My Magic Kingdom wedding pictures are out of focus!! *Finally, a resolution*


<font color=blue>I've also crazy glued myself to m
Aug 1, 2005
Out of 62 pictures, the focus is off on 25 of them! The photographer wasn't careful, so the sharp focus is actually on the background, not on us, leaving us fuzzy, in some cases just slightly and in some cases very badly.

I didn't catch it on the 4 x 6 proofs, and the quality of the on-line previews is so low you'd never notice. But as soon as you try to increase the size, it becomes obvious. Almost half my pictures are unusable! :headache:

Here's an example. Notice the background bricks of the castle are sharp? That's where the camera has focused. The narrow depth of field means the focus on us is soft and slightly off. (Yes, I've enlarged the image, but look at our mouths compared to the sharpness of the bricks. It's not blurry because of the increase in size, it's a focus issue.)


I am distraught! Not only did we pay a small fortune for these, I then waited 3 years to get the digital files at a price that wasn't completely unreasonable. :sad2:

Maybe the focus issue wouldn't bother some people, but we're both photographers and expect a company like Disney to get the get the basics right. This is not okay. I have e-mailed Disney, but am not holding my breath. From previous couples who have had issues, not much is ever done, let alone 3 years later. :sad1:
Yeah that's pretty sucky, especially after waiting all this time for them.

Correct me if I'm wrong, wasn't it roughly 3 years ago that a lot of people were complaining about DPS?
Oh my gosh -- I am SO sorry!! I would be really upset, too. There's probably not a fix for it, but IMO, they definitely owe you some kind of a refund.
Agreed with PPs! I can't believe you had to wait 3 YEARS to get your photos! That's crazy! I hope they at least let you retake them or give you some kind of credit for something if they don't give you a refund. Absolutely rediculous.
Agreed with PPs! I can't believe you had to wait 3 YEARS to get your photos! That's crazy! I hope they at least let you retake them or give you some kind of credit for something if they don't give you a refund. Absolutely rediculous.

The price for the CD before three years is (was?) $1000, after three years it is (was?) $100. So that was my choice. $1000 for 60 odd images was just too rich for my blood, particularly after the $800 I paid for the photo shoot, so I waited.

However, now I'm scared that the choice will cost me Disney being willing to do anything about this, even thought it's their incompetence the images are so bad. Asking for pictures to be in sharp focus should not be too much to ask when you're paying that much money.
I don't know what it says in your contract but we just signed ours last month and it's pretty clear that they will not refund if you're not satisfied with your pictures and you have to pay for any reshoot.
Does no one else see the extreme issue with this system?

A park photo shoot is more than a thousand dollars.

You must use their photographers, whom you cannot actually choose. You can request a certain one, but they will not guarantee that that's who you'll get.

If the photographer they assign you does a crappy job, you have no avenue to pursue to fix the situation, no refund of the cost.

The only thing you can do is sue, and you're not likely to win because of the contract.

I love Disney, but this is BS.
Does no one else see the extreme issue with this system?

A park photo shoot is more than a thousand dollars.

You must use their photographers, whom you cannot actually choose. You can request a certain one, but they will not guarantee that that's who you'll get.

If the photographer they assign you does a crappy job, you have no avenue to pursue to fix the situation, no refund of the cost.

The only thing you can do is sue, and you're not likely to win because of the contract.

I love Disney, but this is BS.

I completely agree! I would make a stink though. And publicizing g it on the boards and elsewhere can make a difference. I'm nervous about how ours ll come out!!

Good luck!
I think everyone on this board can honestly say that while we all love Disney, it would be absolutely great if we could locate a way to have complaints, suggestions, and comments actually be heard. Is there any such forum to anyone else's knowledge?

These types of photos are unacceptable and I would really hesitate to use Disney Photography. We are using an outside photographer on our cruise wedding for this very reason. Very, very poor taste, Disney.
Also, only 62 pictures? I could take 62 halfways decent pictures in a matter of minutes. What a ripoff!
Also, only 62 pictures? I could take 62 halfways decent pictures in a matter of minutes. What a ripoff!

Agreed. In the age of digital photography, anyone with a half decent P&S camera could take 500 photos in half an hour with better focus than the OP.

This makes me very, very nervous.
Do you know, it is stories like this which make me quite glad that we are not doing an in-park session - one less thing to worry about. I am sure it is worth it if the pictures come out well, but such an expensive disappointment if they don't. Having said that, there are some stunning portraits on this board, so I guess it is a lottery as to how it turns out. For the price Disney charges for these sessions, you should be able to count on beautiful pictures!!!
Thanks for the support, all. I am currently in contact with Disney Photography and will let you know what the result is, so far they seem like they may be willing to help. But "looking into the issue" and actually doing something about it to at least attempt to resolve it are two different things.

I have tried running several of the images through sharpening filters, both pre- and post-processing, but the focus is just too soft for this trick to work.

I really do feel sick when I think about this. :sad1: All that money and it was my mother's wedding gift to us. She passed away in March, and I'm so glad she never had to find out Disney did such poor a job. Even though it couldn't possibly be her fault, she would have felt terrible and I couldn't have stood that. I spent part of last night in tears, with my DH telling me one day we could re-do the photos. But we shouldn't have to re-do them!!
I wonder if the photographer still with DPS? :confused3

I'm sorry to hear this...I hope they've gotten their act together since this happened! Sometimes I really hope DFTW is on these boards so they can get candid feedback like this.

OP, I hope Disney offers you some sort of solution that you can live with. It really is unfortunate that you are stuck with those fuzzy pictures.
Yes, I know who my photographer was. To the best of my knowledge they are still with Disney and I have seen them praised for their work here on the boards, as well as seen work by them that is far superior to what I received. However, I do not feel comfortable posting their name.
Yes, I know who my photographer was. To the best of my knowledge they are still with Disney and I have seen them praised for their work here on the boards, as well as seen work by them that is far superior to what I received. However, I do not feel comfortable posting their name.

Understood. :thumbsup2
I think everyone on this board can honestly say that while we all love Disney, it would be absolutely great if we could locate a way to have complaints, suggestions, and comments actually be heard. Is there any such forum to anyone else's knowledge?

These types of photos are unacceptable and I would really hesitate to use Disney Photography. We are using an outside photographer on our cruise wedding for this very reason. Very, very poor taste, Disney.

My brother works for Disney (marketing) & he said that everyone he works with reads the Disboards quite frequently. He was actually told about the Dis during his first day at work. So, I would guess that posting your complaint here will get the attention of someone over there.

I'm so sorry that happened to you OP. I hope Disney does something to rectify this.
Does no one else see the extreme issue with this system?

A park photo shoot is more than a thousand dollars.

You must use their photographers, whom you cannot actually choose. You can request a certain one, but they will not guarantee that that's who you'll get.

If the photographer they assign you does a crappy job, you have no avenue to pursue to fix the situation, no refund of the cost.

The only thing you can do is sue, and you're not likely to win because of the contract.

I love Disney, but this is BS.

This is so true. Unfortunately, a lot of people continue to use their services and only get 'okay' results/products and just hope this doesn't happen to them. I get the need for Disney to make money off everything, I do. But I wish we could pay a fee to use their facilities, or a spot in the park for a bit, etc, and bring in our own photographers and vendors. Sometimes I feel like Disney could care less about anything, wedding or non - wedding related. I'm a huge Disney fan and LOVE it there... it's my favorite place in the world, but when someone bashes Disney most of their points are absolutely true. It doesn't change how much I love going to Disney, but it's still sad that they are right.

As much as I love Disney weddings in all honesty, you are paying to get to use the park as your backdrop and that's where all your money is going. If you want to use an outside vendor you are forced to pay a fee, which is so stupid. I don't get how someone can spend X amount of money and still be FORCED to use only their vendors with no choice... it's just silly. I don't like being forced to do anything. Would I have loved a MK shoot? Totally! But, to pay thousands for an unqualified photographer is just not something that's worth it.

I can't believe you only got 60 something photos... that's unbelievable to me.


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