CC's Weight Loss Journey

I am not in a good mood today. I am up almost 3 pounds and that is not at all why I'm so angry. I'm p***ed because my sister decided that I need to try on my maid-of-honor gown today. I a) have other plans for the day and b) want to be under 140 before I try it on, although that will be next weekend for the fitting. I am going to write out my anger so that I don't end up eating my anger. I told my mother I had things to do today. I don't know how that somehow turned into going to the bridal shop and doing what my sister thinks is necessary. I have so many things that need to get done today. Oh, wait. Here's the best part. They need to be done by tomorrow. Oh, there's more. The original plan was for my sister's fiance to be here in the early afternoon and I was going to go out then. Now, we suddenly have to go to the bridal shop. I don't think so. I need to get things done that don't inolve my sister. Ok, rant over. I think. I hope.

I need to get a few things done around the house. I also need to drink some water. That'll help me lose the weight I need to be under 140 for the wedding. I haven't had breakfast yet either. Although, I've only been awake for 1.5 hours.

Until later...
Ok day. I ate less today that I did on earlier days this week, but definitely more than I should have eaten. Oh well. Tomorrow is another day and hopefully it'll be a good one.
sorry your sister's plans messed up your own

glad the eating is better as the week is going are you doing today so far?

also, how did your outside run go?
sorry your sister's plans messed up your own

glad the eating is better as the week is going are you doing today so far?

also, how did your outside run go?

Thanks for checking in with me. I have not done a C25K run in too long. I am determined to get to the gym tomorrow night. I am fighting a cough/cold now. I do look quite good, if I can gloat, in my maid-of-honor dress, so the timing was perfect, but it worked out fine enough.

It ended up being an okay week. I'm up less than a pound. That's much better than I had feared. I am back on track this week and likely to lose. I have to watch myself carefully though. I don't want to need any last-minute alterations. I really can't lose any weight after May 1st, the date of my 2nd fitting.

I planned out breakfasts and lunches for the week. Happy about that. I know a few of our dinners as well. Thursday night will be out with some friends, and they are supplying the food. I'm hoping to have plenty of my WPA left.

Thanks again for checking in Deb!

Have a great week!
I have no idea where the last week plus went. It was a busy week, but not that busy. I was really OP until Wednesday and then things kind of went downhill. I'm up just under a pound. I am hoping for a small loss this week-like 1.5 pounds. That will put me just under where I was for the fitting last weekend.

The cough is gone, which means I can finally get in some exercise. I am planning to go to the gym tomorrow night. I have a feeling this is going to be a good week.

I just have a few minutes. I wanted to be asleep 15 minutes ago. I have been very OP since Friday. I am very proud of myself. No binges either! I felt one coming on today and did very well. I still have plenty of my WPA for the 2 days left in my week. I have a really good feeling that I'm going to post a nice loss for the week. I got in a C25K run yesterday on the treadmill and am hoping to do the same again tomorrow.

Have a great day tomorrow!
Overall, today was a good day. I ate more at dinner than I was planning on, but I was hungry. I didn't get in a run today and I know I won't tomorrow or Friday. Maybe Saturday, but I doubt it.

Tomorrow I have a party at work, but I'm planning a salad from Subway before a meeting. Friday night I'm supposed to be going to the Cheesecake Factory for at least dessert. Hmm. Hopefully there will be something I can eat at the part tomorrow because it doesn't look like I'll be OP on Friday. Well, you never know. I might split something with my sister. That probably couldn't hurt as the desserts there are large (or huge!) and we are both lactose intolerant so not exactly on that "diet" either.

Well, I'm ready for bed. I couldn't wake up this morning. Hoping for a good day tomorrow.

Wow, I can't believe all of May went by and I didn't post an update at all. My sister's wedding was wonderful. I couldn't be happier for her. Everyone said I looked great, which I appreciated. I had hoped to weigh less, but I know they are right, so all is good.

I'm back into exercising now, slowing increasing my time. I pretty much ignored exercising for the 2 weeks post-wedding. I took flipflopmom's advice to someone else and decided that I need to plan out my days more. I went to Staples and bought a planner. I actually have paid for it, but it had to be ordered. I should be able to pick it up on Tuesday. I am going to plan out everything and anything. Then, I actually need to do the things that are scheduled. This week is a busy one, but I have to make time for me. I am determined to lose weight this week.

Tomorrow, my plan, albeit not a well-scheduled one, is to do the 2nd part of this week's COW for exercise and to eat my minimum number of points and no more. I also plan to post here and want to catch up on journals I haven't read since April.

Have a great day tomorrow!
I had a good weigh-in for the week. I am down .6 lbs. Any loss is a loss in my book. I'll take it! I got in Week 2 Day 1 of the C25K. I am planning to do Day 2 on Monday night.

It is raining here and has been pretty gloomy out almost all day. Kind of dreary, but I'm making the best of it.

Have a great rest of your weekend everyone!
I was up when I weighed-in yesterday morning. I am down a bit today, but not below my weight last week. I got in 50 minutes of exericse today and am hoping to do the same tomorrow. Overall, today was a very on plan day.

Off to enter my food into WW Online.
Today was a good day, finally. Yesterday and Saturday-not so much. I had 2 parties in 2 days and both parties had the same rule: Guests will eat at least 3rds. I ate so much I still feel full. I am off to journal my food for the day. I am pretty sure I only ate my minimum number of points.
I can't believe it's been so long since I posted- AGAIN. Oh well. Quick update: My weight is up. I was told to have more salt in my diet and I am struggling to find low-points, higher in salt foods. My weight is slowly going back down and I am happy about that. I exercised for 35 minutes today and I'll be swimming later. It's going to be about 95 today, so I will definitely be hitting the water. My goal for the week is to get down to my BL current challenge starting weight. That would require me to lose about 4 pounds in the next 4 days. I have a good chance of being able to do that. Lots of water, eating my minimum number of points, and lots of exercise should help.

Have a great day everyone!
Well, it's been an okay week overall. I had a pretty common pattern of waking up and exercising, having a healthy breakfast, and then going downhill. Hoping for a better week this week. My goal for next Friday's weigh-in is to be back down to last Friday's weight of 144ish. I really wanted to get to a healthy BMI by the end of the summer, but it's not looking good. I have to remember to say the same thing I say to my BL friends to myself: YOU CAN AND WILL DO THIS! :goodvibes
Weigh-in yesterday was not pretty-at all. I am up to 151.7. I think part of the problem is my scale. I keep debating buying a new one, but I am using my Wii Fit+/balance board. I yet to make any decision. I am willing to spend the money, but only if I need to, you know.

I am hoping to lose all 7.5 pounds that I gained this past week by this Friday. I had planned to work out this morning, but I woke up a little sick to my stomach, so I skipped it. I did spend 35 minutes swimming today, so I did get in some exercise, just not as much as I had hoped. Tomorrow, I'll get in a morning workout. It might be a little complicated as I'm planning to go to church, but I'll fit in some time. If I want to lose the weight, I have to make working out a priority. I got in a nap today, so I shouldn't have too much difficulty waking up early to exercise tomorrow morning.

I've only eaten 19.5/22 points for the day. I think I overestimated too, so I may have more points left for the day. The thing is, I'm not hungry. I'm thinking about having some sugar-free pudding in a bit and calling it a night. I've had 64 oz. of water for the day, so I'll have another glass or 2 with my pudding as well.

I'm off to do a few other things. I got a lot of stuff done today, but there is still more to finish up, so I'll do those now and then have something to eat.

Have a great day tomorrow!
Just a few minutes to give a quick update. I am doing laudry now and it is almost time to switch my clothes from the washer to the dryer. I am also having Internet problems so quick seems to be necessary.

- Did Level 1 of 30-Day Shred today-tough, but doable
- Still have to eat more today, not yet at my min. points. Will be having pudding like last night.
- Had at least 7 glasses of water, will probably have at least 1 more
- Took a 3 hour nap today, I guess I needed some sleep

Looking forward to a great rest of the week!

So, I was down a whopping .5 when I weighed-in on Friday. I know I could have done better. I am hoping to lose a full pound this week. I'd love to lose over that and be under 150, but I'm trying to be realistic. Today we celebrated my sister's birthday with a big meal and dessert. I fit it in, but know that more than a pound loss this week would be huge.

WISHing for a great week!

So, this week I maintained. Not a loss, but I'll take it. Hoping for a loss this Friday.

I am planning to hit the next BL challenge hard. I am considering multiple workouts in a day, South Beach, etc. I need to get this weight off. I want to lose 30+ pounds-yesterday.

Need to update more regularly as well.
Down 1.3 pounds this week. For some reason, I was expecting more of a loss. Oh well. Can't complain really.

Lots of exercise planned for the next week. I really want to end the summer BL challenge with a maintain instead of my current gain. Of course, that means I need to lose more than is typical in the next 7 days. I know what I need to do. I'm hoping to come at least close to a maintain.

Hoping to be writing a lot more this week!



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