Swine flu

Plus look at all the hoe ha about bird flu.

Bird Flu would be a lot more worrying if it went the way of this virus and started passing through humans as it is a different strain of virus, the worry is with the new coverage is when something serious happens with no one is going to take it seriously.
Too close to home for me!:scared1:

Senior school child reported with it at our local comprehensive.
They have closed the school for 11 days and the year 7 girls entire year had to stay after school to be given medication!

The girl had been in Mexico on Holiday.
Apparently it's just been on Sky News!
Here is the link, it's on the BBC front page.

I only know because at school pick up time at DD's junior school (which is at the back of this school) lots of the mums there have older children at Downend school.

Sarah X
Yay - I read the whole thread - do I get a prize ?

Still a bit early to tell but it is beginning to look as if this situation is not as serious as had first been thought.

Anyway - just booked for July and will be going as long as its still possible to :)
When we were there last August, Florida also called a state of emergency when there was the tropical storm, all the tv stations were broadcasting it continually, the red cross was called in and there were messages for tourists to stock up on water and provsisions. What happened in the end??? It was a little blowy for 2 days!!! The parks did not even shut! These things get blown out of all proportion, the news over here is that the cases being confirmed is dropping and it is no more serious than normal flu. It even says in the link posted that most people in the US have not had to even see their doctor.
this is silly now, all the people that have contracted it have been to mexico (ok not the guy in scotland but thats the first case of human to human) All are very mild and no one apart from mexicans have died

people die of flu every year and we dont have a thread about it. Most illness have some sort of deaths every year. If we were to be like we are with this noone would do anything

This thread is getting a little annoying I think and we cant stay indoors for the rest of our lives

Sorry I know this may be harsh but Its how i feel
I wouldn't be surprised if more people have had it here tbh and haven't been to see a doctor as they just felt a bit ill, the number of people who go to Mexico there is bound to be more cases than reported escpically just after the school holidays. It won't stop me from going to Orlando in September.
It is serious in that a lot of people could get this thing, but that's it. Flu is a big killer each year, it spreads like wildfire, why has no-one been concerned before? Because this one has received so much media coverage that it's working people into a frenzy.

Everyone outside Mexico has recovered, the majority have had such mild symptoms they didn't realise they actually had it - I've had flu before and trust me what I came down with was tons worse than this thing! In fact, the media are now even saying that normal seasonal flu is worse than this piggy flu!

Yes, it could be a pandemic, but a pandemic doesn't mean everyone is going to die!
I agree with the comments above.
We "could" catch anything when we go about our daily lives,not just this "swine flu" as long as common sense prevails this outbreak should be contained.
wdwpins - you may find this link interesting


My mum has lived through two of the flu's listed and considering she likes to wrap me up in cotton wool she has not yet once told me I shouldn't go to Florida. In-fact she is telling us to get on the plane and enjoy our trip.
Florida declares swine flu health emergency. Do you still think it's not serious?


Yes - based on the facts:

1) Mexico just removed over 70 "confirmed" swine flu deaths from the total - as not being caused by the flu at all.

2) As your linked article states - cases outside Mexico have all been mild so far - in fact not as serious as the "normal" flu we see every year.

3) I have seen at least two news reports today where health officials have used the words "cautiously optomistic"

4) You seem to love your state "emergencies" over there :)

I would be interested to know from you why you are so desparately keen on putting us all off though ?

As a matter of interest and context to your posts - have you ever travelled outside the US as your initial post did seem to suggest maybe you dont like us "foreigners" ?

I would also point out I did actually say in my post it was a little early to be sure yet - but surely there is nothing wrong with looking on the bright side is there ?
I agree this is all just media hype. People have caught the flu, that's all. Swine flu is just like any other flu, no more serious than every day illnesses. Yes people die from the flu virus, but they are the minority, and they don't get news stories about them scaring people half to death.

Only Mexicans have died, they have a poor health system, that is the reason, not because it's some death bug we can't defeat!

Same reason why people in Bosnia and third world countries have a high death rate from mosquito bites!

The media is all over this because it's something to get the recession and naughty politicians off the front page. There is nothing to worry about if you have a normal immune system and adequate health care.

If my doctor told me now that I have caught swine flu, I would go hoe, get the tissues out and plan a week of my favourite DVD's and take away's, just like I would if I caught regular flu!
I could not agree more.:thumbsup2

The positive thing about the swine flu IMO is that it stops the media talking about the recession which consequently may help us get out the blinking thing ;)
My friend who knows we are off to Disney in Aug sent me this joke:-

....as the 2 friends wandered through the snow on their way home together, Piglet grinned to himself thinking how lucky he was to have a friend like Pooh. Pooh looked at Piglet and thought to himself, "if the pig sneezes, he's so dead!!!"

You've gotta laugh!!:rotfl:

I noticed that Tesco had sold out of hand sanitizer when I went this afternoon.
Yes - based on the facts:

1) Mexico just removed over 70 "confirmed" swine flu deaths from the total - as not being caused by the flu at all.

2) As your linked article states - cases outside Mexico have all been mild so far - in fact not as serious as the "normal" flu we see every year.

3) I have seen at least two news reports today where health officials have used the words "cautiously optomistic"

4) You seem to love your state "emergencies" over there :)

I would be interested to know from you why you are so desparately keen on putting us all off though ?

As a matter of interest and context to your posts - have you ever travelled outside the US as your initial post did seem to suggest maybe you dont like us "foreigners" ?

I would also point out I did actually say in my post it was a little early to be sure yet - but surely there is nothing wrong with looking on the bright side is there ?

I've been to England twice (London, Rochester, Canterbury), France 12 times, Germany 5 times, Belgium twice, Luxembourg once, Austria once, Switzerland once. I've been to Canada 5 times, and have traveled extensively both on the west and east coasts of the US. I'm itching to see Sweden in the near future.

One may argue that it's all hype. Why would the US, which is in a recession, want to hype such a thing and risk thousands upon thousands of cancellations (and the revenue lost) for no reason? It's not just for Disney World, but for other tourist destinations as I'm sure you see those as well (Grand Canyon, Redwood Forest, Boston Common, Liberty Bell in Philadelphia, Mount Rushmore, The Alamo, Gettysburg, PA, Atlanta, Washington, D.C., etc.) On the other hand, if we're not warned adequately and significant numbers of people get sick, then we'll all be asking why we weren't given sufficient warning.

What we know is that the virus can mutate. That's enough for me. For you, perhaps not.

I'd warn other European groups (though some of you believe you're not really in Europe) but the disboards don't have message boards where other European nationals can post. You'd think there would be one at least for Germany, since Lufthansa has started nonstop flights to MCO from FRA. I wonder if Disney has started www.disneyworld.de yet?

Finally, this is Florida, lightning capital of the world, and part of "hurricane alley." We do take state warnings seriously.
A couple of friends of ours were due to go to Mexico for their holidays next week but have had to cancel - they are PIG SICK :rotfl::lmao::rotfl2:

Ali :goodvibes
Finally, this is Florida, lightning capital of the world, and part of "hurricane alley." We do take state warnings seriously.

I really enjoyed Frances :goodvibes .


We arent entirely ignorant over here you know - still not sure why you feel the obviously very strong need to give us Europeans these "warnings". Guess your just trying to save our bacon.

By now you should have the slight feeling that you are a bit of a lone voice over here on the UK trip planning board ? Even the corresponding thread on the US board is now talking about the increasing likelihood of media hype and hysteria. They really are screaming like stuck pigs.

Like the vast majority have said - unless or until this situation proves to be as serious as the hype it really is a bit short sighted to expect us to cancel our much planned and longed for trips dont you think ?

Yes there are crowds of nasty germ ridden foreigners at WDW but next time you go to your local drugstore - do you really know that the Mexican on the checkout hasnt got his relative staying over for a few weeks ?

anyway I shall say no more on the subject - I might come out in a rasher.


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