liv luvs disney's 2nd TR attempt

It's A deal, Your wonderful singing DH, DS, and DD are all wecome to come too, plenty of room. All three of my sons love there tent, which leaves a bunk house a couch and a dinette. Good Times. Awesome pics and loving your TR, BTW I'm from the North East, you folks are not doing or acting any different the rest of the county. Your normal......
I can't believe you've never heard of Goody powders. First, you don't care for seafood, now this! I may have to rethink our friendship.:rolleyes1 JUST KIDDING!!!!!!!!!! Have you ever heard of BC powders? I guess it's like Sprite and 7-Up. BC is Goody's competition. Well, My Dad will only take a BC powder so my parents are at odds over their "powders.":lmao:

My Mom thought you were the best thing since sliced bread! Honestly, she has been a bit leery of friends from the internet, but after meeting you, she thinks this DIS stuff is pretty neat. I warned her if she ever wanted to lurk to ONLY check out the camping section!! She also met Donnie one day while the kids and I were at Typhone Lagone. She even invited him into the camper to chat! Later, Donnie told me he felt like he had gotten to know Grammy better than me.:snooty:

Nope, I've never heard of BC powders either. All of the stuff we use for headaches up here in the northland is in pill form.

Please don't hate me because I'm from the northland. I'm willing to learn!

I'm glad your mom liked me too. Just don't let her meet our cupcake, or she might change her mind about internet friends! ;)

And tell your mom no fair! I didn't get to meet Donnie. :sad1:
Loving your TR and your daughter really has a great eye with the camera! :thumbsup2
She must've gone out for more Goody's and smokes... :rotfl2: BTW - that is SO my mom too!!
Once we got back from Wally World and got Grammy settled, the kids and I were off on our bikes again.









While we were out and about, the neighbors dropped by to see if we made it to the store okay and Grammy told them all about our "ordeal." They got a laugh out of it and invited us for ice cream at the Poly after supper. As you can imagine, the kids were excited to hear about this when we got back from our ride.

While we were waiting for the boat to the Contemporary, a kid threw her Croc in the water. It was funny to see everyone scramble to try and retrieve it. I hated to take a picture of this misfortune as the parents did not find it as humorous as everyone else did. However, the shoe was retrieved and all was well.






These were our sweet neighbors. They were kindred spirits by the end of the week!






We tried to get some pictures of the EWP on our way back, but it just wasn't happening.


It's A deal, Your wonderful singing DH, DS, and DD are all wecome to come too, plenty of room. All three of my sons love there tent, which leaves a bunk house a couch and a dinette. Good Times. Awesome pics and loving your TR, BTW I'm from the North East, you folks are not doing or acting any different the rest of the county. Your normal......
I've got it on the calendar.;) We're looking forward to it!!

I don't want to be normal!!!!!:laughing:

Nope, I've never heard of BC powders either. All of the stuff we use for headaches up here in the northland is in pill form.

Please don't hate me because I'm from the northland. I'm willing to learn!

I'm glad your mom liked me too. Just don't let her meet our cupcake, or she might change her mind about internet friends! ;)

And tell your mom no fair! I didn't get to meet Donnie. :sad1:
No hatin' here!

About Donnie...evidently, some people on here love him and some hate him. Word on the street is he has a thing for married women, so I'm sure he'd love to meet you one day.;)

Loving your TR and your daughter really has a great eye with the camera! :thumbsup2
Thanks Monique. Looking forward to yours in a couple of weeks.


update please?
Sorry, we only have one computer in the house and 2 homeschooling kids. I have to squeeze time in when it's available.

She must've gone out for more Goody's and smokes... :rotfl2: BTW - that is SO my mom too!!

I only purchase them for Grammy. I don't touch either.:crazy2:

Again, sorry!
"About Donnie...evidently, some people on here love him and some hate him. Word on the street is he has a thing for married women, so I'm sure he'd love to meet you one day".

That was harsh and Macclennyish all in one. I'm trying to change my ways I promise. It's just that it's so nice to see a woman going back to their hubby and me not footing the bill. It's what I call a beautiful picture.:lmao:

I've been told no married woman will ride Haunted Mansion with me. What's with that?
Grammy was really curious about our neighbor, 4 sites down, and their RV? When we got up on Thursday morning, they were leaving, so she "scootered" down to his site to check things out.



Someone else was leaving on this day.:sad1: Lisa and I had promised Dave a picture of us with a GUAG. (Is that the right acronym for that?) Lisa and Bruce had eaten theirs before we even got to the Fort and ours was several days old, but just for Dave:


Gretchen couldn't stop there. She had to get something to remember Molly and Fudge by.



We tried to get a picture of Bruce, but he was hot and sweaty and declined any photos.

So after we said our goodbyes and dried our tears, we headed to EPCOT.

The "golf ball" was walk-on so...


Mama don't do MS:crazy2:, but the kids, as usual, enjoyed it.

Next up TT:

A rare moment:

Gretchen was pouting about something and Gage just had to get her picture.:rolleyes1




So the eating begins...

I got a little carried away with the desserts.



Yes, 3 different ones and they were all good. They were eaten over a couple of hours along with lunch, but I can't remember the specifics of what else we did during that time 'cause my belly was aching. Maybe I would have felt better had I just let out an Ohhh-HANA!:rotfl2:
That was harsh and Macclennyish all in one.
Macclennyish? I'm a Glen St. Mary girl. We only went to the big town of Macclenny once a week to buy groceries when I was growin up!;)
I'm trying to change my ways I promise. It's just that it's so nice to see a woman going back to their hubby and me not footing the bill. It's what I call a beautiful picture.:lmao:
You ain't right.
I've been told no married woman will ride Haunted Mansion with me. What's with that?
Lance didn't say anything about riding HM with you, but he did say you couldn't stay in the camper with us.:rotfl2:

I don't believe anyone could hate Donnie.
Me either. I cetainly don't.
I don't believe anyone could hate Donnie.

Here! Here!

How could Donnie have been reelected Mayor so many times if anyone hated him? :confused3

Someone else was leaving on this day.:sad1: Lisa and I had promised Dave a picture of us with a GUAG. (Is that the right acronym for that?)

Um . . . .


The official spelling is Giddyap And Go.

Thus, the official acronym is GAG.

Sounds appetizing, doesn't it?

Mama don't do MS:crazy2:


Maybe I would have felt better had I just Ohhh-HANA!:rotfl2:


Your report continues to be great.

You are doing so much better than Dave.

You currently have an A.

No, make that an A+

Extra credit for the GAG photo.

(What is up with Dave asking for a GAG photo, and then not even getting a GAG on his trip? )

Someone else was leaving on this day.:sad1: Lisa and I had promised Dave a picture of us with a GUAG. (Is that the right acronym for that?) Lisa and Bruce had eaten theirs before we even got to the Fort and ours was several days old, but just for Dave:


Gretchen couldn't stop there. She had to get something to remember Mollie and Fudge by.



We tried to get a picture of Bruce, but he was hot and sweaty and declined any photos.

So after we said our goodbyes and dried our tears, we headed to EPCOT.

I think that GUAG is a good acronym as far as acronyms go. Doesn't sound real appetizing though, does it?

That was such a sad day... :sad1: The pictures of Molly and Fudge (and my green thongs...:thumbsup2) turned out great! I may have to steal them! ;)

Bruce surely was sweaty that morning. I suppose it was because he was doing all of the "heavy lifting". Luckily he took a shower before we headed out. I don't think I would have survived the drive that day if he hadn't. :rotfl:

I got a little carried away with the desserts.



Yes, 3 different ones and they were all good. They were eaten over a couple of hours along with lunch, but I can't remember the specifics of what else we did during that time 'cause my belly was aching. Maybe I would have felt better had I just Ohhh-HANA!:rotfl2:

You should have just skipped lunch and went right to dessert! Then you wouldn't have had to worry about bellyaches. :cool1:

This wins the award for photo of the year. Great use of props...just PERFECT.

TCD, you could learn a few things about proper picture taking from Liv's daughter. She is obviously a pro.

So the eating begins...

I got a little carried away with the desserts.



Yes, 3 different ones and they were all good. They were eaten over a couple of hours along with lunch, but I can't remember the specifics of what else we did during that time 'cause my belly was aching. Maybe I would have felt better had I just Ohhh-HANA!:rotfl2:

:woohoo: I am so proud of you!
Your report continues to be great.

You are doing so much better than Dave.

I agree. Liv's report is top notch. But must you be so hateful?

I think I will just go back to the Resort and Community boards where all the nice people hang out. :lmao:
Here! Here!

How could Donnie have been reelected Mayor so many times if anyone hated him? :confused3

Um . . . .


The official spelling is Giddyap And Go.

Thus, the official acronym is GAG.

Sounds appetizing, doesn't it?



Your report continues to be great.

You are doing so much better than Dave.

You currently have an A.

No, make that an A+

Extra credit for the GAG photo.

(What is up with Dave asking for a GAG photo, and then not even getting a GAG on his trip? )

I do recall it being referred to as GAG now that I think about it. I'll try to make a mental note of that from now on.

Originally Dave requested kungaloosh pictures, but I don't drink so his second choice was the GAG pics.

About MS - I have extreme motion sickness, so it's best for everyone that I not aggitate it.:sick: Trust me. It's not a pretty sight.

This TR is more like a F- in my books.:laughing: It's been so long and drawn out, it's even boring me. But, thanks anyway, TCD!:thumbsup2

I think that GUAG is a good acronym as far as acronyms go. Doesn't sound real appetizing though, does it?

That was such a sad day... :sad1: The pictures of Molly and Fudge (and my green thongs...:thumbsup2) turned out great! I may have to steal them! ;)

Bruce surely was sweaty that morning. I suppose it was because he was doing all of the "heavy lifting". Luckily he took a shower before we headed out. I don't think I would have survived the drive that day if he hadn't. :rotfl:


You should have just skipped lunch and went right to dessert! Then you wouldn't have had to worry about bellyaches. :cool1:
TCD says the GUAG is a GAG. That sounds even less appetizing, doesn't it?:laughing:

Please tell Molly I am so sorry I am misspelled her name! We sure have enjoyed looking back over our pictures. Every time we get to Molly and Fudge, Gretchen says, "Ooh, look at Molly and Fudge!" She acts like they are her best friends.

I am so happy for you that Bruce showered before getting on the road. That would have been one long (and probably stinky) day on the road had he not.

I can't eat sweets without eating somehting savory first. Okay, I probably can, I just don't like to.


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