Disboutiquers Part 15 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

Love all of the butt ruffle pics!LOL

Oky, here are random pics of stuff!LOL acouple of these were for customers, one went to a big give and one i going to be worn at disney in october!


snow white version:



How did you do the tink dress. Is it fully lined? its soo cute



Thank you...Thank you....(bow, bow...)

Very cute Elisa! I'm so glad to see you sewing again! I love your creations!

Hmmmmmmmm........ who here thinks we can get to page 250 tonight??

I'm trying my best to help out Queen Karen! Notice all of my quotes (probably back to back too)? Now if we all work hard maybe we'll get there!
We are loving all the ruffles! We got a kick out of the what not to wear picture from the rear.:goodvibes

OT? Has anyone seen Coraline? Sydni wants to watch it but I have heard that it is very scary and creepy. Can anyonr fill me in. i don't want her freaked out by a movie! TIA

We saw Coraline in the theater and thought it was cute at first but it got "darker" and "darker"

After we got home DH and I found out it was rated PG-13. I don't think we will buy it. Neither of my kids had any nightmares after seeing it.
Very cute Elisa! I'm so glad to see you sewing again! I love your creations!

I'm trying my best to help out Queen Karen! Notice all of my quotes (probably back to back too)? Now if we all work hard maybe we'll get there!

I've noticed how hard you've been working at posting! Makes me proud. PROUD I SAY!! :love:

I have a headache.... I'm trying to hang in to see if we can get to 250 tonight- but I'm not sure I can do it! :sad1:
If I shouldn't post it, I will delete it. Let me know.

I have wanted to post a response to this outfit ALL day! But i have had a fussy baby on my hands. Don't know why. One thing I am learning- when she is screaming and acting hungry, but not, she's probably over tired and needs to be put to sleep- in a dark, quiet bed no later than 10:30pm!

I will then return to page 223 to catch up!

This outfit is AMAZING! I wish we had a trip coming right now so I could buy this, it would be totally different than the stuff I make her, but I just love this and love the panel in the bodice of this. Really creative.
AKSunshine- please PM me the seller if you can. What a lucky little girl you have!! Be sure to post photos of her wearing it!
Now just keep it up! I love it!

I've been sewing but no photos yet. I'm dying to finish a dress I started today but not sure when that'll happen. DH is out of town and I'm babysitting my nephew and neice so I'm one adult vs. 6 children under the age of 12 :eek::eek::eek: did I mention all weekend long? :scared1::scared1::scared1: Today is a state holiday so I have a bunch of fireworks I have to light for the kids tonight. I hate having to be the one to light them! I like to sit in a lawn chair and do nothing.

Wow! That's a lot of kiddos Jeanne! Be careful with the fireworks!



Since we are posting pics tonight thought I would add a couple of my favorites, the beautiful castle, always one of the first pics of a trip, now if only those darn people weren't in the picture. The other pic is the christmas tree in the lobby of the Animal Kingdom Lodge. Love the AKL, our absolute favorite resort, ever. Decorated for christmas is just breathtaking.

Just seeing those pictures makes me want to go for Christmas sometime!

I'll do my small part to add up to 250 posts!

:thanks: to everyone who gave advice on the temperature in October. I will stick with the sundresses!

Now I just need to get through this weekend and I can get started sewing. I should be cleaning the house :rolleyes: since my parents will be staying here this weekend. Once I get going my husband calls my sewing area my "ring of fire." :lmao: I figured I should save that until after they leave. They're watching the kids while we're in Chicago. We're going to a wedding and..............wait for it...............................................

finalizing our paperwork for DVC (AKV) at the Chicago office! :banana::banana::banana: Can't wait!

Thanks again Marlo for the referral!!!

LOVE everything that has been posted today!

:banana::banana::banana: Yeah for the DVC! I'm jealous!


This is for Aimee! Dallas is always sleeping around WDW! I have a couple more from this trip.



Guess I didn't upload any pictures from DHS or maybe that was a different trip? The one of him sleeping at IofA wasn't on my camera.

My girls seem to sleep all over WDW too!
She could use some ruffles to cover that. :lmao:
She could use some non-see through clothes to cover that.:scared1:

well, we havent' seen either of those so I just don't know. I told her it was scary and she said so?LOL
It wasn't too scary. The end is when it got scary. The Other Mother is the thing that is the scariest and when she goes through the Other House and no one is around that was scary, but none of it bothered Jenna and she wants the DVD for her birthday. If Sydni scares easily than I wouldn't let her watch it. Some of the other kids in the theater were scared of it.
I've noticed how hard you've been working at posting! Makes me proud. PROUD I SAY!! :love:

I have a headache.... I'm trying to hang in to see if we can get to 250 tonight- but I'm not sure I can do it! :sad1:

Did you see the WHO boa I posted for you? LOL
Love all of the butt ruffle pics!LOL

Oky, here are random pics of stuff!LOL acouple of these were for customers, one went to a big give and one i going to be worn at disney in october!


snow white version:



I am loving them all. The Snow White is my FAVORITE (I saved a pic of it when you originally posted it so that I might case it one day). The Tink dress is absolutely adorable. And your daughters curls are to die for! I LOVE THEM!
I am loving them all. The Snow White is my FAVORITE (I saved a pic of it when you originally posted it so that I might case it one day). The Tink dress is absolutely adorable. And your daughters curls are to die for! I LOVE THEM!

Aww thank you so much! I love her curls too, when they are not out of control!LOL
Can somebody direct me? I keep reading and seeing dresses using the elusive Feliz pattern. I love it! I cannot find it in my local stores. Is it something you have to only order online or is there a free site somewhere? TIA!:cutie:
Last time I heard from her today they were Headed for the air port to come home. her trip was really bad for a whole lot of reasons. I felt so bad for her and her family. Thank you everyone for the Prayers and pixi dust for her. I am sure she will be online somtime this weekend.

Oh no! I was hoping it would get better for her! They're not coming home early are they?

Your comment about the log ride at IofA reminds me of a funny story. Last year when we were there, we were getting off of the ride, of course soaked to the bone, standing there at the exit, you know where everybody stands squeezing out their shoes and shirts. Well it is my hubby, me and DD who was 5 at the time. So anyway we are standing around drying off, and someone bumps into the back of me, so I turn to look and it is this English woman, completely buck naked from the waist up, :scared1::scared1:She had taken her shirt off, no bra, to put a dry shirt on. Needless to say we were shocked, but she stood there, rooting through her backpack, with nothing on and in no hurry !!!

Oh Boy! I'm sure that was quite a site! Just curious, was anyone taking pictures of it? I can totally see people with camera phones snapping up shots of that (whether they were "good" ones or not!). Why is it that I know to expect that in Europe but when they come here they don't know that we don't disrobe in public?

Thanks everyone, for the kind words about Isabelle's beautiful Cindy dress. She loves it!

It feels so good to really want to sew again.

Ok, for my "issue" of the moment. I am working on appliqueing an apple to a TCP tshirt to go with the really cute triple ruffle pants I made for Isabelle's first day of second grade. Here is where I'm at:

Problem is, it isn't catching all of the stitches. Do I need a special needle for this farbric?

I don't think this is the problem, but I usually use a ballpoint needle when appliqueing on knits.

OT? Has anyone seen Coraline? Sydni wants to watch it but I have heard that it is very scary and creepy. Can anyonr fill me in. i don't want her freaked out by a movie! TIA

We haven't seen it either. I saw the rating and decided to hold off on it since my Grace (the oldest) is just turning 6 on Sunday!

Here is a Snow White set we got in the mail yesterday. I just love the touch of pink!




Very cute set! I love Snow White's hair. Your Gracie looks so cute too! How did her hair get so wavy?

I've noticed how hard you've been working at posting! Makes me proud. PROUD I SAY!! :love:

I have a headache.... I'm trying to hang in to see if we can get to 250 tonight- but I'm not sure I can do it! :sad1:

I'm so glad you're proud of me Queenie! I promise I'll try and keep the thread moving in your absence if you need to go to bed. Hope you feel better!
Aww thank you so much! I love her curls too, when they are not out of control!LOL

One day my daughter saw your DD over my shoulder and she said, "that girl looks like me" and I said "yeah, now if we just could have those curls without having to work so hard for them!"
Can somebody direct me? I keep reading and seeing dresses using the elusive Feliz pattern. I love it! I cannot find it in my local stores. Is it something you have to only order online or is there a free site somewhere? TIA!:cutie:
The Feliz pattern is a European pattern from Farbenmix. If you search for Farbenmix Feliz you should be able to pull up plenty of sites where you can buy it.
Can somebody direct me? I keep reading and seeing dresses using the elusive Feliz pattern. I love it! I cannot find it in my local stores. Is it something you have to only order online or is there a free site somewhere? TIA!:cutie:

Try searching for Feliz Farbenmix. It's a European pattern, not available at Joann's or Hancocks. There are quite a few sellers online so compare prices and shipping.


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