~The Daily Grind~ 8/14/09


<font color=magenta>My dream job is to be the Fair
Apr 29, 2005

“Housework done incorrectly still blesses your family.”
"You Can Do Anything for 15 Minutes!" ~ FlyLady

Flylady links:
Declutter plan http://www.flylady.net/pages/focus_feb.asp
Flightplan http://flylady.com/pages/FlightPlan.asp
Beginner Baby Steps: http://www.flylady.net/pages/FLYingL..._Babysteps.asp
Yahoo Group (reminders sent all day): http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FlyLad...?yguid=9999373

This month's Habit is: One load of laundry each day :laundy:


~The Daily Grind~ 8/14/09

It's:dance3: Friday!! :dance3:

My List for Today:

This repeats every day!!

Work till 3p

Go to Gym

Balance Checkbook...pay some bills

Swish and swipe



Have a Great Day and a Great Weekend! :teeth:
Good morning, everyone!! It's FRIDAY!!! Woohoo!

Ok, determined to make this a good day, even though I overslept by 30 minutes AND the brand new pack of coffee I thought I had is DECAF!!!!!! :scared1: Oh well!!

Here's my list for today:

1. Up
2. Caffeinate
3. Order pictures from DS's studio 1st bday

4. Pack toiletries as I get ready
5. Make list for work
6. DS up
7. DS to mom's
8. Work--ay yi yi!! At least the day should go fast!! ;)
9. Pick up DS
10. Put away folded laundry--DH folded for me last night!!
11. Pack everything
13. Pick up medicine
14. Work on cards/P365--I'm going to get caught up!!!
15. Just relax & enjoy the weekend with my guys!!

Everyone have a WONDERFUL Friday and a super weekend!!
mornin' all!

*sigh* another day......

last day of camp for bubba!!!!! he's thrilled. i'm thrilled.
work 1/2 day. it is supposed to be my friday off, but my coworker's grandfather died. and with all the time i've had off....i figure it's only fair.
but i feel like crap. but i just keep saying....it's only a 1/2 day. it's only a 1/2 day. .....

work for me
camp for bubba
call the dr back and see if he can give me something.
try and make it through the day
call about mom's security deposit
rest in the afternoon.

ok that's my story for the day!

have a great day everyone.

Brooke- have a fun time at the cabin this weekend!
Christy-thanks for holding my spot in buffy's suitcase yesterday. and bubba's spot too! you rock!
Nan-how was the 1st week back. are you back to your regular routine??
Jennifer- any good news on the water front?? & how's miss morgan's eye??
Deb-no beach for you this weekend? & how's the gym going?
Ash-all unpacked yet??
Buffy & Lisa- are you getting excited for your trip? :dance3:
TRM-have fun in DL! i'd love to go!
DIT-are you scrapping any pics from your Chicago trip yet? did you ds go away yet? not sure if i missed that or not.
ZTH-where r u this am? i expected to see your list!
headed out the door after putting puppy in her kennel naughty dog!!!
drop stuff at thrift store that didn't sell at yard sale
gym for swimming
home to clean One of Dad old DEA partners is coming to VT to visit and I haven't seen him since 3rd grade:scared1: guess I better find the pit I call a house.
start sorting for crop next weekend.

Holly you can make it keep on the Dr's call every hour if you have to. they have to do something for you. No problem about the spot I figure you needed it.;)
Brooke enjoy the cabin
Deb is the gym getting easier?
Have a great day everyone.

First week of school and so far we have all survived!!!


lunches made
DS8 up/dressed/breakfast/teeth
arrival of sitting kids
all elem kids on bus

older kids up/their routine
ck email/dis
put away dishes

go thru clothes that friend gave DS8
txt friend who called last nite about XC photos
kit and cut embells for pages x 15
pick up kdg. @ 1030
continue kitting pages
homework duty
DD15 to babysitting gig
go over to HS to watch scrimmage game
make list for weekend
Sat: football jamboree for DS8
Sun: soccer game for DS13
boy weekend so list of things to do (lots of sports so won't be doing much more than that)
Discuss w/ DsS18 his college courses (esp. the one we are paying for!)
Discuss another issue w/ DsS13 (has dr. appt today and referral possibly to specialist)
type of list of questions for DH to get answers from DsS13 about issue
follow up w/ DH's ex about date of specialist if referral was given (both parents HAVE to go!)
:hug: Holly. You can do it. Keep calling that doc and make him give you something.:hug: And, :rotfl2: on the question as to whether I've scrapped any Chicago pictures yet.:rotfl2: No way!!! All I seem to work on are swaps. One of these days I'll get to the Chicago pictures and all the other pictures waiting in the wings! DS went to his leadership conference at the beginning of the week and had a blast. Their hotel was right on the beach so he was happy!

Okay, my day:
Take DH to work so that I can have his truck this weekend while DS uses my car. DH has a conference to attend today and tomorrow.
Make sure DS has summer homework finished since school starts back in 10 days
Grocery store
Have DS clean all his junk out of my car. It's so easy for him to take stuff out to the car, but so hard to take it out of the car and bring it back in!:confused3
Work on swaps

Have a great day everyone!
Morning everyone! I was up before 8! :woohoo: (I consider this an accomplishment considering I was scrapping with my mom until 1 am.... which is why my post wasn't here Holly. But it is now! :))

To Do:
Up before 8Yay!!!!
Get ready for work
Pack lunch
Take ABC swap to post office if I can before work, otherwise this waits until Saturday
Work 10-6 (and I get a lunch break for the first time ever!!!)
Head into Boston's North End to go to the Fisherman's Feast with boyfriend.

Fall into bed, stuffed.
Not the best couple of days around my house lately. :eek: I need the Magic bad.

My to do list:

Up and shower
Fill car up with gas
Empty dishwasher
put clothes away
Meet DH and trade off DD
Call eye dr and ask why I am not adjusting to progressive contacts
Good Morning...

Holly:hug:to you. One day at a time. Call me if you need to.

DS up
pack lunch
breakfast for dd
target for b-day present for neighbour
b-day cake for neice:goodvibes
drop off prescriptions
make lunch for everyone
watch kids play in the pool
Take lots of pictures
BBQ for dinner
Cake for dessert

Have a great weekend everyone
Ash-all unpacked yet??
:lmao::lmao::lmao: Almost. Actually the inside of the house is looking pretty darn good. The garage, however, exploded. :rolleyes1

HUGS Lisa! I hope your weekend is better!
Holly, I hope you feel better!

shower/wash hair

make bed
start unpacking boxes in bedroom
hang pics in bedroom
organize closet
pick up DD is FIL can't
go to bed early!
Working today. Probably going to leave a little early because my glasses are in! Yay! I can throw the broken ones away! There is a Ben & Jerry's over near there, and I have a coupon for a free cone, so I'll have a nice afternoon snack too :banana:

Going to meet Dan and Morgan for dinner at Papa Gino's, I think. I'm going to a crop at the hotel near my house from 6-midnight (I'll never make it until midnight!), and then from whenever I get there tomorrow morning to 9 pm. I'm finishing up some swaps and hoping to make a Disney calendar for Dan for his office. I got 5x7s printed of our 2007 trip last year and never got to it...So, that's my plan.

Morgan's eye is fine, Holly, thanks for asking. It appears to have been an allergic reaction to sunscreen. She has gone off to Narragansett Beach today with a friend, I told her to KEEP HER HAT ON, because I don't want to put sunscreen directly on her face, if I can avoid it. I am planning on having her tested though, I worry about the future, she'll need to wear sunscreen!

I'm sorry you're not feeling well, I hope you can get through the half day and have some good rest time later this afternoon!

We rented "I Love You, Man" last night. It was silly. I love Paul Rudd :)

Hope everyone has a GREAT weekend!

Nan, if you get a chance, please PM me your mailing addy, I have your envelope ready to mail!
Jennifer, a friend of mine has a DS who is very sensitive to sunscreen, but they are always at the beach so he must wear some. The one they've found which doesn't cause him any problems is Water Babies. It's in a pink bottle and I think it's made by Coppertone. Maybe that will work on Morgan?
Jennifer, a friend of mine has a DS who is very sensitive to sunscreen, but they are always at the beach so he must wear some. The one they've found which doesn't cause him any problems is Water Babies. It's in a pink bottle and I think it's made by Coppertone. Maybe that will work on Morgan?

I'll have to check it out. She's never had this issue before. She's always been very sensitive to bug bites, and it seems to have worsened, instead of getting better. I have a feeling she's developed some allergies! She is fine with sunscreen on her body, just not on her face...
Ash ~ the garage is NOT your issue... that is DH's.. that's the man cave if ever there was one.. so while it continues to explode just laugh hysterically b/c he needs to take care of it.. (even if you made the mess!).....

Jennifer ~ did you get the email? I sent it this morning!
Cool!!! Just wanted to make sure the email didn't get eaten in cyber space!!!
I'll let you know when they arrive!!!
I've got my van gassed up for the weekend...for my mission trip to find cardinal...while of course it will be interrupted for stops for my kids' sporting events.... (instead of potty breaks, I have game breaks! LOL)

Happy Friday Everyone!!

Checking email
Coffee in cup!!
Checking in here!!

Nan - that list - keeps me moving!
Ashley - I agree - garage=man's job
MorgansMom - my DD2 seems to have the same sunscreen problem - we have been trying neutrogena - and she hates wearing hats!!
PO3 - I hope your 1/2 day is over by now and the Dr was able to help you out!

Also on the list today:

Pay bills
DD to horse barn - she is going to try riding english for the first time! She wants to show english at our upcoming county fair.
Make a run to goodwill
Pick up moisturizer
Make DLR ressies!:banana:
Reboot laundry
Fold yesterdays load and put it away
DD9 to put her clothes away also

Dinner??? hmmmmm
Write THs

Anybody read the Sookie Stackhouse books?? Dead until Dark is the first one - HBO series "True Blood" is kind of a take off?? Currently running through those books - easy reading. More adult than Twilight - Vamps, Werewolves, ShapeShifters and the heroine is a telepath. Good times. Does not, however, make we want to visit Louisiana which is where the stories are set. :thumbsup2
I know, I know... the garage is the man cave... but what if he doesn't do it right? :rotfl:Or fast enough? I'm ready to park my car in the garage!
Good luck TRM!! :)

Ash~ well, ok, you have a point there.. this weekend, grab a drink, sit out in front of the door facing the garage and tell him how it needs to be done..but don't get up off the chair to help because (even though I know he has help w/ unpacking the house) he has been at work not helping! LOL
I tell my DH his job is lush compared to mine! LOL *he sits in a/c and works on a computer..what so hard about that?* LOL


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