September 2010 PTR, My hidden agenda, muahahaha

I'm not really organized in this PTR yet, I'm waiting on so many things before I can start making solid plans, so far all I know for sure is we are going in September and hoping Disney comes out with free dining so we can get on with the quick service plan.

But for now, more on Kent.....
His first trip to Disney World was also my first trip, so I thought we would learn the ropes together, appreciate it together, fall in love with it together and always vacation there together for the rest of our lives.

Our first day I started thinking I might like Disney a little bit more then Kent, we weren't even halfway through the gate of Pop Century when he started acting a fool!!!!!!!!!!

Kent didn't like that they "Welcomed" us home, he said it was brainwashing us to be like the stepford wives.

Kent didn't like the finger scans

Kent didn't like the crowds

Kent didn't like the lines

Kent didn't like the always happy CMs

Kent really didn't like Epcot

Kent didn't even go to Animal Kingdom.

What did Kent like?

The food and the resort, that was it.

So with that being said maybe you will understand the huge task I have at hand, how can I change this man and get him on board with my disney dreams?

My hidden agenda comes in here.
I'm going to let him think that he is planning this trip, that's step #1 everybody knows that behind every great man is an even greater woman, why are we so great? Because we can pretend to take the back seat when truth is we are fully in charge at all times. just an example...I wanted the park hoppers, Kent didn't....

Ty: Dear, we need to come up with some kind of plan, I know you said you want to take it easy and not have a plan, but you have to have some sort of plan.

Kent: I plan to just go with the flow

Ty: at which park on what day?

Kent: I'll figure that out when we get there.

Ty: ok, great, here is the park list, it shows which days have the largest crowds at which park, just to give us a heads up, ya know, we don't want to waste alot of time standing in lines, the sooner we get the big ticket rides done the earlier we can go back to the resort.

Kent: (looking at the paper) What's EMH?

Ty: Extra Magic Hours, some parks will stay open up to 3 hours past closing and only resort guests can take advantage of that, but I heard the park is really busy on EMH days.

Kent: Well couldn't we go to a different park in the morning, back to the resort for a rest then to the park with EMH and avoid the day time crowd?

Ty: we could.....if we were getting the park hoppers, but since we aren't getting those we need to just either deal with the crowds on EMH or just miss out on the EMH.

Kent: well, maybe we should go ahead and get the park hoppers, it seems like we could really benefit from this.

Ty: sure, I mean if that's what you want to do.

Kent: yeah, call and add that on.

Ty: OK dear, that really is a great decision, very smart.

And that my friends was how I got Kent to get the park hoppers when he originally said no way.

Tricky? a little, but very necessary.

Maybe he fears Disney, it's unknown to him, we all fear the unknown. So if I make him feel like he knows his Disney business, maybe he will open up to disney a bit more. baby steps here, that's all it is so far, baby steps. the goal is to get him to leap, feet first, eyes closed, just do it, feel the fear and just do it!

Lovely update- you sneaky-sneaky!!

Give it time- he may turn around yet!

I'd say this time around, ease him into it with lots of TS restaurants, lots of pool time and maybe even agree to do some solo touring on your own each day.

Getting PHs is a great idea for you, I think!
I bow to the master:worship::worship: You will have him, when he thinks he planned this trip his way and it turns out great he will be hooked, you go girl!!!
You sneaky Pete! :laughing: Brilliance at it's finest! :hug: Makes me proud to be a woman, I think I just shed a tear for this absolute brilliance. :goodvibes

Love the story of you and Kent. :hug: I just wish you didn't have to endure the idiot to get to Kent, but then you wouldn't have your beautiful babies. They were the gifts God gave you in the midst of your nightmare. :lovestruc
Wow, what can I say? I've cheered :cheer2: (yay - you get to go to Disney! You have an amazing family & are such a devoted mom), I've cried :sad1:(ugh - I have an a$$ ex, so I commiserate - your lucky to be rid of him), I've grinned :teeth: (you found your prince!), and I've laughed devilishly :laughing:(your sneaky "backseat" shenanigans - you go girl! Mwahaha).

You've got a great writing style, a great sense of humor, gorgeous talented kids, and a very special DH. And now, you've got a plan. And might I say, I think it's a darn good one! :thumbsup2

Giving him the reins (so to speak) so that he has a sense of ownership (one of the goofy things mgt at work says, but it's so true) is really inspired! My DD was a Disney "meh" person, but I've since turned her around into a Disney nut like myself. It can happen. :goodvibes

I can't wait to hear more of your plans & tricks.
Lovely update- you sneaky-sneaky!!

Give it time- he may turn around yet!

I'd say this time around, ease him into it with lots of TS restaurants, lots of pool time and maybe even agree to do some solo touring on your own each day.

Getting PHs is a great idea for you, I think!

:rolleyes: I have nothing but time to give.
I think we are going to do a few TS meals but pay OOP for them, pool time is a major plan, I've learned the hard way not to cause Kent to go into any kind of overload, so yes pool time a plenty.
I might do some solo touring while he naps, we'll see. I have discovered from my last trip that I like the alone time, so I might just go to the pool or the cafe to journal while he naps.

I bow to the master:worship::worship: You will have him, when he thinks he planned this trip his way and it turns out great he will be hooked, you go girl!!!

He'll probably come out o fthis trip all big headed thinking he was the brains behind the curtain, I will gladly give him to him too if that means I can get him to go back again and again and again. Of course I will be secretly patting myself on the back.:rolleyes1

You sneaky Pete! :laughing: Brilliance at it's finest! :hug: Makes me proud to be a woman, I think I just shed a tear for this absolute brilliance. :goodvibes

Love the story of you and Kent. :hug: I just wish you didn't have to endure the idiot to get to Kent, but then you wouldn't have your beautiful babies. They were the gifts God gave you in the midst of your nightmare. :lovestruc

Thank you thank you, I do try>:rolleyes:

I always thought Kent and I had a great story to tell, And I totally love my gifts from God, they are what made it all worth it.

Well done!:cheer2:
Thank you so much.

Wow, what can I say? I've cheered :cheer2: (yay - you get to go to Disney! You have an amazing family & are such a devoted mom), I've cried :sad1:(ugh - I have an a$$ ex, so I commiserate - your lucky to be rid of him), I've grinned :teeth: (you found your prince!), and I've laughed devilishly :laughing:(your sneaky "backseat" shenanigans - you go girl! Mwahaha).

You've got a great writing style, a great sense of humor, gorgeous talented kids, and a very special DH. And now, you've got a plan. And might I say, I think it's a darn good one! :thumbsup2

Giving him the reins (so to speak) so that he has a sense of ownership (one of the goofy things mgt at work says, but it's so true) is really inspired! My DD was a Disney "meh" person, but I've since turned her around into a Disney nut like myself. It can happen. :goodvibes

I can't wait to hear more of your plans & tricks.

Thank you so much for all the kind words. I really appreciate it, I need the encouragement in order to continue on with this hidden agenda of mine.
So Kent and I are talking today, Disney is the subject of course. It was a Disney commercial that brought it on so in my mind it made it ok to talk about. I had to promise Kent that I wouldn't wear him out on disney before we even got there so I try to only bring up disney maybe once a week... but if the television brings it up, well then it's open season!

I am being honest when I thank Kent for this upcoming trip, that is not part of my hidden agenda, I truly truly appreciate him giving disney another try. :love:
He told me to enjoy it to it's fullest because it might be a long time before we make it back.
I'm like, "ummm, I plan to go every year or at least every 18 months."

Kent was like "How do you plan to pay for those trips? We have 2 kids heading out into the world over the next 2 years, they're gonna need our help."

I had to think about this, I didn't want to think about this, it scares me to think that my babies are growing up and leaving the nest, it's easier to think about Disney, disney is my escape.

"We'll come up with something Kent, you're brilliant, you can do anything."

Then it came to me, I know how to fund my future trips.

The bidding starts now!!!!!!

Ladies, meet the Honeydo Man.

he can get everything on your honeydo list done.

Yes, I am auctioning off my husband.
He does dishes, laundry, yard work, carpentry, stonework, tune ups, walks the dogs, runs the kids all over town and gives the best foot rubs this side of the mountain.

I'm not really auctioning off my husband, Kent just got a kick out of it when I told him my plan. I think he'll get a bigger kick when I tell him I actually started the auction.
:rotfl2: :rotfl2:
I have some things I would like done in the house, and I know my DH hates doing them. I'm not sure how willing Kent would be about coming to Texas?!?
But I have list of things that I would like to accomplish in the house, mostly small jobs. Can he do electrical and paint?
:rotfl2: :rotfl2:
I have some things I would like done in the house, and I know my DH hates doing them. I'm not sure how willing Kent would be about coming to Texas?!?
But I have list of things that I would like to accomplish in the house, mostly small jobs. Can he do electrical and paint?

Kent has talked about a trip to Texas, he wants to trap Bobcats there, so he could paint for you and set traps on the side, it's a win win sitation for all of us.
Electrical work is a little iffy, I haven't let him try that. But plummer work, he discovered he was a pro at that once we bought this house and the crapper pipe leading to the septic got clogged.

On a more serious note though, we actually really have been talking about moving to Texas, I can't stand being away from my brother and Lola and my nieces, so we've been tossing that idea around for a while now.

On a more serious note though, we actually really have been talking about moving to Texas, I can't stand being away from my brother and Lola and my nieces, so we've been tossing that idea around for a while now.

REALLY?!? :goodvibes This would be so great! We could finally meet one another! :yay: And! I know my DH could care less about going to WDW without the kids being apart of it, so if we're both really dying for a trip and can't get anyone to come... maybe we could go together! I've been looking for someone to go to Disney with any way.
You do know about the Peep Fest 2012, right? You should Pop over to jordanyosh's TR and read along. It's an overwhelming report, but if hilarious and worth a good laugh any time.
I would post a link, but I haven't figured out how to do this yet.
Over several snowy winter nights Kent and I worked at coming up with the perfect plan for traveling to Disney.
We know we want to drive, well he wants to drive. I don't mind the drive so much even though he does have a lead foot.

What kind of scrapbooker would I be if I didn't snap this picture?

He is a fun guy to travel with, one because he is a line quoter, he is always throwing out random quotes from movies or T.V. shows, so a cross country drive with him is interesting. "Eat my road red liver lips!"

All of our drives are always up north, so south will be a welcomed changed, we drove down for our first trip in april of 2006, we rented a mini van so seeing Kent behind the wheel of what he called a soccer mom vehicle made the whole 16 hours worth it.

We aren't sure how we want to do things, Our Disney trip is scheduled to be on the 25th. We thought about leaving work around noon the day before and driving as far as we can before pulling over for the night, but even if we didn't pull over until midnight we would still have another 6 hours or so to go before we reached Disney and that would still get us in later then what we want, so we are thinking on taking the whole day off work and leaving super early and maybe driving until Jacksonville Fl. That's what we did last time and I think we got into Jacksonville around 6:00pm, I know we got to disney the next day around 9ish in the morning. We all had a good nights rest too.

I get so excited when I think about the road trip down. I've been spoiled on my last two trips, I roughly only had to wait a few hours to get to Disney, now I'm looking at 16 hours of just driving time, but it will be fun. Like I said Kent is a fun person to drive with.

I'm trying to think of some games that we can play while driving, we always do the lisence plate game, it's old now.
We always do the "guess which movie this quote came from" Kent always wins this one. "Hey music lover, you're next." or "I got 2 guns, one for each of ya."

Believe it or not Toy Story is one of kents favorite movies, He was leaving for his trapping trip to the mountains and asked me if I had packed his angry eyes just in case.

So I thought maybe you all could help me come up with something fun to keep us busy on the road, somthing that Kent will have fun with too.

REALLY?!? :goodvibes This would be so great! We could finally meet one another! :yay: And! I know my DH could care less about going to WDW without the kids being apart of it, so if we're both really dying for a trip and can't get anyone to come... maybe we could go together! I've been looking for someone to go to Disney with any way.
You do know about the Peep Fest 2012, right? You should Pop over to jordanyosh's TR and read along. It's an overwhelming report, but if hilarious and worth a good laugh any time.
I would post a link, but I haven't figured out how to do this yet.

That would be so awesome, we are trying to figure out when it's best to go, Jim leaves for the coast Guard in Mid August and graduates mid October, so we need to stay close by until after that, the only thing holding me back is Reese is going to be a junior next year and I hate to move her so close to graduation, I moved my senior year and hated it, so we might have to wait 2 years before we move.

but hey, once we do it will be awesome to meet and possibley do Disney together, I dn't even have to live in texas for us to do a Disney trip together, I am always thinking of ways to go and who to go with, my dream would be to have a dis meet like Leisa is doing, just friends from the boards getting together at Disney, I think that is so cool.
James and I are going to take Friday 9/24 off and drive straight through to his parents house in Ocala, FL. We'll spend the night there and then drive the 1 hour and 45 min to Orlando in the morning. I usually try to have a crochet project I can work on during road trips. Reading while riding makes me sick but I can crochet just fine (as long as I don't need to read the pattern!). We don't play games but we listen to a lot of music. James just reminded me we play the "punch bug" game. He is better at it than me. We are actually going to drive down to Ocala for the 4th of July for his grandparents 65th wedding anniversary party. No Disney though. :sad2:

Ty this is why I suggested you go over to jordanyosh's TR! :yay:
He's talking about the mother of all DIS meets! I'm not even kidding, this is a group of crazy, wonderfully loveable people who love Disney and who really look out and care for one another. Jordy's the instigator but everyone else brings the crazy. :goodvibes You should really come over there and see what's being planned and how silly everyone is.....and...well, become part of the crazy! :laughing:

I know just what you mean about the move, we actually talked about moving recently and knew there would be no way with our son graduating this year. Your daughter will be so greatful for you staying there until she graduates. On the other hand...your Kent will be thrilled to have something different to hunt when you do move here. :goodvibes

That would be so awesome, we are trying to figure out when it's best to go, Jim leaves for the coast Guard in Mid August and graduates mid October, so we need to stay close by until after that, the only thing holding me back is Reese is going to be a junior next year and I hate to move her so close to graduation, I moved my senior year and hated it, so we might have to wait 2 years before we move.

but hey, once we do it will be awesome to meet and possibley do Disney together, I dn't even have to live in texas for us to do a Disney trip together, I am always thinking of ways to go and who to go with, my dream would be to have a dis meet like Leisa is doing, just friends from the boards getting together at Disney, I think that is so cool.

Hi. :wave2: I'm Camille. I crochet too! What all do you make?
Let's see, Ty scraps, and we crochet. I wonder what other crafty people are on here? :goodvibes

James and I are going to take Friday 9/24 off and drive straight through to his parents house in Ocala, FL. We'll spend the night there and then drive the 1 hour and 45 min to Orlando in the morning. I usually try to have a crochet project I can work on during road trips. Reading while riding makes me sick but I can crochet just fine (as long as I don't need to read the pattern!). We don't play games but we listen to a lot of music. James just reminded me we play the "punch bug" game. He is better at it than me. We are actually going to drive down to Ocala for the 4th of July for his grandparents 65th wedding anniversary party. No Disney though. :sad2:


Hi. :wave2: I'm Camille. I crochet too! What all do you make?
Let's see, Ty scraps, and we crochet. I wonder what other crafty people are on here? :goodvibes

Hi Camille! :wave2: Right now I'm making some baby blankets for Project Linus for GAD. I used to scrap too but I had no room for it, lol. I never finished our Disney trip from 2007 and the ones since then I just put in photo albums I bought at Disney! I've make plenty of scarves and hats but have yet to try any other clothing. What do you make?

James and I are going to take Friday 9/24 off and drive straight through to his parents house in Ocala, FL. We'll spend the night there and then drive the 1 hour and 45 min to Orlando in the morning. I usually try to have a crochet project I can work on during road trips. Reading while riding makes me sick but I can crochet just fine (as long as I don't need to read the pattern!). We don't play games but we listen to a lot of music. James just reminded me we play the "punch bug" game. He is better at it than me. We are actually going to drive down to Ocala for the 4th of July for his grandparents 65th wedding anniversary party. No Disney though. :sad2:


I think we are going to take off the whole day too, the more we talk abou tit the more we realize it's the only way to not feel rushed, we don't want to start our first day at Disney already tuckered out from a long drive.

I can't read in the car either, I can watch a movie on our portable DVD but I feel bad that Kent can't watch so I normally don't do the movie thing, I do however sing very loud, only Kent can appreciate my schreechy out of tune voice.:lmao:

We used to play the punch game, other times we would all pick a color and then watch fro that colored car, whoever saw the most of their color was the winner. I once counted semi trucks, there were so many I actually put myself to sleep counting.

Ty this is why I suggested you go over to jordanyosh's TR! :yay:
He's talking about the mother of all DIS meets! I'm not even kidding, this is a group of crazy, wonderfully loveable people who love Disney and who really look out and care for one another. Jordy's the instigator but everyone else brings the crazy. :goodvibes You should really come over there and see what's being planned and how silly everyone is.....and...well, become part of the crazy! :laughing:

I know just what you mean about the move, we actually talked about moving recently and knew there would be no way with our son graduating this year. Your daughter will be so greatful for you staying there until she graduates. On the other hand...your Kent will be thrilled to have something different to hunt when you do move here. :goodvibes

I will have to go check that out, I would love to read some craziness.

Yea, we difinitely have decided to wait until Reese graduates, I just keep thinking about how I felt when I moved and started my senior year at a new school, I just can't do that to her. So in the mean time I will just keep visitng my brother, I think I am going to go again this January.

my dream would be to have a dis meet like Leisa is doing, just friends from the boards getting together at Disney, I think that is so cool.

It's going to be the GREATEST!! I'm really excited that God brought us together to share something we both love!


Hi. :wave2: I'm Camille. I crochet too! What all do you make?
Let's see, Ty scraps, and we crochet. I wonder what other crafty people are on here? :goodvibes
I quilt :)
Kent and I have considered moving the trip back to January again, but then thoughts of our last snow storms came to mind and we don't want to leave Reese with the responsibilty of not only having to shovel, but also just keeping the house warm.

Our house is heated by a wood stove only and it seems like a big task for just that tiny girl. Although we did have a big storm in december and Kent and Jimm had driven me into work, they stayed in town to Christmas shop, we had run out of wood on the porch and when we came home we saw that Reese had shoveled a path from the house to the garage and was pushing a shopping cart full of wood back to the house, ( she also proved her point to Kent about the shopping cart, the kids had pulled it out of the creek this past summer, Kent wanted to get rid of it, Reese said no it would come in handy some day and it did)
so she is cabable of figuring things out but still, I don't like the idea of her being snowed in and grandma not being able to get to her.

Kent thinking a shovel was going to be enough.

how gorgeous is our creek though?

But what serioulsy keeps us going back to the September dates is MNSSHP, we really want to do this.
I have a few ideas for costumes, I asked Kent if he would be willing to be a Disney character, he said sure, so I suggested Peter Pan and Wendy.
He thought it over and then said "I'll be Wendy, I don't do tights."
Umm really, you would wear a night gown but not tights?

So I nixed that idea, the weather is still going to be warm so we don't want anything too heavy. We have always done Sandy and Danny from Grease, I'm kind of burnt out on that.
I'm thinking I might just paint pictures on shirts for us, but I think I would feel wierd trick or treating at Disney without a costume.
I have to come up with something easy to make, not too heavy material wise and doesn't include my husband dressing in drag.

Ideas anybody?


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