Disneyland Pet Peeves!

:mad: Scream, jabber AND use flash photography? These people remind me of my favorite Blazing Saddles quote:

You just quoted my favorite movie to me. :lovestruc

I actually met Gene Wilder at a book signing a few months ago. I was practically speechless, in the presence of Willy Wonka/The Waco Kid!

"I knew you weren't no Waco Kid. You was just pullin' my lariat!"
People who stop right in front of strollers, wheelchairs or scooters and act like it is your fault. Uh no! You were the one dumb enough to try and cut me off and stop with no warning.
People who scream in the stretching room for no reason except to be annoying. I hate people like that!
Oh man, so many of my peeves right here....LOL

I have to say that at times we have told our girls to be the screamers....especially on PotC, if someone is being obnoxious in the Bayou we give them free license to scream as loud as they can, but only if it's the people in front of us who are being pains. LOL A few times we've had "flashers" in the row ahead of us, we say "no flash photography" over and over and they just flash away so we give the girls the "scream" sign and on the first drop they scream super loud. LOL Yes, it's petty but it's fun. hehe

I can't stand people pushing strollers or wheelchairs who think that since they are pushing someone they have every right to make their own paths or run over me, I can't stand EVC drivers who think they don't have to follow the same rules as everyone else and they too can be rude or just run over me because they are using one of those things. I've been run over more times than I can count.....and it's not MY fault if I have to stop suddenly when the person in front of me stops suddenly.

Line cutters, I get it when it's a kid/parent group and someone had to go potty at the last minute but that's it...no one else needs to cut, just wait for your party.

Runners, people who run around you to get a ride line ahead of you...really? Is the Matterhorn so important you can't be behind our group of 4? Better yet the 1 guy gets ahead of us panting and hardly able to breathe but his 11 companions think they should be allowed to go around us because "our friend is ahead of you" ummmmm, ya, you're still line cutters, keep your group together.....I say that all the time "Keep your group together" as they push and shove their way past us. Best part is we almost always get on the ride(s) faster because they have such a large group and they need smaller parties to fill cars ahead of them. LOL All that effort gone to waste. :)

Litterers or non-recyclers. DLR/DCA/DTD and the parking structure all have garbage/recycling bins, please use them......

People who carry their strollers up the BROKEN escalator and then whine about how far it is...ya that's why it says "no strollers" on the escalator, use the elevator. And then they get mouthy and literally start a fight when you point out strollers aren't supposed to be ON the escalator at all...yes, true story.......

People who complain about how hot it is, how long the ride lines are, how expensive everything is....ummmm you're at DLR in July, yes, it's hot......

Man, I could so keep going with this topic.....it's sort of scary.....LOL
People who carry their strollers up the BROKEN escalator and then whine about how far it is...ya that's why it says "no strollers" on the escalator, use the elevator. And then they get mouthy and literally start a fight when you point out strollers aren't supposed to be ON the escalator at all...yes, true story.......

Oh! Yeah that bugs the beep out of me tooooo ! umm hello the sign says “no strollers” with the drawing of a circle with a line through it and a stroller in it! that means NO PEOPLE!! I can’t tell you how many freakin times I have had to take the elevator because the morons with strollers on the escalators can’t read the signs that are like posted in 3 different spots BEFORE you get on the escalators!!! It’s annoying! And dangerous, duh!!!!:eek::mad:

And how about the parents that put there kids on their shoulders during, anything, a parade, fantasmic, you name it—yep coming from a short person THAT is soo freakin annoying. I think I did tell someone once they needed to move cause there kids butt was blocking my view and I am short 5’0 to be exact! Of course they didn’t move….:mad:

Ohh the teenagers that run through the park like its’ a marathon.. I’m sorry but they are going to hurt some little kid if they knock them down by accident! And next time I see a teenager running, I may just trip them!:mad::)

And I love blazing saddles also!!!! and airplane!!!

Ooooohhh and umm I may get smacked for this one.. but how about those parents that use those leash backpack things on there kid! I understand that some kids just run off, specially 3 year olds but some parents use those to the extreme..and not in the right way, a
People who carry their strollers up the BROKEN escalator and then whine about how far it is...ya that's why it says "no strollers" on the escalator, use the elevator. And then they get mouthy and literally start a fight when you point out strollers aren't supposed to be ON the escalator at all...yes, true story.......

Oh! Yeah that bugs the beep out of me tooooo ! umm hello the sign says “no strollers” with the drawing of a circle with a line through it and a stroller in it! that means NO PEOPLE!! I can’t tell you how many freakin times I have had to take the elevator because the morons with strollers on the escalators can’t read the signs that are like posted in 3 different spots BEFORE you get on the escalators!!! It’s annoying! And dangerous, duh!!!!:eek::mad:

And how about the parents that put there kids on their shoulders during, anything, a parade, fantasmic, you name it—yep coming from a short person THAT is soo freakin annoying. I think I did tell someone once they needed to move cause there kids butt was blocking my view and I am short 5’0 to be exact! Of course they didn’t move….:mad:

Ohh the teenagers that run through the park like its’ a marathon.. I’m sorry but they are going to hurt some little kid if they knock them down by accident! And next time I see a teenager running, I may just trip them!:mad::)

And I love blazing saddles also!!!! and airplane!!!

Ooooohhh and umm I may get smacked for this one.. but how about those parents that use those leash backpack things on there kid! I understand that some kids just run off, specially 3 year olds but some parents use those to the extreme..and not in the right way, a

Or the parents that keep their kids IN the stroller while going up the escalator! Yep, I have seen it!!!!

Uh, I am tall (5'8") and I hate the kids on shoulders thing.. Especially when the dad or taller person carrying the kid is roaming thru the crowd trying to find the best spot. Hmmm - try the back so everyone else can see!!!

Teenagers period!! Honestly, DLR is not a day care for them. They can be very rude. I was bumped in line by a couple of teenage boys and my DS11 came to my side and told them to watch out, cuz they just bumped my mom :scared1: Although I was proud that he was watching out for me, I was a little shocked that he would speak out like that... His dad was soo proud

<changing into my flame suit now>
I really hate those leash things. I know that people have their own reasons and I understand that but sometimes if your kid is already out of hand and doesn't listen, adding a leash just makes it worse! you have an out of control kid with a long rope attached.. I have had kids on a leash cut in front of us and we get tangled up with them..

I love Airplane!!!! No I'm not joking and don't call me Shirley :rotfl2:
"joey have you ever been in a turkish prison?"

"Captain Oveur: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? "
Striped controller: Bad news. The fog's getting thicker.
Johnny: [jumps to an overweight controller] And Leon is getting laaaaarrrrrger.
That’s another thing peeve I have, the gaots, ok these are animals people.. they have feelings too!! I can’t count how many times I have seen some kid pull and yank on the tail and ears of those poor goats!! And the wooden barrels that the goats sit on are not really bolted together that well, but kids climb on it and the parents let them.. although the cm’s make them get off, the parents still feel its cute to put little missy jr with mr goat for a photo op!:confused:
It never surprises what people will allow their kids to do for a picture...

Oh, I have a new pet peeve! I can't believe I forgot about this one...

Parents that let their kids yell inside of the Nemo Submarine!!! I spent a wonderful cruise next to Josh - a little boy of about 4 years that saw a SHARK, A DIVER, An EEL, DORI AND NEMO!! by the end of the ride, I was soo irritated and I commented to my kids about them using their inside voice on the sub, but apparently Josh's mom didn't get the hint. C'mon people, you are in an enclosed space.. Teach your kids to be respectful of the people around them..

Ohhh.. lol ohhh well you know some people are just “different” when it comes to children…

Ohh and what I am sending you Wendy is coming in the mail.. just know that when you get it ,,,yes I kow i have the worst writing in the world
I will... Nope, you do not have the worst writing in the world. That award was given to my DH :lmao:
I just thought of another another peeve...Parents that don't know when their kid has had enough. My DD and I were sitting behind little Jonah on the train and I almost gave Jonah something to really cry about. The kid was just loosing it! Full on 4 year old break down and the mom just kept telling him in real quiet voice to " stop Jonah stop." He was flipping out when we got on at the Main Street Station and they were already on the train so she really should of taken him off and given him time out instead of subjecting an entire train car to her son's tantrum.
Luckily we were getting off in New Orleans Square so it was "bye bye Jonah".
As a responsible stroller user :) , I must say that I can't tell you the number of times last week that people literally jumped over my daughter's legs trying to cross in front of us (this was mainly done by tweens and teens) or cut in front of us and made me nearly impale myself on the top of the stroller in an effort not to hit them. And then there's the people who just have to get in front of the stroller, which usually ends up with me and my DD being separated from DH and DS by 4 or 5 or more people because I won't use my stroller as a battering ram. And we don't have a ginormous stroller - just a Maclaren-like umbrella style stroller!

Line cutters when you're going on something like Autopia that has the long walk to the actual line.

Ride talkers.

The lady in front of us at the fireworks last week. She was probably in her 40s, and she had one of those walkers that also doubles as a chair. She was sitting, and I was next to/somewhat behind her with my DH and two kids. My kids weren't being crazy or anything - my DD was sitting in her stroller silent and almost asleep, but she did NOT like being near kids. She kept giving us these nasty looks and just staring at us as if my DS had worms coming out of his ears. Seriously, hon, if you don't like commotion/noise/children/people breathing, perhaps sitting right in the middle of Main St waiting for fireworks to start isn't the place for you.

But in all honesty, DH and I felt like the DLR visitors were nicer than the ones we've encountered at WDW!
I just thought of another another peeve...Parents that don't know when their kid has had enough. My DD and I were sitting behind little Jonah on the train and I almost gave Jonah something to really cry about. The kid was just loosing it! Full on 4 year old break down and the mom just kept telling him in real quiet voice to " stop Jonah stop." He was flipping out when we got on at the Main Street Station and they were already on the train so she really should of taken him off and given him time out instead of subjecting an entire train car to her son's tantrum.
Luckily we were getting off in New Orleans Square so it was "bye bye Jonah".

LOL we see that all the time, I feel so badly for those poor exhausted kids. When we see that we say "someone needs a royal nappy nap" LOL We actually use that phrase in reference to ourselves as well. :)
LOL we see that all the time, I feel so badly for those poor exhausted kids. When we see that we say "someone needs a royal nappy nap" LOL We actually use that phrase in reference to ourselves as well. :)

:laughing: Yes my 17 year old daughter got pretty close to needing a royal nappy nap the night we trucked all the way to the Hungry Bear and it was closed. I couldn't believe we were about to have "I need chicken nuggets now!" episode at her age.
:laughing: Yes my 17 year old daughter got pretty close to needing a royal nappy nap the night we trucked all the way to the Hungry Bear and it was closed. I couldn't believe we were about to have "I need chicken nuggets now!" episode at her age.

hey i get the " i need a churro and a coke now" episodes!! rflol :lmao:
:laughing: Yes my 17 year old daughter got pretty close to needing a royal nappy nap the night we trucked all the way to the Hungry Bear and it was closed. I couldn't believe we were about to have "I need chicken nuggets now!" episode at her age.

"ooohh what about the people that happen to be in line in front of you..and the wind blows and you get a big whif of the nasty, stale smelling perfume they happen to be wearing that day..(or maybe they need a shower?).. "

I thought you were going to say get a big whif of something else lol.

My biggest pet peeve would just be rude people in general. One time i was in line for the Haunted Mansion and it was dark and hard to see and this one lady was like excuse me there's a line here. Why in the world would i want to cut infront of one person? and plus we were almost in the elevator errrr. Then in the elevator she rehearsed the whole speil :mad:
"ooohh what about the people that happen to be in line in front of you..and the wind blows and you get a big whif of the nasty, stale smelling perfume they happen to be wearing that day..(or maybe they need a shower?).. "
I thought you were going to say get a big whif of something else lol.

My biggest pet peeve would just be rude people in general. One time i was in line for the Haunted Mansion and it was dark and hard to see and this one lady was like excuse me there's a line here. Why in the world would i want to cut infront of one person? and plus we were almost in the elevator errrr. Then in the elevator she rehearsed the whole speil :mad:

Yeah..tash I could see why that can be annoying or rude! Hello? getting into the elevator in HM is not a contest or does it have a line, everyone is going in the same place at the same time… :confused3 :rotfl2:


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