exhausted today! I think the past 3 weeks have caught up with me. Hopefully I can get things done tomorrow!! Only 17days!!!!!
Val yes lacy does have JRA (since 13 mo. old) she is on methotrexate for it
were still waiting for a call back from her rheumatoligist at CHP .:rolleyes1still watching the flu updates and disney to see whats happening.
Wow. That's an early diagnosis. Hopefully it's well controlled.

Mati & Kathy--WTG on the super dress bargians!!! :thumbsup2:thumbsup2 You guys rock! Oh, and Mati, I hope the lotto works out for you, too!! :yay:

Cinda--great story about your jewelry! Can't wait to see it!
That dress was an impressive find. Particularly since it's prom season. I peeked around a little for a new dress at a great price, even though I really do have them. I've seen crazy 10 - 15 dollar deals before so if I stumbled on one, I might have had to grab it. Prom season put a damper on that. Ah well. That's how I got my prom dresses back in HS. I figure it's more important for the kids anyway, and it's good to know some kids are still looking for cheap dresses!
Hi everyone! someone recently postedasking if anyone knew if you needed a passport for the cruise. My TA told us we did. Atleast she said that is what
the DC said. I do not know if she's wright. I can not remember who asked. I just do not want anyone left behind. :rolleyes:

BTW this whole swine flu is making me crazy!

We didn't get passports. That would have been an extra $400. I know I need to get them eventually, but I don't need it now and didn't want to spend the extra money.

For US citizens passports aren't required until June 1st, and DCL is telling people they need them for any sailing after May 29th. According to the new rules there is also a special cruise "closed loop" rule, which means that if you start and end in the same port (which we do) you shouldn't need a passport even after June 1st (although the port we go into may require it). I read somewhere recently that as of now DCL does not have information on that on their website, and they also have not instructed their cast members about this "closed loop" rule.



I really hope I can get a reservation there, too. I am an insanely picky eater, and I feel like I'm going to be having a lot of the vegetarian selections, if not just begging for the kids menu food in a lot of the restaurants, based on what I've seen of the menus, but Palo I actually would eat at! (well, not the seafood)

I just hope I can finally chew by then. I had one of those deep dental scaling/planing dealies (after putting it off so long) and I'm still having problems. I hear that's not normal. I'd never had it before though. And round two on the other side is coming on the 4th! This is really getting old now. :sad2:

I can't say that I've been through anything like that, but one of my good friends recently had that done and she's had a really tough time. She said it was quite painful and took a long time to return to normal...
I should have posted earlier but I just got confirmation that we have the Palo private dining for brunch and dinner so that has opened up a few dinner and brunch reservations.

Good luck

From the main board:

I just got off the phone with Disney Cruiseline and escalated to the management within the servicing center. I explained that the Disney brand was being compromised due to lack of communications and by not committing to doing the right thing - ahead of the other cruise lines. The "Disney" brand brings with it a differentiated level of expectations. The fact is also, that DCL has a much higher % of children cruising than other cruise lines and needs to be ahead of the curve on these types of things even if there's a 99.9% chance that nothing will happen.

The bottom line is that I was told that DCL will be issuing a statement about future cruise ports of call after noon TODAY!!
Thanks for sharing Dave! That is good news! Hopefully it will resolve all of our questions as to what will happen on our cruise. I hope they make a statement about all May cruises, not just the one on May 2nd.

Robin --I hope you feel better soon. I had to have a scaling a long time ago and remember it being so painful. The good news is that after healing from it, haven't had an issue since so it is definitely worth it -- just sorry that you have to feel that pain!

Ok, so Kai woke up with a cough and runny nose at 2:30am. You know when went through my mind! :scared1: No fever, no nausea, no big D -- he is otherwise normal Kai BUT to be the good citizen that I am and because strep is going around his class, I am taking him in this morning to make sure he is ok. Cross your fingers for me that it is nothing more than allergies or a slight cold. In the meantime -- any of you medical types have any suggestions on how to keep the kiddos healthy between now and the cruise (and on the cruise too of course)? I know the usual, wash hands, sanitize, etc. Will vitamins help? Any other advice????
Thanks for sharing Dave! That is good news! Hopefully it will resolve all of our questions as to what will happen on our cruise. I hope they make a statement about all May cruises, not just the one on May 2nd.

Robin --I hope you feel better soon. I had to have a scaling a long time ago and remember it being so painful. The good news is that after healing from it, haven't had an issue since so it is definitely worth it -- just sorry that you have to feel that pain!

Ok, so Kai woke up with a cough and runny nose at 2:30am. You know when went through my mind! :scared1: No fever, no nausea, no big D -- he is otherwise normal Kai BUT to be the good citizen that I am and because strep is going around his class, I am taking him in this morning to make sure he is ok. Cross your fingers for me that it is nothing more than allergies or a slight cold. In the meantime -- any of you medical types have any suggestions on how to keep the kiddos healthy between now and the cruise (and on the cruise too of course)? I know the usual, wash hands, sanitize, etc. Will vitamins help? Any other advice????
Thanks Dave for letting us know. I'll be looking for the announcement.

My kids usually stay pretty healthy but I'm exhausted. With the pregnancy, allergies, getting ready for the cruise, work, and the yard sale we are having this weekend I feel like taking a nap but I just got to work :) Does anyone have any ideas?
I am just now getting over a cold and I am crossing my fingers that no one else in the family gets it. If they do, I hope they get it now since we have exactly two weeks before we leave. I never had fever or anything major, I actually thought it was just allergies but now I think it was a cold. I feel much better today. I read on the main boards that there was a family that was denied boarding last week. My mother in law is a nurse and she actually called me yesterday to see if we are canceling our cruise because of swine flu. I told her that isn't an option and we are going! I was surprised because I thought of all people she wouldn't give in to all the hype that the media is portraying. From what I've read, thousands of people die every year from the flu. I never get a flu shot so the fact that there is no vaccine for swine flu really makes no difference for me. I'm pretty sure that Disney will not stop at Cozumel so I really hope we get another stop at Castaway Cay.
Suggestions (Some are obvious and you already know them):

1. Purell or any alcohol based hand sanitizer with more than 60% alcohol.
2. Soap and water hand washing for at least 20 seconds. Sing Happy Birthday and finish it while washing!
3. Limit exposure to others. Since we are travelling soon, I'd avoid family reunions, birthday parties, weddings, etc. as there is almost always someone who is sick, but just "had to be there."
4. Well-balanced diet. Vit. C may or may not help (noone can prove that it does).
5. If you are around someone who is sick, consider wearing a mask (if they won't). This applies particularly to those who work in "cubicle" jobs.
6. Stay home (or at least away from crowds).

Outside of these things, there's really not much you can do!

I'm trying to decide if I should cancel Nachi Cocum, but I think I'm going to leave the ressie in place. If we don't go there, then they will refund our deposits. If we end up in Cozumel, we may go and take our chances (this is a very unlikely scenario in my opinion)...
Just saw on the main board that the May 2nd cruise is going to Nassau instead of Coz. :confused3 I'm still hoping for CC again, especially not Nassau. There's apparently an automated msg when someone called DCL.
Just saw on the main board that the May 2nd cruise is going to Nassau instead of Coz. :confused3 I'm still hoping for CC again, especially not Nassau. There's apparently an automated msg when someone called DCL.

I just saw this as well. Disney certainly took the "easy and cheap" way out on this one! I guess we'll just have to see what happens...
Just saw on the main board that the May 2nd cruise is going to Nassau instead of Coz. :confused3 I'm still hoping for CC again, especially not Nassau. There's apparently an automated msg when someone called DCL.

Hopefully this is just DCLs "quick" solution for next week and they are developing alternate plans for the following Westerns.

I know my parents would like to go to Atlantis and my daughters would like to see the Straw Market but, after 2 stops in Nassau last May, Susan and I are ready for something different.
Western Caribbean Itinerary Update

April 29, 2009

We continue to evaluate and monitor reports regarding cases of swine influenza in Mexico and the United States, as well as other regions around the globe.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have recently recommended that travelers avoid non-essential travel to Mexico.

As a result of this recommendation, Disney Cruise Line has modified the May 2, 2009 Western Caribbean voyage of the Disney Magic to include a stop in Nassau, The Bahamas, instead of Cozumel, Mexico. Our itinerary will be as follows:

Saturday - Depart Port Canaveral
Sunday - Key West, Florida
Monday - Day At Sea
Tuesday - Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands (tender ashore)
Wednesday - Day at Sea
Thursday - Nassau, The Bahamas
Friday - Disney's Castaway Cay, The Bahamas
Saturday - Arrive Port Canaveral

At this time, no itinerary changes have been made to future Western Caribbean voyages. We will continue to monitor and evaluate the situation in Mexico and make future modifications as needed.

Additional information about swine influenza can be found at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website at www.cdc.gov.
Thanks, Tim!! They must have JUST posted that on the DCL website because I was on a few minutes ago and didn't see it, but now I see it's a link that you can't miss!

(Still hoping for a double dip for us!) :hyper:


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