Midnight moms/croppers

okay I'm all caught up....

Buffy, used to live by cows in Modesto CA, wasn't too bad unless the wind was going the wrong way...eeewww

Hey, Jim and I stayed at one of those cheesy hotels when we lived in Shawnee on the Delaware...it was eeewww too :rotfl2:

I agree, Bristol NEEDS to GOOOOOOO
okay I'm all caught up....

Buffy, used to live by cows in Modesto CA, wasn't too bad unless the wind was going the wrong way...eeewww

Hey, Jim and I stayed at one of those cheesy hotels when we lived in Shawnee on the Delaware...it was eeewww too :rotfl2:

I agree, Bristol NEEDS to GOOOOOOO

no cows where I lived in CA. But yeah the smell is rough, especially in the fall.

At least the mushroom farm closed, that was horrid!! And toxic!!!!!!
where is CA did you live?

I can't remember, it was way back in 1995...
OK that was cool. The team that won the challenge gave up some of their letters from home to the losing team, especially letters to the moms.

although personally if I were there I would want no contact from home because it would make me want to leave the ranch.
Treasure Island. I was a Coast Guard brat.

loved San Fran though, DH would move there in a heart beat. Me, not so much. I love SF but hated the earth quakes, give me hurricanes, at least I can prep for those.
we love SF too....luckily we only experienced 3 really small quakes in all the years we will their, the last one was 3 yrs ago, Megan freaked! she was too little with the previous ones...I think it was a 3.5 pretty small
welcome to the club, though officially I'm not a member yet, only made it till 11 last night
I so want to go to Cali...Hollywood!!! I am obsessed with everything Marilyn Monroe and really want to go soooo bad! My father in law says it's not a very nice place though. He was a merchant marine and his route was Long Beach, Seattle, another WA port that I can't remember (help me out Lisa!!) and somewhere in Alaska.
welcome to the club, though officially I'm not a member yet, only made it till 11 last night

That's midnight here :) So I think you're official! DH and I had our honeymoon in San Francisco :lovestruc:lovestruc We were in the honeymoon suite,but, ooooh it wasn't so nice. The B & B in Carmel was much, much nicer.
LA proper is pretty scary, wouldn't go there by myself, Hollywood is okay, if you stay in the ritzy areas...did drive to DLR alot though....other ports around here...Bremerton, Everett...can't think of any more of the top of my head
I so want to go to Cali...Hollywood!!! I am obsessed with everything Marilyn Monroe and really want to go soooo bad! My father in law says it's not a very nice place though. He was a merchant marine and his route was Long Beach, Seattle, another WA port that I can't remember (help me out Lisa!!) and somewhere in Alaska.

I lived just outside of Long Beach for 10 years in Seal Beach. Disneyland will always be my first Diney love! Rachel and I went to DLR in August and she has declared that she prefers it over WDW :scared1:
Carmel is beautiful, did you go to monteray and the rest of that area?
we love DLR too....WDW is a "destination trip" for us since we only go every 3 years or so, megan's been to DLR I think 30 times since she was 3, we lived in Thousand Oaks for 18 mos back in 04-05, so we had AP and went at least once every couple of months on Sundays and a few 2-3 trips too
I so want to go to Cali...Hollywood!!! I am obsessed with everything Marilyn Monroe and really want to go soooo bad! My father in law says it's not a very nice place though. He was a merchant marine and his route was Long Beach, Seattle, another WA port that I can't remember (help me out Lisa!!) and somewhere in Alaska.

we dropped our car in long beach to have it sent to Hawaii when we got orders there.
Didn't care for Long beach, we high tailed it to LAX to get on the plane.

my one and only trip to DLR was the 25th anniversary. My dad's Coast Guard band was playing in the parade. Of course there is only 1 pic of me and my brother from DL and the stupid river boat was in focus not us, I know where my dad's priorities were. all the other pics were of the band.
Yep--loved it! I used to drive up there by myself at least once a year when I was young & single (and apparently not too bright, an 8 hour drive by myself yikes)
Sounds like you need to visit DLR again Buffy, to me it has a "small town" vibe and we love CA park too, they are adding a bunch of new stuff
Sounds like you need to visit DLR again Buffy, to me it has a "small town" vibe and we love CA park too, they are adding a bunch of new stuff

we were going to go for Xmas. But decided to stay home and focus on some bills. I think we will try for some time next year. DH can rack up some more miles and we already have enough points to stay for free at the Marriott or fairfield or something.


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